there should be ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, INTRODUCTION of the topic,AIM & OBJECTIVE ,METHODOLOGY( primary,secondary sources)should be given,limitation of the study, meaning & definition of the tourism by different authors,& also interpretation of the data ,etc...

̢ۢ Can you explain the meaning of tourism?
̢ۢ Whether there is any influence of tourism in Kerala?
̢ۢ Please mention the aspects to the promotion of tourism in Kerala?
̢ۢ Could you mention different types of tourism in Kerala?
̢ۢ Whether there is any advantage of tourism?
̢ۢ Would you please mention different sectors of tourism industry?
̢ۢ Can you explain the reasons of the attractions of the tourist in Kerala?
̢ۢ In your opinion which all are the major tourist area / destination in Kerala?
̢ۢ How will you evaluate the growth of tourism in Kerala?
̢ۢ Can you please just compare the tourism with the economic growth of Kerala? Yes / no. If yes, specify.
̢ۢ Do you think the tourism gives any growth to our society?
̢ۢ Whether you think, with the tourism does it affect any change in our culture, religion, tradition if yes / no if yes, could you specify?
̢ۢ In your opinion, if tourism is promoted properly with its true importance to the tourists, will it really help in the enhancement of the tourism's growth?

̢ۢ Whether tourism is having any vital complement for the healthy tourism?
̢ۢ In you, are opinions, which all are the current trends in the tourism?
̢ۢ What is the total revenue of the tourism & the visits from the past 1996-2002?
̢ۢ What is the total expectation profit of the international visitors in Kerala?
̢ۢ Which all are the steps taken forward by the tourism department, Kerala towards the enhancement of the tourism?
̢ۢ Can you mention few methods by which one can promote the tourism in Kerala?
̢ۢ Could you please give your opinion whether the tourism is effective in Kerala?
̢ۢ Is a tourist having any attraction towards our cultural programs?
̢ۢ Do you feel that the tourists are well accommodated?
̢ۢ Have you got/ received any complaints from the tourist?
̢ۢ Now a days youth are actively participating in all the activities .so do you find that the todays youth is showing interest in todays tourism?


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