Professionalization of a Female Dominated Occupation


A number of studies and researches have already been conducted in order to inquire and investigate on the nature of gender. The fields and practice of psychology, sociology, anthropology and philosophy have contributed to the rich archive of works on the issue of gender. The issue on gender discrimination is felt by two social groups namthe women and the homosexuals. Published books, journals, and essays; academic papers, thesis and dissertations have tried to explore and explain the different perspectives and depths of sexuality.  


Moreover, the ideals of sexism and feminism have been examined using the critical as well as the cultural approaches have been applied and utilized to recognize and empathize with these groups of individuals who believe in the said principles. A lot of people from the academic society have proposed models and theories that specifically deal with the interest, social and cognitive processes and communication behaviors of gender dynamics.


            Discrimination is the act of making a difference, as in favor of or against a person or thing. It is often used to refer to the act of treating individuals differently on the basis of gender, age, race, religion, or other characteristics. It is a form of behavior that shows prejudice, but not only the form. It is the failure to treat people in the same way because of a bias toward some of them because of some characteristic - such as race, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, disability - which is irrelevant to their suitability for something (e.g., to occupy housing or to perform a job) ().


According to  (1988) even in the 21st century women will still be discriminated against when seeking a certain level of achievement in their career compared to their male counterparts.  It seems easy for women to gain employment at the lower to middle levels of the organization but very difficult for them to reach upper and senior management positions.  (2002) stated that sex equality is still undermined by the fact that women and men do not enjoy equal rights in practice. Certain examples of this inequality are: employment rates are higher for women without children; and women’s employment is concentrated in non-manual occupations, in particular clerical, sales and personal/protective occupations (2000).


In addition to this, “a gap in lifetime earnings of £140,000 is experienced by a mid-skilled mother of two in addition to a gender earnings gap of £241,000, a total of £381,000 earnings foregone over a lifetime compared with an equivalently educated man” (, 2002). Furthermore, with half of the people who graduated first degree in 1999 were women, it is ironic that approximately 15,000 men aged 18-24 obtained a first degree in engineering and technology, compared with around only 3,000 women. Employment rates are higher among women with a higher level of qualification (2000).


Statistical findings show, “18.8 per cent of managers are women, while at senior levels of management women occupy only 8.3 per cent of jobs” (1992). Yet more and more women are enrolling into management courses and obtaining their M.B.A degree. According to  (1992), “Female students attending Universities in management, from early to late 1970’s increased only by 15 percent.” In 1981, over 40 percent of management students in higher education were females. This type of discrimination seems to be a result of women refusing to engage in office politics and a dislike for political activity ( 1988).


According to  (2000), the types of jobs available to women are due to changes in women's historical aspirations. Furthermore he added that in the early twentieth century, women were very traditional and only wanted standard women's jobs such as teacher, nurse, and secretary. But women's consciousness changed in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. They became more ambitious and career oriented. Because of women's greater occupational goals, they are applying for more demanding professional jobs that involve more responsibility and even higher pay. Nowadays, women take jobs that are dependable with their needs, and they don't take jobs that are not consistent with their needs. Women take only the kinds of jobs that they want. In the logical point of view, gender discrimination doesn’t make much sense, since it is the employer who’s got the final word to determine who will be accepted or not for any given job (, 2000).


The concept of age discrimination likewise bears some brief explanation.  It is not illegal to discriminate against someone for being too young. In fact, the anti-age discrimination law does not protect anyone under 40.  The purpose of the law and the way it is written is to protect senior’s from being discriminated against solely on the basis of age. Most companies are very careful in avoiding discrimination against the older workers by offering them an early retirement package, moving them around or hiring them into a less satisfying, or rewarding position, opposed to laying them off, or refusing to hire them.


Moreover, a lot of cases regarding verbal and sexual abuse, harassment and battery among females have plagued the courthouses. Peaceful conferences and violent demonstrations on the streets addressing their interests have been their ways of making the society hear their voices. Fortunatempowerment among the female members of the society at present have been constitutionally upheld and protected by a lot of government administrations (2000; 1995). Their representations in international conferences have helped in pointing out their views and opinions on different issues and disciplines.


The society has long been defined as patriarchal where women are treated unequally compared to men. But despite the drastic change and the very different lifestyle that women have these days, cases of discrimination, usually indirect, are still experienced in the house, workplace and community in general. There is still a set of norms that dictates the female individuals on how to behave in certain situations. Their social roles are still directed by their gender roles.


Most of the time, discrimination is associated with the act of making a disparity, as in favor of or against a person or thing. Individuals are being treated unequally due to the influenced of some strong factors like religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, and even disability. It is a form of behavior that shows prejudice, but not only the form. It is the failure to treat people in the same way. In most cases, discrimination exists because there is no acceptance and respect. It has also been influenced by traditions and cultures.



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