
—This monograph discusses research, theory, and practice

relevant to how children learn to read English. After an

initial overview of writing systems, the discussion summarizes

research from developmental psychology on children’s language

competency when they enter school and on the nature of

early reading development. Subsequent sections review theories

of learning to read, the characteristics of children who do

not learn to read (i.e., who have developmental dyslexia), research

from cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience

on skilled reading, and connectionist models of learning to

read. The implications of the research findings for learning to

read and teaching reading are discussed. Next, the primary

methods used to teach reading (phonics and whole language)

are summarized. The final section reviews laboratory and

classroom studies on teaching reading. From these different

sources of evidence, two inescapable conclusions emerge: (a)

Mastering the alphabetic principle (that written symbols are

associated with phonemes) is essential to becoming proficient

in the skill of reading, and (b) methods that teach this principle

directly are more effective than those that do not (especially for

children who are at risk in some way for having difficulty

learning to read). Using whole-language activities to supplement

phonics instruction does help make reading fun and

meaningful for children, but ultimately, phonics instruction is

critically important because it helps beginning readers understand

the alphabetic principle and learn new words. Thus, elementary-

school teachers who make the alphabetic principle

explicit are most effective in helping their students become

skilled, independent readers.


Learning to read presents a paradox. For an adult who is a

good reader, reading feels so simple, effortless, and automatic

that it is almost impossible to look at a word and not read it.

Reading seems so natural to the literate adult that one could

easily imagine that it must rank among the simplest skills for a

child to acquire. Yet nothing could be further from the truth.

For many children, learning to read is an extraordinarily effortful

task, a long and complicated process that can last for years.

That is the essence of the paradox. How can a skill that feels so

easy to the adult be so difficult for the child to acquire? The

paradox is interesting to the scientist because learning to read

is strikingly different from other sorts of learning.

But the significance of the paradox is more general, in ways

that touch everyone. Literacy is an essential ingredient of success

in societies like ours, where so much information is conveyed

by the written word. Furthermore, a literate population is

a key to the functioning of these societies. A significant number

of people never achieve the effortless literacy of the skilled

reader. For them, the complex process of learning to read never

came to an end. To help them, as well as children just learning

to read, it is important to understand the source of their difficulty

and how to overcome it. To achieve these goals, scientists

need to understand three aspects of the paradox:

1. The starting point: What are the preconditions for learning

to read? What must a child be able to do in order to learn to

read effectively?

2. The learning process: What is the process of learning to

read? What happens when a person goes from being a nonreader

to being a reader?

3. The end point: What does skilled reading—the end point of

the learning process—look like?

As scientists learn more about the starting point, the process,

and the end point of learning to read, they can more effectively

address the vital fourth issue:

4. Appropriate educational practices: What are the best ways

to teach reading?

These are the central topics with which we are concerned in

this monograph.

The major instructional methods traditionally used to teach

reading have been




instruction. In

whole-word instruction (also called the


method), a

sight vocabulary of 50 to 100 words is taught initially. Subsequent

words are also learned as wholes, although not necessar-

ily out of context. In contrast, phonics instruction emphasizes

the relationship between


(printed letters) and


(their associated sounds). Unfortunately, in English the

grapheme-phoneme correspondence is complex, and critics of

this approach have argued that this lack of perfect correspondence

causes confusion for the beginning reader. More recently,

an approach to teaching reading that emphasizes meaning, called


instruction, has been widely implemented in

school districts, and the debate on how to best teach reading

has focused on whole-language versus phonics approaches.

In this monograph, we first present some background material

on different writing systems and the alphabetic principle.

Then we discuss in more detail the starting point of learning to

read (and the learning process) and the end point (taking into

account insights from research in cognitive psychology, cognitive

neuroscience, and connectionist models), while drawing

implications for learning to read. We continue with a discussion

of the methods that are used to teach children to read and what

happens in classrooms where children are taught to read. We

conclude by discussing research related to reading instruction.



Writing systems have developed around mixes of various

principles that map a graphic form onto some unit of language.

All modern writing systems connect to the spoken language,

and do not directly encode nonlinguistic meanings. Written

language, of course, does not directly use the sound waves produced

by a human speaker: A book obviously is not a CD

player. Instead, writing systems preserve abstract language

units that are used in spoken language.

As illustrated in Figure 1, writing systems differ as to which

language units are represented by graphic units. The elementary

writing units can correspond to elementary speech sounds,

such as phonemes (the /b/ sound in


) and syllables, and to


. Morphemes are the minimal units associated with

meaning (such as the






) and grammatical

form (the




and the




). These mapping

options give rise to the three major kinds of writing

systems—alphabetic, syllabary, and morpho-syllabic systems—

that are found among the world’s languages, often in intermixed

form (1989; 1952). Each system may

have variations in orthography—the details of the mapping between

graphic units and language units. And each system allows

each of its basic units to map onto one or more

phonological units (phonemes or syllables) or morphological

units (morphemes).

English, Italian, Russian, and Korean are examples of


writing systems, in which graphic units (letters) are

associated with phonemes. The letter


in the written word


corresponds to the phoneme /b/ in the spoken word “bat.” Arabic,

Hebrew, and Persian are modified alphabetic systems, in

which vowels can be omitted. In


, such as Japanese

Kana, the graphic units correspond to syllables. Systems whose

units correspond to specific words or morphemes are usually



. The logographic type of writing system is

usually said to be represented by Chinese (along with the Japanese

Kanji adaptation of the Chinese system). However, although

its origins might be logographic, Chinese writing has

evolved into a


system (1989) in

which the characters map onto syllable units that are also usually

morphemes. The world is without an example of a writing

system that encodes meaning in any pure form. In fact, the history

of writing exhibits movement away from representation of

meaning and toward more direct representation of sound

(1989;1952;  1981).

The beginning reader must learn how a given writing system

relates to spoken units in his or her language. Thus, critical details

of learning to read depend on the writing system. Chinese,

for example, can be read by associating each symbol with a

meaning. Learning these form-meaning associations takes considerable

effort. A vocabulary of 5,000 to 7,000 characters is

typical of literate Chinese adults; during the first 6 years of

school, children master about 3,500 characters by learning 500

to 600 per year. For the past half-century, Chinese children

have been taught to read

pin yin

in the first grade prior to learning

the character system. Pin yin is an alphabet, using letters of

the Roman alphabet to spell Chinese words and adding marks

to the spellings to indicate tones, the pitch variations that ac-

company Chinese vowels. Thus, Chinese children can be said

to learn alphabetic reading as a first step toward mastery of

their own morpheme-based system (1995).

Even with this head start, Chinese children spend more time at

both school and home learning to read Chinese characters than

American children spend in mastering an equivalent number of

words. Part of this difference in time spent practicing reading

undoubtedly reflects cultural factors (1990).

However, an additional factor is the difference in economy between

an alphabetic system and a character system. An alphabetic

system gains economy by mapping written units onto a

small set of elements—the phonemes of a language—rather

than the much larger set of morphemes a language has. This association

of letters with phonemes is referred to as the



, and it allows alphabets to be


; that is,

a small set of symbols (letters) can be used to write an indefinitely

large number of words. Productivity simplifies the learning

problem, for example, allowing the child to use the mapping

between four letters and their phonemes /t/, /p/, /s/, and /o/ to











, and



One of the main points of this monograph is that, despite the

economy of the alphabetic principle, learning to read an alphabetic

writing system like English is not easy. There are two main

sources of difficulty: the abstract nature of phonemes (especially

consonants) and the fact that most alphabets do not code each

vowel with a unique symbol. Regarding the first issue, young

children often have an imperfect idea of what phonemes are because

they are abstractions rather than natural physical segments

of speech. This is less of a problem for vowels than for consonants.

For example, the vowel sound in


is about the same as

the one in


, and because vowels tend to have a relatively

long duration, in both words the sound can be clearly heard and

isolated. Thus, a teacher can point at the




and say /æ/, and

the child can hear the vowel sound clearly because it has sufficient

duration no matter which sound precedes it. The pronunciation

of a consonant, in contrast, can be highly dependent on the

vowels that precede and follow it. For example, the /d/ in



different acoustically from the /d/ in


or in


. The letter



then, corresponds to a phonemic representation that subsumes the

/d/ sounds in these words but is not identical to any one of them.

In such cases, it may be difficult for a child who is learning to

read to discover and make mental representations of phonemes

without some assistance. It also follows that applying the alphabetic

principle will be difficult: A child who cannot identify an

abstract phoneme (such as /d/) will have difficulty associating it

with a specific grapheme (such as



The second obstacle to learning to read an alphabetic writing

system is that many alphabets do not code each vowel with a

unique symbol. For example, American English has more than a

dozen vowel sounds but only five standard vowel letters (see Fig.

2). That means that








, and


have to do double and triple

duty, even with some help from




(both of which can

change vowel sounds, as in






can also substitute for


). For example,




, and


each use the letter


for a dif-

ferent vowel phoneme. Thus, the writing system exhibits economy

(one letter represents these vowels rather than three) at the

expense of complexity (the mapping between letter and sound is

one-to-many). The trade-off is a good one because the resulting

ambiguity is greatly reduced by other regularities in the writing

system: For example, the pronunciation of




is determined

by the presence of the final


, and the pronunciation of




is determined by the presence of the


and the absence of



, patterns that occur in many words. Thus, English is not as

irregular as is often implied. However, it is more complex than

many other alphabetic writing systems that adhere more closely

to the principle that each letter should be associated with a single

sound (Gelb, 1952; Hung & Tzeng, 1981).

The English writing system also exhibits a trade-off between

phonological explicitness and morphological transparency.

A fully explicit system would associate the letter


with a

single vowel phoneme, such as the /æ/ in


, and use a different

symbol for the vowel in


. The cost, however, is that this

would obscure facts about morphological relationships between

words. For example, the use of


to represent two different

phonemes in




may be confusing as a

guide to pronunciation, but it serves to remind the reader that

the two words are morphologically related. This trade-off occurs

repeatedly in English (1968).

In summary, there are two main problems associated with

understanding the alphabetic principle. First, phonemes are

perceptual abstractions, and second, alphabets sacrifice phonological

explicitness for symbol economy and morphological

transparency, thereby complicating the orthography. Because

of these problems, teaching methods that make the alphabetic

principle explicit result in greater success among children trying

to master the reading skill than methods that do not make it

explicit. We discuss evidence for this assertion later.


How does a child come to acquire reading skill? What are

the foundational competencies that reading builds upon? What

is the course of development of these competencies? This section

examines these questions. Before proceeding, we consider

some definitional issues. Considerable confusion has been created

by the fact that people mean different things when they refer

to reading. Confounding the problem is a genuine and

useful distinction between literacy and reading.

Literacy and Reading: Definitions

Each definition of reading can be defended on practical, logical,

or programmatic grounds, and each has its own set of entailments

that affect the framing of scientific and educational

issues. According to broad definitions, reading is understood as

a number of distinct literacy activities that have specific functions

(e.g., reading bus schedules, newspaper ads, tax forms, or

road signs; 1986). Narrow definitions focus on

the conversion of written forms into spoken language forms.

The most common definition has been a midlevel one: Reading

is getting meaning from print.

To see the value of the narrower definition, it is useful to

make a distinction between literacy and reading. Literacy includes

a variety of educational outcomes—dispositions toward

learning, interests in reading and writing, and knowledge of

subject-matter domains—that go beyond reading. These dimensions

of literacy entail the achievement of a broad range of

skills embedded in cultural and technological contexts. An extended

functional definition is useful in helping to make clear

the wide range of literacy tasks a society might present to its

members. For example, literacy may be defined as including

computer literacy, historical literacy, and scientific literacy,

among others. Such a functional definition takes literacy as referring

to a level of achievement, an extension of basic skill to

reasoning and discourse in a domain (1998).

However, the starting point for literacy is reading skill. Although

many children are engaged in written language at an

early age, schooling brings about specific expectations that all

children will develop the ability to read and learn from texts.

Our focus is on this necessary foundation. In this monograph,

we use the term reading to refer to the process of gaining

meaning from print. In focusing on reading’s distinguishing

features, we define learning to read as the acquisition of knowledge

that results in the child being able to identify and understand

printed words that he or she knows on the basis of spoken

language. Because words already known to a reader are sometimes

said to be represented in a mental lexicon or dictionary,

this learning process can also be described as a modification of

the mental lexicon such that it becomes

print addressable

. Put

in other terms, learning to read is learning how to use the conventional

forms of printed language to obtain meaning from

words. This definition separates learning to read from other aspects

of cognitive development. The distinguishing features of

reading center on the conventionalized, graphic input to the

reader and his or her conversion of that input into languageencoded

messages. This view implies that the child learning how

to read needs to learn how his or her writing system works.

How reading competence is achieved cannot be completely

separated from how reading is taught. However, evidence for

details of the course of reading acquisition in different instructional

settings is sparse. That means that research that informs

reading acquisition has to be considered at least partly independently

of instruction. We examine research on reading acquisition

after first considering what kinds of cognitive and language

competencies are typically in place as a child enters school.

A Developmental Perspective on Reading

Learning to read builds on cognitive, linguistic, and social

skills that have developed from the earliest age. The most important

among these is the child’s competence in language,

which provides the basic foundation for reading.

Language development prior to school

Well before the start of school, children have acquired extensive

knowledge of many aspects of language, including phonology,

grammar, word meaning, and pragmatics (the social

and communicative use of language). Although elements of each

of these subsystems continue to be acquired over long periods

(e.g., word meanings are acquired over the life span), children

normally acquire the basics of each subsystem by age 4.

The phonological system is especially important for learning

to read because, as we have observed, writing is a means of

representing speech. What are the child’s phonological abilities?

An important part of the answer to this question is that

whereas the basics of speech perception are acquired rapidly,

mental representations of abstract phonological structure undergo

further refinement well into the period when children begin

to be exposed to writing. Newborns can discriminate all of

the sounds (phonemes) that occur in spoken languages. Exposure

to the sounds of one’s native language, however, appears

to reduce this ability; by 12 months, infants readily discriminate

only the sounds of their native language (Werker & Lalonde,

1988). Note, however, that completely reliable discrimination

between words that differ by only a single speech segment may

not develop until the beginning of year 5 (1994). The

reason for this slowdown after the rapid phonological development

in the 1st year is unclear. One general possibility is that

children develop holistic strategies in word perception, relying

on prosodic and acoustic shapes more than segments

(1994). If so, further development is postponed, being renewed

when the child begins to sharpen phonological representations

by taking account of segments (phonemes). One possible reason

for this shift to segments is that the child’s lexicon becomes

larger, forcing finer discriminations (1985, 1992). Another

possibility is that increased speech production by the

child increases the demands for the child to represent speech in

terms of ordered segments (1986).

As in the case of phonology, knowledge of grammar develops

rapidly. The basic syntactic structures of the language are

learned by age 2 ( 1994;

1973; 1984). For example, children under 2 understand

that “Big Bird is tickling Cookie Monster” means

something different from “Cookie Monster is tickling Big


( 1985,  1994). This understanding is

permitted by knowledge about how semantic notions (agent,

recipient of action) map onto syntactic structures (first noun

phrase, second noun phrase) in English. Grammatical knowledge

gets refined during the preschool years, and the child

comes to school equipped with fairly mature productive knowledge

of his or her language.

Reading also depends on a developing knowledge of word

meanings. Unlike grammar, which includes the productive machinery

of language, word meanings are concepts that must be

learned individually. Concepts and their lexical realizations are

continuously added to what the child already knows and refined

throughout development. The process starts early, with

children typically producing their first words prior to their first

birthday ( 1973). The comprehension of word meanings

appears even earlier (1987). A

dramatic increase in word knowledge (the

naming explosion

occurs during the 2nd year, typically coinciding with the

child’s first use of multiple-word phrases

( 1988). Although word meanings may not be part of the

grammatical system itself, grammar and vocabulary appear to

develop in tandem. Five- and 6-year-old children have vocabularies

of 2,500 to 5,000 words (1991). Of

course, vocabulary continues to grow after children enter school,

and it is estimated that elementary-school children learn about

7 words per day (1987). However, individual

differences in vocabulary related to reading ability and to demographics

are readily seen ( 1991). For

example,(1987) reported that first graders

from the upper socioeconomic status (SES) had about double

the vocabulary size of first graders from the lower SES. (See

also 1990.)

Finally, children acquire some understanding of the social

uses of language (pragmatics) throughout the preschool period

(1996). They learn about basic conversational

functions (e.g., turn taking) and conventional speech acts (e.g.,

requesting) that allow participation in a broad range of communicative

situations (1996).

Beyond the basics of the phonological, grammatical, semantic,

and pragmatic language subsystems (by which the child

comes to produce and understand language) are other developments

important for literacy and for the mature use of language

forms. These developments are usually summarized by the


metalinguistic awareness

—awareness of the aspects of

language just discussed, as opposed to the ability to use them.

Children make judgments, for example, about the correctness

of sentence forms, using their knowledge of grammar

(1984). Each of the linguistic subsystems—

the morphological and phonological as well as the grammatical—

is a potential area for metalinguistic awareness. Phonological

awareness, which we discuss in more detail later, is

especially important for learning to read alphabetic writing


One type of metalinguistic awareness that is outside the productive

components of language is also relevant for reading—

the concept of a word. Although young children quickly recognize

that things have names, the knowledge of single words as

basic units of meaning develops gradually over the preschool

period (1974;

1988). Many preschool children appear to confuse

the name with the object it refers to, referring to


as a

long word and


as a short one, for example. The relevance

of this confusion for reading was demonstrated by

 (1977), who found that preschool children

could not specify which of two printed words corresponded

to each of two spoken words that differed in length (see also

1978). Thus, awareness of words as spoken

forms is helpful but not sufficient for recognizing how such

words are realized in print.

In summary, the child comes to school with a well-developed

language system. Many elements undergo further development,

but the functioning language system the child already

has is sufficient to support reading.

Reading readiness and emergent literacy

Learning to read can be viewed from the context of other aspects

of development, too: There are additional skills on which

reading builds, and reading is a component of other developmental

progressions. These alternative perspectives are reflected

in two different approaches to preparing children to

read. The skills tradition has been to teach and assess



skills in kindergarten (around age 5), as preparation

for reading instruction in the first grade (around age 6). The

prereading experience includes skills developed through exposure

to visual forms and oral language, as well as experiences

more directly related to reading (learning the alphabet).

