Reinventing strategies for emerging markets:
beyond the transnational model
With established markets becoming saturated, multinational corporations
(MNCs) have turned increasingly to emerging markets (EMs) in the developing
world. Such EM strategies have been targeted almost exclusively at the wealthy
elite at the top of the economic pyramid. Recently, however, a number of
MNCs have launched new initiatives that explore the untapped market
potential at the base of the economic pyramid, the largest and fastest-growing
segment of the world’s population. Reaching the four billion people in these
markets poses both tremendous opportunities and unique challenges to MNCs,
as conventional wisdom about MNC global capabilities and subsidiary strategy
in EMs may not be appropriate. How MNCs can successfully enter these lowincome
markets has not been effectively addressed in the literatures on global
and EM strategies. An exploratory analysis, involving interviews with MNC
managers, original case studies, and archival material, indicates that the
transnational model of national responsiveness, global efficiency and worldwide
learning may not be sufficient. Results suggest that the success of
initiatives targeting low-income markets is enhanced by recognizing that
Western-style patterns of economic development may not occur in these
business environments. Business strategies that rely on leveraging the strengths
of the existing market environment outperform those that focus on overcoming
weaknesses. These strategies include developing relationships with
non-traditional partners, co-inventing custom solutions, and building local
capacity. Together, these successful strategies suggest the importance of MNCs
developing a global capability in social embeddedness.
Keywords: global capabilities; transnational; emerging economies strategy; low-income
markets; base of the pyramid
Everyone wants brands. And there are a lot more poor people in the world than
rich people. To be a global business and to have a global market, you have to
participate in all segments.
– Keki Dadiseth, Director, Hindustan Lever Limited (Unilever’s India subsidiary),
discussing his company’s efforts to target the rural poor.
With developed world markets becoming increasingly saturated,
multinational corporations (MNCs) have turned to emerging
economies such as India, Indonesia, Brazil, China, and Mexico,
as key locations for future growth. In their efforts to enter these
markets of the future, most MNCs have focused on the wealthy
elite at the top of the economic pyramid, with
products and business models similar to those used
in the developed world (1998;
1998). This has resulted,
as (1998) note, in MNCs
using an ‘imperialist mindset’ to sell existing
products to established upscale markets in emerging
By focusing on wealthy consumers and partner
organizations who participate in the formal economy,
however, these firms are seeing only the tip of
the proverbial iceberg. Almost completely ignored
until recently is a huge base of potential customers
whose annual purchasing power parity (PPP) is less
than $1500 per year, a market aptly termed the
bottom (or base) of the pyramid by
(2002). Low-income markets in emerging
economies present both tremendous opportunities
and unique challenges. There can be little doubt
that the four billion customers in these base-ofthe-
pyramid markets represent a vast potential
untapped market opportunity. MNCs, however,
may not be able to rely on capabilities in global
efficiency and national responsiveness to incrementally
adapt current products and extend existing
business models. Similarly, emerging economy
strategies that emphasize overcoming limitations in
the business environment may be viable only in
high-income markets that are integrated into the
global capitalist system.
In spite of these apparent challenges, however, a
growing number of MNCs are now beginning to
recognize and explore the enormous business
opportunity at the base of the economic pyramid
( 1999;
1 Firms such as Unilever and Hewlett-Packard,for example, have made public commitments to
generate a sizeable portion of their revenues from
these markets ( 2002). Yet, while MNCs
are increasingly viewing low-income markets in
developing countries as potential sources of future
growth, there is almost no empirical research on
strategies for pursuing these opportunities. If MNC
entry into these markets challenges existing theories
on global capabilities and emerging market
(EM) strategies, this gap in research is becoming
increasingly untenable. It may be necessary to
reinvent strategies for EMs if firms are to successfully
serve the vast low-income markets at the base
of the pyramid.
In studying such situations, an exploratory
approach focused on theory building is most
appropriate (1989). This matches the
research methodology that has been used to study
MNC subsidiary initiatives (1997) and
corporate venturing ( 1983). A qualitative
empirical study was therefore used to examine
how MNCs as well as other enterprises are pursuing
opportunities in base of the economic pyramid
markets, and which strategies appear to be most
In presenting this study, we first outline the
unique opportunities and challenges for MNCs
associated with low-income markets in emerging
economies. We then review the international
business (IB) literature focused on global and EM
strategy, and highlight the strengths and limitations
of these theories when applied at the base
of the economic pyramid. Next, we describe the
research design and methods for the study; this
is then followed by a discussion of the results of
our analysis of interviews with MNC managers,
case studies, and archival data. We conclude by distilling
the theoretical insights that emerged from
this study and discussing the implications for
researchers and practitioners.
The base of the economic pyramid:
opportunities and challenges
The opportunities associated with low-income
markets are becoming increasingly apparent to
both scholars and managers. There is clearly more
than meets the eye when considering customers
with annual purchasing power parity (PPP) of
$1500 or less (, 2002). The vast
majority of the populations operate primarily in
the large, but hidden, informal economies that are
not recorded in official gross national product
(GNP) or PPP statistics.
