International Human Resource Management is simply the same process of Human Resource Management but the only difference is that its governing practice is integrated and manifested in Multi-National Corporation. This means that the standard HRM function may have the same function from various countries governing the same company to upheld International policy, rules and regulation regardless of the countries where they belong. They still function in staffing, or recruitment of personnel, employee compensation and benefit formulation. With its ambition and relentless pursuit to integrate International prospective to come across boundaries among nations this IHRM system has been developed and later enhance. Now it has become popular and adopted all over the world in multi-national companies and organization.
This doesn’t mean that companies who practiced International Human Resource Management do not comply with the countries standard HRM practices but it simply does implement their own regulation as a whole based on their own sets of standard with regards to the country they been operating.
It’s advantages lies mainly in reducing some forms of risk including but not limited to International Human Relation, Cultural risks and diversified Human Resource Capital and mostly Salaries and Wages pertaining to other countries which firms are expected to expand and operate. In a multi-national organization that practiced International Human Resource Management, employee’s satisfaction is almost always guaranteed. For Instance the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) who focuses on Asia particularly in India and the Philippines have a win win advantage over their employees. Most of their employees have been enjoying a huge amount of salary and wages and other bonuses while some of them are having a flexible time schedule at the same time these companies enjoys low cost operating expenses since their workers are paid in dollars which is equally much lower than in their countries. The result is the booming business in Business Process Outsourcing in their selected countries and probably an increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
On the other hand these multi-national companies offers a standard work environment and training procedures thus, their employees that comes from various countries can interchangeably have the same common knowledge upon completion. This means that the engineer in Japan when transferred to China can have the same ability in the workplace and the worker in Singapore may have the same knowledge that of Korea. Companies like National Panasonic, Mitsubishi Motors, and Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) use to exchange labor force from around the world effectively using International Human resource Management practice. This has been the focal point of multi-national companies, to create a job design suited for international competencies and standard. The only limiting factor that a worker may encounter is the language barrier from another country but at the same time International Companies also focusing on Internationally well known languages like English which is highly used all over the world.
Employees who are cross exchange enjoy even more rewarding career opportunities and advancement that is why motivation in forms of monetary value is simply expected to be very high. In other countries this has become some sort of promotion on the part of the worker. This has become the overall advantages of multi-national companies who enjoy and international recognition. They are highly flexible in terms of human resources and labor force.
In some instance there are problems and hindrances that affect International Human Resource Practices. Problems like high rates of expatriation, repatriation may arise. Demographic and geographic problems like a person in Alaska wouldn’t want to work in Africa and vice versa. Gender problems especially among Asian women who grow in conservative countries have been abused in other countries and racial discrimination etc maybe later experienced. however equal opportunity employment system and high salary somehow eliminated some fear of workers thereof.
Equal opportunity employment is the main objective of International Human Resource Management practice. This will promote recognition and opportunity for all workers in multi-national company all over the world, It will eliminate discrimination therefore promotion is available regardless of age, nationality and gender of employees, assures International focus whether on manpower or product distribution because of workers ability to systematized. And most of all this International Human Resource Management System may result in the highest possible productivity for both organization and employees. Although we can easily presume that multi-national companies have the highest standard in recruitment process and only the best are accepted here. On the comparative degree we can conclude that International Human Resource Management has been more successful throughout its practice.
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