International Cyber Police


Five thesis topics


  • Topic: Role of a Child Pornography Unit in the Interpol

  • Premise: Over the years, the rapid increase in the incidence of child pornography has resulted in the worst forms of child exploitation. Using sophisticated technology along with traditional detective and analytical work, the Child Pornography Unit will make sure that there is no place for pedophiles to operate online. The study will discuss the financial, managerial, organizational, technical and social factors needed to establish a Child Pornography Unit in the Interpol to combat child pornography.



  • Topic: Establishment of a Geneva Convention Against Child Pornography

  • Premise: Internet pedophilia is a rising phenomenon all over the world. There is a need for a new Convention to Fight Against Child Pornography. There is a need for new cyber laws that will equip police agencies to tackle child pornography online. This study will tackle relevant laws and the implementation of those laws to safeguard internet safety among the young.


  • Topic: Copyright Infringement: Tougher Penalties for Offenders

  • Premise: Copyright protection has considerably weakened in the face of cyber hackers. The international community has to impose tougher penalties such as stiff fines and possible imprisonment as deterrence for persistent offenders. The study will illustrate the effects of tougher laws and the rigid implementation of those laws on persistent offenders.


  • Topic: UNICEF: Its Role in combating online child pornography

  • Premise: The UNICEF has always advocated for the full development of children. Given this mandate, the UNICEF can expand its advocacy to include the campaign against online child pornography. This study will examine the organizational, operational and structural issues that this UN agency will face as it widens its mandate.


  • Topic: An International Organization that will fight brand breachers.

  • Premise: The phenomenon of infringement of patents and copyrights has gone unabated. The study establishes the factors needed to counteract brand breachers. The study will also include the recommendations and assistance of software specialists with respect to brand breachers.   




    1. Multi-Product Branding, also known as family branding, or corporate branding is when a company uses one brand name for all of its products within a class. The benefits of Multiproduct branding strategy is brand equity return, lower promotion costs, and growing brand awareness.

