

Background of the Study

The birth of the World Trade Organization (WTO) eleven years ago was to serve the purpose of having a formal entity with extensive responsibility in international economic affairs.  Sampson, (2001) stated that the WTO is undeniably a major player in the field of global governance, and its rules and processes will profoundly affect the future economic and political orientation of its member-countries. The WTO was established to perform very significant functions: freer trade among member-countries, a conventional set of rules in the conduct of global trade transactions and as a mediator between international trade conflicts.

            The humongous responsibility put upon the organization has been faced with criticisms over the years.  Critics claim that the aim of WTO to liberalize trade and foster economic prosperity do not directly affect the lives of ordinary people.  It is said to result to more opportunities for rich countries to become richer.  Many are also arguing that WTO treaties and decisions are unfair and are sided toward wealthy nations and powerful international corporations.

On the other hand, the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), an international organization promoting the reduction of international trade barriers, contains no explicit provisions on developing countries. However, concerns on challenges faced in the international trade were voiced out. One of which is the sustainable increase in income and output that is deemed to be brought by increase in industrialization. Some countries hold the idea that the liberal trade policies will not foster industrialization and development due to the patterns that prevails in the international specialization (Michalopoulos, 2001).

            From this, WTO/GATT as international trading organisations that helps developing nations in trading issues also needs a perfect telecommunication system in disseminating information and Pakistan was giving their commitment.  With this, the purpose of the study is to identify the Pakistan Telecommunication commitments in WTO or GATT. This is done by analysing data acquired from them through desk researches and survey questionnaires that contain questions related with the topic. Another purpose of the paper is to be able to determine the implications of Telecommunication commitments of Pakistan to the nation members of WTO and GATT.


Statement of the Problem

            In order to complete the goals of this particular academic activity as well as to set the objectives of the study, the following research questions will be presented and discussed in the entirety of the research paper focusing on the implications of Telecommunication commitments of Pakistan in WTO/GATT.

  • What is the role of the Telecommunication commitments of Pakistan in WTO/GATT?
  • What are the impacts of the Telecommunication commitments of Pakistan in WTO/GATT in the entire global communication system?
  • How do WTO/GATT organisations benefit from the Telecommunication commitments of Pakistan?
  • What are the underlying issues on security policies as well as individual privacy standards that influence the Telecommunication commitments of Pakistan in WTO/GATT?

    Overview of Methodology

                This particular research activity will be conducted using the guidelines of both the quantitative and the qualitative research approaches. In this light, the research study will make use of the survey and the interview techniques as methods for the data gathering activities. The qualitative aspect of researcher will be used in order to provide in-depth discussion regarding the concept of technology as well as its implications of the Telecommunication commitments of Pakistan in WTO/GATT. Meanwhile, the quantitative part of the research activity will make possible the quantification of concepts and ideas that are otherwise immeasurable within the qualitative paradigm. The utilisation of both the quantitative and the qualitative research approaches will be used to provide holistic and comprehensive understanding on the selected research topic. Therefore, discussions will reflect the use of both these academic research approaches.





    Creswell, J.W. 1994, Research design. Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.

    Michalopoulos, C, 2001, ‘Developing Countries in the WTO’, New York.

    Sampson, G. (2001). The Role of the World Trade Organization in Global Governance. New York: United Nations University Press.






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