Write out a one-page summary outline listing two recommendations you would make with respect to each HR function (recruiting, selection, training and so on) that you think Ron Brown should be addressing with his HR manager now.
The two recommendations in respect to HR function will be towards recruitment and selection and also training and development. Meaning, Ron Brown should address his HR manager several imperative things to do when speaking of recruitment and selection. Ron should be specifically be aware of the qualifications and credentials of certain upcoming employees particular, the technical divisions team that, he will recruit and select them according to age, background and status in education and select them according to factors such as: honesty, flexibility, dedicated to work and the level of expertise of the technicians to handle repairs and troubleshooting in the actual work base to avoid disputes with the customers of the shop. Recruitment and selection is an integral HR function, this leads to the effectiveness of manpower aspects in the workplace wherein there puts an impact on the success and failure of Ron’s business. There told that people management is at the core of every business, the most in demand assets in every organization. Ron Brown should be in black and white to his HR manager that is. “to recruit, hire and select deserving and experienced technicians” (Bohlander and Snell, 2004; Ghebregiorgis and Karsten, 2006; Kleiman, 2007).
Another will put basis on training and development sessions for the shop’s technicians and to some unit supervisors and managers. This contain that training and development should allow skills determination and assessment of orientation on actual repairing and troubleshooting and also, customer service in positive mood to boost quality standards on technical team’s performance (Bohlander and Snell, 2004; Ghebregiorgis and Karsten, 2006; Kleiman, 2007). The need to put categories to training and development of technicians and have it systematically flow under a timeframe complete with scheduled sessions and how the training goes and who should be in-charge of the process. Training and development is a crucial tool to increase the level of efficiency of Ron’s employees particular, the technicians with repair and troubleshooting specifications. The training sessions should be around 3 weeks or so to impose enough feedback, monitoring, and documentation of who fits the job role right and without bias.
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