Is the computer the new printing press?
When it comes in technological changes, the society is more adept with and flexible. Society is always looking for a better way to answer their needs and other expectations. The same is true in terms of the education and continuous learning. It is never a doubt that one of the most admirable inventions that changed the world and still appealing in the modern society is the printing with the moveable type and features. It is influential because it created a great impact in the Western society. From the inspiration and motivation that left by printing, the dissemination of information had undergone in various conception and experimental stages is made possible. Through the use of the technologies, the printing has grown and developed and can gone through all the stages of rejection and acceptance within social and cultural circles. Printed text through the use of books is now arrived in the point of changes.
The revolution of books and other printed material, according to Oldham (2006), the culture and history of books is not the same as before. Children or students never appreciated the books unlike as before and it seemed that books do not represents the image that it created before as “a source of knowledge and ideas”. Through the books, the readers can take an instant journey and gain knowledge in return. But because of the unrelenting need of humans not only in knowledge but also in convenience, the elements that have been presented on book were now transferred in another medium, such as computers. The content of the books has been placed in a situation where the authorities don’t even question its reliability. The amount of work paid in making a book is what make it substantial in serving the education, however, it is the press that allowed the changes to be done and projected the other influences that it can received from different epochs to the present day. In short, it is the press that opened its doors in receiving the different influences in which can contribute in producing the high quality of results in writing a book and thus appeared to be the “printing revolution” (Fierro, 2000).
Because of this idea, the computer can be considered as a new tool in printing press and because of the ability of the computer to collect information, store, and retrieve, the computer is not only a mere communication medium but also an important feature that can be used in printing press. The application of computers made it possible for the printing press to make changes on how to make the information more reliable.
The moveable type printing press, computers, Internet, and networking are interrelated and developmental stages as well as continuously evolving. Although the printing press is open for changes and other changes, it seems that this choice is not perceived. The Internet made it possible to disseminate the information in a faster speed and changing the way how people learns. This is also considered as the ultimately influence in the direction of learning (Jukes, 2005).
Of course, the impact of printing had created different benefits and had been passed in different centuries. The initial benefit was found in Europe during the 16th century and the printing was made in wide availability through the relatively accurate texts and in large quantities. The copies of the printed materials did not pose any errors which can be said that the production is a huge success. The benefit of printing has a profound effect and that is to provide stimulus for the readers that are highly offered from the books that are made for literacy and learning (Oldham, 2006). Through the process of printing, the books become the tool that could lead the personal studying and can assist the learning of the students. The power of the press were also demonstrated in other countries like Italy, Germany, and France and thus facilitated the further development of the printing press by offering the new arts, productions strategies, and the high standard of printing (Chick, 1997).
However, with the emergence of the computers and the Internet, the impression that left by the printing press evidently changed the perspective. There are new offerings like e-books that was patterned on books but with the characteristics of computers and encompasses ideal functions and portability. Other than the basic ability of an e-book, the lightweight invention also changed the idea of “accessibility” in books. This is because; the e-book manages to provide useful information and allows the reader to navigate on different pages by only touching the screens or buttons and has searchability and annotation capabilities (Oldham, 2006). The introduction of e-books manifests the fusion of books and computers to provide convenience for the paper. However, this invention might challenge the printing industry for it sways the stability and comfort found in paper. Various legal aspects and advices are also needed before incorporating the certain publication into a digital paper. And although, it appears to be helpful in reducing the use of paper, the printing industry might find its demise because of the potential growth of the e-books and other computers.
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