A more recent alternative perspective takes a developmental

view of literacy development. It emphasizes a developmental

continuity between the cognitive tasks typical of the preschool

period and learning to read (1985). This view, known


emergent literacy

(1991), links the young child’s activities

around books to later opportunities for actual reading.

Young children are characterized as developing concepts about

the components of literacy, and their performance on various

literacy-like tasks is used to place them on a developmental

continuum. In this framework, the assumption is that reading

and writing are developmental phenomena. Thus, literacy is

characterized in developmental stages, with children’s ideas

about literacy being qualitatively different from those of literate

adults ( 1986). The central idea of emergent literacy

is that literacy emerges in various forms in development

before being transformed into conventional reading and writing.

This view has had considerable impact on teacher training

and classroom practice. Classrooms organized on emergent-literacy

principles emphasize a variety of communication opportunities—

oral reading by the teacher, idea sharing by children,

writing, and drawing—but with little emphasis on letter-sound


The developmental perspective is important for bringing

into focus the accumulating knowledge that supports learning

to read and providing a reminder that children come to school

with varying amounts of knowledge about literacy activities.

Some children will have acquired some knowledge of how

written forms are mapped onto spoken language, but many will

not have been so fortunate. At some point, children who learn

to read must learn how their language is represented in the

writing system. This knowledge is not a natural end point of a

developmental progression; rather, it is usually the product of

instruction and practice.

A learning perspective on learning to read

Learning to read is one specific example of learning. According

to this perspective, the salient questions are (a) what is

it that children learn when they learn to read? and (b) how does

such learning come about? The answer to the first question is

roughly that a child comes to learn that the writing system encodes

his or her spoken language in a systematic way. The answer

to the second question is that the child must be taught or

else discover how this systematic encoding works.

Learning to Read an Alphabetic Writing System

For an alphabetic writing system, a child must learn that letters

and letter strings correspond to speech segments. The alphabetic

principle, the idea that written symbols are associated

with speech sounds, is the key design principle of alphabetic

writing and must be grasped by the child. Whether this knowledge

is acquired implicitly (through the extraction of printspeech

correspondences in text) or explicitly (through direct

instruction) varies among children.

Alphabetic writing systems differ in terms of



( 1987), or the consistency of the

mapping between letters and sounds. In a



the mapping is highly consistent. Finnish, Italian, and Dutch

are all shallower than English because letters are more reliably

associated with particular phonemes. English is deeper because

the spelling-sound correspondences are more variable, as illustrated

earlier. In comparing different orthographies’ complexity

and ease of learning, one needs to consider not just depth,

but also many other features of orthographies and the languages

they represent, as well as trade-offs between orthographies

and languages ( 1992). For example, English

has many irregularities at the level of individual graphemes and

phonemes, but most of them occur in short, high-frequency

words, such as




, and


. Moreover, English is less inconsistent

at the level of the larger, subsyllabic unit called the

rime (a vowel plus syllable ending;

1995), and this unit is highly

salient in early reading ( 1993).

Good readers have a good grasp of spelling-sound correspondences,

as evidenced by their ability to sound out novel

words ( 1989). The extent to which learning the alphabetic

principle depends on explicit instruction is not clear.

Some evidence suggests that it may be difficult for children to

infer the principles of correspondence without instruction

(1991), whereas other research suggests that this is exactly

what successful readers do in the absence of direct instruction

(1996). Both

conclusions seem reasonable. Without direct instruction, learning

to read successfully is not guaranteed, but some children do

learn to read without such instruction. To the extent that learning

occurs, whether by direct instruction or implicit learning,

the problems posed by an inconsistent orthography are overcome

just as other inconsistent-mapping problems in human

learning are overcome—by practice. With sufficient effective

practice, children acquire a context-sensitive mapping of relations

between graphemes and phonemes (and larger units). So

-ow comes to be pronounced one way in the context n_ _ and

another way in the context l_ _. As we discuss next, initial success

in learning to read depends on the extent to which the

child has developed knowledge of individual speech sounds.

Phonological Awareness

The central problem in learning to read English is that although

discovering and applying the alphabetic principle is a

key to success, this is not an easy achievement for beginning

readers. Concerning this discovery, (1979) wrote, “If the

light were not so gradual in dawning, the relationship between

speech and print might count as one of the most remarkable

discoveries of childhood” (). As already noted, this is a

difficult learning problem because (a) phonemes are abstract

categories, (b) they have not been fully developed through the

use of speech by the time reading instruction begins, and (c)

there are inconsistencies in the mapping between spelling and

these units in deep alphabetic orthographies such as the one for


The term phonological awareness (or phonemic awareness)

refers to children’s knowledge of the internal sound structure

of spoken words. There is a large literature examining how

children’s level of phonological awareness relates to their success

learning to read. Phonological awareness is assessed by

tasks such as deciding if two words rhyme or if they start or

end with the same sound. Not surprisingly, children who perform

well on such tasks do markedly better in early reading

than those who do not. And, conversely, children who score

poorly on phonological-awareness tests prior to entering school

are much more at risk for not learning to read effectively than

children who score well ( 1978, 1983).

The strong relationship between phonological awareness

and learning to read has been shown by numerous studies in

several languages ( 1988; 1989;

1976; 1980;

 1984;  1988;

1987). Other studies have suggested that

instruction can bring gains in phonological awareness and, in

turn, in reading (1988;

1983; 1991;

 1988;  1991;

1987;  1983;  1991).

Moreover, reading programs that emphasize phonologicalawareness

training have proved to be successful in classrooms

(1989;1999). Effective reading

instruction can help teach children what they need to know

about both the alphabetic principle and phonological awareness.

Furthermore, phonological training can remediate problems

for children who have not learned to read (

1989;  1997).

The relationship between knowledge of phonological structure

and ability to read is reciprocal. At the start of reading instruction,

children’s knowledge of phonological structure is partial:

Although they have begun to discover aspects of the internal

structure of spoken words, they typically have not converged

on explicit representations of phonemic segments. These partially

structured phonological representations are sufficient to

support the use of spoken language. Exposure to orthography

and explicit instruction in the mappings between spelling and

sound lead to further refinement of children’s phonological

representations, in the direction of more explicit representations

of segments and other units such as onsets and rimes.

Learning to spell also contributes to this process

(1992). These refinements in turn facilitate further

development of reading skill.

These observations suggest that the child’s development of

phonemic representations is more closely tied to reading than

to speech. No child ready to read has trouble hearing that bad

and pad are different forms with different meanings. Making

such distinctions does not require the use of phonemes; they

can be based on acoustic phonetic information (such as the difference

in voice onset time, the lag between the release of the

consonant and the onset of the vowel, that differentiates /b/

from /p/) to which even infants are sensitive, or on the basis of

whole syllabic representations. In fact relatively few preschool

children demonstrate an awareness of phonemes despite showing

awareness of syllables

( 1974). The alphabetic writing system both builds

upon and facilitates the development of phonemic representations.

It is in keeping with the alphabetic principle that a single

letter d, for example, is used to represent the category of

sounds called the phoneme /d/. Thus, the alphabetic principle

was a unique discovery in the evolution of writing systems

( 1952), and it is a discovery not made by all children on

their own.

Three types of evidence indicate that reading experience

plays a role in developing phonemic knowledge: (a) studies of

illiterate adults ( 1979), (b)

longitudinal studies of first graders ( 1987), and

(c) studies of Chinese readers (1986;

 1986). For example, Morais et al. compared how illiterate

and recently literate Portuguese speakers from the same

community performed on phonological-awareness tasks. The

illiterate participants could not add or delete an initial consonant

from a spoken utterance, but the adults who had recently

become literate by attending adult education classes performed

the task successfully. The implication is that experience with

an alphabetic orthography may be necessary for an individual

to develop full phonological representations.

Experience with an alphabetic orthography also reduces the

impact of dialect variations on phonological awareness. Despite

regional dialects, speakers of American English share

knowledge of phonology, morphology, and semantics. For example,

some Americans no longer explicitly represent final

consonant clusters in speech (e.g., test is pronounced “tes”).

However, there is an underlying tacit awareness of these phonemes

in all speakers, whether they are literate or not. This

awareness is evidenced by their overt phonological representation

in inflected forms of a word. That is, /st/ is pronounced in

“testing” by a speaker who would drop these phonemes in

“test.” However, this tacit knowledge is not sufficient for illiterate

speakers to identify the final sound in “test” as /t/

(1979). Furthermore, for literate speakers, there is the awareness

that despite reduction of consonant clusters in speech, the

phonemes /st/ are explicitly represented orthographically in

spelling (test). Thus, experience with an alphabetic orthography

draws conscious attention to the underlying phonological

representation of words and prompts literate speakers to write

final consonant clusters even though they do not pronounce

them in speech.

Finally, we add a note about the relationship between intelligence

and phonological awareness. It is tempting for laypersons

and parents to assume that intelligence plays a critical role

in learning to read. In the extreme, of course, this must be true.

However, three lines of evidence indicate that in general it is

not. First, studies of children who learn to read early (prior to

entering school) indicate that there is not a strong relationship

between IQ and early reading (1973;

1966); although the mean IQ of early readers is above average,

the range of their IQ scores indicates that many children who

are early readers do not have unusually high IQs. Second, a

number of studies have found that IQ is only weakly and nonspecifically

related to reading achievement in the first and second

grades (1984). Finally,

children who have difficulty learning to read often have aboveaverage

IQs ( 1995). Hence, it is not surprising that

phonological awareness is the strongest predictor of early reading

skill (1990).

Learning to Read at the Beginning

Prior to the onset of direct instruction in grapheme-phoneme

correspondences, when children’s knowledge of phonological

structure is limited, their earliest attempts at reading are

revealing.  (1993;  1991) demonstrated

that 5-year-old children, as a first pass at reading, associate features

of print with spoken word names, apparently without using

the orthography of the words. In one experiment, children

learned to recognize a word by use of a thumbprint placed on a

card containing the printed word. When the thumbprint was absent,

so was recognition. In another experiment, children were

found to associate selective parts of the printed word to the

spoken word. After being shown a short list of words, they

were presented with either the first letters or the end letters of

the words. Children who could identify the word based on its

first letters failed to identify it when presented with only the final

letters; children who could identify the word based on the

final letters failed to identify it when presented with its initial

letters. This suggests that attending to all the letters of a word is

not something that all children do at the beginning (see also

1988).  study does not imply that 5-year-olds

cannot use letter forms and their associated speech forms. It

merely shows that in the absence of reading instruction and

knowledge of letter-sound correspondences, children can approach

a reading task by memorizing the visual images of

words, without learning how the sound-letter system works.

Moving to productive reading requires more than memorizing

printed words.

Theories of Learning to Read

Progress in learning to read has often been viewed as a series

of stages (1983;  1991;  1985;

 1980;  1981).

The earliest stage can be characterized as attempts to learn associations

between visual features of graphic forms (not complete

orthographic word forms) and spoken words. A subsequent

stage of graphic-phonological decoding, in which children

learn the letter-sound associations, brings on a truly productive

capability enabling them to read words they have not seen

before. The use of letter names as a bridge to phonology is a

beginning step (1991). Alternative theoretical accounts

emphasize the incremental acquisition of individual word representations

rather than discrete stages (1992). In each

of these theories, phonology plays an important role in helping

the child establish word-specific orthographic representations,

a proposal that has come to be known as the bootstrapping hypothesis,

the idea that attempting to decode an unfamiliar word

is a form of self-teaching that allows the child to acquire an orthographic

representation for the word ( 1995).

Stage theories of reading development

A proposal by (, 1980;

 1991; 1991) illustrates stage theories.

The first stage is a visual association stage, which is followed

by a second stage of decoding-based learning. In the first stage,

the child, absent any knowledge of decoding, uses any conceivable

source of information to discriminate one word from another.

In doing this, the child builds up a set of words that can

be recognized on the basis of partial visual cues (e.g., an initial

letter). Gough called this first stage selective association because

the basic learning mechanism establishes idiosyncratic

associations between some part of a printed word and the name

of the word. Under the right circumstances, including an increase

in phonological awareness and an intention to encode all

of the letters of the word, the child moves into the cipher stage

of true reading (1985, called this the alphabetic stage).

As the child reaches the limits of learning associations, there is

pressure to adopt a new procedure, one based on the alphabetic

principle. Early in reading, for example, a child can attend to

the m in mouse to distinguish mouse from cat and house. But as

moon and moose are encountered, the association cue that was

sufficient earlier becomes insufficient. This problem then fuels

progress in the child’s attending to more orthographic information.

An alternative view comes from  (1980, 1991;

1985). In her theory, there is no purely visual stage (as

in  account). Rather, children use letter names as cues

to word identification from their very first opportunity, as when

the letter j provides its name (“jay”) as a cue for reading the

word jail. Learning the alphabet, not necessarily the alphabetic

principle, is the key that moves a child into the first stage of

reading, called phonetic cue reading. In this stage, the child

reads by using some of the associations between the printed

letter forms and the phonetic cues of some of the letters (their

phonological associations). As in the selective association

stage identified by Gough, the child is reading primarily by using

incomplete, selective associations. But in Ehri’s account,

the associations are systematic and based on letter-sound correspondences.

The process of learning to read involves establishing

complete word representations that have both phonological

and orthographic components.

A nonstage incremental theory

The theories we have discussed so far assume that children

learn to read by progressing through a series of stages defined

by different types of decoding strategies. Other theories emphasize

the incremental nature of development

(1997). The basic idea is that

many types of knowledge are acquired gradually on the basis

of many experiences. What appear to be qualitative shifts in

strategy result from changes in the amount and complexity of

the information that has been acquired. Consider, for example,

the observation that children progress from an early logographic

stage (in which printed words are directly associated

with meanings and pronunciations) to an alphabetic stage (in

which they make use of knowledge concerning components of

words such as letters and phonemes). Research (see Using

Connectionist Models) has shown that this shift does not require

a change in strategy or in the hypothesis about the nature

of print. Rather, it can be accounted for by a process of gradual

learning based on many examples. In other words, progress to

an alphabetic stage can be viewed as a change in behavior: increased

sensitivity to the internal structure of words and the

correspondences between subword components and pronunciations

(as the alphabetic principle is discovered). Thus, whereas

stage theories provide qualitative characterizations of changes

in children’s performance, the connectionist theory attempts to

explain how these changes arise from more basic mechanisms.

In (1992) nonstage framework, learning to read

involves the acquisition of increasing numbers of word representations

that can be accessed by their spellings (quantity acquisition)

and changes in the specificity and redundancy (quality

dimensions) of individual words’ representations. As a child

learns to read, his or her representations of words increasingly

have specific letters in their correct positions (i.e., increased

specificity). Also, these representations become phonologically

redundant. The addition of specific grapheme-phoneme correspondences

for a word is redundant with the word-level pronunciation

of the word. Such redundancy assists word reading

by allowing both letter-level and word-level processes to produce

a word’s pronunciation. Together, increasing specificity

and redundancy allow high-quality word representations that

can be reliably activated by orthographic input. As individual

words become fully specified and redundant, they move from

what is called the functional lexicon, which consists of words

that can be read only with effort, to the autonomous lexicon,

which includes words that can be read with minimal effort.

This theory has been applied to explain individual differences

in reading skill (, in press).

All the theories we have discussed are compatible in many

respects and indeed share the fundamental assumption that

achieving reading skill requires use of the alphabetic principle.

This principle, effectively applied to print-sound connections

and supported by phonological sensitivity, is the critical factor

in early success in learning to read (1983;

 1991; 1986;

1995; 1988).

Mechanisms of Progress in Learning to Read

Beyond these rudimentary beginnings, progress in learning

to read is fueled by several factors that center on increasingly

adaptive use of the alphabetic principle and the establishment

of orthographic patterns that are associated with pronunciations.

Successful learners apply their primitive understanding

of the alphabetic principle to their encounters with words,

which are turned into opportunities to apply and extend their

alphabetic knowledge. Studies by  (1990;

1988) illustrate this point: The extent to which children

made phonological errors (i.e., misidentified a word as a similar-

sounding word) in word reading early in the first grade predicted

their end-of-year reading achievement. Nonphonological

errors, including errors that shared letters but put phonemes in

the wrong position (e.g., like for milk), were associated with

low end-of-year achievement. The point at which phonological

errors became more common than nonphonological errors coincided

with when the child attained functional phonological

skill (i.e., knew at least half the alphabet and was successful in

at least some tests of phonological sensitivity). Also, the level

of a child’s phonological sensitivity (awareness) corresponded

in some detail to the level of the child’s achievement in word


Truly productive reading, the ability to read novel words,

comes only from an increase in knowledge of how orthography

relates to phonology. This requires attention to letter strings

and the context-sensitive association of phoneme sequences to

these letter strings. This is where sensitivity to phonological

structure should play its most important role. Children who

have attained this productive level of reading can read pronounceable

nonwords, and their errors in word reading show a high

degree of phonological plausibility. These considerations, along

with demonstrations that success in learning is associated with

a phonological approach to reading (1988),

suggest that the main learning mechanism available to the child

is phonological recoding, recoding of spellings into pronunciations.

A model of how this mechanism works comes from

(1995), who emphasized the role of self-teaching in learning

to read words. An important focus in this model is children’s

attempts to phonologically recode words. One opportunity

to do this arises during reading aloud either to a parent or to a

teacher. The feedback from these attempts gradually builds up

the orthographic representation of specific words. The role of

phonology, in effect, is to influence the development of wordspecific

orthography. The letter-by-letter processing in sequential

decoding of words may be the main factor in producing

high-quality word representations that incorporate the letter

constituents of those words ( 1990; 1980;

1992;  1979). Several studies have

found that a few exposures to a word may be sufficient for the

child to acquire word-specific orthographic information

(1977;  1985;  1983), increasing the specificity

and redundancy of the child’s printed-word lexicon. Although

other mechanisms might promote the acquisition of printaccessible

word representations, phonological recoding is the

most effective mechanism (1995).

