Personal Code of Ethics and My Strategic Plan
Mission Statement
As a woman of an accounting profession, my mission entails the promotion to live a purposeful life that would be filled with meaning not just for the benefit of oneself but for others as well. With the best of my knowledge I intend to serve the community through sharing my knowledge and the blessings that I have especially to the less fortunate such that I will be able to touch their lives in my own special way. I will lead by example in accordance to my ethical principles and the core values I hold on as I go through the journey of life. As part of this mission, I want to leave a legacy that I am a woman of commitment and integrity.
Core Values
Values serves as my guiding light in being able to carry out the ideals that I believe in life. From the abyss of values cradles the core values I want to incorporate with my everyday as part in fulfilling the mission that I have made. The values of Integrity, Independence, Fairness, Respect Honesty, Loyalty, Dependability, Confidentiality and Hard-work are among the values that are central and the focal point to the belief system I firmly believe in.
Personal Code of Ethics
In lieu to my mission statement wherein I want to promote a purposeful life, the primary purpose of my personal code of ethics is to inspire me to be the best person I can be to others and to myself. The personal code of ethics will mold me to be a better person to the community and the society that I belong into. Life would be dull unless you put meaning to it, by the personal code of ethics I will embrace the essential meaning of my existence and makes me able to partake to the obligations I want to return to the community and the society in general in which I owe something and as one of the many reasons that made me whole.
Drawing inspirations to the people that surround me and in which I get to have a connection with, whether good or bad, pain or in comfort, the experiences I have with them contributes to the essence of what makes me as a person. Indeed, personal experiences are the best teacher in life, either you learn it from the hard way or easy way, the important thing is you learned something that is not being taught in school or anywhere else that eventually would make you a strong person in the process. Among the things that they see of me that correspond with my self-concept are that I am a person of trustworthiness, possess good interpersonal skills (developed as part of my profession in dealing with other people), the value of confidentiality that I rightfully adhere as a sign of my respect for every client I get to have business with and that I am dependable with the responsibilities being asked of me. The strongest point I consider that I possess is that I am being the real me. Not building a façade when I am in front of other people has equipped to make a genuine and sincere connection with others in a personal level rather than impersonally. The strengths that I have will empower me; at the same time improving on my weaknesses will make me become a better person in the future. The challenges of everyday is not just about achievements but it is knowing that you did something right cultivates within the person an internal good feeling of himself or herself, thus, fostering a well-being of a person.
I have always believed that being good to others even though they have not been good to you is a tough challenge to deal with. However, retaliating of being bad to the people who have done you wrong will not do anything good as well. Just like the people who done you wrong, you are being good to yourself. As what a God says in the bible, “If they throw you with stones, throw bread back at them.” Similarly, I believe that respect is often demanded especially to people who are in higher status. But I stand on my belief that respect is something earned and not asked. In fact, showing more respect to people who live life with dignity amidst the intricate problems that engulfs them is deemed more appropriate than respecting the people who exploits their power and influence.
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