The Role of International Organizations in Assisting Failed States 


The idea of world peace is very important for every states to move towards economic growth and development, as well as people can live in a better place, so as to have a better world for the children.  This is the main reason that after World War II in 1945, there were 51 states approved the United Nations Charter together with the objective to free the entire world from war, famine, hostility, and epidemic.   The first international organization that was established there after was the United Nations (UN).  It established varied programs that intended to decrease the possible factors that can lead to outbreaks of war and conflicts that associated with it.  In addition to that, an international organization like United Nations has different programs that are intended to intervene on the economic and social development of the people, human rights, and to battle against poverty and hunger in many parts of the globe.  After the creation of United Nations programs, more numbers of international organizations were established for the main goal of preventing conflicts among nations, at the same time, attaining peace in every society worldwide. As the United Nations Preamble states that it was designed both to prevent and resolve international conflicts among nations, at the same time, to help build a culture of peace in the world. And, this mission is always   shown in all programs and projects of the United Nations.  


There are several international organizations that help in promoting world peace to every nation.  These international organizations are initiated in order to   promote educational assistance to the children in the failed states all throughout the world.  Secondly, they are there to protect the rights of the children times of war and other adversities, where these young people are mostly vulnerable. Majority of children in the third world countries are given human right protection, health, and educational assistance in order to help them to survive from all economic and catastrophic challenges brought by various circumstances such as poverty, maltreatment of parents, orphanage due to wars. .  For instance, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) plays an important role and that is to protect the rights of the children around the world.  On the other hand, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) helps to protect the rights of the women and promotes a culture of peace by initiating information programs such as family planning and sex education, as well as livelihood programs and economic assistance for women. By doing this, international organizations help women to take part in the development of one nation, as well as teaching them to exercise their rights as individuals, so as lead them to become empowered individuals who can contribute significantly to the betterment of the world’s population.  While World Health Organization (WHO) promotes numerous medical missions and   health programs that are mainly beneficial to those people in the disaster areas because of calamity, war and epidemic.  WHO also attends to the medical needs of those people in the poor countries worldwide by helping governments to reinforce free health systems and emergency aids to the underdeveloped countries and developing countries around the world.


Furthermore, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)   created  United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),  along with NGOs is mandated to eliminate the dominant problem  of health, over population, poverty, hunger,  environmental pollution,  social  immobilization of women,   and reinforcement of democracy in some countries. Whereas, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is helping all nations that do not have access to  formal education, science and technology, culture and  modern communication.  It also promotes world justice, human rights and essential freedom of speech,  race, religion, and  sex. While United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has been doing its effort to go around the world to facilitate people from other parts of the world to take part in the environmental programs  that can improve the condition of the earth’s ecology system and implement various  legal  policies for the protection of the environment.  These initiatives hopefully   head off towards fewer environmental disasters in the near future. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) ensures that human rights of the people in every nation are respected by signing and ratifying international conventions for human rights.  The "Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms"  which was adopted  in December 09, 1998 through General Assembly of the United Nations.  This organization aims to empower every individual in the world to learn how to give value and respect to human rights. 





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