The importance of a phonological-recoding mechanism,

therefore, goes beyond its role in learning decoding rules. In

addition, the application, even the imperfect application, of this

mechanism helps the child learn specific word forms. Models

such as  (1995) self-teaching model emphasize the child’s

acquisition of individual word representations, rather than stages

of development. Such models (1999;

1992;  1995) ask “which words can a child read?”

rather than “what stage is the child in?” The rapid buildup of

the child’s lexicon through reading promotes many words to a

functionally high-frequency status (i.e., they become familiar).

Texts that contain a high proportion of familiar words will be

read well, and the occasional low-frequency word provides an

opportunity for phonological self-teaching. Because the child

will face many low-frequency words over time, the phonological-

recoding mechanism is a very powerful, indeed essential,

mechanism throughout reading development, not merely for

beginners. Research has shown, for example, that third-grade

children who are skilled in reading can quickly and accurately

read a novel word that they have previously only heard; less

skilled readers tend to reach the same level of accuracy and fluency

reading these words only when they have previously actually

seen the words (1978).

An important fact about the acquisition of reading skill is

that it improves with practice. What is it that is improved?

Practice improves many components, but central among them

is knowledge of individual words. Experience in reading allows

the increasingly accurate representation of a word’s spelling

(its specificity), as well as a strengthening of the connection

between the phonological form and the spelling, and this specificity

increases the speed of word identification. Practice in

reading brings about an increasing facility with words because

it increases the quality of lexical representations. It turns lowfrequency

words into high-frequency words. The result is what

is commonly known as fluency in reading. Fluency entails developing

rapid and perhaps automatic word-identification processes

( 1974). The main mechanism for

gains in automaticity is, in some form or another, practice at

consistent input-output mappings (1977).

In reading, automaticity entails practice at retrieving word

forms and meanings (the output) from printed words (the input).

Automaticity is a characteristic of specific words, not

readers. Words move from the functional lexicon to the autonomous

lexicon as a result of practice reading text.

Experience not only builds automaticity, it also establishes

an important lexical-orthographic source of knowledge for

reading (1989). This lexical-orthographic

knowledge centers on increasing familiarity with the letters

that form the printed word. It is reflected in performance on

tasks that assess spelling knowledge, as opposed to those that

assess mainly phonological knowledge, and is indexed by the

amount of reading a person has done. Phonological and lexicalorthographic

abilities are correlated, but each makes a unique

contribution to reading achievement. The result is two complementary

but overlapping kinds of knowledge that support the

reading of words.

One benefit of reading practice is that it supports comprehension

ability, vocabulary growth, and spelling skill. Stanovich

( 1992;  1989)

measured college students’ reading experience (or print exposure)

and correlated it with measures of cognitive and reading

abilities. On the Author Recognition Test, a print-exposure

measure, readers are given a list of 80 names, 40 names of real

authors and 40 other names, and are asked to indicate which

are the names of authors. Correctly identifying the real authors

on this test is presumably an indicator of reading experience,

and greater reading experience, measured in this way, correlated

with better comprehension, spelling, and vocabulary

skills. Furthermore, print exposure accounts for variance in

word recognition and spelling that is not accounted for by phonological

processing in adults

( 1990; 1989) and children


Notice that the Author Recognition Test allowed differentiation

of print exposure within a relatively homogeneous population

of college-age readers. Print exposure appears to be the

literacy equivalent of practice in skills like chess; just as practice

in chess separates grand masters from excellent tournament

players, practice at reading separates skilled readers from

less skilled readers in the college population. Thus, this research

is important in establishing that the amount of reading

makes an independent contribution to reading skill. This contribution

appears to be mediated not by phonological processes,

which readers must acquire anyway, but rather by the

more general facilitation that arises from accessing words repeatedly.

It is the dilemma of the less able reader that he or she

will not get as much practice as the more able reader. The gap

between more and less able readers thus increases with time

( 1986). Furthermore,

(1997) found that 1st-grade reading ability was a strong

predictor of 11th-grade reading ability and suggested that the

rapid acquisition of reading ability helps develop the lifetime

habit of reading. Thus, although it might be tempting to believe

that initial differences in reading ability wash out over time, the

data suggest just the opposite.


Children’s initial expression of the alphabetic principle appears

more often in spelling than in reading (1985). Indeed,

children’s attempts at spelling prior to formal reading

instruction typically reveal an understanding of basic lettersound

associations (1970;  1971). In producing

spellings, preliterate children often use the sounds associated

with the names of the letters, spelling car as “KR,” for

example. In effect, this spelling uses the name of the letter R (/ar/)

to capture both vowel and consonant. As

(1997) pointed out, the tendency to use letter names in spelling

is affected by phonological properties of the letter names. R is

more likely to be used for /ar/ than T is for /ti/ or L for /l/ because

it is harder to segment the /r/ from its preceding vowel

than to segment the /t/ and /l/ from the vowels following and

preceding them. These observations have two important implications:

 findings about R, L, and T reflect

the difficulty of reliably segmenting syllables into phonemes

and reinforce the conclusion that full awareness of phonemes is

difficult to achieve prior to literacy. But the broader implication

is that one underestimates the child’s potential grasp of the alphabetic

principle—or at least the idea that speech sounds are

associated with letters—if one considers only decoding. Spelling

is the primary early indicator of this potential and can form

the basis for later expression of the alphabetic principle in decoding.

It is also clear, however, that early spellings are guided by

more than the child’s attempts to map sounds onto letters.

(1993;1997) has shown that at an

early age children become sensitive to both the orthographic

structures and the morphological structures that are present in

spellings. Even in first grade, children’s classroom spellings reflect

a number of orthographic conventions, including, for example,

the fact that ck never occurs as a spelling of /k/ at the

beginning of a word, but does occur following a vowel. First

graders show their sensitivity to morphology when they refuse

to spell dirty as “dirdy,” even though the /d/ sound is what is

heard. The conventional spelling honors the fact that dirty contains

the lexical morpheme dirt plus a suffix. Children are more

likely to substitute a d for a t in a single-morpheme word such

as duty (1994). At this age, children’s

use of morphology is very incomplete, and many of their

errors reflect a preference for spelling a sound over spelling a

morpheme. But clearly, at least as soon as literacy is under

way, children begin to show an awareness that conventional

spellings honor both phonological and morphological structure,

as well as conventional orthographic constraints.

Eventually, in many languages, the learner confronts an important

fact about spelling: Typically, the mapping from pronunciation

to spelling is less consistent than the mapping from

spelling to pronunciation. Reading is more reliable than spelling.

An important idea about the relation between spelling and

reading comes from recent research on word identification. The

more ways a sequence of phonemes can be spelled, the longer

it takes to read a word containing that sequence. For example,

shelf is more efficiently read than sneer because its rime unit

/lf/ is always spelled elf, whereas the rime unit /ir/ is spelled

variously as eer, ear, ier, or ere. Notice that this is not a question

of consistency in the direction of orthography to phonology:

eer is always pronounced /ir/.

(1997) reported the first demonstration of this backward consistency

effect (i.e., effect of phonology on orthography). Although

the reliability of this phenomenon is a focus of research

(1998), it is interesting to note

the obvious implication it would have for reading and spelling.

If reading words really includes a feedback mechanism from

phonology to orthography, then the reader would not merely

convert a written input into a phonological representation but

would also, in effect, verify (rapidly and unconsciously, to be

sure) that the phonological representation could be spelled in

the way presented. More generally, the hypothesized feedback

mechanism illustrates one way that spelling and reading may

be intimately related.

The relationship between reading and spelling is represented

in Figure 3, which presents a system in which lexical

representations include information needed for both spelling

and reading (both letter and phoneme strings). Some identities

(letters or phonemes) can be missing or variable or incorrectly

specified, especially for children. Reading can be successful

with an underspecified representation, but spelling cannot.

It has been observed that children can sometimes spell

words that they cannot read (1980). However,

this phenomenon is no more frequent than that of failing

to read a word after having read it successfully once before, or

failing to spell a word after successfully spelling it once before

(1992). Thus, variability in performance,

which is presumably due to an unreliably specified

mental representation, characterizes both reading and spelling

and is consistent with the assumption that reading and spelling

have a common representation system.

It is the case, of course, that spelling is more difficult than

reading, and indeed many skilled readers identify themselves

as “terrible spellers.” Spelling is typically more difficult than

reading not because they use different representations, but because

spelling requires additional processes that benefit from

specific practice at spelling. Because spelling requires production,

whereas reading requires recognition, success in reading

does not lead automatically to success in spelling. Interestingly,

this is true even among children who are learning to read

a shallow orthography through phonics-based teaching, as is

the case in the Netherlands (1997). Children’s

spelling ability benefits from instruction that specifically

targets the production of conventional spellings.


It can be reasonably argued that learning to read enables a

person to comprehend written language to the same level that

he or she comprehends spoken language. Thus, reading comprehension

is not so much an issue of reading as it is an issue of

general language comprehension. However, the reality is that

assessments of reading skill are concerned with reading comprehension

and that this concern reflects the expectation that

children should understand what they read. Thus, although we

focus more in this monograph on word reading than on comprehension,

it is important to emphasize the importance of

comprehension as a part of a more complete picture of reading


There are several important points to emphasize in considering

comprehension. First, as we just pointed out, comprehension

is a matter of language understanding, not a unique feature

of reading. Thus, the acquisition of reading comprehension

skill includes two highly general components: the application

of nonlinguistic (conceptual) knowledge and the application of

general language comprehension skills to written texts. An important

question for instruction is the extent to which either of

these applications needs to be targeted in the classroom. The

research literature is clear in showing profound effects of specific

conceptual knowledge on the comprehension of texts

(1983). Knowledge is a matter of general education,

inside and outside the classroom, and has little specific

claim on reading, however. Its contribution, as important as it is

to every comprehension event, is not an intrinsic component of

reading, which includes mechanisms that can compensate to

some extent for limited knowledge (1985).

Two conclusions about the role of comprehension in learning

to read seem warranted. First, comprehension is critical as

part of the acquisition of reading skill. Second, much of what is

important about comprehension is highly general to language,

and not unique to reading. Evidence for this comes from the

high correlations (in the range of r  .9) observed between

written and spoken language comprehension among adults

( 1994;  1990;

 1990). These correlations are lower for children

and increase with age ( 1980;  1984), as

would be expected if general language-comprehension skills

show their importance as basic literacy skills are mastered.

If written and spoken language comprehension go together,

what about children who can read words but whose reading

comprehension is not as good as their spoken language comprehension?

The frequency of such cases may be exaggerated

by the anecdotal impressions of teachers who have not had the

luxury of assessing carefully both the comprehension (spoken

and written) and word-identification skills of such children

( 1985). There is surprisingly little convincing documentation

of pure reading comprehension deficits accompanied

by high levels of both word-identification and listening

comprehension skill. Some research ( 1996;

 1991) suggests that some children have better

decoding than reading comprehension skills. However, these

children appear not to have specific reading problems, but

rather to have general comprehension problems associated with

both spoken and written language ( 1996).

It is important to note that spoken language skills, acquired

in conversation and play, may not transfer to reading comprehension

for typical written texts. Indeed, there are differences

between spoken and written language that should lead to processing

differences (D1977). This would mean that

skills developed in oral settings would not transfer to spoken

versions of written texts either. The high correlations between

spoken and written language comprehension have been obtained

in studies that use a single set of materials that are pre-

sented in two different modalities. These studies have not

correlated spoken comprehension of typical spoken language

with written comprehension of typical written language. Accordingly,

the high correlations partly reflect the effects of specific

text material that is more typical of written than spoken

language. The conclusions that reading comprehension depends

on spoken comprehension may need to be qualified a bit.

It may be more correct to say that the potential for comprehending

a written text is set by the ability to comprehend that

same text when it is spoken. The typical differences between

the uses of spoken and written language suggest that special efforts

directed toward the distinctive aspects of written text

comprehension may be warranted as part of reading instruction,

especially as written texts become more complex later in

elementary school.

Implications for Teaching Reading

The instructional goals for alphabetic systems seem clear:

Children need to learn that the letters of their alphabet map

onto speech segments of their language. However, controversies

over how to teach reading abound. Rather than focusing on

letter-sound correspondences, the dominant instructional approaches

for the past 20 years were meaning focused, built

around story reading, exposure to print, and enhanced language

environments. Nevertheless, for more than 30 years, research

has supported the effectiveness of methods that are based on

direct instruction in phonics or decoding. In a major review of

research on reading acquisition titled Learning to Read: The

Great Debate,  (1967) concluded that the majority of the

research tended to favor phonics instruction, and her comprehensive

study has been confirmed by more recent studies


 1998). However, the practice of reading instruction has

remained out of touch with research, emphasizing a variety of

language activities but minimizing the teaching of graphemephoneme

relationships. Much of the debate has been fueled

by philosophical stances and professional advocacies that

have little to do with the research basis for effective teaching

( 2000). However, there are recent indications that

a stronger consensus is emerging in favor of research-guided



Most children come to reading instruction with normally

developed language abilities, which can provide the foundation

for learning to read. Those children with less developed language

abilities still benefit from phonological-awareness instruction.

The central achievement of early reading is learning

to read words, which requires knowledge of the phonological

structures of language and how the written units connect with

the spoken units. Phonological sensitivity at the subword level

is important in this achievement but is not provided to all children

by the spoken language in their environment. Phonological

training helps the acquisition of reading. Very early, children

who will turn out to be successful in learning to read use phonological

connections to letters, establishing decoding as a mechanism

for productive reading, the ability to read previously

unencountered words. An important mechanism for this is phonological

recoding, which helps the child acquire high-quality

word representations. Gains in fluency (automaticity) come

with increased experience, as does increased lexical knowledge,

which supports word identification.


Individual differences in reading achievement are often due

to differences in the ability to read words, and, indeed, children

and adults display a wide range of ability to read words. When

reading skill is sufficiently low relative to certain standards, the

individual has a disability called dyslexia. In discussing dyslexia,

we need to distinguish between acquired dyslexia and

developmental dyslexia. Individuals who have acquired dyslexia

were previously able to read quite fluently, but because of

some type of brain injury (resulting from head injury, stroke, or

degenerative neuropathology, such as Alzheimer’s disease),

they can no longer read efficiently. There are several patterns of

acquired dyslexia (2000), and we make reference

to some of them here to support certain arguments.

Our focus, however, is on developmental dyslexia, which

varies along a continuum from mild to severe. The term has traditionally

been reserved to apply specifically to children who

have normal intelligence and do not exhibit frank sensory or

neurological impairments (1970). More generally,

the dyslexia label is typically restricted to individuals whose

reading levels are discrepant from the potential implied by their

IQs. However, children who have reading disability appear to

present the same reading problems whether or not they meet

the discrepancy criterion (1994). In either

case, these children have not mastered the task of learning to

read efficiently, and intervention by the end of the second grade

is often critical for their successful reading development

(1995). Their reading difficulties must be understood in

terms of underlying cognitive processes that can go wrong. A

signature problem for all struggling readers is their poor skill at

reading words and pseudowords (nonwords, like mard, that are

pronounceable and could be words because they conform to

English spelling rules). These problems, as we discuss later in

this section, are often traceable to problems in phonological


Contemporary research suggests that developmental dyslexia

is caused largely by language-related deficits, whose neurological

bases are beginning to be identified

(2000). Although these deficits sometimes affect other aspects

of behavior, they have a particularly large impact on reading.

We now describe some of the suspected causes of developmental


The Phonological-Deficit Hypothesis

Given the extensive evidence indicating the importance of

phonological information in reading acquisition, it is not surprising

that the leading hypothesis about the cause of developmental

dyslexia is that it is due to deficits in the representation

and use of this information ( 2000;

1994). Phonological information plays important roles in

reading familiar words and sounding out new ones; phonologically

based working memory capacities are used in integrating

and comprehending words in sentences

(1989 1983;

1992). There is extensive evidence that these functions

are impaired in many dyslexics ( 1999;2000)

Although there is broad agreement that dyslexia is typically

associated with impaired use of phonology, the basis of the

deficit is less clear. One hypothesis is that the deficit is secondary

to subtle impairments in the processing of auditory information

(1980); another is that the deficit is limited to the

processing of speech (1997).

The basic idea is that speech perception involves processing a

complex, rapidly changing auditory signal. Impairments in the

capacity to process this information (because of either a

speech-specific or a general auditory deficit) would be expected

to interfere with the development of the phonological

representations that are critical to reading. The auditory-processing

hypothesis gains support from studies that have identified

this type of deficit in some dyslexics (1989); the

speech-processing hypothesis gains support from studies in

which dyslexics demonstrated impaired processing of speech

but not other auditory information (1997).

It is important to note, however, that many developmental

dyslexics perform normally on tests of both auditory and speech

processing. For example, there have been numerous studies of

the perception of consonants in nondyslexic and dyslexic individuals

( 1990; 1999;, 1987).

These studies involved assessing listeners’ capacity to perceive

the differences between stimuli such as /pæt/ and /bæt/. The

studies have found that dyslexic children whose performance

on measures of phonological knowledge is impaired exhibit

normal categorical perception of phonemes

( 2000). These data point to an information

processing deficit that has a significant, debilitating effect

on learning to read but little impact on speech perception or

other uses of language. As we have noted, segmental phonological

information is critical for reading in alphabetic orthographies;

it develops in part through exposure to print, and may be

less crucial to the perception of spoken language. Thus, the effects

of a mild information processing deficit might be manifested

only in the reading context (H1999).

In contrast, deficits in speech perception and auditory processing

have been reliably observed in a subset of dyslexics

who exhibit impairments in the use of spoken language; these

children are often said to have developmental language impairment,

or developmental dysphasia (2000;

1980;  1987). Whether dyslexia that involves a

phonological deficit and developmental language impairment

derive from a common underlying impairment varying in severity

is also the focus of ongoing research (1997).

Other Possible Causes

Reading is a complex task involving several cognitive capacities.

Impairments in any of these capacities could in principle

interfere with reading. Moreover, there could be variability among

dyslexics with respect to etiology; although phonological deficits

are very prominent in dyslexics, there could be subgroups

with other deficits (or multiple deficits). Two possibilities have

been the focus of considerable research.

Visual impairments

One hypothesis is that some manifestations of dyslexia are

secondary to impairments in the processing of visual information.

Indeed, visual processing was the central feature of dyslexia

described by  (1925), who hypothesized that failure

to achieve normal hemispheric dominance causes dyslexics to

confuse letters such as b and d. Explaining dyslexia as a visual

deficit has been the standard lay theory of dyslexia, despite a

relative lack of evidence (1979).

