The Impact of the Food Supplement to the End Users in Selected Area in the Philippines
The promotion of health and wellness is based on the asserted information of the health care professionals that people should take the ideal amount of food such as the “food pyramid” to achieve the healthy body. The target of the programs is particularly children but because of the growing health uncertainties, and the inability of the people to provide the nutrition, the food supplements are created. Food supplements may come from the syrup-based or in a form of tablet or capsule. Apparently, the food supplements became part of the nutrition source of the young and adult and might range into different brands.
Background and Problem Statement
A dietary supplement, also known as food supplement or nutritional supplement, is a preparation intended to supplement the diet and provide nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids that are enclosed in a small capsule or tablet. People believed that the use of dietary supplements will help their body cope with stress from the work or studies, and help them increase or enhance the immune system to fight the simple diseases and virus that became more resistant in the antibiotics. Dietary supplements became famous in the busiest places in the Philippines like Manila and Quezon City. The people had an easy access in purchasing the food supplements that are widely available and sell. Unlike the antibiotics and other medicines, the food supplements can be easily purchased because there is no need of prescriptions coming from the doctor. However, people are often deceived by the food supplements because of the use of the pills without the proper assessment of the doctors. In this event, the result can be undesirable. Therefore, what is the impact of food supplements to the end users?
Research Aim and Objectives
The main aim of the study is to investigate the impact of food supplements or dietary supplements to the end users. In order to facilitate the investigation, there are four objectives that should be considered. First is to identify the places where the food supplements are popular. Second is to identify the kind of supplements that are popular in the market. Third is to demonstrate the perceptions of the end-users regarding the food supplements and what factors that drives them in buying that product. And fourth is to recognize the impacts of food supplements on the human body based on the experience of the end-users.
Literature Review
One common mistakes of purchasing the food supplements is the idea of marketing that might distort the fact regarding the product. The consumers had a high probability to be deceived due to the use of commercials and celebrity endorsers. In addition, taking food supplements as a replacement on the medicines are also evident in the market. Therefore, the manufacturers of supplements are bound to comply on the use of disclosure like the warning and disclaimer, and as well as product experience (heavy, light, and nonusers) on consumers' perceptions of dietary supplements. In general, the government-mandated disclaimer did not impact consumers' beliefs about either the efficacy or the safety of dietary supplements; for most consumers, the disclaimer is unlikely to achieve its intended results. However, when product experience was examined, analyses show that heavy product users responded differently to the disclosures than did light product users and nonusers. Results point to the importance of understanding the influence of individual differences on the interpretation of product disclosures by specific consumer segments. The information is important source to enhance the ability of the consumers to create valuable decisions and provide safe for consumption. One of the most popular food supplements is the Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) that is told to improve the resistance to carcinogenic diseases and to reduce the body fat.
The method in the study is through the use of survey and interview. With the help of the survey, the participants will be chosen based on the population sample of 200 whom all are consumers or end-users. They will answer under the Likert Scale form of questionnaires which measures their satisfaction level. With that, the study can recognize the different perceptions of the buyers and the factors that might be the reason on why they chose the food supplements product/s. On the other hand, the use of interview will be effective among the five people who experienced the impact of food supplements in the matter of 1-2 weeks of using the said product. In that way, the researcher can determine if the food supplements are truly effective and advisable for the continuous consumption.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) as Food Supplement [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2010]
Mason, M.J., Scammon, D.L., & Fang, X., (2007) The Impact of Warnings, Disclaimers and Product Experience on Consumers' Perceptions of Dietary Supplements, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 41(1):74+
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