4.1 Research Methodology 4.1.1 Overview
This study was conducted for the purpose of identifying the different strategies that are used for applying green marketing in telecom industry. This research also aimed to focus on the different processes and aspects that are being applied. This study used data and information gathered from the employees and staffs of two well-known respective industries in the telecom industries, and focus on the different strategies that are being applied in the entire system of the respective industries.
4.1.2 DesignA comparative approach was used, together with the descriptive research design in order to present current facts regarding green marketing principles and strategies of Nokia and Sony Ericsson. According to Creswell (1994), a descriptive research intends to present different facts which pertains on the nature and status of a situation, as it exists at the time of the study. Best (1970) also added that descriptive studies focuses on the relationships and practices that exist, beliefs and processes that are ongoing, effects that are being felt or tends that are developing. Thus, the comparative approach will focus on comparing and analyzing the differences and similarities of principles of green marketing in the two said respective industries.
Case study method was also applied. Robson (2002) defines case study as a “strategy for doing research which involves an empirical investigation of a particular contemporary phenomenon within its real life context using multiple sources of evidence.” Case study approach is considered as most appropriate to exclude occurrences of green marketing in electronics industry with its two primary players as Nokia and Sony Ericsson. One of the threats to reliability which is subject of participant error will be addressed by means of conducting survey at the closest time possible.
4.1.4 Sample and ParticipantsThe population of the study is made of marketing staffs in these respective industries in the UK. These types of respondents were utilized by the research author of this study considering that the staffs have the necessary information about the objectives of the study. A total of 10 pre-designed questionnaires were randomly distributed for the sample selection. The marketing staffs were chosen because they are knowledgeable in terms of marketing effort of their respective industry. The random sampling technique was conducted where each member of a population has an equal opportunity to become a part of the sample.
For this research the author considerers 30 employees each from both respective industries, which means that 30 employees of the mobile respective industries will answer the queries and survey and 30 employees from the automotive respective industries.
4.2 Data CollectionPrimary and secondary data was collected. Primary data was gathered by survey and interview to, while secondary data was gathered by previous studies, reports, journal contents and statistics. In addition, annual reports, marketing reports, respective industry statistics was also obtained by using the respective industry website of the mobile respective industries like Nokia and Sony Ericsson and also website of automotive respective industries like BMW and other auto industries, together with different articles that are tackling green marketing activities of these respective industries. Internet databases were also consulted which include Questia, Highbeam and Emerald.
4.2.1 SurveyThe survey questionnaire was used as the main data-gathering instrument in this study. The survey focuses on the perceptions of the respondents regarding the implementation of green marketing in their respective organization or respective industry. The questions were structured and developed in Likert format. The respondents rated each question or statement with accordance to his or her degree of agreement or disagreement. This will enable the respondents to answer the survey in easy and fast manner. To test the validity of the questionnaire, it was tested to five respondents. The said respondents and their answers were not part of the actual study process. They were asked for any aspects of the questionnaire that are needed to be improved. The research author of this study then excluded unrelated questions and changed unclear or complicated terminologies into simpler ones in order to ensure understanding.
The questionnaire was constructed in such a manner that telecom and automotive employees will easily understand and answer it. Hence, the set of questionnaire consider the use of the Likert approach which is a rating that indicates the level of agreement or disagreement of to a given statement. With this semi-structured questionnaire, the participants from each industry were provided with five-response choices. Such options performs as the quantification of the choices of the. The table below shows such designation.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
4.3 Instrumentation
43.1. Content analysis
For this research study, the use of content analysis was considered to determine the communications to be able to answer the two levels of queries for this study: the descriptive as well as the interpretive. Herein, the first one give emphasis on what the communication is all about and the second one give emphasis on what the contents was likely to describe. The approach entailed finding through one or more approach of communication to answer the queries that the research bring to the topic (Brubaker & Thomas, 2000). The consideration of the content analysis was utilised to analyse and interpret the answers of the interview section.