Interest in a visual explanation has been revived by studies

more closely tied to current theories of vision. Several studies

have reported that some dyslexics exhibit impairments in visual

processing that are functions of the dorsal visual pathway

in the brain, the where system

(1982). This system is dominated by input from magnocellular

cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus, and plays an important

role in the detection of transient visual information (e.g., rapid

changes in illumination, motion detection).  (1996)

reported a brain-imaging study in which a small sample of dyslexics

was found to be impaired in judging the relative velocities

of visual stimuli; they also exhibited abnormal activation in

area V5/MT, part of the magnocellular system. However, the

overall evidence for a fundamental deficit in the visual system

remains in doubt. Other careful studies have failed to observe

the hypothesized impairment

(1996). Nor is it known how the visual deficit relates to the phonological

impairment identified in many other studies. The

dyslexics in the study by  were also impaired on a

nonword reading task, an indication of an impairment in phonological

processing.  (1999) reviewed other

evidence for the magnocellular deficit hypothesis, which is the

focus of considerable controversy (see chapters in Willows,

1993). It is fair to conclude that although further

research may confirm the existence of a type of dyslexia

that arises from magnocellular processing deficits, the current

evidence suggests that visual impairments by themselves are a

very small part of dyslexia (1999)

Developmental delay

Children with phonological dyslexia exhibit a characteristic

atypical developmental pattern: They read significantly below

grade level, their knowledge of phonological structure is poor,

and they have difficulty sounding out unfamiliar words. Some

research has identified a smaller group of dyslexics who do not

fit this pattern (1993; 1996;1994;1997)

They also read significantly

below grade level, and their phonological knowledge

is also below grade level, but their levels of reading achievement

and phonological knowledge are more closely matched

than among children in the larger group. Unlike phonological

dyslexics, their performance is very similar to that of younger

children learning to read normally. Thus, they exhibit a general

developmental delay in reading acquisition, rather than an

overtly aberrant developmental trajectory. This delay may arise

from several factors, including environmental ones (e.g., insufficient

reading experience, ineffective teaching methods). However,

in cases in which these environmental factors can be ruled

out, several endogenous factors may produce this pattern. Such

factors may include a general learning impairment, a limitation

on the brain resources that are recruited for reading, or an impairment

that affects the representation of orthographic rather

than phonological structure ( 1999;

1996;2000). The possible contributions of

these factors to what is likely to be a heterogeneous subgroup of

dyslexics are not as yet well understood, however.


A considerable body of evidence supports the phonologicaldeficit

hypothesis, allowing research to focus on specific questions

about the nature of this deficit and ways it can be remediated.

At the same time, there is growing evidence that dyslexia

may have multiple causes, which may require different types of

intervention, and that the causes may have different effects in the

case of different writing systems. Although research has identified

a narrow range of possible causes, basic questions about

their frequencies of occurrence and co-occurrence, how they affect

reading, and whether they give rise to different patterns of

behavioral impairment remain to be determined. Answering

these questions is essential to developing effective procedures

for identifying dyslexic children and remediating their problems.

Given the research, it appears that three main elements are necessary

for reading intervention with dyslexics: (a) phonologicalawareness

training, (b) systematic phonics instruction that is

linked to spelling, and (c) oral reading practice with decodable

texts (i.e., texts that include only words using the accumulating

set of letter-sound correspondences that have been taught).


Although our focus is on learning to read, we now examine

the end point of learning to read, skilled reading. We begin by

discussing research from cognitive psychology and then move

to recent findings from cognitive neuroscience that are relevant

for understanding reading. One emergent trend in cognitive

psychology is the development of formal models implemented

as computer programs that simulate behavior. In the present

section, we discuss some such models that address various aspects

of reading.

The View From Cognitive Psychology

Within cognitive psychology, there has been widespread interest

in the processes associated with skilled reading. Cognitive

psychologists have been extremely interested in how

words are recognized, how eye movements are controlled in

reading, how text is comprehended, and a variety of other issues.

In 1879, established the first laboratory

of experimental psychology, in Germany, and this event resulted

in considerable interest in language processing

(1970). One of the topics that received particular

attention in the early days of experimental psychology was

reading. This early interest reached its peak with the publication

of  (1908) classic work The Psychology and Pedagogy

of Reading. The kinds of questions asked by Huey and his

contemporaries, and covered in his book, parallel the kinds of

questions addressed in modern textbooks on the psychology of

reading ( 1982;  1992;

 1987; 1985; 1989).

was keenly interested in the mental activities involved in

reading. However, with the onset of the behaviorist revolution

in 1913, research on mental processes in reading ceased. A

number of psychologists who had previously been interested in

cognitive processes during reading turned to the burgeoning

field of test development, and worked to develop tests to measure

reading ability.

The reemergence of cognitive psychology in the mid-1960s

resulted in widespread interest in reading once again. In the

early 1970s, reading was viewed as a psycholinguistic guessing

game (1970) or a hypothesis-testing activity

( 1970), and tenets such as “reading is only incidentally

visual” were espoused. According to this view, readers engaged

in a cycle of activity in which they generated a

hypothesis about what the next word would be, moved their

eyes to that word, quickly confirmed their hypothesis, and then

generated a hypothesis about what the next word would be.

Obviously, processing was viewed as being largely contextually

driven. Also, this approach suggested that there was a bottleneck

during skilled reading at the stage of getting visual

information into the processing system. A large amount of research

on skilled reading has led to the replacement of this hypothesis-

testing view by one in which the processing activities

involved in reading occur very rapidly, so that the information

needed for reading gets into the processing system very

quickly. Thus, there is no bottleneck at the visual input stage.

Furthermore, although context has an important effect on interPSYCHOLOGICAL

preting meaning, skilled readers identify words quickly with

little help from context. It is readers of lower skill who rely on

context to support word identification

(1979;1980). Two lines of research have

been very influential in shaping current views about skilled

reading: research on eye movements during reading and on

word identification. We discuss these two topics, and then issues

related to comprehension.

Eye movements in reading

Although people have the phenomenological impression

that when they read their eyes glide smoothly across the page,

this impression is an illusion. In fact, the eyes make rapid

movements separated by periods of time when they are relatively

still (called fixations). These fixations typically last about

200 to 250 ms, and it is during these periods that people acquire

information from the text. During the actual movements

of the eyes (called saccades, which typically cover about eight

to nine letter spaces and last about 20–40 ms), vision is suppressed

so that no new information is acquired. Reading is thus

like a slide show in which the text is on for about a quarter of a

second and then off for a brief period of time while the eyes

move. In addition to making forward-moving saccades, skilled

readers move their eyes backward in the text to reread material

about 10 to 15% of the time; these regressions are often driven

by breakdowns in the comprehension process.

The reason readers move their eyes so frequently has to do

with acuity limitations in the visual system. Because acuity is

best in the center of vision (the fovea), people move their eyes

so as to place the text they want to process on the fovea. Outside

the fovea, acuity drops off markedly in parafoveal and peripheral

vision, where the anatomical receptors are not able to

discriminate the fine details of the letters making up the words.

Some classic research ( 1975;

1975; 1979) using an eye-contingent display-

change paradigm, in which readers’ eye movements were

monitored by a highly accurate eye-tracking system and changes

in the text were made contingent upon where the reader was

looking (see Fig. 4), demonstrated that the perceptual span (or

region from which useful information is acquired) is restricted

to an area extending from 3 or 4 letter spaces to the left of fixation

to 14 or 15 letter spaces to the right of fixation for readers

of English. Information used to identify words is typically restricted

to no more than 7 to 8 letter spaces to the right of fixation,

with more gross information (such as the length of upcoming

words) acquired out to 15 letter spaces.

The consequence of these acuity and perceptual-span limitations

is that skilled readers fixate on about two thirds of the

words in text; the words that are typically skipped are short

words and words that are highly predictable from the preceding

context. But even though words are not directly fixated, there is

evidence that they have been processed (as fixations preceding

and following skips have inflated durations). Two other facts

are highly relevant for the current discussion

(1998). First, the information needed for reading

gets into the processing system very quickly. As long as the

text is available for 50 to 60 ms before a masking pattern appears

to obliterate it, reading proceeds quite normally. Second,

although readers are not consciously aware of their eye movements,

how long the eyes remain fixated on a word is very

much influenced by the ease or difficulty of understanding that

word. Thus, for example, low-frequency words are fixated

longer than high-frequency words. The conclusion that follows

from all of this evidence is that readers are not engaging in all

sorts of guessing activities, but rather are efficiently and

quickly (at an unconscious level) processing the text. Indeed,

all the letters in a word are being processed during word identification,

as we discuss in the next section.

We conclude this section with three final observations. First,

beginning readers’ eye movements are quite different from

those of skilled readers (1986). Beginning readers fixate

virtually every word (and make more than one fixation on

many words). Thus, their saccades are much shorter (around

three letter spaces) than skilled readers’. Furthermore, their average

fixation durations are much longer (between 300 and 400

ms) than skilled readers’, and they regress much more frequently

(so that up to 50% of their eye movements are regressions).

Their perceptual span is also smaller than that of skilled

readers (see Fig. 5). Basically, their eye movements reflect the

difficulty they have encoding the words in text. Second, research

on skilled readers shows quite clearly that phonological

codes are activated for words very early in eye fixations

( 1992;1995).

Finally, there are now computer simulation models

(1998) that do a very good job of

predicting where readers fixate and how long they fixate.

Word identification

An important issue with respect to how words are read deals

with whether they are processed as wholes (in parallel) or letter

by letter (serially). More than 100 years ago,  (1886) addressed

this issue by asking people to report what they saw

when words and letters were briefly exposed. In fact, they were

better able to report words than letters. These results were used

by educational reformers to advocate whole-word teaching

methods. However, when  (1969) and (1970)

replicated this finding with an improved experimental design,

the results did not support whole-word instruction. The characteristics

of their paradigm are shown in Figure 6. Basically, a

word, single letter, or nonword letter string was presented very

briefly (about 25–40 ms) and followed immediately by a masking

pattern that would interfere with any extended processing

of the stimulus after its offset. In addition, two letter choices

were presented: One was the correct letter (in the word and

nonword conditions, the letter that had been previously shown

in the position indicated), and the other was a letter that had not

been presented. Notice, however, that in the word condition,

this incorrect alternative, if substituted in the word in the position

indicated, always resulted in a different word (e.g., in Fig.

6, the incorrect alternative, k, also made a word if substituted

for d). Reicher and Wheeler found that responses were more

often correct in the word condition than in the other conditions.

Thus, a letter is better identified when it is embedded in a word

than when it is presented in isolation or in a nonword. This result,

called the word-superiority effect, suggests that

phenomenon is real: Letters in words are identified more accurately

than letters in isolation.

The phenomenon forces two conclusions. First, the serial,

letter-by-letter view of word recognition cannot be correct: If

this view were correct, readers would have been more accurate

with single letters than words given the limited processing

time. Second, all the letters in the word must have been processed,

as readers were able to identify correct letters at all positions

with equal accuracy. This latter point has implications

for reading instruction because it indicates that all the letters in

a word need to be processed in order for the reader to build a

specific representation of the word that can be accessed quickly

and accurately. Although memorizing the shapes of words at

the beginning of reading may get children started reading, it is

not enough for reading development to continue(1983)

In general, the word-superiority effect has been taken as evidence

that all of the letters in short words are processed in parallel.

The effect ultimately led to the development of powerful

computer simulation models designed to account for the results.

These initial models, called the interactive activation

model ( 1981; 1982)

 and the verification model

( 1982), were the forerunners of even

more elegant and powerful connectionist models

How Psychological Science Informs the Teaching of Reading

( 1996; 1989)

 that we discuss in Using Connectionist Models

to Understand Reading and Dyslexia.

A second general issue regarding word identification is the

extent to which phonological (or speech-based) codes are involved

in identifying words. In principle, the meanings of

words could be identified in two ways: either directly from

print (traditionally termed direct access) or by computing a letter

string’s phonological code and using that information to access

meaning (phonologically mediated access). There has

been a long-standing debate about which of these is more efficient.

 (1973) forcefully argued that direct access is necessarily

more efficient because it does not require the extra

phonological-recoding step and because English has numerous

irregularly pronounced words (have, pint, etc.). His observations

had considerable impact on educational practice, lending

support to whole-word (and later, whole-language) approaches.

The problem with direct access, however, is that, unlike the

mapping between spelling and sound, the mapping between

spelling and meaning is largely arbitrary

(1990) and thus difficult to learn. Moreover, consider

what happens when a beginning reader encounters an

unfamiliar word. The direct-access mechanism cannot operate

because the letter string has not been encountered before and

thus the association between form and meaning has not been

established. However, if the child can phonologically recode

the letter string (“sound it out”), it can be matched to knowledge

of the word derived from spoken language. Thus, phonological

recoding provides a basis for generalization, as well as

an important self-teaching mechanism ( 1983).

The debate about the extent to which word reading is phonologically

mediated clearly parallels (and indeed contributed to)

the debate concerning the extent to which reading instruction

should emphasize phonics.

Most contemporary theories of word reading assume that

both direct and phonologically mediated mechanisms are available

to skilled readers ), but they make different assumptions

about the division of labor between them

(1998; 1995). Some theories assume the primacy of

the direct pathway (, 1978), others the primacy of

phonological recoding  1995;

1990). In  (1991) influential model, processing

is attempted in the two pathways in parallel, with a race

between them. Which pathway “wins” for any given word depends

on word factors (such as familiarity and spelling-sound

consistency), reading skill, and the nature of the writing system

(how directly and consistently it represents phonological information).

In s (2001) recent model, both

pathways jointly determine the activation of meaning (see Using

Connectionist Models).

There is now a large body of evidence that phonological information

plays an important role in word reading, even among

highly skilled readers ( 1998) and for nonalphabetic writing

systems such as Chinese (, 1995). We have

already noted that eye movement experiments have demonstrated

that phonological codes are activated very early in an

eye fixation. Other compelling evidence comes from studies by

 (1987;  1988), who

devised a clever way to diagnose the activation of phonology.

Subjects were presented with a question (e.g., “Is it a flower?”)

and then had to read a target word (e.g., rose) and decide if it is

a member of the designated category. On critical trials, the target

was a homophone of a category exemplar (e.g., rows). On a

significant number of such trials, subjects incorrectly identified

the word as a member of the category. Moreover, such false

positive responses also occurred for nonword targets that

sounded like words (e.g., article of clothing: sute). These responses

would not have occurred unless subjects had phonologically

recoded the letter strings. Similar results have been

obtained in studies of several other writing systems

(1998). Thus, phonological recoding plays a much more prominent

role in skilled reading than  (1973) asserted. This is

among the most important findings in contemporary research

on reading, and it strongly suggests the achievement of reading

skill depends in part on learning to use phonological information


Reading comprehension

Whether reading uses just those processes that serve spoken

language or requires something more turns out to be a difficult

question. Reading comprehension clearly depends on spoken

language comprehension. Correlations between spoken language

and reading comprehension are modest early in learning

to read (1980) but, as noted earlier, increase with the

development of reading skill (1984), reaching

.90 for adult samples ( 1990). Thus, reading comprehension

has little variance unique to reading for adults, but

shows both variance shared with listening comprehension and

variance unique to reading among children. This pattern of correlations

indicates that reading comprehension skill approaches

listening comprehension skill as printed word identification is


Reading comprehension involves a number of different interacting

processes that have been the target of much research.

Some of this research has emphasized the guidance given to

comprehension by higher-level sources of knowledge. For example,

readers are sensitive to the causal relations among characters’

actions as they read a story

(1985). They may also use a wide range of knowledge outside

the text to guide comprehension in other ways, including by

making inferences ( 1994). It is

clear that readers do more than merely comprehend sentences

when they read. However, some general models of comprehension

describe in detail how the comprehension of text can be

built up over the reading of successive words and sentences,

from the bottom up (1988, 1998;

1992; 1998). Thus, comprehension includes

guidance from knowledge outside the text, but even this influence

can be understood in part by how the meanings of words

actually read in the sentence trigger such knowledge. Even

reading comprehension begins with the word.

Accordingly, accessing word meaning in context, parsing

sentences, and drawing inferences are all part of the overall

process of comprehension. In addition, the skilled reader monitors

his or her comprehension to verify that the text is making

sense. When readers have problems in comprehension, the

source might be any of these processes. Indeed, the interdependence

among the components of comprehension means that

multiple problems are likely to be observed in such cases and

that finding a single cause of comprehension failure, as a general

case, is unlikely. For example, because the higher levels of

processing rely on output from lower levels, an observed problem

in text comprehension can also result from lower-level processes,

including word identification, basic language processes,

and processing limitations.

The interplay among these lower-level factors can be complex.

For example, differences in basic language skill lead to

individual differences in comprehension, and less skilled readers

show a wide range of problems with syntax. The question is

whether such problems arise from a syntactic-processing deficit

or from some other source that affects performance on syntactic

tasks (such as working memory limitations, lack of

practice, or lexical processing limitations). Research with children

(1988) and adults

(1994) suggests that syntactic parsing problems can

arise from processing limitations rather than from problems

with syntax itself. Comprehension difficulties may be localized

at points of high processing demands—whether from syntax or

something else. If this analysis is correct, then the problem is

not intrinsic deficits in syntax, but the processing capacity to

handle complexity. More generally, the hypothesis that working

memory factors produce individual differences in comprehension

has received wide support over years of research

(1979;  1992;

1977; 1986). It is clear that among children

as well as adults, working memory factors constrain comprehension

of both spoken and written language.

An interesting view on individual differences is the structure-

building framework (, 1990), which frames

comprehension skill around the assumption that readers, in

constructing a coherent framework for a text, activate and enhance

relevant concepts while suppressing irrelevant concepts.

