In as much that I have perceived the only thing that lacks a person or student with visual imparity is their sense of sight as long there are teachers and parents who are more than willing to teach them, they may lost sight but they have achieved a vision more than we can see. A student with visual impairment uses more than his sense or feeling but sensitivity in their surroundings. If parents or guardians or teachers learn to love and teach such children they are likely to succeed than a normal child. People with this kind of disability have a focused vision and a steady mind.
But if a person with this kind of disability has been isolated to people they may lost more than sight but a confidence to learn. Children who are blind and never learned to associate with people are timid and shy they are likely to prevent them when associated to people and so their performance in school is somehow troublesome because of its character they are likely to resist school. Talking about performance, children or people with this condition will have a slow developmental growth in their activities during the first few months or years of school so a more personalized approach is highly needed.
This children and students who are visually impaired when placed to a regular school will definitely have a hard time dealing with teachers and student but with a constant commitment and focus, they can associate well. These children may need much more attention than any regular student and they need more tools and special equipment to learn. Most of the time the Braille system is used to harness their reading comprehension which is easy to grasp through by a child who are blind, nowadays technology paved its way to the learning process of students with this kind of disability.
Computers revolutionize the learning system for the blind. It can respond and talk to student through sophisticated programs that are designed exactly for the needs of student who cannot see. This results in many advantages for the student to excel in writing and typing performance. Today the internet is a great learning tool if you have the right program such as JAWS or Windows Eyes.
There are lots of books and DVD’s available in the market today that are guaranteed to enhance such capabilities of a child. This books and tapes can be easily purchase anywhere within the communities or you can find it online. This technology brought about many changes and uses in the revolution of teaching methods.
A child who is motivated to learn and study English lesson can use such technology or hire a personal tutor for immediate comprehension. Foreign nationalities who have not really heard much about the language may find it hard to perform firsthand but creativity and discipline in teaching is required. Maybe a school for the blind for specialized training can work just fine. There are also online tutorial available worldwide depending on the nationality and location. But again a thorough and extensive help support is needed since studying such language requires in demand and timely manner especially for a person with such disability.
More than anything else their basic needs to motivate them to study well is the parent’s support that they are loved and trusted. Their performance will surely increase it parents or guardian learn to participate in such undertakings. And a sign of little progression should be praised to give them confidence while learning. Children with disability like this one are always dependent on their feelings and hearing ability which are highly sensitive. A total sound and pleasant atmosphere at home and school will definitely be needed to prepare a child in a focused and healthy condition which is a good learning pattern is what he need. Remember that the child’s need is more than the tools and equipment but your personal cares and attention.
Sometimes psychiatrist are needed to identify the ability and condition of a student who are blind so that they can be given a diagnostic study and evaluate record and keep track the students adaptability and their personality and skills to as where they should and how they will be guided. They will be the one to assess and intervene to diagnosed psychological needs of a child and this can be very helpful in their school performance.
Some institutions and school organization must provide a skilled and experienced individual who can really adapt to such students verbally descriptive method in teaching must be used. The students are also taught to memorize mobility inside the school where all materials and tools can be easily grasped through by student on their own so as to create independence. The cooperation of other student should also be sought to create an even more healthy relationship for the student who have such imparity. When all this is said and done a guaranteed in increase in performance for a child can be highly expected.
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