This paper is a case study which requires the application and analysis of the selected theory by the author. The next part of this paper will define the vital words that will be used in this paper. The subsequent topics of this paper will cover the key aspects of the theories related to the case, the key aspects of the case to the chosen theory, the analysis will follow taking into consideration the whole concept of the case study and the selected theory. A conclusion will end this paper taking into consideration the substantial points that have been discussed all through out the paper.
The case at bar involves, who has been in and out of the prison. Ironically, it may seem the will of to make his life better, the happening of an inevitable circumstance to commit a crime has transpired. He was involved in a current offense of breaking in at a small-motor factory. Furthermore, to summarize the family background of, majority of his family members are involved in a commission of a crime and had been in and out of prison. Such scenario within his family home when he was a child is considered as the most important contributory factor on how he perceived life.
From the said case, it is necessary to let the readers know that there are certain theories which are applicable in understanding the psychological reason or aspect of the commission of crimes. Studying the concept of psychology to the cause of the commission of a crime is important especially in understanding the reason behind its commission. There are a lot of theories which can be considered in this study. But the author has chosen the use Social Learning Theory. This theory was highly suggested by the subject professor. According to (1973), social learning is applied extensively by understanding the way of aggression. Furthermore, (1969), focused also in the occurrence of psychological disorders, specifically in the context of behavior modification.
The articulation of the words in this essay will be based on how the theory and the case study were absorbed by the author. Furthermore, certain materials will be use by the author, which will be given proper recognition, at the end of the paper.
This part will provide for the definitions of words to be discussed through out the paper. The definitions provided encompassed the meaning and importance of Social Learning Theory.
SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY – focuses on the learning occurs within a social context. It considers that people learn from one another. The concept of this theory as used in this paper is on the basis of what is presented by
Observational Learning – this means that people can learn through observation. This is part of the social learning theory in identification and relation to the case.
Intrinsic Reinforcement – internal thoughts and cognitions help connect learning theories to cognitive developmental theories. Also, this is a part of the theory that will be discussed within the analysis.
The Modeling Process – the process in order to determine whether or not observed behaviors are effectively learned. In this process there are certain requirements and steps must be followed. This word will also be utilized in order to give this paper a comprehensive guideline on how was able to acquire the said behaviors.
The following are the key aspects of the selected theory that is related to the case. The first one is that the social learning theory is more focused on the capacity that people can learn by observing the behavior of other people and the outcome of those behaviors.
This one feature is a key aspect of the case that has a relation to the case. childhood was subjected to the occurrence of instances which are perceived by him as a matter that is an ordinary act of man. The existence of having several family members going in and out of the prison is related to the said aspect because it gave Ben a basis of observing a behavior which is likely perceive by him thru his observation.
According to (1977), hostile thoughts can result in hostile behavior. In the case of having a brother and a father who have been having a problem with the law is the hostile or destructive behavior of the pattern that Ben has adapted.
The outcome of their behavior gave way to an occurrence of a hostile environment. He suffered from a dysfunctional family environment. Hence, although he had made a promise of not committing it again, the emergence of any circumstance that can trigger the good disposition of his promise will be his caused to break his promise.
The second aspect of the theory that has a relation to the case is that learning can occur without change in behavior. According to (1999), there are a number of behaviorist say that learning has to be presented by a permanent change in behavior, but social learning theorist have said that because people can learn through observation alone, learning may not be necessarily shown in the performance. The readers might argue that the said aspect does not have any connection to the case because of what have learned are all present in his behavior.
But it is right for the author to argue that was brought up in a dysfunctional family environment which means that the actions of his father and brothers could be seen as a normal part of their lives. Hence, the learning he acquired thru his observation from his family does not render any changes, but the adaptation of such behaviors into his life.
The fact that in social learning theory, being cognitive plays a big part or role in learning. Awareness and expectations of future reinforcements or punishments can have a major effect on the behaviors that people exhibit. This instance is present in the entire case which can be attributed to the existence of the absence and excessive punishment he received from his two parents. This brought an effect to the learning of that the actions he performed may or may not be given any kind of reinforcement.
To further explain this, one of the apparent examples of such act is when he made a promise to his wife that he will not be committing any crime again and will make a way to better his life, and then subsequently he committed another crime.
From the said example, it can be inferred that the have the knowledge that by committing a crime, he can go to the jail again, but having experienced a childhood wherein proper reinforcement was not practiced, he chose to commit crime again.
Another aspect is what is stated by(2008), the theory holds that the successful integration of a personal belief and behavior in response to that system leads to feeling of competence or self-mastery, which means one has the belief that he is in charge of one’s relations to and understanding of the world. This aspect is related to the case because the actions of towards his life is only defines on how he perceive that he is in charge of his life, relations and understanding to the world.