According to this approach, people with poor reading skills

have deficient suppression mechanisms. Consider, for example,

the sentence “He dug with the spade.” The final word in this

sentence has two meanings, but only one fits the context of the

sentence. However, when adults are asked to decide whether a

word is related to the meaning of the sentence, their decisions

are initially slow for ace (related to the inappropriate meaning

of spade). In other words, both appropriate and inappropriate

meanings may be activated at first. If the amount of time between

reading the sentence and seeing ace is increased, however,

skilled readers show no delay in rejecting it (i.e., they

suppress the irrelevant meaning), but less skilled readers continue

to react slowly to ace, as if they have not completely suppressed

the irrelevant meaning of spade. A failure to use

context is not what is involved here. Research with children

found that less skilled readers use context in word identification

at least as much as and perhaps more than do skilled readers

(1985;  1980). However, either a failure

to suppress irrelevant information, an insufficient level of specific

and reliable knowledge about word forms and meanings

(s), or both can lead to comprehension


The complexity of text comprehension implies several possibilities

for processing failure beyond those already discussed.

There are also higher-level skill differences in text comprehension.

For example, problems in making inferences have been

the target of much research.  (1988) summarized

evidence suggesting that less skilled readers fail to

make a range of inferences. When skill differences in inferences

are observed, their uniqueness—that is, whether they occur

in the absence of differences in lexical, working memory,

or general language processes—is seldom clearly demonstrated.

However, there has been some success in identifying a

small percentage of children whose problems can be considered

comprehension-specific, although highly general across

reading and spoken language ( 1996).

Another example of a high-level contributor to comprehension

problems is comprehension monitoring (a reader’s implicit

attempt to ensure a consistent, meaningful understanding). Skilled

readers can use the detection of a comprehension breakdown

(an apparent inconsistency) as a signal for rereading and repair.

Less skilled readers fail to engage this monitoring process

(1984;1980). However, such differences may not be independent

of the ability to construct a simple understanding of

the text ( 1992). Because comprehension monitoring,

like inference making, both contributes to and results

from the reader’s text representation, it is difficult to attribute

comprehension problems uniquely to failures to monitor comprehension,

as opposed to more basic comprehension failures.

For comprehension to succeed, readers must import knowledge

from outside the text. Thus, a powerful source of individual

differences in comprehension skill is access to knowledge

needed for a given text

(1977). However, readers of high skill compensate for lack of

knowledge to some extent

(1995). It is the reader who lacks both knowledge and reading

skill who is assured failure. Moreover, the deleterious effect of

low reading skill (and its motivational consequences) on learning

through reading creates readers who lack knowledge of all


Perhaps nothing is so important to successful reading comprehension

as practice, by which we mean repeated engagements

with reading texts of various types. Reading itself

increases familiarity not only with words but also with text

structures and written syntax, which are not identical to the

typical structures and syntax of spoken language. Thus, continuing

development of reading skill as a result of initial success

at reading—and the parallel increasing failure as a result

of initial failure—is undoubtedly a major contributor to individual

differences in reading comprehension.

Implications for learning to read

As we noted at the outset of this section, the view of skilled

reading has changed dramatically over the past 30 years.

Whereas skilled reading was once considered a guessing game

because of bottlenecks in the processing system, it has become

quite clear that skilled readers are able to quickly process the

visual information in the text, and that it is more efficient to

process what is there than to make guesses about what may be

there. In addition, a considerable amount of research suggests

that phonological codes are intimately involved in skilled reading.

Whereas it was once thought that phonological processing

in reading was simply a carryover from the way children are

taught to read (orally before silently), it now appears that phonological

codes are activated very early in processing words

and that this information is used in both accessing the meanings

of words and remembering information in the text. What

all of this suggests is that instruction that helps children efficiently

and quickly understand words, and that provides an analytic

strategy for learning new words, should provide the most

effective way to become a skilled reader.

The research on comprehension has less precise implications

for learning to read. It does suggest that a combination of

(a) simple comprehension procedures closely linked to word

processing and syntax and (b) more complex knowledgedriven

processes is characteristic of skilled comprehension.

Various ideas about comprehension instruction in the context

of reading have been proposed and have been the target of active

research. However, there is little in the basic research on

comprehension nor in instructional research to give strong

guidance on comprehension instruction.

The View From Cognitive Neuroscience

Although modern brain-imaging work is still in its infancy,

methods such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

and positron emission tomography (PET) have provided new

and converging information about the functional neuroanatomy

of reading. These imaging methods provide spatial information

on a centimeter or even millimeter scale, but with limited temporal

information. Questions about time course are better addressed

by event-related potential (ERP) methods. Although the

standard brain-imaging question may appear to be “What lights

up in the brain when words are read?” the potential of brainimaging

research goes well beyond this. For example, do studies

yield evidence for the phonological processes of word identification

that have proved so important for understanding

reading? What do imaging studies have to say about the reading

problems identified in dyslexia research?

Brain imaging

Neuroimaging studies of reading generally require comparisons

between images made during the performance of a reading

task and those made during baseline conditions. A simple

comparison that has provided basic data on reading is one between

reading aloud a single word and looking at a small fixation

cross. This comparison has identified regions that show

greater activation during the reading task. In many cases, the

regions are also activated during other kinds of tasks. For example,

primary motor cortex is activated during reading because

it is involved with movements of the mouth required by

oral reading. Identifying areas that play a more distinctive role

in reading itself requires other comparisons.

Research following this general approach has identified

brain regions that play some role in word reading

. Imaging studies have sought to link specific

orthographic, phonological, and semantic components of

word identification ( 1999;

1997) to specific locations in inferior

frontal cortex, the left temporoparietal cortex, and the left

basal temporal cortex (near the occipital-temporal boundary).

For example,  (1999) found

that a left frontal region responded differentially to words with

consistent spelling-to-pronunciation mappings and words with

inconsistent mappings. Thus, these three areas, illustrated in

roanatomy underlying the knowledge components (orthographic,

phonological, and semantic) that are needed in word reading.

We now consider briefly what has been learned about each


The visual areas in the occipital cortex that are used for object

recognition are an obvious candidate for supporting orthography

in the brain. In examining this hypothesis, researchers

have focused comparisons on activations associated with reading

words versus looking at pictures and on activations associated

with reading different kinds of letter strings (e.g., words,

pseudowords, and strings of letters). The search for an area that

is dedicated to printed words (a word-form area) has led to

some strong candidates, especially in an area near the occipitotemporal

border, the left middle fusiform gyrus. This area responds

differently to nonwords, pseudowords, and words

( 1998). In patients with lesions in occipitotemporal

areas, severe disturbances in ability to read words as wholes,

with a reliance on letter-by-letter reading (pure alexia), has

been reported ( 1999).

As we have emphasized, the conversion of an orthographic

form into a phonological form is a central part of reading, and

how the brain carries out this task is of great interest. Furthermore,

the inability to read pseudowords—a process that relies

on this conversion process without the aid of word meaning—

has become a marker for phonological dyslexia

(1993). Studies of patients have identified

two brain regions where lesions lead to deficits in phonological

decoding—the left inferior frontal lobe and the temporoparietal

cortex. Lesions in one or both of these areas are associated with

difficulty in reading pseudowords (1998;

1999). Patients with these lesions tend to

read words relatively well (compared with pseudowords), as if

they are able to use a stored lexicon that remains intact with these

lesions. Recent evidence from direct electrical stimulation of the

temporoparietal region produces an interesting convergence

with the data from patients. The ability of normal readers to

name pseudowords, a signature task for sublexical processing,

is disrupted by stimulation in this region, but their ability to

name real words is not ( 2000). Also, frontal regions

have shown greater activation for pseudowords than for

real words in some studies ( 1998). Thus, both

left frontal and temporoparietal regions are active in reading in

tasks that require or encourage phonological processing

(1996). However,

whether sublexical and lexical processes can be neatly separated

remains uncertain.

In discussing dyslexia, we noted the pervasive extent of behavioral

evidence for a phonological-processing deficit, and

imaging studies provide a convergent picture

1999;  1997; 1999; Sh

1998; 1998). In particular, dyslexics

show lower levels of activation in both left frontal and temporoparietal

regions compared with skilled readers

(1999; 1998). Recent evidence adds an intriguing

possibility that the processing problems of dyslexics

may depend on the writing system. For example, a phonological

deficit may have more of an impact for a reader of a deep

orthography (e.g., English) than for a reader of a shallow orthography

(e.g., Italian), in which spelling-sound correspondences

are highly consistent.  (2001) reported a

brain-imaging study of Italian, English, and French dyslexics.

All three groups were impaired on tests of reading and phonology

and showed reduced activity in left-hemisphere regions

implicated in reading. However, the Italian dyslexics performed

better on tasks involving the pronunciation of words

and nonwords. The phonological deficit common to all dyslexics

in all three languages appears to have had less of an impact

in Italian because it is a shallow orthography.

Finally, both left frontal (1997) and basal temporal regions

( 1998) have been identified as candidates for semantic

processing (which has been studied using tasks that

require the retrieval of word names and concepts). Different

kinds of dyslexia have been linked to these two regions: developmental

phonological dyslexia to left frontal and temporoparietal

regions, and acquired surface dyslexia to basal temporal

lesions. Surface dyslexics, who experience reading problems as

a result of brain damage, have problems with reading words

lexically, as whole words (as opposed to reading sublexical

units). Thus, their problem is manifest on words that contain

inconsistently pronounced spelling patterns, or so-called irregular

words (e.g., choir). Patients with basal temporal lesions

tend to show the same problem when reading words, as well as

a more general deficit in picture naming

(1999). Although overlapping regions in the basal tem-

poral area are activated during picture and word naming, there

also appears to be differential activation (across frontal vs. posterior

areas of the fusiform gyrus) for naming pictures versus

naming words ( 1999). Interestingly, frontal

and temporal regions found to be activated in studies of reading

alphabetic systems overlap with those found to be activated in

reading Chinese ( 1999; 2000).


Complementary to the spatial information from fMRI and

PET are the time-sensitive recordings obtained from ERPs,

measures of electrical activity from electrodes placed on the

surface of the head. The voltages associated with brain activity

vary in both polarity and magnitude over time, resulting in a

series of electrical peaks and valleys that can reflect the dynamics

of reading over a few milliseconds. ERP evidence has provided

information about the time course of events associated

with reading, confirming ideas about the rapidity of orthographic

and phonological processing. Word-level processes are

observed within 130 to 200 ms after the onset of a word


1998). Orthographic processes are observed within 200 ms in

occipital and occipitotemporal regions, and mainly in the left



1999), consistent with the idea that learned forms of the

writing system acquire a functionally distinct status within the

visual processing system. For orthographic inputs that allow

phonological processing, a second stage of processing is reached

in temporal areas within 350 ms. For inputs that are processed

to the semantic level, anterior temporal and frontal regions show

their roles within 400 to 450 ms.

Thus, various methods, including eye movement, brain-imaging,

and ERP studies, converge on a coherent picture of word

reading as a rapid process from graphic input to phonological

and meaning outputs distributed across functional brain regions.

Implications for learning to read

The knowledge gained from neuroscience methods is becoming

informative with respect to questions about skilled

reading and reading problems. The big question for learning to

read, how the brain supports the acquisition of reading skill, remains

to be addressed. However, there are studies that illustrate

the promise of neuroscience methods for showing how the brain

responds to training. For example, repeated practice affects ERP

components, presumably reflecting gains in efficiency through

specific learning ( 1997). Moreover, such learning

can actually influence brain development and neuronal connectivity.

A recent fMRI study found a thicker band of callosal

connective fibers between parietal lobes for literate than for illiterate

adults ( 1999). A study designed to

shift an acquired dyslexic from a whole-word reading strategy

to a phonological strategy found that activation patterns in the

brain changed following the intervention ( 1998).

In both studies, learning apparently produced an alteration in

brain circuitry, and there is the implication that neuronal connectivity

remains plastic into adulthood.

We can illustrate the effect of learning on brain circuitry for

an ability assumed to be central to learning to read—phonological

processing.  (1999) examined oral language

processing in illiterate adults in Portugal (this group was

fully functional socially; illiteracy was widespread in rural portions

of Portugal until recently). The key comparisons concerned

performance and brain activations for the literate versus

illiterate participants when they repeated words or pseudowords

spoken to them. With real words, the literate and illiterate participants

performed comparably and showed similar brain-activation

patterns. But with pseudowords, the illiterate participants

performed more poorly than the literate participants, and their

brain-activation patterns were not the same. Castro-Caldas et

al. suggested that literacy acquired during childhood affects the

functional organization of the brain. Cognitive neuroscience

methods promise to be useful for investigating many topics in

the study of reading—the components of word identification,

cross-language comparisons, the acquisition of skill, and even

comprehension. There remains much to learn about the specific

brain regions that support these specific processes. And there is

much more to learn about how the brain reorganizes itself during

learning to read.



The tools available to study reading have expanded in recent

years to include computational models, which are computer

programs that simulate detailed aspects of how children learn

to read, of skilled reading, and of dyslexia. So, for example, a

model might be taught to recognize letter strings and compute

their meanings or pronunciations using the same principles

thought to govern children’s performance. Such models complement

behavioral and neuroimaging studies that have provided

the main empirical evidence concerning reading. The

models typically focus on components of the reading system

such as eye movements (1998), pronunciation


2001), and orthographic processing (1994)

In focusing on connectionist models in this section, our goal

is not to assess whether they provide better explanations of

reading than other models, such as the dual-route model developed

by Coltheart and colleagues ( 1993, 2001).

The connectionist and dual-route models account for many of

the same phenomena, and the differences between them are not

highly relevant to the issues discussed here. We use connectionist

models to illustrate how important phenomena in word

reading, learning to read, and dyslexia can be understood

within relatively simple systems that learn to translate between

orthographic, phonological, and semantic codes.

Connectionist models are useful for several reasons. First,

they incorporate ways of thinking about how knowledge is represented,

acquired, and used that may deviate from intuitive accounts

of cognitive phenomena. For example, words are not

represented as entries in a mental lexicon but rather as patterns

of activation over units encoding orthographic, phonological,

and semantic information. This notion invites reconsidering the

data previously taken as evidence for other types of mechanisms.

Second, connectionist models attempt to achieve theoretical

generality by explaining reading in terms of basic

principles of learning, knowledge representation, and information

processing that govern many aspects of language and cognition.

This approach is consistent with the observation that

reading, a relatively recent development in human culture, relies

on capacities that evolved for other purposes.

Third, the models provide a strong method for testing the

adequacy of theoretical proposals. With the more informal approach

to theorizing characteristic of much reading research, it

is not always clear if the proposed mechanisms work in the intended

ways. Connectionist models provide a unique way to

test causal hypotheses about the bases of normal and disordered

reading. Consider the long-standing debate about methods

for teaching reading. Phonics methods assume that learning

the relationship between the written and spoken forms of language

is an important step in becoming a skilled reader. Wholelanguage

methods assume that using phonological information

distracts the beginning reader from the goal of learning to read

for meaning; hence, the approach emphasizes instructional practices

that promote the development of literacy rather than phonological

decoding. There are plausible intuitive arguments for

both approaches. One way to assess these competing claims is

by conducting studies in which a model is trained in different

ways. Modeling complements field studies by providing insight

about why particular outcomes are obtained, and it allows

close control over potentially confounding factors.

Basic Elements of Connectionist Models of Reading

Most connectionist models use distributed representations,

in which spelling, sound, and meaning are represented by small

sets of units that participate in many words

(1986). For example, a model might include

units that correspond to phonetic features, and each such unit is

activated for all the words that contain that sound. Like other

aspects of the theoretical framework, the use of distributed representations

is motivated by the desire to use mechanisms that

are consistent with evidence about brain function; in this case,

the use of distributed representations is consistent with the fact

that large networks of neurons encode information in the brain.

Connectionist models also include hidden units that allow the

network to encode more complex mappings between orthographic,

phonological, and semantic codes.

In a connectionist model, units are linked to one another to

form a network; when a letter string is presented as an input,

the corresponding units are activated, and this activation

spreads to other units (representing phonological or semantic

information). The connections between units carry weights that

determine how much activation is passed along. The goal is to

find weights that allow the model to perform these computations

proficiently; learning means adjusting the weights on the

basis of experience. The word-reading models have used a

learning procedure (backpropagation) in which the output that

the model produces for a word is compared with the correct,

target pattern. Small adjustments to the weights are made on

the basis of discrepancy between the two. Performance improves

gradually as the weights assume values that minimize

this discrepancy. Backpropagation is a kind of learning algorithm

in which the output the model computes is compared

with a target pattern ( 1989).

Whether the brain uses this algorithm or others that have very

similar effects is a topic of current research. Although the

learning procedure used in the reading models is undoubtedly

simplified, it captures basic elements of how learning occurs in

this and other domains.

Behavior in connectionist networks (as in people) is determined

by both constitution and experience. The reading models

(see Fig. 9), for example, were constructed with the capacity

to represent different lexical codes (orthography, phonology,

semantics) and the capacity to learn. These representations are

themselves thought to have resulted from the joint influence of

biological endowment and experience. Like children, the models

learn through exposure to many examples (e.g., letter patterns

paired with pronunciations or meanings). The fact that

words are internally structured emerges through exposure to a

large ensemble of words that overlap in different ways and degrees.

The models gradually pick up on this structure because it

allows phonological and semantic codes to be computed more


Insights From Connectionist Models

Connectionist models provide a new perspective on many of

the issues discussed in this monograph. Here we focus on three

issues that have been the focus of considerable debate among

reading researchers.

How do children learn the correspondences between spelling

and sound?

We noted earlier that learning about the correspondences

between the written and spoken forms of words is a critical

step in becoming a skilled reader. However, English is notorious

for having many exception words that have irregular pronunciations

(e.g., give, said, was, have, does). Many of these

are high-frequency words that are among the first that beginning

readers must master. As noted earlier,  (1973) argued

that because of these irregularities, reading that involves

phonological recoding (i.e., translating from spelling to sound

to meaning) cannot be efficient. Connectionist models suggest

that this reasoning is flawed.

 (1989) model learned the pronunciations

of both regular words such as gave and exceptions

such as have with relatively little training (at most 250 trials,

for very low-frequency exceptions such as torque; most words

were learned with many fewer trials). Acquisition is rapid because

what is learned about one word (e.g., gave) also applies

to overlapping words (save and gate). The same thing is true

for exceptions: The model’s performance on have benefits from

exposure to overlapping words such as had, has, and hive.

Thus, the same network and learning procedure are used for all

words; regular and exception words differ only in the degree to

which their spelling-sound correspondences overlap with those

of other words. Learning the exceptions is less of a problem

than  (1973) asserted because they are not arbitrary and

the learning procedure is efficient.

