Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation
Introduction for chapter 5
Conclusions are known as the realizations done as the study sums up. Conclusions are made via analyzing the results of the study. Recommendations provide the suggestions to the subject of the study. This chapter will present the conclusion and recommendations for the study. It will provide a summary of the results, what it means and the conclusion for the study. This part will include a recommendation for the study.
The results of the study strengthened the literature in its description of how online reservation systems helped the hotels attract clients and sway consumers into getting their services. Online consumers can be greatly affected by many things including the changes in technology. A business should make use of technology and its advancements to make things better for a client. The online clients of hotels have the desire to know some information about the hotel and what would they receive if they book a room in there. Online clients rely on online reservation technology to be properly informed and make the best booking decisions. Hotels have made use of advancements in technologies to answer the needs of clients. They have used highly advanced reservation services such as online reservation systems. Online reservation systems created websites that specialize in giving good deals for rooms. Online reservation systems are used to make sure that there would be a higher chance for the hotel to be fully booked. Information about the hotel was a vital need for clients but not readily available in past years. The creation of new technologies paved the way for information to be acquired by clients and used by individuals that try to market a hotel. Online clients rely on online reservation technology to be properly informed and make the best booking decisions. Most of the respondents were older than 18. This shows that the respondents were in the legal age and had enough experience in answering the questions. Half of the respondents were male and half were female. The opinion would come from both the masculine and feminine gender. The ideas on hotel industry’s benefit of using online reservation systems to hotels would come from not only one gender. Most university respondents were single but had relative years of experience in a hotel. Most respondents are those kinds of people who have no responsibility towards a wife thus they can make bookings at hotels whenever they want. Most respondents were high school graduates. This shows that the respondents had better comprehension skills and was able to understand the different questions. Given their educational achievement, the respondents can understand questions about hotels and reservations systems. The respondents have a good educational background to answer questions about the benefit of using online reservation systems to hotels. Most of the respondents have been long time users of the internet. The respondents are well versed in the internet technologies and can narrate their numerous experiences with the use of internet technology.
Most respondents have been frequent users of the hotel’s reservation system. Most respondents had a feel and understanding of the concept of online reservation systems. Most respondents think that their life has been made easier by online consumption. They believe that online consumption reduced their difficulties in purchasing a product or availing a service. Most of the respondents believed that online consumption is affected by instances of financial problems. For the respondents the need and desire to consume online can be hampered by financial problems. Financial problems force a consumer to purchase less and think of means to budget their finances. A lesser financial resource means that the consumer would reduce or totally refrain from online consumption. Most of the respondents agreed with the notion that online consumption has helped them acquire various kinds of services. This shows that the respondents have gotten much favor in their use of online consumption. Most respondents believe that reservation system is a vital part of a hotel’s services. For the respondents hotels need technologies such as reservation systems. Reservation systems make sure that the hotel can know the number of guest they will expect. Reservation systems make sure that clients can have an idea of the available rooms in a hotel and make bookings early. Based on the literature Hotels use online tools to market the hotel to perspective clients and communicate with them directly. There are some hotels that require the clients to download an application that they can use to book a room and make inquiries. Clients who book directly with a hotel have a privilege to ask for immediate cancellation without worrying about recovering their deposits.
Most online reservation systems are based on Global distribution systems. Online reservation systems based on Global distribution systems usually use the concept that clients doesn’t need to pay once the reservation is done but instead the clients will pay once the client checks in or once the client checks out. Most of the respondents believe that the reservation system gives convenience to clients. Although there are some doubters most of the respondents think that the reservation system gives hotel guest an easier time in booking for a room. A system or service is convenient if it saves resources such as time or energy or it reduces the frustration of someone. The respondents stated that the reservation system makes sure that they don’t have to worry on the time that will be spent on going to the hotel, waiting for their turn and reserving a rood. The reservation system makes sure that the consumer doesn’t have to call the hotel, wait for someone to answer, talk about the available rooms and its price and then reserve a room. Most respondents believed that the creation of online reservation system was a favorable and positive changing thing. The respondents think that the creation of an online reservation system would only bring good things to the hotel. For the respondents, the creation of an online reservation system would mean more convenience and relief to them. Most of the respondents agree that the online reservation system reduced their trouble in finding a nice place to stay. As the literature mentioned online reservation systems for hotels have become a popular means for booking a room. In such system clients can book a room without being physically present in the premises of the hotel. In online reservation systems, clients can have a room without compromising their security, privacy, and financial data.
Through online systems clients can know the rates of the hotel; compare prices and identify the facilities of the hotels. Before the surge in the popularity of the internet clients can call the hotel or write to the hotel about their desire to reserve a room. In early years, clients can also deal with a travel agent for them to have a room in a hotel. In current times, travel agents have their own picture of the hotels, its rooms, and information on the prices. Travel agents and their partners use the internet to feature reviews on the hotel and its features. Most respondents believe that online reservation system made sure that they will not have difficulty in looking for a place to stay whenever they travel. There are some people who do not reserve a hotel room ahead of time, the use of online reservation system helps to satisfy their need for a hotel room at the most urgent time. For the respondents the online reservation system reduces the difficulty in finding a place to stay whenever they tour a country or they have an urgent need for a place to stay. The online reservation system gave them immediate ideas on hotels that does not cost much but has still some vacancies left. As per the literature the onset of online reservation systems make it sure that people who had a sudden need for a hotel room would be given service. The competition and the onset of online reservation systems created price wars and sudden drops in prices. Online reservation systems created websites that specialize in giving good deals for rooms. Online reservation systems are used to make sure that there would be a higher chance for the hotel to be fully booked, to have a wider client base and to be a popular destination. Most of the respondents believe that online reservation system made sure that they can budget their finances during trips. Budget is a personal financial plan that focuses on allocating one's income towards savings, payment of debt and current expenses.