2 Across the globe, it hasbeen estimated that the informal sector includes
more than $9 trillion in hidden (or unregistered)
assets, an amount nearly equivalent to the total
value of all companies listed on the 20 most
developed countries’ main stock exchanges (
2000). In addition to assets, the value
of economic transactions in these markets may
match or even exceed what is recorded in the
formal economic sectors in developing countries
In Mexico, for example, the informal economy
represented roughly 30–40% of the economic
activity in the country in the late 1980s, and has
continued to grow rapidly ( 2000:).
Beyond the desire to hide illicit activities, the
incentives encouraging entrepreneurs to participate
in the informal, as opposed to the formal, economy
are fundamentally different in the developed world
from those in the developing world. In developed
countries the informal economy is much smaller,
and a primary objective is to evade taxes (
1999). In the developing world, on the
other hand, it is simply too costly or complicated
for many entrepreneurs to enter the formal economy.
For example, (2000) found that it
takes 289 days and $1231 to register a business
in Peru. As a result, in emerging economies, the
informal, or extralegal, sector plays a different and
more substantial role than what is found in the
developed world.
Concealed below the surface of the GNP and PPP
numbers, therefore, is an immense and fastgrowing
economic system that includes a thriving
community of small enterprises, barter exchanges,
sustainable livelihoods activities, subsistence farming,
and unregistered assets (1997).
Furthermore, most entrepreneurs and customers
in base-of-the-pyramid markets are poorly served
by low-quality vendors or are actively exploited by
predatory suppliers and intermediaries, suggesting
the possibility of generating both profits and
consumer surplus (
2002). Clearly, serving base-of-the-pyramid customers,
who number approximately four billion
worldwide, offers tremendous opportunities. However,
they also present unique challenges to MNCs
looking for new markets.
Social contracts and social institutions dominate
Entering low-income markets in emerging economies
may require a different strategic approach.
Reaching these markets involves bridging the
formal and informal economies. In the informal
economy, relationships are grounded primarily on
social, not legal, contracts (2000), and the
organizations with the most expertise in serving
these markets – government and civil society – have
a strong social orientation (1994;
1997; 1999). As (2000)
highlights with his story about listening to the
‘barking dogs’ in low-income markets, informal
social boundaries often dominate over formal legal
documentation. In these environments, although
formally registered property ownership may not
exist, the local dogs demonstrate that boundaries
are recognized and protected. The dogs bark only
when someone passes by or crosses extralegal
boundaries recognized in the informal economy.
Clearly, boundaries exist and are respected. Successfully
operating in this business environment
requires a capability to understand and appreciate
the benefits of the existing social infrastructure
( 1997).
Indeed, organizations that value and leverage
existing social capital have achieved success in
these markets. Many of the most successful microloan
programs targeting the poor, for instance, rely
on group lending and peer pressure to ensure
payback. If one person in the group defaults, no
one else in that group is eligible for a future loan.
When used in low-income markets in the developing
world, this novel design has created payback
rates that even banks in the developed world
would envy. However, when transferred to the
inner city in the US, this model has been a failure
( 1996), illustrating that unique social
institutions operate in the informal economy in
developing countries.
Traditional partners may lack relevant experience
In their efforts to protect proprietary technology
and knowledge, MNCs have tended to partner with
the minority of individuals and businesses in the
developing world that participate in the formal
economy, understand the global capitalist system,
and value Western products (2000). Local
partners come from a relatively small subset of
organizations – typically large domestic firms,
government entities, or a combination of both,
such as state-owned enterprises – whose primary
business experience is centered on dealing with the
local, and mainly urban, elite.
However, economic development at the base of
the economic pyramid may not follow familiar
patterns found in the developed world (
1998; 1998). As the Nobel prize
winning economist Joseph Stiglitz suggests, the
failure of the world’s global financial institutions in
their efforts to facilitate economic development
that is more inclusive demonstrates the dangers of
relying on traditional players and their limited
views of what is appropriate and effective (
2002). Non-profit organizations and other socially
oriented institutions can play an important role in
business development (
2003), especially in developing countries (
2004). Grameen Bank and Grameen
Phone, for instance, have combined commercial
and non-profit operations to successfully provide
banking and cellular services to rural areas in
Bangladesh (Richardson et al., 2000), and the nonprofit
organization the Solar Electric Light Fund,
together with for-profit partners, has been active in
developing commercially viable electrification programs
for the rural poor in Asia (
Societal performance matters
Finally, there is increasing pressure for corporations
to take a greater role in addressing global societal
issues such as eradicating poverty and environmental
protection in developing countries. As the
literature on global sustainable development
indicates, the pressure on MNCs to create a
more inclusive capitalism is mounting (
2002). The fact that the developed
world consists of 20% of the population, yet uses
80% of the world’s resources, however, suggests
that raising the economic condition of those in the
developing world will require a different model of
development (1997).
