Thesis Statements:
I. Research Topic: Relating management accounting systems to the strategic and operational needs of organizations.
1. Management accounting systems play a vital role in formulating and implementing strategies for the human resource department of the organizations.
2. The attainment of the company’s objectives depends on the success of the management accounting systems.
3. The implementation of management accounting systems affect adversely the strategic and operational needs of an organization due to the huge amount of funds needed to make it a success.
4. Management accounting systems positively affect the corporate culture of a company.
5. Management accounting systems affect the morale of the employees.
II. Research Topic: The occupation of Alcatraz
*What was the cause and effect of this action on the Native American movement?
1. The seizure by the Native Americans of Alcatraz resulted into an upsurge of activism all throughout the United States.
2. The occupation of Alcatraz clearly demonstrated that the freedom of expression clearly exists in the country.
3. The occupation of Alcatraz by the native Americans lefts a lasting mark of restoring the Indian pride.
4. The development of nationalism and the progress of the civil rights movements prompted the occupation of Alcatraz.
5. Inequality in political and civil rights is the main reason for the occupation of Alcatraz.
III. Research Topic: Abortion
1. Abortion should be legalized in the Philippines to reduce the explosive population of the country.
2. The legality of abortion in the highly industrialized countries has no positive effect to the economy of these countries.
3. The stand of the Catholic Church against abortion should not be disturbed despite the growing number of countries legalizing the same.
4. The prevalence of pre-marital sex in almost every country is a major factor of unwanted pregnancy resulting to abortion.
5. Abortion will forever be unacceptable to the common and general principles of men, regardless of culture or race.
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