Health promotion for diabetes is essential and that this promotion will be targeting children and teenagers achieving how health beliefs process do affect the group preferably children ages 8-12 and teenagers ages 13-17 as diabetes is almost affecting anyone of diverse races and color and is present anywhere. Diabetes poses an alarming issue nowadays and effective promotion is needed for proper program realization and awareness that is crucial for those who are affected by the disease and to health care providers as well. In case of promotion in health for diabetic children/teenagers, it is a must for teachers to learn about the chronic disease of Diabetes, and the kind of lifestyle it entails for the individual who has it. Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in our society, but too many people have no idea what it is, how one lives with it. For specific health promotion of Diabetes in children/teenagers the below illustration of sample campaign could be followed as presented by the People’s Health Clinic,
Source, adopted from: (date not specified), Diabetes in Children and Teenagers:
Thus, attempts to define diabetes risk factors among children that are corollaries to those in adults can be problematic. For example, percent body fat and BMI’s are more variable in children because of the disparity between age and because of the unknown ultimate impact of nutrition status. There is definitely a need to continue to explore effective and efficient methods that encourage children to adopt lifestyles that decrease risk for diabetes as from health-promoting dietary choices and from promotion of risk reduction physical activity associated with weight management. Children will follow health beliefs and behavior norms of their community and be influenced by social interaction within their own cultural environment (1998). There are new developments in the field of diabetes management, most notably non-invasive blood glucose technology, where blood glucose can be measured without pricking the skin as possible.
To execute innovative diabetes promotion for children/teenagers health welfare upon the idealism of providing effective as well as focused training to children/teenagers having diabetes may it be type I or II and to assist them to monitor their health and enhance the care for living with diabetes. Health promotion focus will be effective diabetes management realization to improve the understanding of the disease and acceptance of the reality, the providing of ample knowledge and confidence to better identify and manage other factors relating to diabetes of the target group. The promotion will justify the above illustration of how the promotion will be executed in order to create healthier children/teenagers through diabetes education and advocacy service.
Regular physical activity is essential during childhood and adolescence
- To maintain normal growth and development
- To establish lifestyle physical activity patterns that will reduce risk factors for health problems in later life
- Many diseases have their origins in younger age
- Promotes well-being & improved sleep
- Positive changes in self-perception, confidence, mood, depression & anxiety
- Greater flexibility, endurance, improved circulation & functional capacity
- Reduces the risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or colon cancer
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