4.4.2. Statistical Treatment
Accordingly, the use of Likert scale was considered for the interpretation of the items in the structured survey questionnaire. The answers were practically based on the assessment of the telecom and automotive employees on the green marketing approach within each industry. There were moments that telecom and automotive employees were asked to rate why this approach is considered within the industry.
Table 1: The Five-point Likert Scale
Strongly Agree
1.50 – 2.49
2.50 – 3.49
3.50 – 4.49
4.50 – 5.00
Strongly Disagree
In this study, the use of weighted mean are also considered for the measurement of the general answers of the survey samples, whether they believe a given statement or not. To compute the weighted mean, the following formula will be used:
Where: f – weight given to each response
x – Number of responses
xt – total number of responses
In this regard, the results of the survey process were shown in tables or graphs.
4.2.2 Interview
Aside from the survey method, the study also applied the semi-structured interview method. This was done in order to come up with issues regarding the strategies, requirements as well as challenges that are being encountered of the respondents and the respective industries towards green marketing. With the use of semi-structured interview, respondents will be able to express their feelings, concerns and opinions.
In this paper, all interviews have been done via telephone as well as through email. IF the research author of this study of this dissertation were aware of the lost of the body language analysis, the research author of this study opted to consider telephone interview for practical reasons. Because of the distance and the hectic schedules of the interviewees, it was indeed very impossible for the author of this investigation to interview each individual face-to-face. Nevertheless, one advantage of this kind of interview is that it reduces the tendency to affect the participants. The contact individuals in both the telecom and the automotive industries were either their marketing manager or other marketing staffs. Even if the interview duration were inconsistent, the research author considered an average of 15-20 minutes for the interview. Nonetheless, it must be noted that the participants already had general idea regarding the issue that the interview were supposed to be given emphasis. Herein, during the first contacts, the research author of this study of this investigation has informed various individuals that this interview will be regarding their adherence to the context of green marketing. As mentioned, this interview is a semi-structured interview which includes the main topic but staying open to any other path that occurs through the participant’s response. In this interview, the research author of this study who is also the interview have been able to list general queries regarding the topics which needed to be achieved in this dissertation. Such list is known as the interview guide, which provide the interview the support needed but also enables both parties to have a great deal of leeway in how to response (Bryman & Bell 2007, P474). In this dissertation the interview guide includes the following.
1. Could you describe in your own words the importance of environmental protection within your industry?
2. Besides your automotive products, which ecological solutions did you consider in your industry? (production chain, employees, waste, buildings)
3. Is it important to include environmental protection in your marketing communication?
4. What is your main approach and marketing strategy for your future products?
5. What made your respective industry decide to adopt green marketing approach? Why?
6. What were the factors that you considered before venturing into green marketing approach?
7. What were the problems you encountered while on the process of implementing green marketing approach?
8. How did you deal with these problems?
9. What are the benefits of implementing green marketing approach?
4.2.3 Ethical ConsiderationThe study involved the use of human participants and the acquisition of some confidential respective industry data. Therefore, ethical considerations had been identified and prioritized. The research author of this study ensured that these factors were safeguarded during the duration of the study. Thus, in order to obtain consent of the marketing staffs of the two respective industries, the research author of this study secured an approval from the managements by written letter of permission. Aside from that securing the permission of the participants was also given importance. The written letter explained the details of the research including its objectives, purposes and procedures. This help to ensure that the connection and trust between the research author of this study and respondents which lead to cooperation.
Respondents were also informed that they can quit the study anytime they want. Their privacy and the confidentiality of their data were also prioritized. Above all, the respondents were informed that all of the information gathered from them will be used for this study alone.
4.2.4 Data ProcessingAfter gathering the completed questionnaires from the respondents, total responses for each item will be tabulated. To use the Likert-scale for interpretation, it is important to use weighted mean to represent each question. Weighted mean is the average where every quantity to be averages has a corresponding weight and represent the significance of each quantity to the average. To compute the mean, this formula will be used:
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