Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents 1
2 Introduction 2
3 Content
3.1 Task 1 3
3.1.1 Possible IS Requirements 3
3.1.2 Constraints 4
3.2 Task 2
3.2.1 Resource Allocation and Its Importance 6
3.2.2 Importance of Timescales 7
3.2.3 Project Activities with Timescales (table) 8
3.3 Task 3
3.3.1 Leadership Styles 10
3.3.2 Overcoming Problems through Leadership Styles 11
3.4 Task 4
3.4.1 Types of Problems 12
3.4.2 Help of Effective Communication 14
3.5 Task 5
3.5.1 Difference of Mentoring and Coaching 15
3.5.2 Solving Problems based on the Two Roles 16
4 Conclusion 17
5 Reference List 18
Project Management and IS Development in E-60s Company
During the early days of computer systems, software development consisted of a programmer writing code to solve a problem or automate a procedure ( 2002). This type of system development is said to be poorly planned, leading to inadequately designed systems, which are not user-friendly and not meeting the requirements of the organization. Due to this problem, a myriad of changes have already taken place to accommodate the transformations being experienced by business organizations. To accommodate and manage these changes, a number of system development life cycle (SDLC) models have been created, including the waterfall, fountain, spiral, build and fix, rapid prototyping, incremental, and synchronize and stabilize, with the waterfall being the most popular (2002). These division or stages include project planning or feasibility study, systems analysis or requirements definition, systems design, implementation, integration and testing, acceptance, installation and deployment and maintenance ( 2002). By following these stages, the changes in the organization can be accommodated properly, including its desire to implement and develop a new information system. This paper aims to accomplish five different tasks in relation to information systems and project management, as applied for the E-60s company. It intends to evaluate the case study of E-60s and propose a project plan for the implementation and development of its new information system.
Task 1
Due to the existing operational problems of E-60s, the company would want to propose developing a new IS system. With this, it is essential to determine the technical and non-technical issues of the possible information systems requirements of the company. One of the possible information systems requirements is for the company to design a website. An important element is the website is the list of the products and services of E-60s. Because the company specializes in music memorabilia, the website should include the list of the company’s products, including the price of each item, the illustration of the item and its specifications. These aspects are needed because the clients or customers must see the actual appearance of the item before purchasing them. This is for the clients to make sure that what they are ordering from the E-60s, are the items or products they really need. Another needed element in the website is the modes of payment of the customers. This could be in a form of a cheque or with the use of a credit card. The client can choose his or her modes of payment for the client’s own convenience. In addition, the website should also contain the information page or form, where the client can indicate his contact information including his name, address, contact numbers and delivery date. This is needed so the delivery personnel can assure the on-time delivery of the items in the location specified by the client. Lastly, the website should also include the contact information of the customer service of E-60s, so that customers can easily locate the company office or be able to speak to an E-60s representative.
Another possible requirement for E-60s is the implementation of a new information systems database or software in all computer systems of the company. If this will be done, then all employees from all departments will have access regarding the sales and product list of the company, the names of the clients, the update of orders, and the availability of stocks or inventory results. This would be easy for the evaluation and inventory of items, and for organization and delegation of responsibilities in the company. In addition, aside from word-processing and spreadsheet package software the company is using, their software must also include additional programs that can be used for an organized and detailed presentation of reports, with the use of graphs, tables and figures. In this way, managers can be easily be updated on the reports for assessment.
Lastly, another possible requirement would be a way to transfer music tones, images or wallpaper to mobile phones through the Internet or the website. This strategy or requirement would help E-60s to cope with the trends and changes in technology at present. This would also help the company attract consumers from the younger generation, who are setting the trend in the latest technology.
In relation to the possible information systems requirements of E-60s, are the constraints affecting the technical issues concerning the company. In conceptualizing a project, the company must be able to assess the amount of money they would be spending or needing to accomplish the project. With this, it is also essential to assess the amount of money that the company holds or possesses. These steps are crucial, for when company resources are limited, the Finance committee can make some adjustments on the budget and can even seek external help from other organizations for additional funding. During the actual running of the project, the project manager must make sure that proper allocation of the budget will be provided for the project. With this, proper accounting of resources must be done, taking note of the quality of materials to be used, and using graphs to monitor the progression of the project ( 2001). Another aspect is time, which determines the period in accomplishing the project. This is important to take note of because time is dependent on the amount of money the company will be spending to accomplish its projects. The length of time to complete the project is directly proportional to the amount of money to be spent, so the increase in the time frame, would result to the increase in the amount of money spent. Every company wishes to lessen expenditures, so identifying the project’s specific time frame would enable the company to allocate enough resources for the project. In addition, time must be set on the deadline of payment of the clients, so the Finance department will not have problems regarding the company’s budget. E-60s must also shorten the time for the delivery of items, and the time to respond to customer complaints, such as repair, changing products and warranty. Lastly, the company must set their priorities, such as investing on people, by training and employee development to implement changes in the company. These aspects become constraints to the discussed requirements because if money, time and people become limited, then project conceptualization and implementation will be delayed, and will surely cause dilemma in the company. These constraints are interdependent from one another, and must be given adequate importance and attention when implementing projects, including information systems implementation. Planning how to provide solutions to these constraints can give advantages.