How does phonological awareness develop?

Earlier we noted that there is a reciprocal relationship between

the development of segmental phonemic representations

and learning to read. Prereaders’ knowledge of phonological

structure is causally related to success in learning to read; at the

same time, learning to read changes the nature of phonological

representations, making them more segmental. Connectionist

models provide additional insight about the mechanisms underlying

the interactions between phonological knowledge and

reading. Children come to the task of reading with extensive

knowledge of spoken language, but their knowledge of phonological

structure is relatively coarse; being able to tell that bag

and bat are different spoken words can be done on the basis of

nonsegmental information. Phonological representations are

further shaped by children’s participation in reading.

To make this point concrete,  (1999)

developed a model of the orthography-phonology mapping that

was trained in two phases. The first phase, which involved exposing

the model to the phonological forms of words, was

meant to capture the kinds of phonological knowledge children

acquire from speech. The second phase involved training the

model to map from orthography to the pretrained phonological

system. Learning this mapping changed the organization of

phonology, promoting clearer representations of subword units

such as phonemes, onsets, and rimes. The development of

these representations in turn facilitated learning to read additional


What was crucial in the model was not having full phonemic

representations prior to reading (though that would be useful)

but rather having the capacity to develop such representations

with reading experience. Reducing this capacity interfered with

the development of subword units; thus, when the model was

exposed to a word such as gave, there was less carryover to

partially overlapping words such as save. Two consequences of

this limitation were observed. First, the model took much

longer to learn the phonological codes for words. Second, it

generalized poorly; lacking knowledge of subword structures,

it could not piece together the pronunciations of novel words

very well. The model did not address many aspects of phonological

development, and further research is needed. However,

the initial results provide additional causal evidence linking the

development of phonological representations and the acquisition

of reading skill. Moreover, the modeling suggests that constitutional

differences in the capacity to encode phonological

structure may contribute to variable outcomes in learning to

read. Finally, it suggests that segmental representations are

closely tied to knowledge of orthography rather than speech.

Is word reading direct or phonologically mediated?

As noted earlier, there has been a long-standing debate

about whether words are recognized visually (by a direct mapping

between orthographic patterns and meanings) or via phonology.

 (2001) attempted to break this

impasse by treating the issue as a computational one: How

does a connectionist model learn to compute meanings quickly

and accurately? That is, what division of labor does the model

converge on, given the availability of both pathways? The an-

swer is that Harm and Seidenberg’s model pooled the input

from both sources for almost all words. Given orthographic input,

the semantic pattern that was computed reflected the joint

effects of both pathways. This property contrasts with the independence

of the orthography-semantics and orthography-phonology-

semantics pathways in race models

(1991), in which meaning is accessed by the process that finishes

first. The connectionist model performs more efficiently,

using both pathways rather than either one in isolation; thus, it

is a question not of which pathway wins the race, but rather of

how the pathways cooperatively solve the problem.

Early in the model’s training, semantic activation is largely

driven by input from the orthography-phonology-semantics

pathway. The phonology-semantics component is trained prior

to the introduction of orthography on the view that prereaders

possess this knowledge from their use of spoken language. The

orthography-phonology mapping is easy to learn because the

codes are highly correlated; the orthography-semantics pathway

takes longer to become established because the mapping is

more arbitrary. Over time, however, the orthography-semantics

pathway begins to exert its influence, particularly for high-frequency

words. Note, however, that what changes is the relative

division of labor between the two pathways; there is some input

from both pathways for almost all words.

In summary, the division-of-labor model explains why the

phonological pathway predominates in early reading. However,

it also contradicts the intuition that the orthography-semantics

association is too arbitrary to play a useful role. Given the cooperation

between the pathways, the orthography-semantics

pathway only has to be good enough to clean up the pattern activated

via phonology. When the model is trained to a high

level of proficiency, both pathways contribute significantly.


Connectionist models have provided insights about many

aspects of normal reading and reading impairments. The models

have brought new ideas about learning and information processing

into discussions of reading, lending support to some

claims (e.g., about the role of phonology in reading ability and

disability) while challenging others (e.g., that rule-governed forms

and exceptions are processed by distinct subsystems). Although

considerable progress has been made, the models raise

many questions that need to be addressed in future research.

The models do not address all aspects of reading; their implications

concerning instruction and remediation have not been explored

in depth; and it will be necessary to link the models more

closely to the evidence concerning the brain bases of lexical

processing that is emerging from neuroimaging (see the previous

discussion in The View From Cognitive Neuroscience).

The goal of developing an integrated account of reading behavior

and its brain bases, with computational models providing

the interface between the two, nonetheless seems a realistic one

and is likely to be the focus of considerable research.


Much of the history of reading instruction in the United States

has involved two general methods: whole-word instruction and

phonics instruction. However, meaning-emphasis instruction,

and especially whole-language instruction, has dominated the

philosophy of training of reading teachers over the past 20

years. Originally, the time-honored ABC method was used to

teach reading for about 200 years. This method was a basic

type of phonics instruction in which children were taught letter

names, then simple syllables, then words. The child would

spell the syllable and then pronounce it: “double-you-ay-ell-ell—

wall.” Later, more syllables and words were mixed in, usually

with the same spelling requirement prior to pronunciation. The

New England Primer, Webster’s Spelling Books, and

Readers were the major sources of reading programs from the

1700s until the 1900s. Pictures were introduced into these programs,

but for the most part the emphasis was on phonics drill.

Although there is little evidence indicating how successful the

ABC method was in teaching reading, there apparently was

some dissatisfaction with it because educational reforms in the

late 19th century led to the whole-word method becoming the

predominant method of teaching reading. More recently, the

whole-word method has been supplanted by whole-language

instruction. In this section, we describe each method of instruction.

Whole-Word Instruction

To some extent, ideas about whole-word instruction are congruent

in a general way with facts about spoken language. Spoken

language is an almost continuous stream of sound with

little or no silence separating the individual words, a fact that is

especially noticeable when one tries to pick out word boundaries

in a foreign language. However, compared with phonemes,

words are more readily detected as units, and children

come to recognize the spoken word as a meaningful unit. The

relative invisibility of phonemes encouraged the view that

whole words are the appropriate units for instruction. Typically

in this kind of instruction, the child is shown a flash card with a

word on it, and the teacher pronounces it and asks the child to

say it. Generally, the teacher starts with a small set of words

and gradually expands the set.

Another argument that has been used to support the wholeword

approach is the low reliability of letter-to-phoneme mapping,

a complex issue that we discussed in previous sections.

The irregularity of English spellings, which occurs mainly in

the vowel system, allows the word pint a different pronunciation

than most words that end in int, which are pronounced as

in hint. Similarly, have is irregular because most words that

end in ave are pronounced as in gave. Irregular words such as

pint and have, in any approach to teaching reading, must be

learned at least partly in terms of their distinctive properties.

The whole-word approach generalizes this approach to learning

to read all or most words.

Advocates of the whole-word approach have also argued

that it promotes reading for meaning at an early stage of reading.

Words have meanings; speech sounds do not. When a child

has developed a small sight vocabulary, this vocabulary is deployed

in various combinations to construct meaningful sentences,

and new words are introduced so that the context clarifies

their meaning. The pronunciation is given by the teacher,

who indicates, wherever possible, the similarity in spelling between

the word to be read and a word already in the sight vocabulary.

This makes it possible (after an initial sight vocabulary

is established) to emphasize that the letter symbols represent


Phonics Instruction

Phonics instruction, in its purest form, starts with a limited

set of correspondences between letters and speech sounds.

These letters are used immediately to build many different kinds

of words. In this way, phonics instruction takes advantage of the

productive aspects of alphabetic writing systems. Gradually,

more letters are added, and then consonant digraphs (th, ch) and

eventually consonant clusters (st, tr) are introduced. As simple

words are presented over and over, the child also naturally develops

a sight vocabulary during these early stages, but the development

of a sight vocabulary is largely incidental in phonics

instruction (much as knowledge of the alphabetic principle is

incidental in whole-word instruction). The individual letters are

taught by the sounds they make, and then children are induced

to blend the sounds of novel letter combinations.

The main rationale behind a phonics approach is that it explicitly

teaches children both the alphabetic principle and the

specific letter-phoneme correspondences that generalize across

many English words. An additional benefit of phonics is that it

promotes an analytic approach to words that can serve the child

in encounters with unknown words. One criticism of phonics,

repeated for more than 100 years ( 1990), is that it

is boring for the child. The reason for this criticism is the emphasis

phonics places on letter-sound correspondences at the

expense of reading for meaning. However, this complaint is

more often about the practice of phonics lessons, which are often

derided as “rote drill,” than about the essence of the approach.

The teaching of letter-phoneme correspondences is not

the same as “phonic drills,” as consumers of computer-based

phonics programs can attest. Certainly, some forms of practice

at producing phonemes and blending them together into a word

may at times be boring for children (just as learning basic math

facts may be boring). But learning to read new words independently

can be very rewarding for children.

Meaning-Emphasis Instruction

In general, meaning-emphasis programs focus on language

experiences of the child. Thus, the child dictates short stories

and is taught to read the words he or she has dictated. Instruction

in learning individual words usually emphasizes memorizing

whole words, though some phonics drill may be incorporated

into the program at later stages.

Within the class of meaning-emphasis programs are wholelanguage

instruction and an earlier related approach, the psycholinguistic

approach, based on the work of

 (1970, 1986; 1971, 1973;

 1971). Goodman suggested that reading is a “psycholinguistic

guessing game” in which readers try to figure out

the meaning of a text by using a variety of partly redundant cuing

systems. There are three types of cues in this guessing

game: semantic, syntactic, and graphophonic. The graphophonic

cues represent general knowledge of spelling-sound relations;

the syntactic cues represent knowledge of syntactic

patterns and the markers that cue these patterns (such as function

words and suffixes); and the semantic cues represent

knowledge about word meanings and the topic. More recently,

Goodman’s ideas have been incorporated into the larger wholelanguage

instruction movement. This type of instruction, like

other meaning-emphasis approaches, relies heavily on the

child’s experience with language. Children are encouraged to

guess words that are presented in the context of short stories,

and the primary motivation of the method is to make reading

fun for the child. Whole-language teaching typically includes

frequent oral reading by the teacher and the use of authentic literature,

rather than decodable text.

In an approach that otherwise avoids any specification of

what should be taught,  provided one clear

suggestion: Phonics should not be taught. Furthermore, they

argued that children should not be corrected when they make

errors reading words. Neither the development of phonological

awareness in general nor the development of specific knowledge

about letter-sound correspondences is a priority in wholelanguage

instruction. Whole-language advocates do not deny

that phonological awareness and phonics knowledge are components

of reading (though they are not considered as central to

the process as the research findings indicate). But they do deny

that the explicit teaching of phonics is necessary. Their basic

argument is that explicit teaching of phonics does more harm

than good to beginning readers because many of them find

phonics somewhat difficult and boring.

Whole-language proponents suggest that the knowledge

necessary for skilled reading—including phonics knowledge—

can develop in the same natural way that spoken language develops.

 (1994), for example, in a book aimed at elementary-

school teachers, wrote: “Just as they learn the patterns

of oral language, so most children will unconsciously learn

common phonics patterns, given ample opportunity to read environmental

print and predictable and enjoyable materials, and

ample opportunity to write with invented (constructive) spelling”

The various tenets of whole-language teaching are a set of

interrelated ideas that suggest a coherent perspective. The logic

is as follows: (a) Reading is a natural extension of language;

(b) explicit teaching of phonics treats reading as a technical ex

ercise rather than a natural extension of learning and thus has

the potential to do harm by boring and frustrating the child; (c)

explicit teaching of phonics is unnecessary for learning; (d)

therefore, explicit teaching of phonics should be avoided; and

(e) because phonics represents just one of several redundant

cuing systems, if a child fails to learn some piece of phonics

knowledge, other cuing systems will fill in the gaps when the

child actually reads.

The problem with this method lies not in the logical connections

among its tenets, but in the extent to which they are true.

Goodman’s suggestion that skilled reading is a psycholinguistics

guessing game, for example, has largely been refuted by

research on skilled reading, which demonstrates that skilled

reading is not a guessing game and that phonological information

is critically important in word identification. In fact, the

three cuing systems are not equivalent in determining what

word is actually read; the graphophonic mechanism plays a

highly prominent role, particularly in reading acquisition. Furthermore,

the view that learning to read, like learning to speak,

is a natural act that the child teaches him- or herself how to do

stands in marked contrast to the view more common among researchers—

that learning to read is not a natural act

( 1980; 1999), and is very different from

learning to speak, which is effortless and automatic for almost

all children brought up in normal circumstances. No child

needs a teacher to show him or her how to speak. It is sufficient

to be a normally developing human being surrounded by other

human beings speaking their language.

Learning to read presents an entirely different picture. All

schools of thought agree that some amount of teaching is often

(or even always) necessary. In particular, learning to read often

requires some explicit instruction in the alphabetic principle.

Contrast this with learning to speak. No child needs to be

taught the phonemes of his or her language, but every child

needs to be taught the symbols that make up his or her writing

system. That is why there is an alphabet song, but not a phoneme

song. Furthermore, though all human societies have language,

many do not have reading and writing.

It should be clear that we have some fundamental disagreements

with some of the claims made by whole-language advocates.

However, to this point, we have presented only arguments

regarding the possible efficacy of whole-language instruction.

In a later section, we review research findings more directly.

Here we do want to note some positive contributions of the

whole-language movement (more recently called literaturebased

instruction). First, and foremost, whole-language advocates

have focused attention on the need to ensure that children

are enthusiastic about books and eager to learn to read. They

may go too far in their reliance on enthusiasm and eagerness as

components of the process of learning to read, but no one can

doubt the importance of these components, and whole-language

proponents have been largely responsible for the growing

trend to make reading instruction more meaningful. Furthermore,

they have replaced an emphasis on the teacher as an agent

of instruction with an emphasis on the child as an agent of his

or her own learning. Certainly, appreciating the mutual roles of

learner and teacher is an important step in establishing effective

reading instruction, even if learning to read is not natural

and spontaneous.



The way we have discussed different methods used to teach

reading may have implied that the method adopted determines

what actually goes on in the classroom. However, many good

teachers are adaptive rather than rigid in their approach to

teaching children and only loosely base their instruction on a

given method. They know by instinct that when learning is

made meaningful and exciting, children learn more. It should

also be noted that most schools are populated by a couple of

generations of teachers who were taught that whole-language

instruction is good and phonics is evil. So teachers may be

asked to teach phonics and not know how, which also affects

what happens in classrooms.

These days there are a large number of commercially available

reading programs in schools. Because these programs can

be rather expensive and because bulk buying is generally

cheaper than buying different programs for different schools,

school districts often adopt a single program for districtwide

use. These programs, called basal reading series, consist of

teacher guides, student materials (e.g., minibooks, anthologies,

and workbooks), and ancillary materials (e.g., letter cards,

posters, and CDs). Although each reading program generally

adheres to one particular method for teaching reading, within

individual classrooms, teachers have some flexibility in what

they actually do if they are trained in a variety of methods.

The key word currently used to describe classroom reading

instruction is balance. Reading instruction that balances instruction

in phonics with exposure to good literature and opportunities

to write is found more and more in classrooms. However,

what balanced reading instruction involves in practice varies

with respect to the explicitness with which skills are taught, the

kinds of materials used to practice these skills, the size of the instructional

group, and the extent to which assessment informs instruction.

Truly balanced instruction should integrate skills

instruction with reading for meaning and opportunities to learn

(1998). However, what often happens in

primary-grade classrooms is a fragmentation of the literacy curriculum

into activities based on the latest teacher training workshop.

More generally, variations in actual classroom practice

roughly fall under two approaches to teaching that we call prescriptive

(direct) versus responsive teaching.

Prescriptive Teaching

Reading instruction that explicitly or directly teaches skills

such as letter-sound correspondences typically consists of a

curriculum with a prescribed set of activities, which together

are called a scope and sequence. Across kindergarten and first

grade, the curriculum systematically introduces phonological

awareness and phonic skills with practice in decodable texts

(containing letter-sound correspondences taught by the teacher).

Beyond second grade, there is still some phonics in spelling instruction

but not in reading instruction.

Instruction based on prescriptive teaching may vary in the

amount of whole-class versus small-group instruction and in

the amount of assessment. For example, the Open Court (2000)

basal reading series emphasizes whole-class instruction and

additional independent practice, with little emphasis on assessment.

In contrast, in Reading Mastery

(1995) reading instruction takes place in groups of six based on

placement tests. The school-reform model Success for All

( 1996) has multiple grouping

formats—whole-class instruction according to reading level determined

by 8-week assessments, partner reading, independent

reading, and collaborative group work.

First-grade teachers adhering to prescriptive techniques tend

to plan their lessons around the following activities: (a) review

of letter sounds previously taught, (b) introduction of new letter

sounds, (c) practice blending sounds into words, (d) practice

reading in decodable texts, (e) teacher read-alouds from

children’s literature to teach vocabulary and comprehension

strategies, and (f) language arts (spelling, writing, grammar,

and mechanics). For example, in the Open Court reading program,

the teacher introduces /e/ (which corresponds to the linguistic

symbol /ε/) spelled e by hanging the sound-spelling

card hen on the wall (along with the other sound-spelling cards

already introduced). The capital and lowercase printing of the

letter (E e) is at the top, the picture of the keyword—hen—appears

below, and in a green field at the bottom is the printed letter

e (see Fig. 10). The children have been taught that the green

field denotes short vowel sounds.

At the start of the lesson, the teacher reads the decodable

story Jen’s Hen—“Jen’s pet hen likes to peck, peck, peck. She

pecks at a speck on the new red deck. This is how her pecking

sounds: /e/ /e/ /e/ /e/ /e/.” Then, the teacher asks the children to

listen to words and to signal thumbs-up when they hear a word

that has the /e/ sound at the beginning or at the middle of the

word. So, the children give a thumbs-up to ever, etch, every,

and echo, but not hand or flavor, for /e/ sounds at the beginning,

and a thumbs-up for hen, pest, wet, desk, next, bed, and

feather, but not for tape or bike, for /e/ sounds at the middle of

the word. In the next step, the teacher has the children blend

words (both in isolation and in sentences) that contain short e.

