Professional and Contractual Studies Assignment

The aim of this assignment is to allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the Health and Safety issues and their application within the construction industry, with particular attention to your own personal safety.
Answer EITHER question I or question 2
Please indicate clearly which question you are answering.
In either case assume that you are a professional working in the construction industry. In addressing the question, it is not necessary to write about the history of safety in construction, or to include statistical data.
1. You have been requested to carry out a survey of an office building that has been unoccupied for more than 12 months. The survey will involve carrying out an inspection of the building and measuring the work to prepare drawings and a report on your return to the office. Describe how you would approach the survey from a PERSONAL SAFETY point of view; identify the likely hazards you may encounter and detail what precautions you can take to minimise the risk of injury to yourself and others.
2. You are about to visit a ‘live’ construction site. It will be your first visit to this site. Describe how you would approach the site from a PERSONAL SAFETY point of view; identify the likely hazards you may encounter and what precautions you can take to minimise the risk of injury to yourself and others.
The essay should be of approximately 1000 words.
Please note. essays which do not conform to the word limit will be penalised.



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