He committed crimes although he has the knowledge of his consequences, but still believes that life is much more alright and giving if he commits a crime. His indulgence to alcohol and crime is the manifestation that his behavior dictates his system of feelings and actual performance of what he feels.
Another manifestation of this aspect in relation to the case is on how he did not disclose the other perpetrators of the crime due to a pride of not being a dog. This act of is his self-belief that he is in charge of how he relates to the other people and how he rendered his belief for his understanding to the world.
This section will discuss the key aspects of the case to the chosen theory. This section will provide for a specific scenario which is related to what is specifically being relayed by the selected theory.
The night of the commission of the crime, it was stated that he was just persuaded to commit the crime. Furthermore the belief of the policemen that Bert was a follower who can be easily led. The facts are related to the case in relation to the concept of social learning theory, as explained by (2006), is the conduct of human behavior in terms of continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral and environmental influences. Hence, the continuous conduct of his related to the said concept because he conducted in a way that even third persons can easily observe and determine the consequences or the cause of his actions thru behavioral patterns.
The second aspect of the case is when he committed a crime after stating a fact that he will not committing it again. The variations of his acts but of which are a justification of perpetrating the crime again. Although he found some casual work, he went again into making himself hook into drinking which led him to the conspiracy of the crime committed. According (2008), social learning theory there are beliefs that are favorable to crime. Others may also teach the people so many beliefs favorable to a crime.
Another aspect to be considered is the existence of having reason for to commit the crime again. According to (2006), ideas about role modeling resonated well with criminology, and that stimulus-to-stimulus chains of learning is the most important.
At first, the first stimulant that is perceived by the author why has committed the crime is on the existence of unhealthy family environment, but it can be inferred from the facts of the case, is that was not contented to what is happening with his life and also how boring his work. Hence, it can be related inferred that can derived a series of stimulants in order for him to commit and perform a behavior that would caused him prejudices.
It can be seen that the latter paragraph has a relation to the former aspect. This means that his behavior in committing a crime and the stimulus cited are the basis of for him to commit the crime again, which is favorable for him.
This section will provide for the process on how has acquired such behavior thru learning. According to (2008), factors both involving both the model and the leaner can play a role in whether a social learning is successful.
The following are the requirements or steps involved in the observational learning and modeling process. The first one is attention: In learning there is a need to pay an attention. In case of what he learned was not on his own choice to learn the appreciation of committing a crime but because his environment taught him to appreciate it.
The unhealthy family environment of coupled with the fact that his parents lack the capacity to be a good parent is the cause that made him learn and conduct himself of what he see. The theory stated that if the model is interesting or there is a novel aspect to the situation, the subject is more likely to dedicate his full attention.
The second step is retention. Retention is the ability of the subject to store information which is an important element of observational learning. On the case of what was retained into his mind is the skills, the treatment of crime as being an ordinary action of men, and learning to give further justifications and reasons to his actions. From this it can be inferred that has the skill and improvements on the way he had retain the behavior he have learned.
The next step is the reproduction. Reproduction is the performance of the subject on the behavior he observed. is skillful in committing a crime, on the basis that he performed the acts which are the greatest manifestation of the things that he has observed.
The next step is motivation. According to (1988), reinforcement and punishment play an important role in motivation. Motivation plays a big part on imitating the behavior that has been modeled. As what has been mentioned by the author on upper part of this paper, the motivation of in committing a crime is not on the basis of reinforcement or punishment but he lacks enough reinforcement and has suffered extremely from punishment. The author believes that his motivation only dwells on the fact that there lacks a reinforcement or punishment hence he committed the crime without any cause.
Below is a further illustration on how (2006) has illustrated the concept of social learning theory as explained by What could have caught the attention of from his family environment, the social interaction of his family with each other, and the perception of his family to the commission of crime, is really indeed the main influencing matters that have learned to conduct such behaviors. His behaviors are the result of the encompassing interaction of his persona to the society.
The author now concludes that the application and relation of social learning theory to the behavior in the case is indeed a great source of analysis. The analysis of the author has defined comprehensively the caused of his behavior.
The first part of this analysis dwells on the key aspects of both topics in relation to one another. The analysis has set different kinds of examples coming from the case and the concept of social understanding. The main aspects that are have been an impact to his behavior is the existence of a dysfunctional family environment, lack of perseverance and dedication to perform his work and the ability to look at himself as the master of his relation.
The learning process of was just focused on the happenings that transpired to his family environment. The impact of learning such behavior in a place that can be described as secluded was it dictates how he and will be able to perceive the society. Furthermore, although he may choose what facts and matter to be retained, his retention was also the main result of his dangerous acts. He retained the behaviors that he learned because it was due on how he was brought up and motivated.
Hence, the author have chosen the right theory in looking and studying the conduct of as to the way he lives his life. The amount of what he learned from his family environment is the main caused of everything that made him conduct in a manner that is detrimental to personal being, the society and life as a whole.
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