International organizations are facing huge challenges in helping failed countries and states although they knew that it is part of the changes that they need to face especially in developing countries who tries to find their way out of poverty and economic constraints but sometimes these countries and states may fail. Many countries in Asia, Middle East and Africa rely on international organizations including World Bank (WB), World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other organizations that provide aids to countries that need them because of their current situations and struggle. Basically it is the advocacy of the international organizations to help countries and states from sharing their knowledge and resources and this is why they are created. They are not necessarily built for profit but if they don’t help such countries they may be faced with so much danger, poverty scarcity, famine and other threats that is insurmountable, the international organizations can only provide but it is the role or the government and states to harness their given opportunities to recovery. There are also highly developed countries that also need the intervention of international organization like the United Nations so that they can feel the security that they belong to a strong union who can help them in times of needs.
United Nations (UN) – The United Nations plays a very important role in international cooperation to stop or prevent war against countries, they provide international law in cooperation of its 193 member countries and states. They also aim to provide international security, human rights, economic development and social progress that reach to all parts of the world. United Nations provide international assembly to the world if there is a need to settle global issues they are the authorized organization to intervene and their members can express their point of view so as to build a strong foundation of ideas about solutions to a problems if there is a need for discussion about civil war, environmental issues, humanitarian assistance, conflict management, funding assistance and legal issues that threatens the world. They also seek to provide a wide spectrum of services for sustainability, economic recovery, promotion of democracy, people empowerment and other issues so that nations can achieve socio-political and economic recovery for the benefit of the entire world.
World Health Organization – Is the authority for International Public Health. Its objective is “the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health”. World Health Organizations also reaches every corners of the earth especially the third world countries who lack medical provision to communities they provide knowledge based support system around the world so that countries can provide international health regulations and basis for their medical needs. WHO promotes information, disease prevention and monitor health related issues to meet worldwide health concerns; some of their main focus is the elimination of HIV/AIDS in the countries of Africa, health research about dengue, malaria, SARS and other communicable diseases that can be destroyed nor prevented. Their members include all the world’s finest medical experts and scientist that can produce the best medical research and experiments during their studies. They also coordinate with various organizations and state so that they can provide funds, technical support and assessment to their current health problems. World Health Organization believed that health should be a shared responsibility of every nation so that they can give the most essential cure against the threat of health to every people who have the rights to live a normal and decent life.
World Bank and International Monetary Fund – WB and IMF are two of the leading credit institutions and international organizations working differently but with the same objectives which is to provide capital and monetary development funds, financial assistance to promote international and foreign investment, trading, and facilitation to secure financial stability among nations. They also provide loans and economic cooperation among nations so that they can reduce poverty around the world. IMF and WB each consists of 187 countries to keep track of their economic development, they also lend to countries to provide immediate solution for their funding needs. World Bank believed that they do not just provide financial assistance to their members they also ensure that there is also a transfer of information to global expertise to assist the needs of countries and states for reform and development leading to openness and transparency by offering the best resources that they ever need. If among these countries take the advantage and maximize the aid that the international organizations have been providing they will definitely reach out faster towards their goal of economic recovery among nations.
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