In creating a budget one considers the spending in the past and the debt one has. After a budget is made it must be followed at a great extent. Most of the respondents believe that online reservation system helped them to compute and prepare for any expenses on their trip. Most respondents think that online reservation systems reduced the need for contacting more than one hotel. The respondents believe that online reservation systems remove the decision making processes done in choosing a hotel. In decision making there should be objectives and it should be classified then arranged on its order of importance. In decision making any alternative actions should be created. In decision making the alternative action should be compared with the objectives. In decision making, any action that can make sure that the objective will be acquired is considered to be the tentative decision. In decision making tentative decisions are checked for possible negative effects. In decision making, the chosen action is observed for sudden negative effects. Secondary actions are taken to make sure that any effect of the chosen action would not lead into bigger problems. For the respondents, the creation of online reservation systems makes sure that there would be lesser need for a decision making processes in choosing hotel. The online reservation system brings about loyal clients that would have no other choice but the hotel that provided an online reservation system. As the literature stated the features of online reservation systems for most hotels have become somewhat similar since more hotels are encouraged to have such system. Hotels need to make sure that the hotel's online reservation system would be unique and would influence the decision of clients.
Most large hotel chains have links with distributions systems of Airlines, it helps in giving travel agents an idea of the hotels that are available and the services it provides. As the literature stated smaller hotels usually don't have the finances to have distribution systems thus they use connection with other companies to provide information to travel agents. The onset of the internet created online travel sites which also act as travel agencies. These types of websites send hotel information to clients and they receive some monetary reward once a client engages in the services of the hotel they are partners with. Most of the respondents believe that an online reservation system must be easy to understand and navigate. Most of the respondents think that for an online reservation system to be commendable it must be easy to understand and easy to navigate. Not all clients have the time to learn all the function of a website. Not all have the time to understand how a part of a website works. Online reservation systems should make sure that the client would easily understand the parts of the website and they can easily click the website function that they deem as important to them. The more people use the internet and its related technology the more there is a need for researches on the best design for such technology. The growth of the internet has created the need to identify processes and practices that are in line with such technology. Most of the respondents believe that an online reservation system must contain the price list for the different rooms and the availability of each room. The respondents believe that an online reservation system should feature the prices for each room and a comment if the room is available or not.
The respondents think that an online reservation system should give all the information a client would need. Information about the hotel was a vital need for clients but not readily available in past years. The creation of new technologies paved the way for information to be acquired by clients and used by individuals that try to market a hotel. New technologies cannot be successful if it is not used in a strategic manner. Strategic use of IT, the internet and distribution systems created and instituted the concepts of Global Distribution Systems and Computer reservation systems which were originally used only within the premises of a hotel but have branched out to an international system through the help of the internet. The internet and e-commerce made sure that reservation systems would reach more people. Most respondents think that a good online reservation system features fast upload of pages and lesser occurrences of bugs or any other error. A computer and software bug composes of an error, flaw or mistake in a computer system which creates an incorrect result. Bugs come from errors in creating the system. Bugs result from misunderstandings during the creation and implementation of a system. Most respondent think that the online reservation system should be accurate and should lead to lesser errors. The accuracy of online reservation system would prove its use to clients. Most of the respondents believe that the online reservations should have security and safety. The respondents believe that security is an important consideration for websites. The concept of computer security applies to the protection of computers and networks. Computer security's objective includes the reduction of threat from the theft or corruption of information. In computer security threats are dissuaded, at the same time the information remains available to authorized individuals.
Computer information security composes the processes that are used to protect information from being tampered or use for unauthorized means. As soon as a computer establishes a link with a network or with the internet, it tends to face a risk. The concept of the security of files while using the internet includes the processes wherein a firm or individual gets to be protected by a complicated passwords, well coordinated change in the permission to acquire files and data backup. Concerns on security issues can be considered as a normal part of engaging in business but a concern in security can prove that users need to feel confident when they use an internet related system. It is vital for a security system to be given high priority by a firm since security can attract or dissuade a client. It is vital for a firm to have a good security system since criminals will attack at any given time without any form of warning. Criminals will always find means to over ride the security system since criminals believe that a successful attack on a company's system would be highly profitable. Security systems should be one of the top priorities of a firm. Those who create an internet security system for a firm should understand the concept of penetration testing, they should know how to detect any cyber intruders and they should know how to act quickly. Most respondents think that online reservation systems should be similar to successful websites. The respondents think that an online reservation system should follow the examples set by other firms. Online reservation systems help a hotel by establishing a good relationship between the client and the hotel. Online reservation systems help in making sure that people who do not book a room in an earlier time would still have a chance to book a hotel room. Online reservations systems help a hotel attract clients by making sure that clients get information and convenience in looking for a room to stay. Online reservation systems helps hotel attract clients by making sure that the clients would feel secure as they use the system. Online reservation systems are a vital technology for any hotel thus its maintenance and constant evaluation should be prioritized by any company.
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