Part I: Issues and Events

The top three day-to-day issues (in leadership, management, organizational behavior) I now face in my actual or aspired job are gender discrimination in the workplace, lack of strong leadership skills on the part of the managers, and dominating colleagues.

Regarding the first issue, the working environment is run by a managing partner who is a micro manager and treats the women in the office as 2nd class citizens. The men are moving up to the corporate ladder while the women are not. There is gender discrimination in the workplace which favored the males. Females on the other hand are not given the equal opportunity to prove their worth. The reason why I am still working here despite the apparent gender discrimination is because of the bonus incentives.

            The lack of strong leadership skills on the part of the managers is very bad for the organization. This creates a domino effect and even the simplest things becomes difficult. To create a strong organization, it must start from the top and all the rest will follow. Without strong leadership skills, there would be poor organization and results of the work. Another thing is that this would not give motivation to the workers.

            With regards to dominating the colleagues, these are the people who think they know all or are in close ties with individuals holding higher positions. They exhibit power which they rightfully do not have. This creates tension in the workplace and affects my overall job performance as well as satisfaction.


Part II: Personal Thinking Styles

            Based on the results of the LSI styles profile, the style that is strongly descriptive to me is the Affiliative style. The particular score for this style is considered to be of high range. Other “primary” personal thinking styles to me as reflected in the data are: conventional, humanistic-encouraging, approval, dependent and achievement. Examples of professional behaviors or beliefs that illustrate these primary styles which I have shown are  being relaxed and at ease with people, my avoidance of conflict, and being considerate.

            The “backup” personal thinking styles as depicted in the results are self-actualizing, avoidance, perfectionist, competitive, oppositional, and power. These personality styles are not very descriptive to me and are shown to be also found in many other respondents. Examples of professional behaviors or beliefs that I have illustrated as my backup styles are being open about myself, avoiding decisions, and having the strong need to win.

            On general, the results of the personality style profile showed personality styles that are more constructive and passive/defensive. These pertain to satisfaction needs and people orientation. Areas in which I might identify examples of my behavior illustrating my primary and backup personal styles are in the planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling within the organization.

            Affiliation which means involving other people or groups is one of my limitations. Everything that is done seems to be with respect to other people. Affiliations have been deemed important to the point that oneself could not be given enough priority. To cite one good example of why this could reduce my effectiveness, being affiliated allows my judgment to be influenced by my liking to other people. Being affiliated would mean that in choosing a person to do a task, I would select someone I like or I don’t like depending on what the task is. And this would be very unfair.


Part III: Conclusion and Reflection

            My LSI results more or less described exactly how am I professionally behave. Compared to the other respondents, there are personality styles which I have discovered that are not normally used by the others. On the other hand, there are also personality styles which I share with the majority of the respondents.

            My LSI results make me more aware of myself.  This is helpful in a way that I can improve something to where I think I had been lacking of and continue to enhance what I already have in me. This could help me improve my professional behavior and myself in general.


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