Globalization is something that moves one technology grounded stature to the other and it brings in activities of nations as one ideological boom which places politics and culture to move freely and effectively as nation-states have control over commodities and certain economic assumptions. Globalization implies to a process that allow nation-states to execute further research and development paradigms thus, recognizing innovative centered advances of those key players and authorities working well with nation and state tenets. Globalization involves a cycle wherein great minds meet in such planned tactics and value oriented interactions of individuals and groups, global relations of nation-states have pros and cons mostly affecting government and business affairs for example, globalization and its relations are advantageous to information technology transfers such as applying data systems in network channels to save time, effort and money on raw materials and related costs.
Thus, disadvantage if failures happen due to vested motives and intentions those that presents political power and will without approval and consensus of nation-states as well as parties and affiliations involved therein. Global relations of nation-states can be both beneficial and harmful to the general public, to the society as well as to business economies affecting operations under control process of authoritative avenue and means.
Discussion: Globalization and Nation-state: Assumptions, effects and issues therein
Globalization affects every nation-state directly or indirectly to the extent that global based activities, plans and societal programs are being construed to the dimensional aspects of globalization allowing positive and negative effects to rise in a span of time. Thus, in bringing effects on the strife along with the capacity of globalization and its process to undermine nation-states such as HK and UK countries, there is salient matter to determine dimensions of globalization for instance, globalization of nation-states mean that there has been military and political interdependence with augmenting bases, the interdependence is from such set of sovereign grounded nation-states along with expansion and strengths of organizations being ruled by the government as it can be that nation-states are the core and essential actors of global activities put into effective and well built ideals and concepts stature.
Thus, globalizing nation-states mean that there has increase in economic interdependence from within national and local rooted economies mostly those that assume fast moving reality of commodity as well as consumer related goods and services. There are effects toward global public and private companies as nation-states and firms places as one original actors of globalization process and means. Another, globalization of nation-states mean an expanded sequence of individuals and groups within the society effects are on socio-economic migration as well as tourism and travel as well as the government related expulsion as nation-states and individuals place as other main actors of the process. Furthermore, globalization of nation-states like in United Kingdom, there allow expanded interdependence of expressive culture by means of intensified global communication for example, effects are grounded base on several themes from music to ethnic revival spread such as certain fads through UK based society, and that nation building structure can possibly arise to spread global based assumptions and that each type of actors coming from individuals and company organizations to national states are to be involved.
Aside, globalization of nation-states means augmented flow of instrumental culture stats in relation to the world cycle. The overall effects on nation-states cannot be simply put forward as there might be casual models of societal order that becomes authoritative in diverse nation-states conferences and predicable set ups towards a global move. There is focus on the effects of globalization and the possibility of undermining nation-states due to dimensional effects as known for, why there has been rise to situations which assume organized paths and consequences globalization brings to the state affairs. The world society along with globalization process does create and execute several models of national state from within identity and purpose of scenarios considered (McNeely, 1995) have effects on the side of information based on documentation such as denoting to scripted forms if changed would show up national constitutions and laws pertaining to leadership and rule over (Economist, 1995; Featherstone, 1990) as well as such depiction of national purpose within global oriented platforms and tactics (Fiala and Gordon-Lanford, 1987; McNeely, 1995) thus, there are much effect on nation-states databases and information systems (Ventresca, 1995).
Indeed, such HK and UK states have been defining and adopting the fundamental purpose of globalization which has to do with socioeconomic development and societal welfare in support to individual justice as well as equality and human rights. Moreover, ordinary models of socioeconomic development are globally inclined to information and national policies change with changes in world scripts. The undermining of intelligence such as those found in science field as recognize as one central factor to nation-states development upon taking globalization on a pattern with some associated policies and economic investments that has expanded and in spread of rapid global programs (Finnemore, 1996; Schofer, 1999). The same holds for population control in mid-century reversal from pro-natalist to anti-natalist doctrines (Barrett and Frank, 1999); actual demographic patterns follow similar paths (Bongaarts and Watkins, 1996).
