Major factors in motivation of employees in organization in the kingdom of Bahrain that affects job performance
Research aims at investigating the role of motivational factors in relation to job performance in Bahrain organizations, this will be by means of a systematic literature equipped with quality assessment technique. To recognize secondary through reviewed articles and journals, also case study survey will be part of research, catering to health care providers working in Bahrain, specifically nurses’ motivation and such factors in determining tenets for nurses’ job performance. For example, nurses in Bahrain adheres to factors as interpersonal trust, communication among other nurse staff, information systems, rewards and health care structure play important role in defining motivation and performance at work.
Case study survey and number of semi structured interviews with nurses from various health centers in Bahrain from public or private sectors upon indicating that motivational trust, communication, information systems, rewards and performance structure is related to motivation performance in organizations. Further research is required to address health care institutions through such methods as case studies and empirical observation. Furthermore, Bahrain’s health care organizations have to produce outcomes through its medical people, the key to performance is the ability to motivate nurses toward desired actions and behaviours and increase level of quality care consciousness. Systematic model of motivation which helps to direct nurses in Bahrain to have precise management action, create quality conscious actions and behaviours. The need to investigate process by which nurses perceptions of the organizational environment are related to job performance as researchers developed operational definition of psychological climate based on how nurses perceive aspects of health care environment and interpret in relation to motivation, perceived climate then related to job performance of nurses in certain framework. Thus, expectancy theory of work motivation and job performance will be examined by means of time, initial level of criteria, level of rewards and task-specific ability as well as organization control system responsiveness. The purpose will be to describe the importance of factors in motivating employees at health centers operating in Bahrain , to describe ranking importance of such below motivating factors for determining relationship to nurses’ job performance: job security, sympathetic help with personal problem, personal loyalty to employees, interesting work, good working conditions, tactful discipline, good wages, promotions and growth, feeling of being in on things and full appreciation of work done.
Causes and effects of absenteeism of teachers in secondary schools in the kingdom of Bahrain
Research will be addressing how provisions that address leave usage in teacher contracts influence teacher absences from classroom, how teacher absences influence student absenteeism, how teacher and student absenteeism influence student test score performance. Based on an extensive data collection effort as conducted, research presents econometric analysis using data from school districts in Bahrain in 2005-09. Thus, the changes of some provisions such as increasing number of unused leave days teachers can cumulate and cash in at retirement may benefit teachers and students. On the whole, research will review assumptions that there is little support for widespread claim that teaching is one of the stressful jobs.
Examination of research to be done on risk factors that may affect teachers, raise the awareness of educators concerning some of issues on teacher absenteeism, its causes and effects. On absenteeism, (1982) uses this definition, absence from duty, work or station such absence when deliberate or habitual. The term absence is defined as, state of being away or not present. Absenteeism may be for valid and justifiable reasons and may be asked for in advance. Or it may be unpredictable and chronic. Whether planned or unplanned, absenteeism creates host of problems at all levels of the educational system.
What Has Been Learned About Teacher Absenteeism?
From the (1991) study, teacher absenteeism was systematically examined in secondary education. and Wimbush utilized and model (1978) in which components consisted of attendance motivation and perceived ability to attend. Thus, job satisfaction was the single most important factor
affecting attendance motivation. Other employee attitudes that were related to attendance motivation were job involvement, organizational commitment, and loyalty to co-workers. Thus, teachers’attendance is influenced by organizational practices and by attendance barriers, barriers include illness, family responsibilities and transportation problems. Risk factors relating to absenteeism include more immediate concerns such as child care, transportation difficulties, illness, or cultural demands. Teachers play vital role in education. Teachers who are at risk place children at risk. It is crucial for Bahrain’s educational system to understand factors that place teachers at risk, it can be recommended that educational systems seek ways to foster resiliency factors that may protect teachers and educational system.
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