Motivation and work performance of salesmen in brewery industry
The employees are a group within the brewery industry that is undeniably one of the most significant factions that contributes to its success. A business cannot exist without financial capital, but it also can never exist without human capital (Davis, C. 2003). It is the employees who work for the firm, performs the necessary tasks to make the firm function, and are responsible for the profit and growth of the firm (Ellis, 2000). With such great roles and responsibilities tasked to the staff/employees, they are being kept by the firm through strategic motivation approach along with efficient leadership skills. Making employees give their best on their job and tasks is perhaps one of the most challenging endeavours that the firm should perform. Employees can do many things during work that may disrupt or support the attempts of the firm to earn money. Firm should always give the effort to motivate their employees. Motivating employees means empowering them to lead the firm into the path of competitiveness (Bridges, 2001). Motivation or empowerment of employees through efficient leadership is significant to give the employees enough reason to stay in the firm and work their best in the compant (Ellis, and Lindsay Lowell 1999). Primarily, the goal of this paper is to analyse the factors affecitng motivation of employees within an brewery industry
The aim of this study is to determine the motivation and compensation plan in a brewery industry specifically, the aims are:
· To identify the motivation and compensation strategy that affects the staffs performance in brewery industry.
· To identify the factors which enable management to improve their motivation
· To identify the internal and external environment influence for management to improve staff motivation.
5.1 Brief description
This part of the paper discusses the methods that will be used for this research. This detailed the steps the researcher should consider in order to accomplish the study. The said steps then include the collection procedure of the data that is required in the delivery and completion of the research. It also presents the manner in which these data will be utilised and integrated in the study and at the same time, detail how the research proceed to answer the aims and objectives in order to reach to the conclusion.
In this manner, this part of the paper justifies the means in which the study will be performed. It also emphasises its credibility by making mention of widely accepted scientific methodologies. Through the methods mentioned in this paper, a plausible conclusion will be obtained.
Looking back to the aims and objectives of the study, the study intends to determine the impact of leadership to staff motivation. In order to identify the opinions of such staff, the study’s methodology was focused on collecting both primary and secondary data through related literature research and the survey and interview materials.
As the research intends to discover the general consensus of staff in the firm with regards to motivation and efficiency of the leadr, the immediate research methodology in mind is the descriptive research design. The research are taken from various data sources that is integral in identifying issues with regards to leadership, employee motivation and the status of their performance in the firm.
Bass, B.M. (1990) Bass and Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership: New York: Free Pres
Beam, B.T. & McFadden, J. (2000) Employee Benefits, Dearborn Trade Publishing.
Bridges, L. (2001) ‘Keep Talent on your Turf’ eWeek. Vol. 18, No. 18. pp. 12-20.
Butkus, R. & Green, T. (1999). Motivation, Beliefs and brewery industryal Transformation. Connecticut: Quorum Books.
Marshall, C. & Rossman, G.B. (1999). Designing Qualitative Research. 3rd Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Part 1. Profile of Respondent
Direction: Please fill up in all the necessary information about yourself. Don’t leave any item unanswered.
A. For the Employees
a. Age_____________________
b. Gender
Male ( )
Female ( )
c. Position in the Company _________________________
d. Length of Stay in the Company
Part 2: Perception of Respondents
Direction: Check the number corresponding to your answer
1 - Strongly Agree
2 - Agree
3 - Uncertain
4 - Disagree
5 - Strongly Disagree
Table 1
1. One of the factors that affects motivation in brewery industry is the aspect of giving value to their employees who have shown efficient accomplishment of works throughout the years.
2. One of the factors that affects is the aspect of boosting and enhancing their skills .
3. Cost of motivating employee can also influence motivation in brewery industry..
4. Leadership styles used can affecs management training.
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