Communication involves the expression or the transfer of messages or information from the speaker to the listener or receiver of the information. The use of communication enables an individual or groups of individuals to express and receive information and other relevant ideas that would provide one an increase in knowledge, learning, improvement, and development. Communication is not only perceived as a form of expression by human beings, but communication is a form of transfer of information and commands exhibited also in the plant and animal kingdoms. In all aspects, communication is being done through several and various means and tools, thus, making the transfer of information faster, clearer, and more effective.
Communication involves two types, namely, the verbal and non verbal communication. Verbal communication refers to the strategy of how specific messages through speaking and listening, thus, involving the direct conversation of the speaker and the listener. On the other hand, the non verbal communication implies the message through body movements, including hand gestures, facial expression, distance and many others. In having real life conversations, both the verbal and non verbal communication are being used, and as such, their use depends on a variety of factors, including the person or the listener, the emotion of the speaker and the listener, the personality of the person, the occasion, and the message being sent. Most importantly, communication is important in the workplace, as it fosters productivity of any employee. In this regard, this essay aims to describe the impact of non verbal communication through effective and ineffective examples of behaviors in the workplace environment.
A. Voice
In expressing non verbal communication, the pitch, tone, voice quality, and the manner or rate of speaking help in conveying a particular message to a listener or receiver. In this regard, the different aspects of voice must be effectively used to achieve effective communication.
Ineffective Example of Behavior
A specific manager uses a sarcastic tone of voice in answering the questions of her subordinates to show them of her superior knowledge of the team’s activities.
Effective Example of Behavior
A specific manager explains instructions to his subordinates using a dynamic and intelligent, but authoritative voice to impart knowledge and to show that he demands compliance with his instructions.
B. Dress
One basis for the feedback and expression of one’s self is through clothes or dresses that a particular individual wears. Clothes or dresses play an important role as it indicates the social status, personality, and characteristics of an individual. In the workplace environment, clothes or the manner of dressing of a particular employee helps one to distinguish his or her position in the company, or his or her sense of responsibility or dignity.
Ineffective Example of Behavior
A particular employee wears party clothes and not corporate attire during an important board meeting at the office.
Effective Example of Behavior
The Chief Executive Officer of a particular international company wears corporate attire during a meeting with international business executives in a specific 5-star hotel.
C. Face and Eyes
This involves the facial expressions and the eye contact of the speaker with listeners. This aspect of non verbal communication helps one determine and understand the message of the speaker, as this somehow helps one to sense the sincerity and the conviction of the speaker. Facial expressions vary depending on the emotion of the speaker. Eye contact is a form of social communication, as it somehow determines the interest of the listener or regard of the speaker to his or her listeners.
Ineffective Example of Behavior
An employee shows a stern facial expression with less frequent eye contact with his manager to show his lack of interest with the topic discussed in the team meeting.
Effective Example of Behavior
A speaker of a conference maintains eye contact with his audience and displays a convincing facial expression to show his knowledge of his report.
D. Posture and Movement
Posture determines one’s degree of formality or relaxation in different positions, either standing, sitting, or lying. This aspect is important in conveying messages, such as the interest of a particular individual or the person an individual relates to in the working environment. On the other hand, movement pertains to the forward, backward, vertical, horizontal or side-to-side gestures of an individual, which may somehow correspond to his or her personality that may determine what an individual can do in an organization.
Ineffective Example of Behavior
A particular employee slouches while sitting and makes noise with his fingers on the table during a board meeting.
Effective Example of Behavior
An applicant sits erect during an interview, and stands straight when introduced to her immediate supervisor.
E. Personal Space and Use of Distance
Personal space and distance pertains to the distance between an individual and other individuals, and influences one’s ability to convey and receive messages from others. This affects one’s level of comfort in communicating, and in sending signals to other individuals. The use of space depends on the relationship of an individual with another.
Ineffective Example of Behavior
A regular employee speaks to a new hired employee face-to-face.
Effective Example of Behavior
A supervisor speaks to his new secretary with a distance of 1-meter apart.
F. Physical Environment and Office Culture
The physical environment in the office affects the level of comfort of an individual, thus, molding and shaping the culture of a specific working environment. This pertains to how one arranges objects or spaces in the office, which may affect the communication process in the workplace.
Ineffective Example of Behavior
Placing a wall between the work station of employees to maintain order and quiet in the workplace.
Effective Example of Behavior
Providing a lounge from where employees can relax and interact with one another
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