Deadline for submission:11th july

Task1 :600 words

Task 2:4,500 words



Assignment Task:

Task one :provide a summary paper outlining approaches which might be adopted by organisations in the development of a critical approaches which might be adopted by organisations in the development of a critical appraisal of the factors affecting the supply of human resources.


The paper should include a plan for the more detailed analysis to be undertaken in task two . task one should include: terms of reference; a framework for the analysis and relevant academic and business models to be used.


TASK TWO; Choose an organisation and present a critical evaluation of factors which are likely to affect the external supply of human resources.



Your analysis should include:

_ Sources of human resource supply

_ Legislative measures that may affect human resource supply

_ Organisational strategies for future human resource planning



You are required to focus on appropriate contemporary theories in demonstrating your understanding of strategic human resource planning.



Task one; Summary paper appropriately referenced with bibliography

Task two; Formal written assignment









Answering the question.1

Subject introduction

Define human resource planning. like u r defining to a novice.

List and explain factors affecting hr planning

Factors affecting human resource supply-such a rehabilitation act,

Factors that may affect the supply of skilled workers.(choose a skill particularly)



Quote someone or 2 people that agrees with your conclusion.

Question 1 should be a pre amble to question two. whatever you deduce from question 1 should be the basis for answering question 2.



Answering question 2

Focus very much on organisations that hr supply has been affected .i.e nursing,teaching etc..due to government legislation.



1)      subject introduction:


2)      organisational profile; the organisation you wish to use, history of the organisation, where there is shortage of skill and problems in the organisation.


3)      Sources of labour supply: how and where they get their staff supply ,where they rely on for staff supply.


4)      Problems relating to shortage of skill in this industry, government, society or individual.


5)      Organisational strategy to combat shortage of labour supply. Give examples here.


6)      Critical analysis; your own view on all that you have written and quoted, you can make quotations. How u think organization can combat labour supply.


7)      Conclusion: suggest how u think other organization can solve the issue using your findings.



Harvard style refrencing.




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