Assignment 2




7502CIT – eCommerce Computer Systems and Networks


(Group Assignment)


Assign: 2 (Semester 1 2007)

Group Assignment (two students per group)

Format: Report & Presentation

Marks: 50% of total mark (Report: 40% and Presentation: 10%)

Words: 7,500 Approx


Presentation Due: Week 13 during Lecture. The presentations may start in week 12 depending on the number. Therefore, be prepared for this eventuality.


The assignment


Written component – 40% of total subject mark


Imagine that you have been thinking for some time and finally decided to sell a product (= goods or a service) online. This would entail you to identify the product and its competitors in the market place. One of the objectives of this assignment is to develop a Web site that will be the starting point for the new online business. This eCommerce initiative will require you to do a business plan and a business case.


Also prepare and include a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for your enterprise. To do this you will need to conduct a Risk Assessment and Business Impact Analysis (BIA) for the enterprise. You may build on the risk information prepared for Assignment 1 for this assignment.


It is expected you will address the disaster preparation, disaster response, business contingency and business recovery components of the BCP. The roles and responsibilities of those designing, approving, implementing, managing and maintaining the BCP should also be included, as well as plans to test, maintain and audit the BCP should also be included.


APA or Harvard referencing techniques must be used


Group presentation – 10% of total subject mark


In a 20-minute presentation, your group will then present the findings from your report. This should touch on all the major aspects of your project.



The Organisation


The document should follow these main (template) headings:

1.      Problem overview

o       Purpose

o       Scope

o       Limitations and assumptions

o       Stakeholders

o       Acronyms and definitions


2.      The business plan and the business case

o       Refer to the handout given in the class


3.      Risk Assessment and Business Impact Assessment

o       Impact of interruptions (major and minor) will have on the organisation

o       Tolerance of downtime on a system by system basis

o       Prioritisation of critical business processes in case of interruptions

o       Resource requirements


4.      Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

o       Roles and responsibilities

o       Disaster preparation

o       Disaster response

o       Business continuity

o       Business recovery


5.      BCP testing, maintenance and auditing plan

o       Testing

o       Maintenance

o       Auditing


6.      BCP testing, maintenance and auditing plan


7.      Include the web site that you have created for your online business. The way to do this is to burn a CD and attach it to the back cover page of your report.


8.      References




Please note that this is a group assignment and the following will apply.

§         A hard copy of the assignment must be submitted on or before the dead line. Please make sure that the first page is a  University assignment cover sheet.

§         You should keep a backup copy of the assignment.

§         Extensions will only be given for medical reasons, supported by a medical certificate.

§         No extensions will be granted for other reasons, for example, a computer failure.

§         Late assignments are subject to penalties in accordance with university policy.

§         With respect to cheating and plagiarism, refer to the university’s academic misconduct policy.

§         If cheating and/or plagiarism is discovered the matter will be reported to the Dean of the Faculty for action.



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