Globalization and Internationalization in Education
Globalization is considered as one of the factors that changes the ways educational authorities and institutions operate. It can be said that more and more educational system are being pressure by the national government’s economic response to the context of globalization. The aim of this report is to determine how and why globalization is related to the internationalization of education. Herein, the focus is on higher education. Accordingly, the concept of globalization is something that tends to homogenize the economical, social, academic process and cultural aspects. On one hand, internationalization is a concept in which systems are considering the potentialities of foreign countries to increase capabilities ( 2004).
Consequently, there are issues that concern the relationship of economic globalization with the internationalization of higher education, specifically for student’s aspects. Having knowledge as a need that moves between nations, have led to the development of knowledge-based economy to adapt to the needs of having intelligent and effective workforce and it starts in how the students have learned. In this regard, there is a rapid demand higher education which leads to the inability of some nations to supply these needs domestically.
In order to adapt with this situation, many students have migrated to other nations to get their higher education and this is increasing throughout the years. Part of this adaptation is the collaboration of universities in other countries or delivering education through distance learning, online and information technology. Accordingly, the traditional form of internationalization of higher education has been for students to migrate from one nation to another to enhance their studies ( 1996). Based on some evidences, it can be argued that economic globalization is relevant to internationalization of higher education. Some see globalization as a root cause of alterations taking consideration in higher education and this can be because of the enhancement of the flow of economy, technology, ideas, values, knowledge, and people in the international scene.
In higher education, the term globalization is mostly noted as an external macro-socio-economic approach which cannot be impacted at the level of higher education systems. (1996) has noted that not all universities are specifically international but all are subject to the same context of globalization. The term internationalization in higher education is used to determine specific internal changes in higher educations, particularly the integration or collaboration of international dimension into teaching functions, research, as well as societal service ( 1996). It is typically interpreted as an approach which can be molded and influenced by higher education institutions. It can be said that with the advent of globalization, students themselves are more willing to advance their education and if there is a chance and resources, they are willing to do it by migrating to another country to pursue their education. Furthermore, educations in European countries have been more eager to have foreign students for international diversification and cross-cultural aspects (2008).
It can be said that there are times that the concept of globalization may not be relevant to internationalization of higher education however, some viewed that the advent of globalization is reflected in the alteration of the paradigms of internationalization. The globalization concept have paved the way for the consideration of English as the second language which leads to the preference of students from non-English speaking nations like China and other nations to migrate and study in mostly European countries like UK or for the Chinese government to adapt their higher education to the needs of the students ( 2008).
The advent of globalization is also relevant to the internationalization of higher education because of the increasing international competition between institutions and higher education systems. For instance, the comparison of Europe with US higher education seems to become an issue of growing concern. In general, a strong threat is being felt from Anglo-American higher education approach and their strong position in the higher education system and market. With the advantage of English as their primary language, strong traditions in distance learning, flexible degree structures, fee systems, and the support of the government which actively support such international marketing approach, this English higher education have strong future in spite of the demand of the globalization.
It can be said that the birth as well as the development of education has been integrated with economic life of the human society and how they deal with the changes the happening in the global world. The internationalization of education, specifically higher education is the neutral results of the internationalization process. As a result of globalization, countries are now considering the context of development and competition which leads to having stricter demand for higher education. For instance, Chinese universities follow the trend of globalization in a way that they attempt to produce competitive talent who are able to be productive and competitive in the global market ( 2008).
Globalization is relevant to internationalization of higher education because of the challenges it posts to the universities all over the world. Due to economic globalization, different countries in the world are trying to be involved in face to face competition in the education market. In order to survive in the stiff competition in terms of providing quality education, higher education must be internationalized. It can be said that the internationalization of higher education is an inevitable outcome of collaboration of global economy and the important aspects in the development of educational system not only in China but in other parts of the world.
The consideration of higher education internationalization provides massive support for a global economy in a different manner. Firstly, the import of advanced concepts of education as well as training patterns will make refreshing changes to the idea about the development of internationalized higher education. Equipped with the new context and patterns, universities, specifically in China will be able to have a pool of outstanding graduates with a wide vision and cross cultural communication capability to give technical support as well as intelligence resources for battling against economic globalization ( 2008).
In addition, globalization is considered to be relevant to internationalization of higher education because it enables different nations to determine the follow of international education resources which will provide favorable conditions for the generation of a state-led multiple educational investment systems in which people, society and international organisation can all play an essential part to increase the investment in higher education and to ensure that they are up to the challenges post by globalization (2004).
Moreover, globalization is also relevant to internationalization of higher education in a way that both make it plausible for people all over the world to share a broader range of knowledge. And it also allows cultural exchanges among different nations which will bring significant changes to the human society and how students deal with their study. It is said that frequent international exchange as well as cooperation will lead to the increase in level o higher education in China, hence, enhancing the competitiveness of Chinese universities. Canada is also considering internalization of higher education to enable their students to become competitive and to enhance the knowledge of their students in terms of information technology and the internet ( 1999). Since the global trend is on the technological and technical abilities of the students, Canadian higher education adapted to different courses that enhance the capabilities of their students, thus considering internationalized higher education and giving importance to the knowledge that other well-off countries can give.
All in all, it can be said that the internalization of higher education as an effect of globalization is not only an exchange of educational resources or collaboration between different universities but also a new education context. In this regard, the globalization aspects and internationalization can be considered as an essential feature of higher education systems. With the expansion of much higher education of different countries into the international market, there is a need to consider the context of internalization. Herein, universities and higher education authorities must not limit their focus to the situation of their own nation, but see things in the context of global enhancement. In the aspect of economic globalization, higher education all over the world need to bring more students specialized in the economy and the world trade. Such students must be able to have the ability to adapt to and seek personal fulfillment in the modern environment. To be able to achieve such objective, higher education must be able to provide internationalized courses and carry out international exchange and coordination among universities specifically those who are integrated in knowledge and information technology as well as research ( 2004).
With the evidences provided, it can be said that globalization is related to internationalization of higher education because it paves the way for different universities to adapt to the educational need of students in the global world. The aim of internationalized higher education is to have more knowledgeable, culturally diverse and globally aware students that can compete in the competitive market. In addition, globalization is relevant to internationalized higher education because it enables the students to become more adaptable to the global market without being intimidated by other race specially those students who are fluent in English.
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