A specific procedure is outlined for teaching blending. For example,

to blend fed, the child is taught to isolate the initial

sound (/f/) and the medial sound (/e/), then to combine them (/fe/)

before adding the final sound (/d/) to produce the entire word

(/fed/). Finally, the phonics lesson ends by practicing the accumulating

letter sounds in Jen’s Pen (see Fig. 11). Before reading

the story, the teacher reviews the high-frequency words

would, my, did, laugh, out, her, of, and move and teaches two

new nondecodable words, darts and feeds. The teacher notes

that one word with a variant spelling for “short e” (i.e., __ea_

in bread) is included in the story. This emphasis on decoding

instruction is complemented in the language arts section of the

lesson by teaching children to encode the sound-spelling /e/

through dictation practice.

Responsive Teaching

In contrast to prescriptive teaching, responsive teaching is

loosely based on the constructivist notion of scaffolding

1997, for

further discussion). Rather than working from a scope and sequence,

the responsive teacher responds to what the child is

perceived to need at the moment in the context of reading real

books. The teacher provides a scaffold against which the child

can construct knowledge of reading. Like whole-language instruction,

responsive teaching is steeped in the belief that children

inherit three cuing systems (syntactic, semantic, and

graphophonic knowledge) from their oral language abilities.

For example, in the tutorial program Reading Recovery

(1993), the classroom teacher not only provides feedback on

oral reading errors, but also responds to an error by extending

the child’s knowledge of the alphabetic system. Furthermore,

the responsive teacher keeps a running record of reading miscues

to inform the next day’s alphabetic activities of making

words and breaking words into constituent elements. Because

instruction in alphabetic coding is conducted incidentally in the

context of reading books, responsive teaching methods inherently

lack a systematic approach to phonics instruction. The

absence of sequential instruction and practice makes it difficult

for many children to acquire and transfer decoding skills.

Responsive teaching can be highly effective when knowledgeable

teachers work with individual children. But responsive

teaching in the hands of a teacher who does not have the

knowledge to seize the moment productively or who is teaching

a large group of heterogeneous readers may be ineffective

with the lower-achieving students. A popular system for responsive

teaching at the classroom level is Guided Reading

( 1996). Guided reading starts with wholeclass

discussion of a reading selection to elicit prior knowledge

and introduce difficult vocabulary. Then the teacher scaffolds

children’s reading of the passage in whole-group, small-group,

or partner-reading formats. If a small-group format is adopted,

children work in centers or independently while the teacher

works with one reading group after the other.

The current basal reading series have accommodated guided

reading by providing leveled text (i.e., texts that are ordered by

difficulty, according to a number of factors such as number of

words, predictability of syntactic patterns, word frequency, and

picture clues). These texts stand in contrast to the decodable

texts of the prescriptive approach because they are selected for

their sense of story and predictable syntactic patterns, and

words are selected for frequency, not for sound-spelling patterns.

But the issue of what makes text decodable for which

readers at which phase of reading development is a largely unanswered

empirical question (1985;

 1999). An example of leveled text is shown in Figure

12. The pages in this figure are from the story The Bus Ride

( 1976), which is appropriate

for mid-fall of first grade. In contrast to Jen’s Pen (),

which shows tight control on vocabulary with an emphasis on

the /e/ sound from the lesson and previously taught lettersounds,

The Bus Ride emphasizes the predictable pattern “got

off/on the bus.”

Because of the new emphasis on phonological awareness

and phonics, guided reading now includes a separate emphasis

on words (1995;  1998).

This means that in addition to guided reading, independent

reading, and process writing blocks of an integrated readinglanguage

period, many primary-grade classrooms now include

a block of time devoted to word-level activities. During this

daily block, the teacher teaches children how to read and spell

high-frequency words and discusses strategies for decoding

and spelling.  (1999) developed a curriculum

of activities for word work (e.g., organizing words on a wall

chart according to letter-sound patterns, building words with

magnetic letters, using words you know, guessing the missing

word in a sentence). These activities all emphasize analogical

reasoning around onsets and orthographic rimes, in contrast to

the synthetic phonics approach taken by the majority of prescriptive

teaching approaches. That is, a responsive teacher will

have children sort printed words by initial sounds and then by

word families (such as the ould in could). The danger is that

these strategies can result in a look-at-first-letter-then-guess decoding

strategy such as pronouncing shot as ship or categorizing

only by rimes (make, bake, rake) rather than also by vowel

spellings (make, rain, play, eight). Full mastery of the alphabetic

system requires understanding how spellings represent

speech sounds, and the inconsistency of this mapping for vowels

provides a challenge for beginning readers of English (see

Fig. 2). However, as we discuss in the section on research findings,

there is an adequate empirical base to support phonics

over nonphonics instruction, but not an adequate base to support

one type of phonics instruction over another (e.g., synthetic

vs. analogical).

Summary: Balanced Reading Instruction

In the first years of the new millennium, the language of balanced

reading instruction has swept America’s classrooms and

basal textbook market. However, underlying the rhetoric lurks

the reality of the debate over reading methods. Prescriptive

teaching follows a scope and sequence of phonic elements,

with texts based on the accumulating set of letter-sound correspondences

taught. Responsive teaching eschews a scope and

sequence in favor of strategies that enable the child to construct

meaning in texts leveled by difficulty according to a number of

factors (such as word frequency). Recently, responsive teachers

have begun to attend more to word-level work that emphasizes

an analogical approach to reading and spelling words and are

often turning to phonics kits to supplement their letter-sound

instruction. Unfortunately, the continued dichotomy of reading

philosophies produces fragmented instruction in classrooms

rather than the integrated balance of skills and meaningful applications

that research suggests are needed to produce successful




During the 1990s, concerns about the effectiveness of reading

instruction led to what are often called reading wars in a

number of states where state officials became very involved in

debates about reading instruction. In this section, we focus on

Texas, California, and Massachusetts as examples of how politically

charged the issue is. We also note that concerns among

many parents have led to increased enrollments in many private

schools. In general, this trend has occurred because many private

schools have relied on phonics instruction, whereas many

public school systems have used whole-language approaches to

teaching reading.

Because of their large populations, Texas and California

have had special status since the 1960s in decisions regarding

the adoption of basal readers. The readers adopted by school

districts in Texas and California often become the textbooks for

the entire nation. Both states have grass-roots parents organizations

and business coalitions that push educational agendas

which affect national educational policy (such as California’s

Proposition 227 ending bilingual education in 1998). In Texas,

the classic example of a politician involved in educational issues

is Ex-Governor George W. Bush, who made education

(and, in particular, reading) the focus of election campaigns,

with a rallying call of “All children shall read at or above grade

level by third grade!”

In the 1980s, the book A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for

Educational Reform (National Commission on Excellence in

Education, 1983) inspired a number of educational reforms. In

Texas, the legislature passed reforms establishing minimum

passing scores for courses and tests, minimum competency

tests for teachers, and a “no pass—no play” rule that prohibited

students who failed from participating in extracurricular activities.

Legislation established an accountability system tied to

students’ performance on statewide tests and the development

in the early 1990s of the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills

(TAAS). Much has been written (2000) about

Texas’s experience with the TAAS as the epitome of the negative

consequences of high-stakes testing (e.g., bonuses to administrators

and bribes to students led to test anxiety, cheating,

and a TAAS-oriented curriculum). However, the public display

of TAAS results school by school in local newspapers and

across the state in the magazine Texas Monthly resulted in a

groundswell of parent and business involvement in school reform

at the local and state level. Much of this groundswell of

parents was a cry of “We want more phonics!” directed at local

school boards and the state school board. In fact, phonics advocates

joined forces with social conservatives on the state board

of education to try to mandate a phonics-oriented scope-andsequence

set of standards. Although this attempt failed, the social

conservatives and phonics advocates were successful in

passing a mandate that first-grade texts selected during the

basal-reader adoption process be 80% decodable.

Texas also institutionalized its reading initiative at the localdistrict

level. This was accomplished through several steps.

First, a reading czar, who reported directly to the commissioner

of education, was appointed at the Texas Education Agency,

and this model was followed by several of the large school districts

across the state. Second, the governor’s office worked

with the legislature to fund reading-related initiatives, such as

early-reading assessments, early-reading interventions, and 4

days of professional development for the state’s 40,000 kindergarten

through second-grade teachers. Third, the state’s curriculum

standards were approved by a consensus committee, and

textbooks that were subsequently adopted were aligned with

the state standards. Fourth, coalitions of business leaders, university

researchers, and professional educators used TAAS data

and research findings to spearhead school reform in low-performing

schools. At each step, districts are expected to make

their own decisions about how state directives will be achieved.

For example, districts can use “accelerated learning” funds for

whatever early-reading intervention programs they want, but

are held accountable for student outcomes. Additionally, dis

tricts choose from the commissioner’s list of approved instruments

which early-reading assessment will be administered.

In contrast to Texas’s local-control approach to reading reform,

California implemented a top-down approach that was a

result of the state’s plummeting scores on national assessment

tests. From the early 1980s to 1994, California went from near

the top to near the bottom in national comparisons. In 1995, the

state superintendent of public schools put together a reading

task force that prepared guidelines for reading reform. In that

same year, the legislature passed the ABC Bill, which mandated

explicit teaching of phonics, spelling, and math. This was

followed by legislation providing money for staff development

for teachers and administrators in effective early-reading techniques,

including techniques for systematic, explicit instruction

in phonics. In 1996, the California Department of Education

released a program advisory on reading and language arts instruction,

which was followed by the Reading/Language Arts

Framework in 1999. Both documents were written by outside

experts. While all of this was going on, California was also reducing

class size, setting up an accountability system, calling

for another textbook adoption, and eliminating bilingual education.

With so much change occurring so fast, it is not surprising

that California’s reading-reform movement was severely criticized

by university faculty and teachers ( 1999;2000)

In Massachusetts, the situation was slightly different. Public

education in Massachusetts has traditionally been much more

decentralized than in Texas or California. There has typically

been no statewide textbook adoption, and little history of state

involvement in curriculum choice. These matters have been

largely left up to local school systems. The 1993 passage of the

Massachusetts Education Reform Act was thus a notable departure

from tradition. Education reform promised major increases

in state funding for public education. In exchange,

local school systems were required to meet new state curricular

standards, which were to be drawn up by committees appointed

by the Massachusetts Department of Education and approved

by the state Board of Education. The standards were to be enforced

through a program of statewide testing.

Despite the traditional lack of centralized control, the curriculum

in Massachusetts public schools looked rather uniform

across the state. This is understandable: As everywhere, teachers

and administrators took similar courses at the same handful

of universities, attended the same workshops, and bought the

same textbooks, responding to national trends and fashions.

Consequently, reading instruction in Massachusetts was strongly

influenced by the whole-language movement in the early 1990s.

It is thus not surprising that the committee of educators charged

with drawing up the curriculum framework on English language

arts produced a document heavily influenced by the whole-language

approach. The document that they produced contained

no mention whatsoever of the scientific literature on reading,

yet claimed support from research. It highlighted the idea that

children could learn to read the same way they learned to

talk—and presented a vision of language acquisition that attributed

the process to curiosity and enthusiasm alone. Crucially,

the document claimed support from research on language:

By analogy, the same shift was endorsed in reading instruction.

As it happens, Massachusetts is home to well-known centers

of research in linguistics and the psychology of reading at

the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University

of Massachusetts at Amherst. Once the content of the proposed

curriculum document became known to some of these researchers,

a letter signed by 40 researchers in linguistics and

psychology was sent to the Commissioner of Education on July

12, 1995. The letter objected to the document’s claims about

language and reading:

By chance, the letter came along just as the reading wars

were heating up in other states, and attracted considerable attention.

Massachusetts responded quite positively, first revising

its curriculum framework and finally rewriting it completely.

The commonwealth’s curriculum document (though controversial

in other ways) has won praise for being a lucid and scientifically

accurate description of the reading process that at least

points to acceptable standards for early-reading instruction. In

a sense, the Massachusetts story represents a victory for sound

educational practice. Nonetheless, it is unclear how much has

really changed for Massachusetts schoolchildren now that

Massachusetts has a scientifically sound document underlying

its standards for reading instruction. The most recent round of

state testing continues to reveal harsh differences between rich

and poor communities in reading achievement, and there is little

sign that teachers are being educated about the research litPSYCHOLOGICAL

erature that underlies the commonwealth’s current standards


Massachusetts, Texas, and California each reveal part of the

way out of the reading wars. It is helpful when the research

community is mobilized and gets itself involved, as happened

in Massachusetts. But researchers do not make policy and do

not teach young children to read. For true progress, there must

be guidance from above, as in California, supporting and fostering

strong local interest and enthusiasm from both parents

and teachers, as in Texas.

Many obstacles stand in the way of this sort of progress.

One is the peculiar alignment (particularly in North America)

of phonics with conservative politics. Considerable publicity

for the Massachusetts researchers’ letter was generated by conservative

newsletters and Web sites (a bit of an irony for a letter

signed by 40 Massachusetts professors, including several wellknown

leftist activists). In like fashion, writings from the

whole-language community proclaim that the essence of this

approach lies not in its particular ideas about reading, but in its

“belief in the empowerment of learners and teachers” and the

“acceptance of all learners and the languages, cultures and experiences

they bring to their education”

(2000)—as if a pedagogy based on the alphabetic

principle was inevitably inconsistent with empowerment and

acceptance. In reality, of course, the pedagogy that empowers

most is the pedagogy that teaches best.


We turn now to research findings related to how to best

teach reading skills. We begin by reviewing two well-known

summaries of research on teaching reading and then providing

overviews of the findings of two recent reports on the issue: the

National Reading Panel (NRP; 2000) report and a report of the

National Research Council (NRC) called Preventing Reading

Difficulties in Young Children (S 1998). We then turn

to a discussion of laboratory and classroom studies.

Meta-Analyses of Teaching Reading

The questions surrounding how reading is most effectively

taught have been the object of several comprehensive reports

over the years, including two major books (1990;

1967). The question at the center of Chall’s “Great Debate”

review was, what does evidence have to say about the effectiveness

of direct instruction—explicit phonics—compared

with whole-word instruction or implicit phonics? Should beginning

instruction focus on directly teaching the correspondences

between letters and sounds (phonemes)? The logical answer to

this question appears to be that these correspondences, and the

alphabetic principle they instantiate, should be the central initial

focus of instruction. However, the tendencies of actual practice

have been otherwise. As noted earlier, a variety of alternative

pedagogies have emphasized instead meaning-focused instruction

built around story reading, exposure to print, and enhanced

language environments. These alternatives are too varied to capture

with a single characterization. For example, when Chall

coined the term Great Debate in 1967, the alternative to direct

instruction was whole-word teaching, in which basal readers

and limited (and later) phonics instruction were typical components.

In the past 20 years, the dominant alternative has been

whole-language instruction. Chall’s conclusion, based on a

careful analysis of some 22 programs, classroom observations,

and reviews of published studies, was that children who received

direct code-based instruction (emphasis on decoding or

phonics) tended to have higher achievement in the first three

grades than did children in whole-word classrooms. Although

initially, for beginning readers, whole-word classrooms performed

better on measures of comprehension and reading rate,

in later grades the advantage of decoding-based instruction became

highly general, encompassing spelling, word recognition,

and comprehension. This conclusion, in its general form, was

confirmed in later less comprehensive reports.

(1990) provided a thorough treatment of these

research reports and, more generally, an evaluation of teaching

methods in the context of research findings. Furthermore, she put

the Great Debate in its historical context, and explained why there

has been so much resistance to the direct teaching of decoding.

An emphasis on meaning and comprehension not only coincides

with the main goal of reading, but also appeals to beliefs that the

child’s experience in school should reflect purposeful learning in

authentic contexts. In that spirit, the exclusive use of commercially

published children’s literature (which is often not decodable)

has become characteristic of whole-language classrooms.

Modern phonics advocates point out that there is nothing incompatible

between these meaning values and good phonics instruction,

which aims to quickly provide the child with the basics of

the letter-sound system and practice with decodable texts while

at the same time introducing children’s literature. Like Chall,

Adams argued that phonics approaches were more successful

than nonphonics approaches in teaching children to read.

The NRC report

The NRC (the research arm of the National Academy of

Sciences) revisited this issue in its report Preventing Reading

Difficulties in Young Children (1998). Unlike reports

that have focused on the question of how to teach reading,

the NRC report asked how available research findings can

inform recommendations directed at reducing children’s reading

difficulties. A distinctive feature of the NRC report was that

it considered early-childhood factors. It reviewed research on

early childhood, including research on parental influences on

cognitive and social development, family literacy, and the role

of preschools as language and literacy environments. It also reviewed

the problems of teacher preparation and made specific

recommendations about what teachers need to know about

reading. The report reviewed studies that reported low levels of

teacher preparation in the foundations of reading. Adding to

the growing call for stronger teaching preparation, the report

recognized the need to improve both the college education

(preservice training) and the in-service training of teachers.

Although the NRC report steered clear of specific curriculum

recommendations, it emphasized the importance of promoting

knowledge and practice in decoding. For example, it

recommended that kindergarten instruction “be designed to

provide practice with the sound structure of words, the recognition

and production of letters, knowledge about print concepts,

and familiarity with the basic purposes and mechanisms of

reading and writing” (). It concluded that research shows

that beginning reading “depends critically on mapping the letters

and the spellings of words onto the sounds and speech

units that they represent” (). Furthermore, counter to the

idea that somehow comprehension can proceed on its own, the

report added that “failure to master word recognition impedes

text comprehension” ().

The report’s focus on language and literacy experiences

prior to school and on the importance of decoding knowledge

as a goal of beginning reading instruction achieves a meaningful

balance. It is clear that coming to school with certain relevant

skills (some degree of phonological awareness) and dispositions

(an interest in books) eases the burden of school instruction.

It is equally clear that schooling can organize its efforts

along the lines supported by research, making sure that children

acquire the ability to decode words and have sufficient

reading practice to gain fluency and increase comprehension.

The NRP report

In 1997, the U.S. Congress asked the National Institute for

Child Health and Human Development and the Department of

Education to convene a committee to examine applying reading

research to classroom practice. Topics studied by the NRP were

alphabetics (phonological awareness and phonics), fluency, comprehension,

how teachers can be taught to teach reading better in

certification and professional development programs, and the

use of computer technology in reading instruction. Meta-analyses

based on available data on these topics were undertaken.

