What is the Connection between Brand Image and Brand Loyalty?
What do Volvo, Guess, Calvin Klein, Ford, Armani, Nike, Adidas, and Microsoft have in common? They are all brand names, which are known all over the world! Most of us easily recognize the logos and names of these brands, and think of them as something that are indispensable and at the same time, enticing and addictive. Many patronize these brands and a lot more others, despite their expensive prices, because of its good quality. Some people also buy these brands to enhance their style and fashion statements, which can be provided by using these brands. Furthermore, many patronize these popular brands to uplift their reputation in the society for many believe that people who have branded products are well off and educated. With the use of these brands, they determine the ‘status quo” of the persons who use them and what they can contribute to the society, for most who patronize these expensive brands are those who have stable and high-paying jobs. With these, it can be observed that the brand image of a certain product or products determines the loyalty of its consumers and its success in the market.
Due to this, this paper aims to study and state the connection between the brand image of products and the brand loyalty of its consumers. This paper discusses the meaning of brand image and brand loyalty, and talks about the connection of the two concepts. In addition, it states also the relation of using different media in advertising and endorsing the products.
Brand Image
It has been reported that the phrase “brand image” gained notoriety when sales patterns began to show that feelings and visuals associated with brands were powerful motivators to purchase products, and it is not just products that consumers buy, but it is their associated personalities and values (‘2006). People like people who are like them and value the things they value, and same goes for brands, as people will buy products whose brands represent things they value and like, whether it is fun, power, money, intelligence or numerous other qualities (‘’ 2006). Brand images are also powerful when a particular brand, product or service becomes associated with specific persons having specific images, such as the association of the tennis athlete with the latest model of Canon camera, the Power Shot. This also makes the product or service even more expensive and more “elite”, being associated with certain celebrities or popular athletes.
Furthermore, great brand images are instant, positive and unique among competitors, and can be reinforced through such vehicles as packaging, ads, promotions, customer service and word-of-mouth (‘’ 2006). This makes good brand images easy to determine, for it draws out a positive reaction from the consumers. On the other hand, weak brand images elicit a slower and less certain reaction (‘’ 2006), for not being popular and not patronized by most consumers. In this light, it can be deduced that the brand image of a certain product or service determines its success in penetration of the market and brand loyalty.
Brand Loyalty
Brand Loyalty is the consumer’s conscious or unconscious decision, expressed through intention or behavior, to repurchase a brand continually (‘ 2002). Brand loyalty occurs because the consumer perceives that the brand offers the right product features, image, or level of quality at the right price (‘’ 2002). Moreover, consumer behavior is habitual because habits are safe and familiar, and in order to create brand loyalty, advertisers must break consumer habits, help them acquire new habits, and reinforce those habits by reminding consumers of the value of their purchase and encourage them to continue purchasing those products in the future (‘2002).
Brand loyalty then is associated with the behavior or attitude of a consumer towards a product or service, and the ability of a consumer to patronize the product or service, using them or buying them continuously. The role of advertising is also crucial in determining the products’ or service’s exposure to the public, therefore, serving as information source regarding the features of the product or service. Media and advertising serves as good vehicle to influence the public, thus, may make or break the image of a certain brand. With this, companies are trying their best to produce a good brand image of their product by making good advertisements of the product or service, at the same time, building up the company’s reputation and market success by ensuring the good exposure and quality of the product or service they endorse.
Connection of the Two Concepts
Due to the fast-changing world today, companies are trying their best to improve and develop their products and services to retain their customers and attract new ones. This goal of companies and business firms does not only seek to increase their profit from the market, but also to render service and satisfaction to their consumers. This is why companies strive to improve the brand image of their product or service to obtain the brand loyalty of their consumers and their employees as well.
