Modern Architecture
In the architectural notion, architect must consider to follow different rules, policies for designing and building any infrastructure, specifically residential houses. Accordingly, the practice of enhancing the effectiveness of the architectural designs has not been considered in the modern architecture. Based on the given reader, modern architecture should be able to follow the manual of dwelling which demands an efficient architecture. Primarily, the goal of this paper is to analyze the reader provided in the architectural history and consider the work of a famous architect, that is, Le Corbusier and his three major interior schemes.
Modern Architecture Review
Based on the reader provided it can be said that the author has been able to discuss the importance to consider different parts of the house as a dwelling place and how an architect should design a house based on what is inside and the people who will live in it. In the modern world, wherein, everything is changing, the view of dwelling and architecture design also changes. For instance, architectural design nowadays not only give consider to the furniture that will be put on the house to make it more presentable but how this dwelling architecture adhere to the needs of having green building which consider better sitting, designing, constructing, operation, maintenance and removal (Hopkins, 2002). This should adhere to what they call sustainable designs which bring together an immense array of practices and techniques to completely remove the negative effects of infrastructure on environment. In the modern architecture, the architectural design can be defined as structures or buildings which have minimum or low adverse effects on both natural and build environment as well as the immediate surroundings and the wider regional and global setting.
In the architectural history, there are some authors who have become famous on their architectural works and ideas. Some of these have been able to make great contributions for the modern architecture. One of these architects is Le Corbusier who is a Swiss architect, painter in France, city planner and considered as one of the most influential architects of this century. Le Corbusier has made remarkable works in architectural designs and his first works include the small house which he builds in 1904 at La-Chaux-de-Fonds. This is a building which is considered as a picturesque which fitted well into the hamlet at Versailles styles in the 18th century. He also built some villas in his native town which is designed in line with the playful style of the 16th century like the mannerist structure made by Andrea Palladio or Sebastiano Serlio Le Corbusier has been able to build and design structured based on the inspiration of some architect like the one mentioned above. He is well known for his works which is parallel between the architectural designs of the 16th and 20th centuries. This author/architect is also being known to use a geometric proportion system which he first used in 1916 villa and expounded in his books Le Modulor I (1950) and Le Modulor II (1955), follows in the conventional practices of Leon Battista Alberti, Vitruvius, and Palladio, and Le Corbusier’s concept of "modulor man" is an extension of the Vitruvian man of Leonardo Da Vinci. The three major interior schemes of Le Corbusier follows those of the famous architect. One of which is the Purism interior scheme which has been influenced by Tony Garnier, Perret and other architects. This style is mostly seen on the 1915 Dom-into project of Le Corbusier for the pre-fabricated houses which is considered as a solution to spatial constructions which consists of floor slabs, staircases for vertical circulation and columns. Accordingly, reducing a building into a simple aspect is considered as cubistic and also known to be a preview of things to come in Paris. Since Architectural commissions were very slow during that time, Le Corbusier turned to painting and he considered cubism which is mostly known as purism. Herein. He and his colleague (Ozenfant) tried to restore ordinary things their basic architectonic simplicity. HE also published the magazine along with Ozenfant from 1920 to 1925 entitled L'Esprit nouveau, which tackles different theories of the purist.
With the expression that Le Corbusier has been using in painting, his architectural interior design scheme was also influenced. For instance, the clean-cut planes and its relationships with the space volume of the Dom-into planes as well as the Still Life bottle were integrated in his works like he Pavillon de l'Esprit Nouveau at the 1925 Paris International Exposition of Decorative Arts. In addition, the interior of the Chapel of Notre-Dame-du-Haut at Ronchamp (1950-1955) is also considered as a purist or cubist, since, just like the bottle, it shows and illustrates more than what the eye can actually see. Furthermore, the 6-inch slit between the top of the walls and the roof also considered a continuation of the billowing ceiling shape beyond the external walls, as well as the undulating shapes of the walls recommends spaces which exist but which are cut off from the viewer.