Globalization undermine the state as valuable economic policies change in universal waves including modern waves that stress markets and privatization of some states based parties and affiliates, have effects on big wave of policy and practice change due to globalization and innovation has been created by several environment based authorities and advocacy movements (Frank et al., 1999; Meyer et al., 1997). Globalization sometimes undermine the power of the states to bring in effective shifts for example, those that accounts to tourism led activities such as the expansion numbers of national museums and parks and narrow states plan of action for development and spreading of globalization impact on certain assessment policies and rights. In addition, certain models of human rights are also scripted and produce waves of national policy and practice changes in areas such as the status of ethno-racial minorities or women due to globalization and its processes (Bradley and Ramirez, 1996; Berkovitch, 1999; McNeely, 1995). Advocacy movements such as current efforts to extend rights to gays and lesbians are worldwide in character and produce waves of local social organization and national policy (Frank and McEneaney, 1999).
Thus, effects more on the world wave emphasizing states rights and global paradigms had much uncontrolled impact. Globalization through education upon linking ideologies of nation-states rights and of social progress that are highly recognize with enormous impact on educational expansion through global actors (Riddle, 1993; Meyer et al., 1992). From within the individual level, sweeping forms of modernization the reconstruction of the individual as standardized unit with standard rights and capacities (Inkeles and Smith, 1974; see Jepperson, 1992). Globalization is aided by rapid expansion of systems of universal mass education as effect of global states (Meyer et al., 1992), as being known to play dominant role in constructing the standard ‘modern’ individual as part of the society, ever innovating and changing.
There has been in line also the process located at global level as elaborated plans for nation-states can connect to the standing grounds of political assumptions and the model of rights and standing of every citizen moving freely because of global realities as well as ideologies and being built in such kind of law proclaimed and adopted by nation-states linking to the authoritative participant of globalization process and looking up to rapport with other nation-states thus, resolving issues and problems of such freedoms of speech as well as religion and state based culture cues, globalization enters into full version of economic status of the people from within accountable bundle of nation driven rights in support for modern change, the ones enclosed by global denominations. Realizing that effective phenomenon is clear and it imply to global ways of such instrumental structure and the actor hood of nation-states, organizations and individuals having much impact in contemporary information system. The intellectual questions are being answered and the explanation why global structures arise and how it can be organized at the global level in accordance to general operations done by the states which are in place of positive effects toward national societies particular in HK and UK.
There are now faces of rationalized uncertainties and the legitimated requirements of actor hood as one basis of global notions coming from nation-states such as to deal with these uncertainties, modern actors stabilize themselves by creating and using rules of various kinds. There has been driving force for globalization and its actions. The point is that the first ‘interest’ or problem of the modern actor is not to accomplish prior goals of some sort but to be an actor. This requires discovering goals, technologies, resources, sovereignty, control and boundaries. It is much easier to do this if wider stabilizing rules can be created and utilized. So modern actors create and consult collective rules. Nation-states employ common definitions of nation-state goals, socioeconomic development and justice or equality. They consult and respect wider cultural analyses about how to accomplish these goals and use common analyses of state resources (Economist, 1995; Featherstone, 1990). They mobilize standardized ways of organizing sovereignty and control. And while none of these things work very well, they are at least legitimate demonstrations of actor hood which is, after all, the core purpose.
Affective actors then, establish their existence by adopting common forms and by supporting the creation of such common forms. State led organizations, as is well known, follow similar patterns, structuring themselves with the aid of elaborate consulting machineries around common and established models: they devote many resources to the construction of such models. Individuals, too, in the modern system consult a myriad of external rule systems enacted by lawyers, therapists and others propping up their individuality. One achieves strong status as a rational actor by becoming much like everyone else. The drive to the creation of common globalize models of instrumental culture, in other words, is produced by a system that defines actor hood as a core principle. It feeds on itself: each step forward in globalization produces more and more definitions of the requirements and responsibilities of effective actor hood such as modern globally inclined principles of the environment motivating global players in order to support constructive means of the states to alleviate global inspired theories of the states responsibilities.
Globalization has effect on nation-states’ capitalism, as the latter becomes global, transnational as well as informational which can lead to the undermining of the nation-state affecting the states macroeconomic planning also, collectivist welfare state, the state citizens’ sense of collective attitude and the caging of social life measures. The presence of innovative global limits, such as environmental and population threats, producing perhaps new ‘risk nation-states as well as society as globalization process then become too broad and menacing to be handled by the nation-state alone. Thus, there are also effects on politics and several social movements, upon usage of technology base, increasing salience of diverse transnational identities at expense of global sound identities and those state class identities which are being handled by the nation-state. For the reason, people and the public are witnessing the stirrings of new transnational civil society, social movements for peace, human rights and environmental and social reform which are becoming truly global and are globally recognized.
