Executive Summary:

            Human Resource Management has been adopted by many organizations to improve for the many benefits that it has provided ranging from the recruitment to orienting new employees to instituting and monitoring policies that will hold down cost of the administration through proper staffing that utilizes the outmost skills of the employees. They not only serve to channel the needs of the employment, they plan the appropriate steps to bring demand and supply into balance.  The Harrison Brothers Corporation opened their doors to incorporate the HRM function in their firm knowing that they need quality staff who knows how to implement their five strategic goals. A critical analysis was done regarding the organizations HRM function through the interviews of the HR Managers and the results of the questionnaires regarding the importance of the HR responsibilities. The paper concludes that the HR function is a plus once given proper credit for they not only serve the wellness of the employees they help in maintaining proper channelling of communication between the top management and the employees.



            This paper will feature the necessary details with regards on human resource management considering topics on the development of the human resource function as to its important on the management and its people being governed and evaluated. It will also discuss the importance of the human resource management and state the shortcomings in the absence of such. In particular, this paper will focus on the human resource function on the company of the Harrison Brothers as the researcher shall critically assess the strategic management of the said company and how the human resource function shall manage its employees that shall pave way to the execution of such objectives prepared by the management due to the fact that the human resource function serve as the sole bridge between the administration and its employees – these people can either build or destroy if not manage well.


            The HR management is responsible of the activities of an organization as it conducts recruitment and selection of qualified staff and management of the employment relationship, which includes contracts, collective bargaining, reward systems and employee involvement, and considers the strategic and operational view of human resource requirements ( 2004). In accordance to the definition, it is likable that the HR management could be a crucial step in every organization since; to become a HR manager one must be capable of sound decisions and prudent judgment to have an effective use of human resources in order to enhance organizational performance. In an interview with , it could be viewed that though she had integrated successful interventions to keep the best employees within the company like the performance evaluation that allows an employees to gain incentives basing on their sales; presence of drawbacks still lurks such as the professional assessment that was not administered by the supervisors together with the cost constraints that at some ways hinders her from her goals which is to incorporate continual evaluation and career development for the employees. As the manager for HR, it is her responsibility to help the firms effectively use employee skills, provide training and development opportunity, and increase employees’ satisfaction with their jobs and working conditions. If these are not met, she would probably loss the connection between the firm and the employees that might become an inconvenience for both parties. In addition, employees’ satisfaction would generally fuel their motivation to continue working in the said company, it will not only drive their passion to work it would also, allow the company to shape its employees in line with the firm’s strategic plan and goals. To maintain working ethos or the morale, disciplinary action became her sole responsibility in the hope of communicating with the employee to improve unacceptable behaviour or performance when other methods such as coaching or performance appraisal failed.

One key to successful strategic management is the ability to achieve fit or coherence among a set of competitive factors, both internal and external to the organization, in a manner that facilitates high performance (2006). The result – oriented approaches must be introduces at all levels of the public administration in line with opportunities and challenges. The Harrison’s business strategy relies mainly on its quality employee and performance wherein it goal is to align the employees’ vision to the company’s strategic plans. A key aspect of the Leading Edge research has been to use the case-based methodology to build a map showing how the link between strategy and individual performance is played out. In building this map,  (1999) considered the following three key propositions: (1) Transformation capability depends in part on the ability to create and embed processes which link business strategy to the behavior and performance of individuals and teams. These clusters of processes link vertically (to create alignment with short-term business needs), horizontally (to create cohesion), and temporally (to transform to meet future business needs). (2) These clusters of processes can be described and observed in many organizations. (3) The strength of linkage between people processes and business strategy can vary across both processes and businesses. It is clear that within any company there are individuals or groups who add positive value by having skills or motivations which are unique, or skills, knowledge, or networks of contacts which cannot be imitated by competitors or replaced by another resource by a competing company ( 1991). Organizational behavior is about people at work in all kinds of organizations and how they may be motivated to work together in more effective ways. By studying these behaviors you become more aware of your business ethics and are able to positively find ways to transfer your employee's attitudes and behaviors into more positive experiences personally and for the company. People processing refers to the behavior of people in groups, such as task groups that are trying to solve a problem or make a decision. It is known that people processing is part of Organizational Development wherein, it is a complex approach intended to change the beliefs, attitudes, values, and structure of organizations so that they can better adapt to new technologies, markets, and challenges. For an instance, an individual with expertise in group process, such as a trained facilitator, can assist a group toward accomplishing its objective by diagnosing how well the group is functioning as a problem solving or decision making entity and subsequently intervening to alter the group's operating behavior. This is mainly the function of the HR management for the purpose of earning employees trust to commit their selves wholly to the organization and at the same time, the organization shall protect the integrity of that trust through different skill enhancement that in turn will nurture the relationship. In addition, the managerial implication is that when there is employee involvement in every decision-making there, one will know the ups and downs within the organization thus, there is a collective gathering of thoughts; ever heard of the adage, “two heads are better than one.”  This notion just proves that as long as there is positive and influential persuasion through positive means the kind of change what you have predicted will also be the kind of change in the end result. People processing is a means of controlling, predicting and explaining how the organization should be and what it should not be.

