Renal Failure
Human health is the main focus of the health care providers and through the intervention of the technology and medicines, the health and wellness can be promoted. Many of the health care providers are aiming to achieve the medical innovation that can satisfy and be suitable in the needs of the patients. Most of the medical practitioners are aware of the changes happening and this created a great impact in the worth of the health of the people in the world. Many of the health organizations are collaborating to provide the adequate help that the patients need.
The Renal Failure
Renal failure or acute renal failure is the disability of the kidney to work in a normal way. The human kidneys remove waste products and help to balance the intake of water, salt, and other minerals in the blood. When the kidney failed to perform these actions, the waste products, fluids, and minerals such as electrolytes will build up in human body that will result in internal body problems and can be deadly.
The causes of the renal failure in various circumstances like a sudden, serious heavy blood loss came from an injury, or a body infection called sepsis that reduce blood flow to the kidneys. With a not enough fluid in the body or dehydration is another part of harming the kidneys. Medicines, poisons, or infections can also cause renal failure which can be mostly seen on the patients who have serious, long-term health problems. Antibiotics, pain medicines, and even blood pressure inhibitors. Another indication for the failure is the sudden blockage caused by the kidney stones, tumor, injury or an enlarged prostate gland can stops urine from flowing out of the kidneys is another cause of acute renal failure (Hurley, 2000).
According to the tests, the symptoms of getting the renal failure are very evident. The patient experience little and sometimes no urine when urinating, lose of appetites, nausea and vomiting. The health care providers often observed the swelling of the patient’s feet and legs, the paranoia, anxiety or restlessness and sleepy attitude of the patient, and often complain about the chest pain.
Signs and Symptoms
The early clinical signs of the renal failure are vague and nonspecific like the lethargy, anorexia, nausea, depression, vomiting diarrhea, and dehydration. In the later stages of the renal failure, the systematic changes will be noticeable such as the weakness of the body, respiratory distress, and the worst id coma. The recognition of the disease needs to have therapy that might trigger to the full salvage of the kidney (Hurley, 2000). Renal failure is a serious and rapidly advancing condition that can increase the mortality, therefore is should be diagnosed and treated very promptly (Cetinkaya, et al., 2009).
The primary indication of the renal failure is either oliguric or anuric (Labato and Ross, 2003). Experts recognize the hemodialysis as an effective way to treat the oliguric and non-oliguric renal failure. The patient may have the complication in the system if there are presence of any cerebral malaria, acidosis, and hyperparasitemia and aside form that, there are many other recognized mechanisms that may contribute to the development of the renal failure. Most of the victims of the renal failure are the adults of Southeast Asia (Wilairatana, et al., 1999). The history and physical examination are essential in the diagnosis of the renal failure. Through the series of examination, the results of urinalysis, laboratory investigations, and imaging studies. There should be an effort in determining the presence and cause that might contribute to the enhancement of the diagnosis and therapy of the renal failure (Hurley, 2000).
The renal failure became common in the society and its existence also became a major challenge in medicine and laboratory practices. Because of the unrelenting behavior of the people in using their body, the consequences appear in the presence of disease in the human body. The renal failure can be avoided if the people are doing all of the strategies to prevent it. Once the immune system of the body failed, the other following diseases might attack and use its weakness. A renal failure may occur within hours after the injury to the kidneys. In addition, the early recognition of the disease, having the knowledge regarding the risk factors, and the anticipation of the renal damage are the key to the successful of the treatment, medication, and management of the patients. The responsibility of the people and the health care providers should focus on the improvement of the health and well-being of the people especially on those people who are admitted with renal failure.
Cetinkaya, R., Uyanik, A., Keles, M., & Bilen, Y., 2009. Rhabdomyolysis-Related Acute Renal Failure and Bi-Phasic Calcium Metabolism. Pak Journal of Medical Science, Vol. 25 No. 1. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Feb 2010].
Hurley, K., 2000. Acute Renal Failure. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Feb 2010].
Labato, M., & Ross, L., 2003. Tufts Clinical Case study: Treatment of Leptospirosis/ Acute Renal Failure. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Feb 2010].
Wilairatana, P., Westerlund, E., Aursudkji, B., Vannaphan, S., Krudsood, S., Viriyavejakul, P., Chokejindachai, W., Treeprasertsuk, S., Srisuriya, P., Gordeuk, V., Brittenham, G., Neild, G., & Looareesuwan, S., 1999. Treatment of Malarial Acute Renal Failure by Hemodialysis, The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Vol. 60, No. 2. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Feb 2010].
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