Aside, there is about globalization in lieu to post-nuclearism that has undermine nation-state sovereignty and geographic based politics, mass mobilization warfare underpinned much of modern state expansion yet is now irrational as there were perception of the emergence of state as perhaps measured by the degree of global stature. It is a minority view in discipline of international relations, as there remain attached to the investigation of nation-states and its neighbors. Thus, only modest nation-state became dominant somewhere in the North such as the multi-national empire, dynastic empires of the Habsburgs, Romanovs and Ottomans, with weaker states and little national identity, nation-state alternative. Fascism sought stronger, authoritarian state which would supposedly embody the essence of rigid and ethnical nation due to globalization (Economist, 1995; Featherstone, 1990). Though not strictly nationalist, its increasing tendency to equate the proletariat with masses gave it similar principle of legitimating in sense, had these more ambitious ‘nation-states’ both triumphed and the world had then globalize, its global society would have been constituted by segmental series of global networks between which particularistic, and probably warlike, relations would have existed as any subsequent globalization are expected to be universal in characterization of nation-states.
There are formal trappings have dominated the states as for example, emergence of United Nations, modest nation-state might seem to dominate the entire globe. In some limited senses it actually does. Only few states do not base legitimacy on the nation, or lack monopoly of domestic coercion or real territorial boundedness. Almost manage to implement globalization policies oriented towards basic population control, health and education. There is globalization and mortality and rising literacy have multiple causes but some lie in the realm of effective public policy thus, describe states as nation-states. Yet most possess limited control over territories and Boundaries, while their claims to represent the nation are often specious. Globalization of nation-state remains true aspiration for the future reality. The nation-state’s rise has been global, but modest and very uneven. The nation-state came to dominate, been part of its expansion and represents desired future for the bulk of the world’s people (Carnoy, 1993; Castells, 1993). The question has been does global networks pure in the sense of being singularly universal, or do particularistic principles of social organization help constitute them? An economy may be global, but this may be conferred by help from national and inter-national networks of interaction.
Since economic statistics are gathered at the level of the nation-state, it is unknown what is the relative contribution to this of truly national exchanges compared to the contributions made by multiple local interaction networks. The national economy is less integrated than the statistic suggests especially in backward countries and bigger advanced countries like Australia. Yet nation-state clearly does systematically structure many economic networks. The ownership, assets and research development of firms such as banks, remain disproportionately in their ‘home’ state, and they still lean on it for human capital, communication, infrastructures and economic protectionism (Carnoy, 1993; Castells, 1993). Nonetheless, globalization has effects toward strategic alliances with corporations of some nationality proliferating, weakening the national identity of property though many of these arrangements occur to evade protectionism and might decline if it did. Finance is far more transnational, as evidenced by the growing complexity of .financial markets and of the models supposed to be capable of explaining them from random walk to chaos theories.
Yet its institutions continue to exhibit bureaucratic regularity, much of it with pronounced national character. Financial market reveals national duality thus, trading in government bonds, in currencies, in futures and in wholesale dealing between banks often offshore through the boundaries of states subject to very few controls (Wade, 1996). Global interaction networks are indeed strengthening, the force derives from global scale of transnational relations originating principally from technology and social relations of capitalism. But these do not have the power to impose a singular universalism on global networks. Thus, global networks are also modestly segmented by the particularities of nation-states, especially the more powerful ones, some politics, to major international tensions, then segmentation would actually increase. Yet, the expansion of geopolitics due to globalization means is striking, congenial to transnationalism, imperative action is core to global networks along with systemic principle of interaction as well as integration as nation-states and human societies overlaps and intersects networks of interaction.
Globalization is unlikely to change the pattern, human interaction networks are penetrating the globe, but in an uneven fashion. Globalization involves fundamental strategic misconception. If effective forms of movement ever are to reemerge, will have to be less about keeping up with or adapting to capitalist change, but rather more about developing the capacity to mobilize effectively against the logic of competitiveness and profit to get somewhere else, to an egalitarian, cooperative and democratic social order beyond capitalism run as fast, on capitalism's terms will not in fact lead somewhere else at all. These considerations are germane in light of global challenges posed by what has come to be known as globalization. The apparent subjection of even advanced capitalist social formations in recent decades to the competitive logics and exigencies of production, trade and finance undertaken on world scale has entailed, Robert Cox contends, subordination of domestic economies to the perceived exigencies of global economy (Robertson, 1992; Schofer, 1999).
