Presence is valued, held up, invested with power, and so can be said to have a pervasive quality. Presence, it appears, constructs, connects, and holds together. Within this contrived order of things presence is the determining feature of being, subjectivity, ideology, textuality, systems of speech and writing, presentation and representation the list is boundless. Such is the construction of presence, even absence, its taxonomic opposite, is seen as a formation and formulation of it (Ukens 2001). To have presence is also to have the capacity for absence. The force of this relational schema has led to the conceptual figuring of absence and absences only because there is presence, or a register of presence, to begin with. Absence is seen to be derived from a state of presence, as it is seen as the denial of presence. One way of figuring absences outside of this way of thinking is to specify two forms of absence: primary absences and secondary absences. These categories are necessarily broad and cannot be seen as ascribing a complete agenda to the issues. In this sense it is important to acknowledge the flexibility of the concepts to recognize the chains of signification which determine not resolution and meaning, but the interplay of the discourses themselves. Absence can be a status measured against other orders (Fuery 1995).
Something is absent because it is not present, but the significant detail is that the absent something is figured as potentially present, that is, held-in-readiness. The absences are secondary because they establish forms of quasi-presences to fill the gaps, the holes and blanks, the simulacra, complex orders of signs which point and indicate until the absences themselves are denied. Bits of the missing presence are fleshed out, embellished, or signifiers are constructed to provide a presence. All the time these secondary absences are sub forms of a presence because they have a referential system; in doing so they often suggest an originary position. To divide the idea of absence into primary and secondary forms is not to establish distinct types an important feature is that secondary absences provide a connection between the operations of the presence and all forms of absence. Although this does not provide a continuum between pure presence, that is a present-ness, and primary absence, it does permit a reading of absence in terms of a relational context of presence, which, in turn, allows the continuation of a primary mode of absence, independent of any sense of presence. The dynamics of primary and secondary absences mean that there are constant qualifying notions of the absent (Klaas, Mahony & Wheeler 2004). Essentially, primary absences are determining principles and signifying practices in which absence is the defining feature and constant point of reference (Murray & Richardson 2002). The main aim of the study is to evaluate and investigate the performance of employees of White Star Line in accordance to the current efforts of the company towards absenteeism, training and development (Murray & Richardson 2002). This study attempts to review and analyze the effect of absenteeism and type of training provided for the employees. In the recent studies of employee training and employee motivation, human resource is the greatest source of the improvement of a business. Here, it exposes the positive as well as the negative treatment accorded to the employees as a result of an effective/ineffective implementation of an employee training program which also causes absenteeism.
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