The Issue of Low Literacy Rate of Female Education

Background of the Study

The Pakistan’s political economy models of growth and public service provision stress the incentives of the elite under high inequality to under-invest in the human capital of the majority. Other political economy models stress that ethnic divisions will lead to low public goods provision. Pakistan has had respectable per capita growth yet the country is systematically underperforms on most social and political indicators -- education, health, sanitation, fertility, gender equality, corruption, political instability and violence, and democracy -- for its level of income. It systematically under-performs on improvements in these indicators for its rate of GDP per capita growth over time. There is a large inequalities exist between men and women, between urban and rural areas, and between regions. While foreign aid and government programs may have contributed to overall economic growth, they were an egregious failure at promoting social and institutional development under the circumstances of elite domination and ethnic division. In terms of education, Pakistan identified the increasing rate of adult literacy. Although, the identified rate is very low, especially as compared to other countries of South Asia, still there is an increase in female literacy rate is more than the male i.e. 11.4 percent against 9.2 percent male. The literacy gender parity index indicates that in all the provinces/areas of the country, proportionately fewer women than men have basic literacy skills. Despite the fact that female literacy rates have increased considerably since 1990, there are strategies that might curb the problem of women and their participation in education.


Statement of the Problem

There are identified two related problems that will be the center of the study

1.      What are the causes of low literacy rate of female education in a village of Pakistan?

2.      What are the effects of low literacy rate of female education in a village of Pakistan?

Research Aim and Objectives

The main aim of the study is to determine the issues that link in the literacy rate of female education. In order to promote the investigation of the study, there are four core objectives that need to be considered. First, is to determine the barriers of women’s education. Second is to recognize the promotion and empowerment of women through the use of the educational programs. Third is to discuss the theoretical issues that may arise in the empowerment of women’s education. And fourth is to determine the most applicable design in terms of collaboration and exploration of other methods for empowerment.

Research Questions

In accordance to the continuous investigation in the study, there are four questions that can be used as a guideline in collecting the necessary information

1.      What are the barriers in women’s education?

2.      What are the governments adopted programs on women empowerment?

3.      What are the issues, like stereotyping, that affected the literacy of women?

4.      What are the programs or initiatives that are suitable in women empowerment?

Significance of the Study

The purpose of the study is to identify the main roots of low literacy of women. Following the investigation, the appropriate programs can be suggested that can help the women in gaining the competency and rights in the Pakistani society.

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

The concept of the study is based on the recognized problems among the development of society that is traced in the developing countries. Also, the study recognized the connection of the traditional attitudes of society that can be the greatest factor in resisting to the changes of roles and functions of women. In addition, the theories are also part of the study in which the paper can relate the changes in the different aspect of theories. The example theories are the theories of development in the society and the modernization theory which affects the transition of the society in accepting the changes.

Scope and Limitation 

The scope of the study is to elaborate the contributing factors that might constitute the low literacy of the women in Pakistan. Through following the objectives of the study, the researchers can definitely analyze the collected information. On the other hand, the study is limited in following areas. First is demonstrating the changes in women like their role as mother, daughter, sister, or wife. And second is measuring the importance of traditions in the society of Pakistan.  



APCITY (2005) Pakistan…Education for All (2001-2015): Meeting the Learning Needs of All [Online] Available at; [Accessed 15 October 2010].

Easterly, W., (2001) The Political Economy of Growth Without Development: A Case Study of Pakistan [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 October 2010].


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