Moreover, another major interior scheme of Le Corbusier is his idea of the machine for living. One of his most influential books entitled Towards a New Architecture (1923) ahs been shown with his sketches of the Acropolis in Athens as well as other sites, the Michelangelo’s’ architecture, Tony Garnier’s "industrial city", American grain silos, and other objects were also included. According to Le Corbusier a house should be a machine for living not decreasing man to the level of automation, but raising hum bys as specific as environment in totality as the automobile breaks precision. His ideal about precision also includes sound insulation, ventilation, sun shields for summer, sun-traps in winter for environment.
It can be said that Le Corbusier perspective of architecture is considered as idealistic and also a metaphoric terms. Le Corbusier views architecture not as a building but as a representation.
Parisian houses of Le Corbusier were considered to be attributed to its idea of machine for living which is described as taut, fixed and precise placed on the ground. And lastly, Le Corbusier’s major interior scheme is his teachings about the manual of dwelling as he paves the way for urban schemes. For instance, Le Corbusier exhibited Plan Voisin. In this work, Le Corbusier proposed to bulldoze or renovate most of the central Paris, in the northern part of the Seine and replace this with his sixty-story cruciform towers from the Contemporary City.
In the 1930s, Le Corbusier has continuously expanded as well as changed his ideas and contexts on urbanism. In this regard, he tried to consider his urban planning schemes on a small sale by constructing and building a series of unites which is the housing block unit of the Radiant city in France. The philosophy of Le Corbusier considers the social and cultural diversification of architects and their clients. Le Corbusier gives emphasis on planning with regards to architectural designs.
This reader discusses the results and findings of a case work of Le corbusier regarding the values of house-building as well as dwelling . The work of Le Corbusier enables different architects of this generation s to comprehend the influence and effect of cultural dynamics in terms of the changes and transition in dwelling preferences and choices in a specific concept (Klaufus, 2000). The work of Le Corbusier also give emphasis on how the inhabitants have been able to express their socio-cultural identity as individuals and also a group in vernacular, modern and self-built houses. Accordingly, housing and dwelling are culturally identified contexts. As culture transform and change, dwelling preferences also change. It is said that Latin American nations are confronted with rapid transformation in terms of globalisation; however, the cultural heritage of these nations still forms part of each nation.
For this reader the argument of Le Corbusier or the major interior scheme of Le Corbusier is that in dwelling there are diverse aspects of dwelling which affects the process of communication, identification, and stratification through interior decorating and architecture. For this reader, Le Corbusier believed that the characteristics and values of the housing construction as observed in the case work of Le Corbusier are said to be affected by the transition and preferences of the people. In addition, another interior scheme has been affected by the values and the significance that the residents themselves attach to different parts of their dwellings; and lastly, it also give emphasis on the manner in which the people evaluate each other’s dwelling which include consideration of the indicators and stratification. Some architects have noted that changes in the preferences of the architectural housing and dwelling design can be attributed to the changes of society and cultural transitions.
Le Corbusier is a well known for giving emphasis on the changes and transformation of dwelling. The philosophy of Le Corbusier’s highlights the changes of dwelling as he considered dwelling as an aspect of continuous evolving since the industrial revolution. The reader have discussed that radical transformations in society along with the accelerated urbanization approaches in different nations have stimulated a great demand for places to live in the cities. The 20th century legacy has left the professionals with the challenge in the context of the urban growth. Accordingly, people should deepen their commitment in finding some approach which will help enhance the quality of housing and life for the poor majority.
In this reader, Le Corbusier’s interior scheme lies on the notion that the government should help the people on having a home that would enhance their situations in life. . Herein, the interior scheme of Le Corbusier speaks about various ways of comprehending and analyzing the context of dwelling. In which each of this were mainly from the perspective of the producers (Andrade, 2008).