Task 2
It has been reported that in strategic planning, a resource allocation decision is a plan for using available resources to achieve goals for the future, and the process of allocating resources among the various projects of business units (‘Resource Allocation’ 2006). With this definition, it is important to recognize resource allocation as an essential element in project planning and implementation. Resource allocation is important for different parts of the organizations are assigned particular goals, and resources are needed for them to meet their objectives. This ranges from providing the employees with the right supplies to enacting systems by which employees receive the necessary training, all work processes are tested, and all information data generated is documented ( 1999). To effectively manage the business strategically, every inch of the company must have its needs met in these ways, so all parts can work together as a seamless, highly functioning whole ( 1999).
From these, it is crucial to allocate specific resources for the project being planned by E-60s. Resources needed by E-60s include physical, human and capital resources, where physical and human resources are the requirements associated with the cost of the project. Physical resources include the premises, such as the service costs of the projects, like heating, lighting, cleaning, security, and structural alterations (2004). E-60s’ premises must include the alterations or renovation of the office, as a way of making it more presentable and conducive for employee interaction. This must be able to accommodate the changes that will be implemented in the company because an improved workplace is an effective motivator for the improvement of work and productivity. Another physical resource of E-60s is the equipments to be used by the company. New equipments include the addition of telephones for Internet connection, and even new computer units having more advanced programs. In this way, the new IS program will be compatible with the new computer units for a more effective and efficient function. Lastly are the vehicles that can be used to transfer the equipments and other materials to the office. This is also included in the costs of the company to be computed and budgeted. Human resources needed by E-60s refer to the additional staffs or employees who will be rendering their services to be able to push through with the implementation of the project. This includes the budget for the training of the employees, which will be facilitated by the mentors or coaches who are experts about the new IS program. In addition, delivery of new equipments or materials would not be possible without the help of deliverymen, so a budget must also be set aside for them for refreshments or snacks. Most importantly, the company needs budget or capital resources to allocate for the purchase of human and physical resources for the project. Allocating the proper amount of financial resources to cover the staff time required for developing, implementing, maintaining and reviewing strategy, and to acquire the necessary equipment and build the capacity in-house for the use of different communication tools that will fulfill the company’s goals (2001). A good budget can provide for an appropriate IT system and software program for the company. With a good budget, E-60s can afford the services of software companies, to provide them the most suitable IT system.
It has been mentioned earlier that time is one of the constraints in implementing a project. Similarly, it is considered also as an important aspect in doing a project, for time management, timescales and time allocation are essential to evaluate for allocation of resources. Timescales and time allocation allows the company to eliminate wastage and allocate resources appropriate to tasks importance (2006). With setting the appropriate timescale, the company can focus and prioritize the activities in accomplishing the project. Timescales also allows the persons involved in the project become prepared for meetings, monitor project progress, and plan each day and week efficiently (2006). This would enable the company assess the progression of their project and make certain improvements when necessary. Proper time allocation also allows the company to reject excessive workloads and ensure that long-term projects are not neglected (2006). With proper monitoring of projects, short-term goals can be easily completed and long-term goals can be given priority. Shown below is the proposed project plan by E-60s, which covers the implementation of the new IS program, training and employee development, and evaluation of the IS program upon integration in the system with its timescales.