The general rule of thumb in the context of staffing in the HR function is that one HR person for every 100 employees. Comprehensive industry surveys report that 1 to 100 is the most common ratio of full-time professional HR staff to every 100 employees served by the HR Department, however, it is not as commonly recognized that the ratio does vary somewhat by industry. Results from a March 2000 survey conducted jointly by the Society of HR Managers and the Bureau of National Affairs indicate that the average for all companies (all industries, all sizes) is 0.9 to 100. The rule of thumb ratio is used for estimating a minimum staffing requirement to fulfill the basic HR needs of an organization within the following constraints: it assumes the entity employs fully qualified and trained HR staff professionals, performing at the level of the average competent employee. It is also important to note that full-time equivalency is not applicable when discussing HR staffing ratios; a part-time employee may require the same basic HR support as a full-time employee (2006). In addition, the actual ratio variably depends on the following factors unique to each business entity: (1) centralization or decentralization of the HR function, (2) the number of locations, (3) the geographic distribution of the employees served, (4) any services that are outsourced, (5) the amount of automation utilized, (6) the relative sophistication of the employees, and (7) the relative complexity of the strategic mission and objectives for the HR function. Hence, the HR function is largely important since its roles are to: provide policy advice, provide a structure for a supportive, safe and fair workplace that will good staff relations at all levels in order to maximize, maintain and recognize performance and outcomes.

The structures in HR are enterprise structure, personnel structure, organizational structure and the employees. The allocation of employees to the structures is called staffing which is the top most priority wherein the HR managers can influence organization to adopt strategies for their structure which further cultivate both cost – effectiveness and employee commitment. It determines the position of the employee, its task to where the employee shall work, as to how the employee will be paid according to its working hours including the holidays to which an employee can get.

Analyse the data in Exhibit 1.5.  What are its implications?

            The data in the Exhibit 1.5 will be analysed according to per issue: on staffing both HR and store managers considered it important knowingly that employees must be distributed fairly among different departments to optimize skills and efficient management of time. The reason for this is that adequate number of workforce can readily meet the required output from them. It could also promote team effort in which it can drive their motivation to be a go getter thus, they would only do their best to achieve what is quality standard hence, minimizing wastage. The training issue, there is a slight difference of importance between the HR manager (3.50) and the store managers (4.50); it could be seen that the previous manager didn’t consider training as important as the latter, but training could create change in a given organization since, proper training can improve and enhance the knowledge and skills in every employee which can be shown in performance evaluation. It must be noted that training is also a way of communicating with the employees, the more you acknowledge them the more they feel that they are an asset to the organization. With regards to the performance management, HR managers considered it highly rating it as 4.50 though only a slight difference of 0.50 from the store managers; still implies that both managers consider it highly due to the reason that in order evaluate the success of any given organization performance must be evaluated and in order to increase or maintain optimum performance, continual learning or training must be given for the employees. The compensation area, it is regarded by both managers that minimum compensation must be given because it is ideal that the company must give what is due.  The safety area was rated by both managers as 2.50 wherein, precaution must be observe whatever happens to the employees the company is liable to whatever extent. In here, it is mainly the work of the HR managers to provide a harmonious environment through policies and regulations that ensures a healthy ambiance for work including staff relations at all level. In addition, good working relations could also increase involvement of the employees in any policy or plans that the company would like to execute. In the knowledge of business area the store managers consider it greatly important rating it as 4.50 compared to the low rating of the HR managers that they only rated it as 2.00, hence we could tell that store managers would greatly consider employees with proficient knowledge ion business since, their main job is to sell or encourage customers to buy their products so they must know different strategies or tactics that will promote their product. Lastly, in the area of managing change the HR managers didn’t consider it highly as they only rated it as 2.00 whereas; the store managers rated it as 4.50; there are good reasons that the store manager would like their employees to adjust or be flexible with any possible changes that may occur since, the company has to meet the changing demands of the customers. Inability to adapt with the changes could mean stagnation and hinders the company to grow.

            Basing on the Harrison’s Brother strategic goals, the HR function basing on the Exhibit 1.5 has considered relatively low responsibilities on the areas wherein HR is valuably needed such as safety, knowledge of business and managing change. These areas, when given proper notice can help the company boost its sales as explained above. However, as McCain became the HR manager, it could be viewed that HR function will now emphasize the human element that is meeting what the employees’ needs focusing on personnel retention and development that has been recognize before. To know the effect of such interventions, it can be evaluated through performance evaluation with it and through it they can effectively build and connect relationships within their corporate community. To improve the HR function, it must be supported by the organizational structure with a through understanding of the organization’s big picture. It can be viewed as a strategic consulting and referral partner providing innovative solutions and influencing key decisions and policies. The HR function can definitely align the employee’s belief and values to that of the organization that in return can result to a strong establish trust and sensitivity.


            Therefore, the researcher can definitely say that the HR function can help in boosting the company and realize its goals once the employees are manage well. Through the help of the HR function, it can obtain the trust off the employees assuring that they are given what is due such as continual training and minimum wage as a start. They not only serve the company for the purpose of attaining the outmost goal through the utilization of their employee’s skills. The In addition, the HR function presents not only one fulfilling opportunities for the company but taking more a challenging view for the future.


            The researcher recommends that an organization like the Harrison Brothers Company to ensure their Human Resource Management will be given the ideal treatment as it should be. Basically, considering the task on appropriate staffing; in the case of understaffing the business will loss the scale and specialization of a particular department possibly influencing the customer orders thus decreases the profit. On the other hand, overstaffing can be very costly, in the manner of payments wherein there is high probability of paying an employee whose maximum potential has not successfully offered to the company. Therefore, it becomes wastage.



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