Organization Development
Main Topic: Teams are the foundations of the most organization today, yet they can be also be plagued by a consistent set of problems.
I. Introduction
A. Study Background and Importance
B. Organization Development and Culture Influence
II. The Revolving Development Difficulties
A. The cause of the study
B. Internal and External Factors
C. Degree of Development and Progress
III. Organizational Attitudes
A. Usage of Organization Development
B. The Process Goals of Organization Development
IV. Methods
A. Action Research
B. The Organization Development Practices
C. Separate and Integrate (The Development Diagram)
V. Organization Development Outcomes and Benefits
VI. Conclusion
Organization Development
Executive Summary
An organization is nothing without its people, because the people are the propeller of the organization to gain success. The team behind an organization still needs development to pursue the goals of the organization. The main aim of an organization development is to make things possible by sorting the essential parts from the other and develop it until it reached the best results.
Organization development is meant for keeping the spirit of teamwork through the communication and appropriate deployment of task. As the propellers of an organization, the connection between them is important to keep the organization keep on going. The team is subject to various situations that might lead the organization to slow down that’s why as a team, the people should work in every issue as one. The people are also part of the development in processing the goals of an organization to realize the outcomes and positive results.
It is natural in the organization to experience different kind of problems that can reflect in the organization. But the people in the organization should create adjustments and solutions to answer such difficulties in the organization. The problems might come in different range or aspect and these problems should be matched with appropriate solution as soon as possible to avoid the complicated situations. The people or the teams in an organization are the foundation in developing actions.
The team is committed to produce the ideas that can invite the possible outcome in making such decisions. The measurement of possibilities is so vast and it is in the ability of the people to see one certain and best possibility. With the right knowledge and skills, the people can contribute in handling different situations. The ideas that these people can craft can be the basis for the future use.
Study Background and Importance
The faster growth, high standards of living, and making new opportunities are the inclination of the globalization’s benefits. There are many challenges that a business must face before determining the stage of success, which depends on the expanding access of the opportunities for globalization, according to Annan (2001).
Many company compete the market globalization to retain the business’s life and improve in any aspect if it is possible. Many developmental strategies are created over the years, and it is expected to develop more in the years to come. As the propeller of the company, the activities they perform to meet the needs of company, like brainstorming and making the decisions. It is important that these people understands the consistent problems that might surprise them, and eventually create solutions.
Organization Development and Cultural Influence
Organizational Development or OD is a strategy to make a change in terms of attitudes, structure, values, and beliefs within the organizations. This is intentionally done to create an easy access or have a higher level of adaptation upon the introduction of new technologies, challenges involved, and markets that will make an acceptable improvement in the latter part of the development.
There are influences involved about the organization development. The national culture of the company affects the operation and managerial practices, whether domestic or abroad domains. Lau and Ngo (2001) acknowledged the cultural perspectives of each company’s values and beliefs that exerting a strong influence on the organization’s systems and work-related values among the individuals.
The Revolving Development Difficulties
Thompson, et al., (1998) discussed the conditions in determining the proper timing for the development interaction. The development should recognize the need for a business strategy to increase complexity management; it should open the skill and career training structure and other labor market opportunities as an aid for recruitment; and the presence of inhibiting factors that approaches the recruitment, learning, and career development among the people and the systems.
The people on the organization must coordinate in the organization development that can create a great impact. The people should control the difficulties that might appear for the development, like making the training intense.
Organizational Attitudes
Many ideas, tools, and suggestions try to challenge the leader of the industry, of both non-profit and profit based business. The people should develop the attitudes toward the organization and making it successful in answering the need for change or whole development. The change or development is only a reaction through the fears or passion with regards to the changing world views, this insight is given by Emery (2005).
Usage of Organization Development
According to Lau and Ngo (2001), the human resource system planning receives most of the attention between the works or task related interventions. And because of this, the part of the human resource to make the people more productive is the main focus to craft solutions in the problems through their communication and cooperation.
The Process Goals of Organization Development
The development entails the building of organizational strengths and weaknesses, as well as determining the steps to overcome the hindrances. This could only be done by clarifying the communication system among the people, improving the interaction and meetings, jointly problem-solving or/and decision makings, and through working with the conflicts, as suggested in the works of Schmuck (1995). This is because, people plays an essential role in the organization. The people or the team must collaborate with the each other to craft a more desirable solutions and decisions.
