The recidivism of high school students or their tendency to commit improper and abusive behavior in school such are bullying, intoxication, drugs, discourtesy, disrespect, pre-marital relationship, theft, fighting, violence and other high school misbehavior are become more and more habitual in large numbers of students in America and in other part of the world. This created a threat in low morality and low academic performance that during 1983 the US Government has identified the needs to reform the American Education System to bring back and regenerate the distorted behavior of students into a full character development institution, they would like to bring value and commitment to the education system for the sake of the students. Their education system would include disciplinary measures and character development to bring back the basic principles and standard of education in building responsible students with the help of the school and other educational institution.

      The study of 1996 to 1999 by the Society for Adolescent Health about Recidivism has been conducted to monitor the real consequences and behavior of students that they can use for future programs. The subject are the 17,000 senior high school students from different demographic location and lifestyle about their behavior and their experience of violence and threats in their schools, there are also some measures that they have undertaken to examine the risk association and delinquency of recidivism so that the children are also protected. The result is that the common delinquency of high school students and its prevalence has decline except for injury, possession of deadly weapon, damaging school facilities and theft. Factors including race, gender, religion, low performance and family problem vary in results associated with delinquency recidivism. This result could be use for future intervention and studies.

      The Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEPs) serves as the alternative organization for students who needed disciplinary measures; they have provided the following Recidivism rate of students from 2005 to 2006 that 48% of their students are Hispanic students, African American are 25.8% and white students accounted for 25.2%. From 2006 to 2007 most common reasons of their enrollment includes; student code of conduct violation accounted to 74,024 (67.7%), drug abuse 14, 274 (12.5%), physical contact, 8,007 (7.1%), physical assault excluding school employees 3,402 (3%), misconduct under DAEPs 2797 (2.4%), intoxication 2,555 (2.2%), assault against employees 1,129 (1.1%) felony 1,291 (1.0%), possession of deadly weapon or knife blade 911 (0.8%), criminal mischief 797 ( 0.7%), and others 5,084 (4.4%) the total numbers of student from 2005 to 2005 equal to 114338. Students may be released depending on their terms of assignment, failure to comply given task, withdrawal and successful completion of their alternative learning.

      The Disciplinary Alternative Education Program gives alternative education setting across the United States to provide discipline education for students at risk of dropping out. Students who made extreme violation are given behavioral management rather than suspension or expulsion so that they are given the opportunity to change. The differences of DAEPs system is that the student is given voluntary option rather than compulsory school or parent’s recommendation so that they can seek continuity in their studies. This will give them a renewed spirit and confidence that they are also just like any other students who have the opportunity to succeed in life. In addition to regular academic studies they are also given personal, group psychological and spiritual counseling session, parental involvement, community services and other healthy activities to exercise their mind through different discipline variables that they can enjoy, this helps the students to know that they are valued and accepted.

      According to Mcdonnel study during 1989 the goal of American Education System also includes the responsibility and accountability of schools for the results. According to Brandt and Raywid study in 1994 the changes and reforms has been very small and the alternative learning curves has resulted in diversity and behavioral regularities that restrain the school reform program while according to the study of Kohn the school system remains the same for many years in spite of school’s accountability and government reform. While some researchers and academic advocates believed that alternative school program is more effective in advocating a reform in the progression of the students. The alternative program seems to be the one to implement a good choice of program in disciplining their students. This is not to say that the implementation of schools is not successful but usually they are not given emphasis while the alternative program has usually been designed successfully for the minorities and the poor.



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