Why is Health Important to Me?


 Majority of us want to live longer in order to do the things that we enjoy to do with our loved ones and friends.  Some, do not want to get sick because they are  traumatized of getting stuck in the hospital,   afraid of the sight of the syringe and cannot take the  taste of various medicines , and most of all,  do not have the financial capacity to maintain the medical treatment needed  to be able to get back into normal  state of health.   Hence,   to avoid this to happen, giving significant importance to one’s health is very crucial to achieve a healthy mind and body. Medically speaking, health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being of a person. And, it is very important for everybody to stay healthy.  I believe that the most valuable gift that God gave us is   our health, next to our family.    Remember, that man was created by God because he strongly believed that    man is the most valuable asset   in this world.  Human beings are the most powerful force that makes the world go round. And, health failure can mean failure on everything for a man.   


In short, the main causes of health problems these days are improper diet, mental, emotional and physical stress, poor hygiene and environment, unhealthy lifestyle and poor outlook in life.  But, there are still ways to avoid this to happen to anyone, just try to do all the opposites of all these causes. Purposely,   to be able to achieve one’s dream, a person must work hard to earn his or her living decently, as well as in order to sustain the daily basic needs in life for survival. Hence, everyone needs to be healthy in order to fulfill efficiently and effectively all these tasks. The physical and mental functions of a person is very vital in every field, whether you are a student or professional.  A healthy body and mind go hand in hand to live a happy and productive life, as well as to be able to touch other people’s lives by means of healthy interaction with them. .  


 For me, to stay healthy is my major responsibility to myself, to my family, and to the society at large.  I should know how to protect it from any harmful elements that will gradually ruin my health state in the long run.     Health and happiness go hand in hand to be able to live happily and successfully.  Therefore  I must  see to it that my body and mind  meet the  day to day routine   like  waking up early in the morning; inhaling  fresh air in the morning and  just taking a  brisk walk  are very important  but basic health regimen that a person must do everyday;   if he or she wants to really avoid serious illnesses like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes among others to occur in  the body.  In addition to that, eating a balance diet meal that includes a large portion of vegetables and fruits daily is the most   preventive measure from any disease.   I know that this time and age, it is a bit harder to avoid     attending  parties, as well as to drink  alcohol, so as to  smoking;  nonetheless,  a person can still drink  alcohol in a very minimal way,  too much alcohol  gives a harmful effect to one’s body. Better replace alcohol by plenty of fresh juices and water; they are excellent detoxifiers in the body.   More than that, smoking is a big NO for me.  It only pollutes one’s lungs that lead to various diseases, and even leads to cancer.   One more thing, having enough hours of sleep at night is recommendable to avoid health problems in the near future. 

Consequently,  my busy schedule  always   gives me stress, that is the main reason, that whenever I   get  free time, I  find time to go to greener places that can make me relax and loosen up from the  long and hard days work.   And, the most important therapy of all is to bond with your loved ones and family.    The presence of my loved ones, their encouragement words, their affection and caring are more than enough to   ease your worries away.  In the same way, it is the best effective treatment of releasing all the burn outs and stress that I feel towards   my job and other things.   For some cases,    I can even release my problems to my close friends whom I trust and can really give me advice for the betterment of myself, and what best decision  I should make on a some issues.    Above all, prayer and is the most   powerful weapon or way   to   release one’s worries and problems in life.  Keep in mind, being freed from illnesses makes a person look good and attractive, as well as it makes the person feel good about him/herself. Seemingly, even a healthy person gets older, his/her body can still recover from any regular wear and tear that brought by aging.




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