Case study approach involved utilization of methodology process integrating direct ideas and concepts, into primary source upon signifying research modifications to be executed in research. There has been level of analysis adopted and adding complexity of cases building standard upon theory, to challenge theories and explain situation on the internet and its impact to HK travel agents For example, Creswell (2006), indicated focus on narrative research, linking to research experience noting how and why several themes do to assume useful insight toward ideal standpoint respectively. The choice of data collection is a critical point in the research process and the presentation of data acquired by this research, discuss and explain certain underlying issues and principles that support structure and contents of research presentation. There examined view of travelers and those short haul and long haul travelers in particular, on the potential for disintermediation of travel agents/agencies getting opinions of travelers who have experience in using travel Web sites about the elimination of the middleman in making transactions for travel products and services. The emergence of Internet for HK travel agents, information transmission can be addressed effectively; tourists can now receive comprehensive, timely and relevant information into virtual environment to assist the overall decision making process.




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