The Total Quality Management System is a prerequisite in any business and organization. To be able comply with company’s goal and objectives, management together with the human resource personnel must promulgate such system, sets of rules and regulation so that they can achieve excellence in most of their undertakings. In compliance with the emerging world of competition and research and development through information, management themselves should be responsible and should act as a role model in serving the total quality management system implementation.

      This implementation does not required to go back to theoretical principles of the best management of their times but it requires thorough and immediate response in every organization. This is not to say that the total quality management system is the only way but it is the best way to manage a company. Naturally there is no exact ways on how to manage a company it depends entirely on the situations they are in. Management system may come along the way eventually or it can be plan ahead which is more beneficial. Total Quality Management can be evaluated according to the success of the company if a manager served well to the company; chances are all employees will succeed as well as the company. On the other hand it is very easy to create a risk in people and organization by mismanagement.

      Total participation in the work place of management is definitely an advantage to make a total overview of the company and a hands-on experience to do the job. Imagine a manager who only rely on the data rather than participate on the job is weak and undesirable.  Most management does this if they feel that the company has been successful, they may be reluctant to non participation if they see that their employee is handling the job well. We can tell so many companies who have gone through this style of leadership. The result is corruption or worst decline in business.

      The management perception toward quality training and development is another important factor in determining the success of their employees. They should be the source of knowledge in most aspect so as to lead people from specific sets of rules. Especially in a very sensitive company that requires zero error in management. Company like medical, chemical, engineering etc. is really sensitive when error in management is committed it may cause lives in other people. Imagine the nuclear outburst in Japan recently after the earthquake that may kill people if non immediate response has been dealt with.

      Total communication transfer- this has been neglected in many instances due to many reasons the transfer of information is very important in a day to day operation of the company.  Especially in a manufacturing company where employees who have not transfer such information may lead to low production or bad orders. If the management has not transfer to their people the correct sets of implementing rules chances are people will be reluctant to do the job neglectfully. For instance in a department store a salesman who have just received an order has not report it to the purchaser, the next time the customers would buy to the other stores. Or a person who received a chemical formula who has not focused on engineers instruction, the result was an explosion, literally or a non delivery because of non order. These are just an example that management may perceived to weaken the company.   

      Favoritism and Nepotism- Management may promote people because it is their relative or they are going to promote employees because it is their favorite. This notion is definitely wrong and not a very systematic management approach to deal with.

      Division of labor – Basically management must delegate their people their own sets of instruction and work division as to make the job easier and focused on the part of the laborer. Again if a person has not been assigned in a department where he should belong, works will be tiring or exhausting or simply boring and definitely may result in inefficiency of employee.

      The management behavior towards achieving total quality management should be inculcated in their mind and should be totally implemented in the workplace. These simple principles mentioned above are just a few general factors that affect management performance. Non performance makes a company or organization weak and non progressive. An impact or a change of pace in management style or inability in Directing, Controlling, Planning and Organizing will definitely put the company at risk of losing its market potential. Or a newly established company may not expand or totally be bankrupt without such performance of Total Quality Management System.  




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