With the pleasant brand image a company creates, it also becomes a means of attracting great talent, serving as a great motivator for engaging employees in their workplace ( 2004, p. 1). In addition, employees who join companies with attractive brand reputations are significantly more likely to be satisfied with their managers, much more likely to feel a sense of personal accomplishment, feel as though they are working on the same team toward the same goals, and believe that they meet or exceed customer expectations (2004, p. 1). It has been reported that marketing to employees is as important as marketing to customers, for enthusiastic employees lead to enthusiastic customers (2004, p. 1). Employees are also consumers, so introducing them a good brand image allows them to be also loyal to the product of the company as well.
Furthermore, it has been reported that the term brand has come to mean more that just the name of a product and the logo associated with it, but companies see branding as a marketing function and an important tool for creating and maintaining customer loyalty ( 2003, p. 1). (2003) also adds that by keeping a brand message consistent, it raises a brand’s value as customers buy into the brand and trust its message (p. 1). Thus, brand image is an important asset for a company, and media plays a vital role in building up its image. Strategy of companies also include improving their packaging to be made appealing to customers, setting their timing and collaboration, and teamwork ( 2003, pp. 1-3). These factors somehow determine the brand loyalty of consumers and their continuous patronage to a certain product or service. In this light, companies device ways on how to improve and develop their products and services to create a good brand image to the consumers and their employees. Creating a good brand image impresses consumers, which arouses their curiosity regarding the product or service, and allows them to try the product. Liking the product may lead to the consumer’s continuous patronage, and, thus, fosters a good relationship between the company and the consumer, resulting to the consumer’s loyalty to the product or service.
(2004) reports that a great deal has been written about the emotional component of branding (p. 2). In essence, the most powerful differentiators available are not related to the features and benefits of the product, but rather the emotional, experiential, and self-expressive benefits of the product or service, and ultimately, customer loyalty is established because customers like doing business with a particular brand (2004, p. 2). This connects brand image to brand loyalty by the feeling of satisfaction customers get in using a particular brand, as influenced by the image the brand has. Therefore, consumers base their loyalty to a brand, depending on its image and their personal preferences or usage of the brand. This also involves the brand’s performance and cost, which goes with the lifestyle or preference of the consumer.
It has been reported that the image surrounding a company’s brand is the principal source of its competitive advantage and is therefore a valuable strategic asset (‘ 2002). This is why the image of a brand must be built up by creating a broad brand vision or identity that recognizes a brand as something greater than a set of attributes that can be imitated or surpassed (‘’ 2002). With this, to ensure the loyalty of consumers to a particular brand, companies disseminate a strong and clear message that their brand distinguishes them from other competitors, and defines their philosophies (‘ 2002). In addition, a strong symbol or logo can also help to generate brand loyalty by making it quickly identifiable (‘’ 2002). In simple terms, the relationship of brand image to brand loyalty is that brand image defines and determines the customers’ brand loyalty to a product or service. This means that in general, the two concepts have a direct relationship. When brand image is good, brand loyalty is also good, and when brand image is unpleasant, then brand loyalty is poor and weak. It can be deduced that both the concepts are interdependent from each other, and that the fate of the company depends on them. Aside from the qualities of a good brand of being cost-effective, reliable, popular, quality-wise, durable and has been existing for a long time, brand image also depends on the feedbacks that consumers have on a specific product or service. The feedbacks influence other consumers, and somehow determine brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is therefore a consequence of the positive brand image the company created for their product, which are determined by the quality, usage, and cost of the product, and the effectiveness of advertising the company used for the exposure of the product or service.
The reason why many of us patronize certain products is our high regard for these signature brands and the brand image they create. From these, it can be deduced that companies are successful in creating and maintaining the brand image of their products. Brand image determines the totality of the brand’s representation, while brand loyalty refers to the feelings and attitudes of consumers to a specific product or service. Their relationship is that brand image determines the brand loyalty of consumers to a product or service. Having a direct relationship, the effectiveness of brand image fosters brand loyalty, and thus, a good brand image determines the prolonged and continuous patronage of consumers with products or services. Media and advertising also play essential roles in this phenomenon, being responsible for giving out information to the public. A chain reaction happens, for the efficacy of media determines the brand image, and in turn affects the brand loyalty of certain individuals regarding a product or service.
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