Problems in Catering Service Business
Catering industry has been in the business with major policy issues, challenges and problems that are all common in this type of business. Foremost is the working conditions and human resources issue, it is fundamental to the business practicality and stability. The conditions of working in hotels and catering industry is associated with long and beyond normal working hours, low pay, instability and low status of the employees.
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However, the daily problems that a catering company faces everyday include the unexpected shut down of their refrigerator, when appropriate freezing and cooling capacity of the fridge is very much needed in order to sustain the freshness of the raw food products for the various functions of the clients within the day. when some of the staff are absent due to illness or personal urgency. Also, if the faulty vehicle will be the cause of the on time arrival in the event or party. Plus the scenario that the food quantity is not sufficient enough for the additional number of guests. These are only some of the everyday problems that a catering services experience in dealing with their customers. And so, in order to prevent all these things to happen; an excellent management policies must be implemented beforehand, and have discussed it with the staff; by doing this, the catering company will be in control of every situation during parties and functions.
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These problems more often caused the catering industry to have an increasing turnover, as well as difficulties in employing suitable staff. These negative side of catering services is the major problem that catering services owners have been experiencing all throughout these years. Hence, to address this problem, the working conditions of the catering staff must be improved in order to attract skilled and competitive staff to be retained in the operations. The next right thing to do is for the catering services owners to invest in the effective human resources development management, at the same time, take a main part in the improvement of the well-being of the employees. And, the efficient and effective way to achieve this is to make an assurance based on a mutual agreement which both the employers and employees will benefit from it in the long run. And, it includes the higher margins and productivity and expansions of the business. Offering attractive remuneration package for the employees.
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Seemingly, there are several catering businesses that are less likely to take the risk of raising their employees' working conditions because they do not want to pay higher net labor cost. Though, this issue has been the major aim of every labor union, still there are still some catering companies that do not consider this idea. The second issue is the legislation, the sector cannot avoid the challenges that the lawmaking bodies implemented for the hotel and catering industry. Nevertheless, as to compare to other industries, the hotel and catering sector has less Compared to some industries, the hotels and catering sector is subject to less regulation and government intervention. Still, the hotels and catering sector is now being instantly subjected by initiatives and legislation in smoking, alcohol consumption or responsible alcohol drinking, as well as food safety and products labeling.
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Furthermore, the hotel and catering sector must not only focus on the issue of alcohol consumption, but also, it is responsible to protect its sector’s image. Therefore hotel and catering companies should be active in monitoring alcohol consumption and controlling the sale of alcohol in their establishments. A proper control over who enters their business places is required; but, they must face the tough challenge of protecting the human rights of their customers as well. Third issue is the intense impacts of new technologies on the catering service sector; this is the main reason that the catering services business raise there efforts to upgrade their operations as well, in order to go with the modern world and sophisticated demand of their clients. A part of the challenges that catering sector is facing these days is the requirement for innovative marketing approaches and strategies such as marketing campaigns in print ads and TV commercials in order to promote their catering products and services.
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Subsequently, hotels and catering services have to work harder these days with IT companies to be able to find the most efficient and effective way in dealing with their customers. Apparently, this cannot be achieved without the intervention of newest technology in the personal services in the industry. For this reason, internet based hotels and catering services are very rampant today in order to provide a fast and effective services to the clients. Due to this very essential factor, the hotels and catering services employers do not have any choice but to hire technologically well-equipped employees to do the modern task in a most efficient and effective manner. Consequently, the advent of new technology in most of the industries here and abroad, lead to high demand of the qualified candidates for employment to demand for the favorable compensation rate on the basis of their advanced educational attainment, as well as to their work experience, innovative skills and knowledge in doing their tasks.
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