The Pastoral Planning in Social Communications: the Channel to Transmit the Gospel in the Midst of Media Clutter
Pastoral or being a missionary is not an easy job because the purpose of teaching is to create an audience and spread the word of God. Sometimes, the missionaries are neglected or ignored by the society because the people are busy in creating a way to live. As an observation, being busy is the most common type of excuse of most of people and listening in the gospel for about 15 minutes of their time or attending a mass that will not last within an hour is difficult for them. In the existence of the clutter and predicament in the society, the pasturing using the technologies is one of the most after sought solution which intentionally dividing the attention of the viewers and using the developments offered.
Background and Problem Statement
According to the pastoral council, the organization exists because of the purposes that they established. To give visible expression to the unity of all Christian believers and congregations and provide a focus for co-operation in fellowship, study, worship, service, and witness activities (Christian Council of the Capital Area). Even if there are problems that might affect the pastoral organizations, the pastors, missionaries, or volunteers are unbelievably finding their way to communicate with the people. In the cooperation of the religious leaders, the action to spread the word of God is not demised. In fact, the sector is targeting the social communications like the media to continue their purpose in delivering the teachings of Bible. Having a channel can create an impact in their approach to reach the people. However, what would be the effects of widespread channel and the use of media in the pastoral planning?
Research Aim and Objectives
The main aim of the study is to investigate the impact of social communications in Pastoral planning. In order to facilitate the investigation, the study prepared the four objectives that should be considered. First is to identify the areas or issues that should be addressed in the pastoral planning. Second is to describe the changes that might affect the role and functions of the missionaries in the organization. Third is to demonstrate the effectiveness and failures of this attempt based on the Media coverage on Gospel. And fourth is to determine the additional efforts to make the pastoral planning in social communications be effective.
Literature Review
Communication, in holistic view, is the process of exchanging information. Based on the norms of existed in the society, communication is the foundation all individuals to function well. For an instance, the communication can be established through the cooperation (Woods and Coutts, 2001). Communication is an important set of tools that can resolve conflicts. The communication skills allow people to listen without judging or assuming, gain more information, and gain better understanding (Brunson, Zephryn, & Masar, 2002). And communication can be in a form of using technologies that have evolved and continue to shape the nature of communication, work arrangements, and organizational culture, in which the pastoral planning finds an opportunity. An effective communication was supervised by communication agreements, trust building, and understanding (Gardner, McNair, and Tietjen, 2004). However, there should be strategies in applying the communication principles to have a greater chance in developing the social environment. In the application of social communications, it is expected that the responsibilities of the missionaries might increase because of the geographic proximity. In providing the channel of communication remains as one of the objectives of the church most especially when there is an increase clutter in the society. The concern of the Christian teachings is to identify the barriers that might exist in the communication and produce an effective communication process. With that the pastoral planning can be more than listening and explaining perceptions but also acknowledging, and discussing the differences and similarities in views.
The applied method in the study is the combination of qualitative and quantitative research method. The use of secondary information is advised to collect the information needed in the investigation. The materials can be acquired through the help of Internet and the Reports originated from the Networks that have a Pastoral planning channel. Meanwhile, the use of survey and interview can be effective to determine the capacity of the ministries in organizing such activity. In addition, through the survey and interview, the study can assess the mechanisms that might involve in the social communications.
Brunson, R., Zephryn, C., & Masar, S., (2002) The Art in Peacemaking, A guide to Integrating Conflict Resolution Education into Youth Arts Programs [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 September 2010]
Christian Council of the Capital Area [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 September 2010]
Gardner, C., McNair, J., & Tietjen, P., (2004) Communication in a Virtual Organization, Business Communication Quarterly, 67(2).
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