Proposed Project Plan and Timescales of E-60s
Task Name
Project Research
Weekly, possible every Friday
After the last company meeting
1 to 2 months
Project Planning
1 to 2 weeks
2 weeks to 1 month
Will last for 2 to 3 months
3 weeks to 1 month
Project Initiation
1 to 2 weeks
2 weeks to 1 month
2 weeks to 1 month
Every week during simulation
Project Delivery – actual application of project
After successful employee evaluation
Project Monitoring
During implementation
During implementation
Project Evaluation
To be determined
To be determined
To be determined
Task 3
(2000) reports six styles of leadership, namely, authoritative/charismatic, affiliative, democratic, coaching, pacesetting, and coercive leadership. Each leadership styles have its advantages and proper application in certain situations and its implementation greatly affects the flexibility, responsibility, clarity, commitment, and performance of the employees. In discussion, the Coercive Leadership demands compliance from the team, but is most effective if used to change the immediate direction of an organization or in time of crisis when decisive action is needed. The Authoritative Leadership motivates and mobilizes staff toward shared vision and states the goal, but generally, gives the team plenty of leeway to devise own means. The Affiliative Leadership shows empathy towards people and their emotions, builds team harmony, improve communication, repair broken trust, and boosts morale, but can also harm the climate of the team if not used with other leadership styles. The Democratic Leadership gives importance to consensus, but in having endless meetings, making a decision can be prolonged in providing solutions. The Coaching Leadership understands strengths and weaknesses of the team and helps tie them into personal and teaching goals for future development, but its drawback could be the employees’ resistance to learning or the leader’s lack of expertise. The last leadership style is the Pacesetting Leadership, where the leader is fanatical about extremely high performance level at all times, and leads the team through his or her performance. The leader also prefers the line work to managing, which harms the team’s climate as the employees feel overwhelmed by the demands for excellence. Moreover, it has been reported that effective leadership is necessary for molding a group of people into a team and shaping them into a force that serves as a competitive business advantage (2006). Leaders are said to be effective if they know how to make people function in a collaborative fashion, how to motivate them to excel in their performance, and know how to balance the individual team member’s quest with the goal of producing synergy, an outcome that exceeds the sum of individual outputs (2006). With effective leadership, the company can overcome problems in implementation, such as lack of communication, lack of teamwork, lack of motivation and lack of sense of direction.
In relation to E-60s, the identified problems are the delay of delivered orders, the lack of online facilities, the lack of IT skills of the employees, lack of communication between departments, and the fear of changes in the company. Each problem, when neglected would give the company a chance to lose profit and even lose their market. With this, a change in the leadership style in management is appropriate. The appropriate leadership style for E-60s is the Affiliative Leadership Style, because with this style of leadership, communication can be enhanced among the different departments of the company. With this style of leadership, the employees can develop teamwork, and can be taken advantage by the team leader to inform of his or her employees regarding the implementation of new information systems in the company, which would be helpful for E-60s operation and productivity. It was mentioned earlier that the Affiliative leadership style would be most effective when combined with other leadership styles. Along with this type of leadership, the Coaching and the Coercive Leadership Styles can also be applied. The Coaching Style would be effective for the employees of E-60s because with this leadership style, the team leader or manager can teach his colleagues regarding the new information systems, through employee trainings and seminars. Given the lack of IT knowledge of the company’s employees, the team leader or manager must find time to coach or teach the employees regarding the system, and must make sure that they understand it. If the two type of leadership is still not effective, then the Coercive Leadership Style must be used. This is to reinstate and reinforce to the employees that a new information systems is needed in the company, despite their resistance to changes. This style must be used to insist changes in the company, and to somehow push the employees to work more efficiently, such as not delaying the delivery of orders, improving the sales literature of products, and making the invoices accurate. The Coercive leadership style can instill to the employees that the company must make some strict changes in its management to develop discipline and work ethics of the employees and improve their efficiency and productivity. The combination of these three different leadership styles should be used effectively and properly to effect changes in the company, such as to improve communication, implement a new information system program, and develop the work ethics of the employees.
Task 4
In implementing the new IS development for the E-60s company, several problems will be encountered. However, despite the presence of these problems, they can be solved by effective communication. One of the problems to be encountered is dealing with the impetus for change, for all organizations are resistant to change. An organization will only undertake change when it can no longer meet the demands placed on it in the current mode of operation, and these demands come from customers, the problems the organization is attempting to solve, and by the threat of competition from other companies (2006). Similarly, E-60s also has this problem, for many employees in the company are afraid of the changes that will be happening in the company if the new information systems program will be implemented. Due to their lack of IT skills to use the new system, most employees are resistant and afraid of the changes that will take place in relation to their job roles and responsibilities. They are afraid that they would be trying to learn something new that they are not good at, and would want to just stick to what they know. However, their current knowledge and skills are not anymore competent with the changes happening in the society and the industry. If E-60s would insist on not applying new information systems program in their company, then their productivity will decrease, it would be hard for the company to compete with other companies offering the same products and services, not reducing their workload, and their possible closing down. Changes in the business organization are inevitable, and with the fast-changing technology nowadays, it would be hard for traditional companies to cope with the competition and customer demands if they would not take advantage of the inclination of many consumers with advanced technology. Several difficulties can also be encountered, such as the management may lack understanding of other ways of managing the information systems function, and dealing with the invisibility of their own culture (2006). The lack of communication and integration between the different departments of E-60s identifies with the mentioned difficulties. The departments are not competitive enough to develop teamwork and coordination to improve their work, due to their underdeveloped technology and management. Being used to their traditional system, the employees are now afraid to undergo changes in technology and management, not realizing that this change will improve their communication and integration with other departments, reduce their workloads and even generate increase in profit for the company. From these difficulties, carefully planning the project and continuously communicating with the company’s suppliers and management to monitor their actions can be done. Maintaining constant internal and external communication is essential to make good relationships with the persons working in and for the company.
