PPE Awareness in Different Industry


1.0 Introduction

Many companies in the present economic situation aim to provide a competitive advantage against their competitors and breathe in their goal in gaining the market performance.  The only problem that arises in the industry where the human intervention and physical strength is the main investment is the safety of the overall workforce. The key people who contribute much in attempting to exceed the expectations of the leaders are the same people who are engaging their life in peril.

Research Questions and Objectives

The following are the basic questions that are still an issue in an industry such as factories.

(1)   What is the most effective way to prevent any possible accidents?

(2)   What are the best ways to implement the standard of accident-prevention?

The study aims to identify the answers in this question that is around the life and death of every people within the industry. The research study is fueled by the following objectives:

(1)   To promote the standard of safety and equipment for the workers

(2)   To establish a strong relationship between employers and employees

(3)   To help the firms gain more competitive advantage and eliminating the possibilities of accidents and unnecessary incidents.


At the end of the study, the result is expected to help all the individuals as well as the companies to understand more the concept of safety for the entire firm. Furthermore, the results will vary depending on the capacity of the firm to provide the essential gears to promote the safety of their workforce. Apparently, it is expected that all of the firms, large or small, will take a proper action about the issue of safety of their key people (OSHA, 2002).

Concepts and Research Model

The concept of the study is focused in promoting the awareness and education the people in the business world about the safety. The applied research model is called the cross-case comparison where the firms are allowed to assess or conduct their own study and compare the result of preventing accidents within their competitors.

Significance and Limitations

The study proposes to be important in the area of the responsibility of the company and comprises the possibility to generated additional information that can be contributed for the future use of the company. In contrast, the limitation that may occur in the study is the incidents that may happen beyond the control of the situation. The basic example in this category is the health failure of an employee such as heart attack or sudden unconsciousness. These incidents are not under he category of accidents because the study will only measure the possibilities of accident occurrence and how to avoid it.

2.0 Literature Review

The use of PPE or Personal Protective Equipment has been popular in the industry where the power and strength of the worker is the basis of production. There are many gears that have been introduced in the market and the company usually applies this physical whenever there is a corporate observation. It is important for the people to wear the gears such as helmet, gloves, and other device to make them feel safe (Mukhopadhyay, 2005). The mining industry has been recorded as the largest industry that befriended the peril. In this case, the mining industry and all of their subordinates are bound to comply with this project or otherwise, the government will make the proper action against them.

3.0 Brief Methodology

From the gathered data taken from the companies with high risk in terms of nature of work, the best method to measure the safest way to do their work can be widely implemented in the entire industry. The hazard assessment and risk analysis will be the applicable method to identify the hazards and the risks included. The environment and the people working in it should be also involved in the analysis to determine the applicable garment that can protect them (Mcpherson, 2007).

Research design, Population and Sample

The research is for the workers that involved the physical strength and safety in their work. They must wear the applicable or appropriate protective gear with comfort ability to perform their work well. The workers that are subject for experiment will be based on the area where there is a high risk and potential hazards involved.

Sampling and Sample Size

With the ability to control and solve the issues of safety with the workers, the fresh start is to boost, integrate and develop the proposed projects in different areas where there are potential hazards. The applicable gears are usually based on the people that are active in the field of work where there are present perils. In addition, the proper communication with the other workers is also considered as an effective way to prevent any existing danger within the area.

Data Collection Method and Analyses

The data are taken from the area where there is a high risk of danger such as in mining or construction industry. The evidences will determine if there was any compliance. The areas of regulation and economic sectors that will be affected are identified and the determination of the rights for workers will be introduced under any economic settings (Pires, 2008).


It is in the right of the workers to be protected from different dangers involved in their field of work. The firms have the responsibility to implement the safety regulations within their area. In addition, the firms and the workers should have a strong relationship in terms of their work and should establish the standard to attain the efficiency.

4.0 References:

Mcpherson, D., (2007). Fusing Form & Function: Selecting Protective Apparel for Comfort and Protection Protective Clothing Must Protect Workers, Yet Still Be Comfortable Enough That They Want to Wear It. Occupational hazards, Vol. 69, No. 9, September 2007, p. 29. Assessed 21 Dec 2009, from www.questia.com

Mukhopahyay, P., (2005). The SH&E Climate in India: An Overview. International Practice Specialty Newsletter World Focus, Vol. 5, No. 1. Assessed 21 Dec 2009, from http://www.asse.org/practicespecialties/international/docs/World_Focus_Fall_%202005_Newsletter.pdf

OSHA (2002). U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration, FactSheet3 Assessed 21 Dec 2009, from  http://www.osha.gov/OshDoc/data_General_Facts/ppe-factsheet.pdf

Pires, R., (2008). Promoting Sustainable Compliance: Styles of Labor Inspection and Compliance Outcomes in Brazil. International Labor Review, Vol. 147, No. 2-3. Assessed 21 Dec 2009, from www.questia.com 






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