The NRP (2000) study is valuable for what it found in the

alphabetics area and what it did not find in the other areas (the

committee decided that there was generally not enough goodquality

research to make valid conclusions in some areas). The

report noted the validity of the research we discussed previously

in the section on phonological awareness. With respect to

phonics instruction, meta-analyses revealed that (a) systematic

phonics instruction produces significant benefits for students in

kindergarten through sixth grade and for students with reading

disabilities (regardless of SES), (b) the impact of phonics is

strongest in kindergarten and first grade, and (c) phonics must

be integrated with instruction in phonological awareness, fluency,

and comprehension. The report noted that a strong empirical

base supports the importance of instruction in phonological

awareness, in conjunction with phonics instruction, for the beginning

stages of reading instruction. However, the report also

noted that there are not enough data to draw conclusions about

the best way to teach vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension,

or the best way to prepare teachers to teach reading.

Laboratory Studies

The results of some important experimental studies suggest

two interrelated conclusions. First, learning correspondences

between letters and sounds is more productive (so there is more

transfer to new words) than learning whole words, even though

learning whole words may be faster at first. Second, providing

instruction that lets children infer these correspondences may

not be as effective as directly teaching them. The first conclusion

was demonstrated by (1964), who trained

two groups of adult subjects to respond to novel visual stimuli.

One group learned to make phoneme responses to individual

Arabic letters, whereas the other group learned to make word

responses to strings of Arabic letters. In each case there was a

1:1 correspondence between the graphic stimulus and the pronunciation.

In the case of single letters, the correspondence

was between the letter and the phoneme; in the case of the

words, the correspondence was between the printed word and

its pronunciation. Although training was faster for the wholeword

group than the letter-phoneme group, transfer showed the

opposite result: The letter-phoneme group could read many

more new words than the whole-word group.

(1967) carried out a similar study using

kindergarten children and a set of specially constructed letters.

They found that children who had learned the sounds of individual

letters could correctly read many more new words than

could children whose training required them to learn whole

words. Although both groups learned the intended pronunciation

of the new words, the word group needed twice as many

trials as the letter group to reach this level of performance.

Thus, laboratory research has long established the value of

learning letter-sound correspondences for productive transfer of

reading skill. Other laboratory studies with children have shown

how difficult acquiring these correspondences can be in the absence

of instruction ( 1984, 1996).  (1991) taught

young children to read one-syllable words by pairing the words

with their meanings; for example, fat was associated with a picture

of a fat boy and bat was associated with a picture of a bat.

Then, with the pictures withdrawn, the children demonstrated

that they could read the words alone. One might think that the

children had inferred that the f made the sound /f/, because the f

was the only letter that distinguished fat from bat and the phoneme

/f/ was the only sound that distinguished the spoken word

“fat” from “bat.” But instead, the children were unable to demonstrate

that they had learned this association. When they were

asked to judge whether the printed word fun said “fun” or “bun,”

their responses were incorrect about as often as they were correct.

Thus, in at least some conditions, children do not spontaneously

infer letter-sound correspondences on the basis of being

able to read whole words. This finding reinforces the importance

of teaching children directly what they need to learn.

Classroom Studies

Classroom studies of teaching reading typically have compared

phonics instruction with some form of nonphonics

(whole-word or whole-language) instruction. As noted, there

have been many reviews of such research (1990;

 1967) in addition to the NRC (1998) and

NRP (2000) reports. All of these reviews (1983,

1996; 1988) concluded that systematic phonics instruction

produces somewhat higher reading achievement for

beginning readers compared with the nonphonics alternative.

Results are most impressive for students at risk for reading failure,

such as children in Title I programs and those with learning


If reviews are unanimous in their support for phonics, why

does the debate continue? It continues because the debate is not

just about whether the unit of instruction should be graphemephoneme

mappings or whole words; rather, the debate is enmeshed

in philosophical differences between traditional versus

progressive education that divided American educators throughout

the 20th century and continue to this day. The progressives,

drawing upon the writings of  (1938), champion student-

centered learning over traditional education’s emphasis on

the uniformity of method and curriculum. The whole-language

movement’s emphasis on teacher empowerment, child-centered

learning, and authentic literature is an outgrowth of progressive

education. Likewise, its emphasis on constructivist

psychology and on ethnographic and case study methodologies

challenges the credibility of the empirical data-based approaches

that dominate every field of scientific research

(1995). Hence, conclusions based on classroom studies

are contested on the basis of broad philosophical stances that

are inconsistent with standard assumptions about research.

It is important to note that most of the whole-language

movement’s educational values are not necessarily inconsistent

with teaching phonics. Indeed, schools of education could include

a course in the alphabetic principle and phonics instruction

for teachers in training. Then these teachers could enter

first-grade classrooms empowered with the knowledge necessary

to teach phonics without following scripted programs or

relying on worksheets ( 1994). In fact, few schools of

education offer such a course.

First-grade studies

The U.S. Office of Education conducted the Cooperative

Research Program in First Grade Reading Instruction between

1964 and 1967. These studies are commonly referred to as “the

first-grade studies.” (1967) concluded from

these studies that classroom approaches that emphasized (a)

systematic phonics, (b) reading for meaning in vocabularycontrolled

text, and (c) writing produced superior achievement

compared with approaches that relied on mainstream basal

readers that did not include phonics (only recently have systematic

phonics instruction and decodable text been incorporated

into mainstream basal reading series). They found a

definite advantage for code-emphasis approaches but concluded

that no single method worked for all teachers or all children.

Phonics proponents emphasize the first part of the

conclusion; whole-language proponents emphasize the latter

part of the conclusion. Only recently have the multilevel modeling

and statistical techniques become available to test for the

separate and interactive effects of characteristics of students,

teachers, and programs.

 (1985) evaluated two programs in 20 firstgrade

classrooms. Half of these were traditional teacher-directed

classrooms in which instruction involved basal readers with

phonics drills and applications. The other half were studentcentered

classrooms in which instruction by the teacher constituted

only 35% of the day’s activity. In the latter classrooms,

reading was taught primarily by an individualized language-experience

method in which students produced their own workbooks

of stories and banks of words to be recognized (a wholelanguage

approach). Evans and Carr characterized these two

groups as decoding oriented and language oriented. Despite

some differences in emphasis regarding how teaching should

be conducted, the two groups did not differ in the amount of

time spent on reading tasks. The two groups were also matched

on relevant socioeconomic variables, and they were virtually

identical on measures of intelligence and language maturity.

The clear result, however, was that the decoding group scored

higher on year-end reading achievement tests, including comprehension

tests. Additionally, the language-oriented group did

not show higher achievement in oral language measures based

on a storytelling task. The results were consistent with the

Pittsburgh Longitudinal study (1981;

 1982), which also showed quite clearly that instruction

that emphasizes the alphabetic principle does not produce

word callers who are insensitive to contextual meaning.

Effective-schools research

In the late 1970s and the 1980s, several syntheses of research

on effective teaching were written

(1984;  1986). Effectiveness was defined

in terms of correlations between classroom processes and student

outcomes. The strongest correlates of achievement were

instructional time engaged in academic tasks, classroom management,

and certain patterns of teacher-student interactions

( 1973;  1986). For

disadvantaged students, the link between explicit instruction

and achievement was notable ( 1986), a finding

supported in other classroom-observation research

(1978;  1975). Current reading research

builds upon this research by employing longitudinal,

multilevel designs that nest time within student, student within

classroom, and classroom within school. By so doing, re

searchers are able to examine the impact of teachers and

schools on the growth and outcomes of individual students

over time. Thus, although the effective-schools research provides

correlations between students’ time-on-task and achievement

outcomes, new methodologies in the 1990s made it

possible to model how teachers’ effectiveness mediates the impact

of students’ initial skill levels on skill development and

achievement. And by modeling these effects within schools, researchers

can begin to understand why students in some

schools perform so much better than students in other schools.

Best practices

During the heyday of the whole-language movement (the

mid-1980s to the end of the 1990s), educational researchers

turned away from large-scale studies of classroom instruction

and instead engaged in case studies of exemplary teachers and

culturally different students. Case studies of culturally responsive

instruction emphasized the small-group, collaborative approaches

( 1980; , 1972) and the importance of

relating classroom instruction to the home and community experiences

of children ( 1995;1991;1983)

In response to the assumption that best practices occurred in

literature-based classrooms and not in skills-based classrooms,

some recent research contrasted these two approaches

( 2000). The literature-based perspective is grounded

in reader response theory (1978), according to which

readers play a central role in the construction of meaning, and

in social-constructivist theory ( 1987), according to

which literacy is acquired in a book-rich context of purposeful

communication. Literature-based instruction emphasizes sustained

use of authentic literature for independent reading, readalouds,

and collaborative discussions. Skills-based programs,

in contrast, are typically defined as traditional programs that

use a commercially available basal reading program and follow

a sequence of skills ordered according to their difficulty. Systematic

phonics instruction falls under this definition of skillsbased

programs, whereas literature-based instruction is a more

recent term for the whole-language approach. Literature-based

instruction was found to benefit literacy acquisition in kindergarten

( 1994; 1989)

and at the elementary level (F 1991; 1995;1990)

In sum, studies of “best practices” provided ethnographic and

case studies of a small number of exemplary teachers, in contrast

to the effective-schools research, which examined process-

product correlations in a large number of classrooms in

schools of varying SES and achievement levels.

Recently, the combination of literature-based instruction

with traditional basal reading instruction has been found to be

more powerful than traditional instruction alone

( 1999; 1992; 1997)

. In fact, balanced reading instruction

seems to be replacing literature-based reading instruction

(2000; 1998), as the pendulum

of reading rhetoric swings away from whole-language approaches

toward phonics.

Evidence-based practices

Rather than simply describing teaching strategies of teachers

nominated by peers for their best practices (or correlating

processes and products as in the effective-schools research),

current research is drawing on longitudinal and multilevel designs

to examine the impact of student-level and teacher-level

variables on skill development and achievement.

While whole-language proponents were advocating the virtues

of literature-based instruction and condemning phonics

and skills-based instruction in the 1980s and 1990s, researchers

continued to examine how children’s reading development

was affected by the interaction of their characteristics with instructional

factors. These researchers (1990;

1998; 1994; H 1999; 1992)

 addressed the complex mappings of phonology to orthography

that are required when learning to read English; they

also appreciated that phonics is an ad hoc system of 90 or so

rules for teaching reading that provides only a beginning focus

on grapheme-phoneme relations when, in fact, there are as

many as 500 spelling-sound connections that must be learned

( 1992). Because of the sheer number of these

connections, self-teaching is hypothesized as the mechanism

by which children continue their reading development beyond

basic levels (1995;  1995). Selfteaching

assumes a foundation of phonological awareness and

decoding skill upon which to bootstrap new orthographic information.

Several researchers have investigated how this knowledge

interacts with instruction in classroom settings. Juel and

(1985) found that if the dominant instructional

strategy in the classroom was decoding unknown words

letter by letter, children learned the strategy quicker and went

on to infer untaught letter-sound relations faster if their beginning

reading textbooks contained decodable text. This was particularly

true of children with low initial levels of skill.

 (1991) found that

students in three first-grade classrooms with more letter-sound

instruction improved at a faster rate in reading and spelling

than students in three first-grade classrooms with less lettersound

instruction. Initial scores on phonemic segmentation

tasks predicted reading and spelling outcomes for all children.

Exploratory data analysis revealed that children who were slow

to improve in phonemic segmentation were also slow to spell

and read phonetically, especially among children receiving less

letter-sound instruction ( 1994).

In a subsequent study,  (1998) examined the

reading development of 285 first and second graders in 66

classrooms in eight Title I schools to determine how the nature

of letter-sound instruction interacted with entering skill in phonological

awareness. These students scored in the bottom 18%

on the district’s early literacy assessment. Some teachers par

ticipated in one of three kinds of experimental classroom reading

programs, and some participated in an unseen control

group involving the district’s standard curriculum. Instruction

in all four groups included a language arts emphasis on writing

and read-alouds from good-quality literature. The three types

of experimental programs were differentiated by the kind of

phonics instruction: (a) direct instruction in letter-sound correspondences

practiced in decodable text (direct code), (b) less

direct instruction in systematic sound-spelling patterns embedded

in authentic literature (embedded code), and (c) implicit

instruction in the alphabetic code while reading authentic text

(implicit code). The 53 teachers for these three groups participated

in ongoing generic staff development as well as training

specific to their program. The remaining 13 teachers participated

in the district’s whole-language staff development, and

their students formed a control group for the implicit-code approach.

Children receiving direct-code instruction improved in word

reading at a faster rate and had higher word recognition skills

than those receiving implicit-code instruction. The improvement

was particularly impressive for students who began the

year with low phonological awareness. Children receiving direct-

code instruction, in contrast to children in the other

groups, also had word-reading and reading comprehension

skills that approximated national averages at the end of the

year. Despite the direct-code group’s generally good outcomes,

35% of them remained below the 30th percentile in reading

achievement.  (2000) multiplied the percentage of students

remaining below the 30th percentile (35% in this case)

by the percentage of the distribution of reading scores represented

by the students at the beginning of the year (18% in this

case) to derive a population-based failure rate. Accordingly,

Torgesen computed the population-based failure rate for the

 (1998) study as 6% (35%  18%).

 (1998) pointed out that a failure rate of 6% represents a

substantial reduction in the 15% to 20% of students with reading

difficulty in the United States. The finding that explicit instruction

in letter-sounds can prevent reading difficulties for

children at risk for reading failure because of poor phonological

awareness or lack of home literacy has been demonstrated a

number of times

(1985;  1998;  2000;  1999;1996;1980)

The other side of this apparent ability-by-treatment interaction

is that first graders who enter with middle-range literacy

skills benefit from classrooms with ample opportunities to read

trade books (2000). In an investigation of 4,872 kindergarten

children in 114 classrooms where reading curricula (informed

by ongoing professional development) varied in the

degree of teacher choice and in the degree to which phonological

awareness was incorporated, less teacher choice and more

explicit incorporation of phonological awareness was associated

with less variability across teachers in letter knowledge

and phonological awareness at the end of kindergarten and in

reading achievement at the end of first grade

(2001). More teacher choice and a moderate number of phonological-

awareness activities (mostly in the form of letter-sound

instruction) were associated with more outliers—high-scoring

children—at the end of kindergarten and first grade.

The effects of instruction can persist beyond the first grade,

and they can be manifest in spelling as well as reading.

 (1998) compared

spelling in third-grade children who had whole-language instruction

throughout school and third graders who instead had

received phonics instruction. The phonics-instructed children

were better spellers, and their spelling of pseudowords included

more conventional, phonologically accurate patterns.

In general, it appears that the clarity and organization of research-

based components in the curriculum make a difference

to reading outcomes. However, out-of-the-box implementations

of basal reading programs are not likely to be effective. Again,

ongoing professional development that provides the rationale

for each component of reading (and spelling) instruction and

provides classroom coaching to deal with the pacing of instruction,

classroom management, and grouping of students is what

helps teachers develop successful readers. Expecting teachers

to put aside their basal readers and create their own curricula is

not realistic given the lack of resources and of the knowledge

base to do so ( 1994).


Since the 1960s, classroom studies of reading methods have

consistently shown better results for early phonics instruction

compared with instruction emphasizing meaning at the level of

words and sentences. This effect is particularly strong for children

at risk for reading failure because of lack of home literacy

or weak phonological-awareness skills (children who have attention

problems, chronic ear infections, articulation problems,

or a history of dyslexia in their families). This interaction between

children’s characteristics and curricular focus is moderated

by instructional factors such as teachers’ knowledge and

competency. Thus, the kinds of materials (curriculum) and instructional

strategies used interact with a child’s stage of reading

development in determining the child’s success in learning

to read. This fact has important policy implications for improving

literacy levels nationwide. Yet in the national arena, reading

methods have become highly politicized, and the Great Debate

has turned into the reading wars. Proponents of literature-based

instruction ( 2000;

2000; 1998) have attacked research supporting

skills-based instruction, despite the fact that this research investigates

processes fundamental to learning to read rather than

skills-based instruction per se. In return, skills-based researchers

have pointed out how these attacks have misrepresented the

research and are based primarily on philosophical objections


2000). Despite the controversy, there is no question

that continued scientific study of what constitutes effective

reading instruction will benefit children and teachers by improving

understanding of how particular children best learn to read.


In this monograph, we discussed a wide range of topics relevant

to how children learn to read. We discussed evidence

from developmental psychology concerning both the characteristics

of children’s language competency when they enter

school and the nature of early reading development. We also

discussed research on skilled reading (from cognitive psychology,

cognitive neuroscience, and connectionist modeling) and

the implications of this work for learning to read and teaching

methods. Included in our discussion were arguments based on

linguistic analyses, data from studies of skilled reading and

brain activity during reading, and implications that follow from

the implementation of connectionist models. Finally, we presented

evidence from laboratory and classroom studies regarding

the most effective methods for teaching reading.

From all these different perspectives, two inescapable conclusions

emerge. The first is that mastering the alphabetic principle

is essential to becoming proficient in the skill of reading,

and the second is that instructional techniques (namely, phonics)

that teach this principle directly are more effective than

those that do not. This seems to be especially the case for children

who are at risk in some way for having difficulty learning

to read. It is also the case that the absence of instruction in

phonics may increase the number of children at risk for becoming

poor spellers (particularly because whole-language instruction

often tolerates incorrect spellings). We do not deny the

value inherent in various principles of whole-language teaching

methods. As we noted many times throughout this monograph,

instructional techniques that move beyond phonics

practice to ensure the application of alphabetic principles to

reading clearly support the process of learning to read. We also

emphasized that the child’s learning is every bit as important as

the teacher’s instruction. Obviously, using whole-language activities

to supplement phonics instruction helps make reading

fun and meaningful for children. Such activities may be most

beneficial to children from environments where reading is not

highly valued. But, at the end of the day, phonics instruction is

critically important because it does help the beginning reader

understand the alphabetic principle and apply it to reading and

writing. Thus, the empirical data clearly indicate that elementary

teachers who make the alphabetic principle explicit are

most effective in helping their students become skilled, independent



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