Moreover, errors can also be encountered and are sources of problems. There are only two reasons for errors that result in poor quality, namely, lack of knowledge and lack of attention (2006). Lack of proper tools is a lack of knowledge or attention to someone’s part, and failure to provide adequate training and direction is one of the most common signs of lack of management commitment to “Total Quality” (2006). The lack of knowledge regarding new technologies becomes a problem to E-60s, because with this, the company remains to be underdeveloped in terms of efficient service and lack of advancement. The lack of attention affects E-60s in terms of not focusing on the needs of their customers by not providing them the most efficient service the company can provide. The customers demand online services from the company, efficient delivery, and improved product features and list, and with the employees’ lack of knowledge, these needs cannot be effectively provided. These problems can be solved with the means of effective communication and new IS implementation, by providing the employees with adequate training to supply them with information regarding IS development. Lack of attention leads to lack of knowledge, and in turn, leads to a decrease in productivity and sales. This is why effective leadership, good speaking, writing and listening abilities are important to solve this problem. Moreover, E-60s must be able to allocate adequate resources for the dissemination of knowledge and for obtaining information regarding the system. For with the lack of management understanding, commitment and involvement, the entire system and its implementation will only lead to failure.
Task 5
In the everyday language, the terms “mentoring” and “coaching” are being used interchangeably. This is because a coach and a mentor often perform their work using similar skills tests, such as strong interpersonal and communication skills (2002). Although similar, in management, these two terms are defined differently and used independently. In terms of focus, mentors focus on the person, their career and support for individual growth, while the coach is job-focused and performance oriented, tries to direct a person to some result, strategically assesses and monitors the progress and gives advice for effectiveness and efficiency. In terms of role, mentoring is a power-free, two-way mutually beneficial relationship, while a coach has a set agenda to reinforce or change skills and behaviors. In terms of relationship, even in formal mentoring programs, the protégé and mentor have choices to continue, how long to meet for, how often, and the focus of meetings, while a coach will be hired for the person in an organization. The coach has an implied level of authority by nature of their position and can insist compliance, while a mentor’s influence is proportionate to the perceived value they can bring to the relationship. The coach’s return is in the form of more team harmony, and job performance, while the mentoring relationship is reciprocal ( 2006).
The problems of E-60s, such as the delay of delivered orders, the lack of online facilities, the lack of IT skills of the employees, lack of communication between departments, and the fear of changes in the company, can somehow be helped with the concepts related to mentoring and coaching. As discussed earlier, one possible solution for these problems is the use of the Coaching Leadership Style, where the team leader can share and teach his skills and knowledge to his or her employees regarding the use of the new IS program. The employees can use a mentor first to focus on improving the individual skills of employees, and then the job of a coach will then be useful to change and improve the skills and performance of employees. In this way, the employees can be taught of regarding the new IS program of the company efficiently, which would give the employees the chance to grasp the applications of technology and obtain additional knowledge. Coaching can be done either by classroom-discussion-type activities, or through one-on-one session, depending on the need of the employees to be lectured upon the use of the new IS program. In addition, through mentors and coaches, the communication of the employees belonging to different departments can be improved and enhanced through the trainings and seminars. These can serve not only to impart knowledge and learning to the employees regarding the system, but to give them the opportunity to interact with one another. The trainings and seminars would also serve as a refresher to remind them of their roles and responsibilities in the company. This is in response to the problems of E-60s regarding the delay of delivery and efficiency. The characteristics of a coach and a mentor can help individuals achieve personal, mental, and professional learning and development and they can be used to help solve the technical problems in plan implementation.
The changes in technology and management underwent by E-60s allowed them to adopt serious changes in strategy and development. From their desire to cope with the technological advancements of the century, the company is making plans of implementing a new Information Systems technology. To be able to cope with competition against other companies, E-60s must therefore plan their actions properly and implement their plan immediately. However, given their intention for change, the company must not also forget the presence of technical and non-technical problems that they can encounter, such as choosing the software program itself, its compatibility with the organization’s system, budget, time and people. This is why, the adequate allocation of resources, including time and money must be planned accordingly to achieve success. In relation to this, effective leadership must be practiced to encourage teamwork and motivation of employees. This can be done through effective communication, with good interpersonal, speaking, writing and listening skills. Aside from these, the organization can also seek professional help from mentors or coaches for additional guidance.
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