Dear Ivy,
I came across to your website and found that it might b helpful to me.Unfortunately,there is some problem with the site and I cant send it through your website but have to email it to you.I wish to get ur 3 pages free proposal writing.

My thesis title is Business Plan Developement For Seaweed Health Food Product

things to be included in the proposal include the following:


Literature Review

Problem statement

Purpose of the research

I have problems finding literature review for my thesis as the title is generally quite wide.for the methodology, I can't find any journals that that can support what methodology to use and why using that.
Generally, I don't understand what is my problem statement.I carry out this business plan development for seaweed health food product because business plan development for this has been scare in Malaysia
My intention is to have a business plan so that can provide a guidance for me to set up a business in Malaysia.may be have a manufacturing plant to produce the Seaweeds and its product??
Hope can get your guidance in my thesis..I am some what lost..
I will consider to purchase your full length thesis if I found that your free 3 pages of introduction is satisfactory and have been approved by my supervisor.


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