Nation-states will become more effectively accountable to personified as the global economy, they were constrained to mystify this external accountability in the eyes and ears of their own publics through the new vocabulary of globalization, interdependence, for David Gordon, globalization reflects less the establishment of stable new international regime of capital accumulation than an aspect of the decay of the old 'social structure of accumulation Cox puts it, the tendency to globalization is never complete, there is nothing inevitable about its continuation There must not be taken as advanced stage towards the inevitable completion of latent structure, accounts of globalization see the process as irreversible, perspective the predominant strategic response becomes one which invariably tends to see the strategies, practices and institutions perhaps having been appropriate to national stage of capitalism but as having now been rendered outmoded and outdated by globalization.
For reflection, globalization based laws could be changed only if global bodies that passed them are being controlled; to take the corporation out of the public sphere and place it in the private one, the industrialists had to enter the public sphere themselves, political battle had to be fought in order to place an important century perhaps the most important institution outside of globalization and politics, one had to have power in nation-state in order to make it effective as to how struggle over parameters cannot be accepted but becomes part of activity of the state itself. For instance, capitalist globalization is process which takes place and under aegis of nation-states; it is encoded by the state and respect are due to the authority and globalization involve shift in power relations within states that often means the centralization and concentration of state powers as the necessary condition of and accompaniment to global market discipline.
There must be said that most contributions to understanding the role of globalization within the state amidst process of global means have lagged behind the process itself, offer contribution to what is meant by territorial capitalism, developing framework which would allow substantial approach to the problem of effects of internationalization of capital on existing political institutions. The importance far from conceiving globalization, process which could be understood in terms of capital escaping the state, try to ensure that state economic functions might continue to be performed. The structural role of capitalist state in relation to what may aptly be called global economy as these matters private capitals setting forth the value of globalization leaving forward important cues such as standardizing currency, ensuring availability of key inputs of technology and infrastructure, conditions of work, provision of ideological, educational conditions of production and business under global trading pathways. Thus, performance of global functions there stood the function of international management of external relations pertaining to certain affective dimensions. Any global based capital which extended itself beyond the territorial boundaries of state which had heretofore performed these functions had to either take these functions on themselves or have them performed by some other public authority.
In contemporary era, globalization and advanced capitalist states, there primarily been matter of "states already performing or being willing to perform the functions of their own accord", so that foreign capital came to be serviced on the same basis as domestic capital. In the minds of those who opt for change, the solution will most likely be seen as lying not in the enactment of specific policy program as in the building of new means of collective action informed by new understanding of society and polity within states or it will not happen at all, but it will not happen in one state alone while the rest of the world goes on running with the bourgeoisie around the globe. Movements in country have always been informed and inspired by movements abroad and prove to be the case as opposition builds to the evils globalization is visiting on peoples rights around the globe, including capitalist countries. There is no need to conjure up out international civil society to install democracy. Rather people will witness series of movements arising even national specificities will continue to prevail. To utilize international solidarity movements taken for global alternatives to the struggles that must take place on the terrain of the nation-states.
Just like one person before she stepped through the looking glass, it is as though the Left used to be able to get somewhere else by running on the terrain of the nation state, but now that capital had escaped the nation state, will have to learn to run with the bourgeoisie across the terrain of the globe. Globalization imply new international order involving the emergence of global economic system which stretches beyond the control of single state, expansion of networks of transnational linkages and communications over which particular states have little influence; enormous growth in international organization which can limit the scope for action of the most powerful states; the development of a global military order which can reduce the range of policies available to governments and to the citizens.
Globalization is product of stateless world as filled with ‘social actors’ who are legitimated in rationalistic and universalistic terms. Actor hood is high and constructed form beyond capacities of real social units, working to create stabilizing rules at collective level, providing legitimacy to their structures and activities. Therefore, the supply of global models expands with socially constructed actor hood as there transform agency for others beyond states, globalization expand international associations resting on universal pretenses, social movements on global scale and by actors who present forms as universal models, as individuals and organizations press nation-states to assume global responsibilities. To recognize global units, high structure of state units and deal of internal decoupling within empowered production of subjectivity and uniqueness within construed global culture as being consistent with models of globalization rounded means to keep nation-states on a stable ground.
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