With the relation to organization development, Thomson, et al., (1998) identified the structural variables through the research he and the fellow authors conducted, the conventional way and the perception approach contributed the results in measuring the effects of OD in the management. On the other hand, their study showed the main dependent variable, which is the amount of training that can be also carried out the sides of development.
In identifying the problems that revolves around the organization deserves to have possible solutions in the most accurate way. And knowing the solutions needed, it is important that a good training among the people or the whole team should be employed. The amount of training that an individual needs should be based in time, system, and technology. The training should also involve various assessments that can measure the effectiveness in taking the training methods. The training is also the kind of preparing the team in facing the problems that might occur in business cycle.
Action Research
The people must determine the importance of action research for a continuous central-feature of the organization development activities. The transformation of group toward the objectives and goals is worth the capacity to work and help each other in term of work-related problems.
In the work of Watkins (2000), the action research does not only be effective in the present purpose. The use of the records form the past years can suggests the possible solutions for future action. It can also be the measure in appointing the old or the new organization development and weigh its validity in the time it can be use again.
The Organization Development Practices
The development practices will take effect on the people or team because this target will make improvements in their knowledge and managerial styles. The joint study of Lau and Ngo (2001) stated the dimension of OD. The target level of change is within the people whether individual workers, workforce group, and the management team. Meanwhile, the nature of change comes along with the task and orientation activities among the people of the organization.
The favorable outcome when it reached the key people is the involvement of essential skills, technique, and qualities of a leader can help them deal in different face of situation. Anna, et al., (2001) describes that the development can make the leaders push their capacity and extend their organizational understanding through the coaching techniques that may imply in the development. The financial constraint is a problem that can limit the development aim fort the leaders. But if the call for this development happened, the effectiveness can be seen in the climate analyses and action plans of the managers.
Separate and Integrate
There are various aspects that the organizational departments are better when taken separately or otherwise, jointly. It depends on how the department will work together. The mixture of corporate capital, commitment, talent or skill, or elaborative ideas can either fail or succeed the managerial aspect at times where the business is trying to gain recovery from the past challenges.
Day et al., (2001) assessed the power of investment with regards to the future outcome of development. The assessment explained that if the investment in terms of time, effort, knowledge, and skills, which is being placed in a freezing state while the development, is transforming the whole the organization. The people will take their part in recognizing several problems that might plagued the organization.
The diagram is taken from the description of Kurt Lewin, showing the stages in which the change can happen. It indicates the three steps which is the unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. It explains through the use of planning, action, and results. The main idea is by planning to change the traditional organizational structure by breaking it down into pieces and examining the essential parts. The people in the organization can use this model in creating the set of solutions that might be appropriate in answering the problems that are present in the organization. Together with a good analysis, the plans to answer the problems can be established.
Emphasizing the people in the organization, the recognition of connections should start by learning the communication between the different concepts of organization. The concept of organization serves as the beginning of understanding the different disciplines in business and communication according to the work of Francis (2004).
Organization Development Outcomes and Benefits
Certain improvement is expected especially in the people who are taking their part in the organization and the same team that will feel directly the outcomes. Taking again the study of Lau and Ngo (2001), it elaborated the possible outcomes of the development in an organization.
The first is through the measurement of employee satisfaction. It can be only be happen when it is best worked out the interventions done by the human resource system and planning, or individual and work group relations.
The second outcome measures the new product development and the net profit could be the third which is obviously reflecting the financial performance of the business.
According to the study of Goodier and Eisenberg (2006), the effectiveness can also be in the part of the management. The people in the managing department can acknowledge the work of others, learning the differences, and respecting it in return. The sense of wholeness and purpose can serve the strong foundation of the organizations existence.
Through the people, the organization will meet positive expectations in terms of the business. Although there are instances that might affect the activities of the team, the focus and attention cannot be easily diverted on different things that might distract the objectives, values, and mission of the organization.
A good communication is the ultimate step in gaining trust with the other team member. With trust, the respect is established and the collaboration or the essence of teamwork will be given justice. As the team working together in harmony has a more advantage in taking their part in the organization. The meeting will be held accordingly to the organization’s objectives, commits well in achieving the mission, and leading the organization’s success through the vision.
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