In this analysis, it has been found out that after more than 30 years of working and teaching in terms of the urban planning system, it can be said that supports concepts have been significant to be able to define the base building which is the fixed upper part of new housing complexes. Herein, transition happen in line with the people and the place. Nonetheless, it becomes the initial building factor to be considered transformed and adapted through time to be able to achieve different requirements and demands. It is said that the social organization as the main factor under housing complexes and dwelling process has a direct effect on cost reduction. Le Corbusier believed that the utilization of an efficient and organized approach to design dwelling (patterns and supports) makes it easy to enhance technological solution as well as to have adaptable and also flexible dwelling designs to transform through time. Aside from this, it is also believed that such approach makes it plausible to start with minimal cost at urban as well as dwelling unit and permits for a step by step improvement in line with the social organization demands also known as the urban designs and the dwelling units catering to the individual needs.
The philosophy of Le Corbusier aims on understanding the urban planning for modern architecture. Accordingly, the argument of this reader is that modern architecture has been considered in most remote regions but this is still not considered in the urban environment in which most energy is waste. The argument of this paper aims on identifying ways on the challenges for modern urban housing. According to this reader, there has been a new typology (Tang, 2008) existed from modern architecture which has been discussed in the world of architecture.
This reader have argued that a dwelling which considers the full potential of the living machine as a ventilator, beautiful courtyard, biological treatment centre, winter heat source whole combining different solar as well as environmental technologies in its architectural designs and language can become a successful typology for the entire city of Toronto and also other cities in the world. In addition, it can be considered that the argument of this reader is that in modern architecture, dwelling units should consider the environment and should be resource efficient which will not compromised the environment and the health of the people who will live in it.
The reader that has been given regarding manual of dwelling provides information on what should be considered in modern architecture. It is not the furniture or the design that should matter but how the people who will be living in it will be comfortable with it. In the reader, the notion of the modern architecture through the historical and remarkable work of famous architect Le Corbusier is considered to be part of the architectural designs. Most have given emphasis on the importance of adherence to the needs of the people and how the government and the professionals and institutions adhere to these needs. Herein, there are contemporary aspect that should be given attention in building modern dwellings and that include the needs of the people, the adherence to the modern technology, globalisation, environmental protection and mostly the adherence to sustainable design. Dwelling has now been considered as a need for people especially for poor majority and also for those cities that needs more space. Modern architecture nowadays has great influence on dwelling units and how it has been built. In addition, arguments of the articles also give emphasis on how societal and cultural changes affect the dwelling establishments. The idea of dwelling architecture enables the thinking on how architectural designs and methods will affect the occupants. In this regard, the quality and the conditions of the materials are considered and and anticipate its impacts on the health of the occupants.
In addition, due to the aspect of sustainable building in modern architecture, designers can be able to be more resourceful as well as environmental friendly by fitting the construction and its architectural design procedures into the natural environment (Jones, 1998) to be able to take advantage of existing free benefits which include heat and light from the sun, tree shading and also the insulation from hillside topography to be able to decrease the land impact and the need for non-renewable resources or wasteful use of resources.
Lastly, dwelling designs can be affected by sustainable design in a way that it will enable the knowledge in identifying the most appropriate as well as environmental-friendly technological and technical equipments to be used. Some scholars have noted that even if technology can enable people to gain sustainability, it also have the potential to harm the environment if it will not be used cautiously. By and large, the reader and articles considered have given emphasis on the importance of knowing the needs of the people to design a good dwelling unit for them.
Andrade, J (2008). Progressive Dwelling. Online available retrieve August 25, 2009.
Hopkins, R. 2002. A Natural Way of Building. Transition Culture.
Jones, DL 1998. Architecture and the Environment, Woodstock and New York: The Overlook Press
Klaufus, C. (2000), 'Dwelling as Representation: Values of Architecture in an Ecuadorian Squatter Settlement.' Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 15(1): 341-365.
Tang, SF (2008). Sustainable urban dwelling – a new typology. Online available August 25, 2009
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