Indeed, the World Summit on Sustainable
Development in Johannesburg, the anti-globalization
demonstrations in Davos, Prague, Seattle,
Washington, DC, and Cancun, and the increase in
intra- and cross-border tensions highlight the fact
that the growing discontent of the world’s poor can
no longer be easily ignored by global institutions
and companies (2002). Global firms and
institutions are therefore increasingly being
expected to consider the societal and environmental
impacts of their activities ( 2002). As
another Nobel prize winning economist emphasizes,
a crucial aspect of this effort is the development
of human capabilities that build economic
and political freedom (1999). This integrated
approach to economic development and poverty
alleviation is especially important in low-income
markets where economic, social, and environmental
considerations are so closely intertwined
(1997; 1999; 2001).
Firms without a capacity to appreciate and create
social value or to become locally embedded in the
social infrastructure that dominates low-income
markets may struggle to overcome their liability of
Gaps in existing IB theory
Over the past several decades, corporations have
gained increasing experience in expanding their
operations in foreign markets, and the literature on
EMs and global strategy has also grown. However,
most MNC investment has been targeted at developed
countries ( 1998;
1998); these countries are also the context for most
IB research (see the excellent review by
2001). For example, most of the research on
subsidiary entrepreneurship has focused on developed
countries in North America and Europe
(1997; 2001;
2002), limiting the generalizability of this theoretical
stream to countries at the same stage of
economic development and having the same
cultural orientation toward entrepreneurship
(1993; 2000).
EM strategy
Most research by management scholars on firm
strategies in emerging economies suffers from a
similar limitation: a pre-occupation with strategies
that seek to overcome the lack of a Western-style
business environment (2001). Even when
serving top of the pyramid customers, operating in
emerging economies is challenging as the rule of
law is often poorly enforced (
2000). MNCs accustomed to creating competitive
advantage through patents, brands, and contracts
are wary of entering markets where their proprietary
technology and knowledge cannot be protected
through enforceable legal mechanisms
( 2000).
To address this uncertainty, MNCs entering these
markets look for ways to overcome limitations in
the business environment. Firms design boundaries
to protect internal resources and capabilities from
unintended spillover, and look for partner organizations
that wield substantial capability to fill voids
in the business environment (1988;
2001). Indeed, a wide variety
of international management scholars have
adopted the ‘Westernization’ assumption in their
research: while waiting for a more Western-style
economy to develop, they explore how MNC
managers can successfully implement strategies
that help to overcome the lack of legal boundaries
and difficulties in property rights protection. For
example, researchers have examined how firms can
address gaps in the business environment through
forming alliances ( 1987; 2000),
joining networks ( 2001), using
interpersonal ties (Peng and Luo, 2000), or managing
firm boundaries (2000).
More specifically, (2000), in their
introduction to a special issue in the Strategic
Management Journal on emerging economies,
emphasize that developing country adaptation to
Western practices is crucial to attracting investment
by MNCs from the developed world. In discussing
foreign direct investment (FDI), the authors propose
The primary impediment appears to be the lack of welldefined
property rights that convey exclusivity, transferability,
and quality of titley As a result, institutional
capacity building was, and continues to be, key for
attracting inward FDI ( 2000).
This perspective assumes that over time the local
business environment will evolve into an economic
setting that is familiar to Western managers: legal
contracts will supersede social ones and competitive
advantage will be grounded in the ability to
protect resources and knowledge from unintended
leakage outside firm boundaries. In the meantime,
firm managers should develop strategies that overcome
the current weaknesses in this environment.
This view, however, relies on an implicit assumption
about EMs. As (1998:)
make clear:
In particular, our field research suggests that MNCs often
erroneously adopt a ‘less developed countries’ mindset,
assuming that these markets are at an early stage of the same
development path followed by the advanced or developed
countriesy and that market evolution patterns seen previously
in developed economies will be replicated in EMs.
MNC managers and academics must move beyond
the ‘imperialist mindset’ that everyone must
want to look and act like Westerners (
1998). While it can be argued that the
wealthiest fraction of the population in emerging
economies participates in a capitalist system that is
evolving toward a more Western-style business
environment, the vast majority of the people are
on the outside looking in (2000). This
suggests that, at the very least, there are two different
and important patterns of economic development
occurring in most emerging economies. In fact, the
informal economy may account for as much as
30–60% of the total economic activity in some
developing countries (2000),meaning that a
substantial amount of business activity in lowincome
markets is conducted outside the official
law, with informal social contracts being used as
binding arrangements.
Global strategy
Researchers have suggested that, in pursuing topof-
the-pyramid markets in emerging economies,
MNCs can rely on proven global capabilities to
incrementally adapt existing business models and a
familiar subsidiary strategy based on controlling
resources, extracting knowledge, and leveraging
economies of scale and scope (
1989). Internalization, or the modifying (national
responsiveness), leveraging (global efficiency), or
sharing (worldwide learning) of existing products
or resources within firm boundaries will allow
MNCs to overcome liabilities of foreignness in
serving the wealthy top of the pyramid (
This approach implicitly assumes that all markets
within a country are following a similar pattern of
economic development, and that MNCs using the
transnational model can effectively leverage capabilities
in global efficiency, national responsiveness,
and knowledge transfer to maximize economic
benefits in all business environments (
1989). The success of distributed energy
and micro-loan ventures, however, suggests that
small-scale, decentralized initiatives may make more
sense in low-income markets than the developed
world mantra of centralization of control and
economies of scale (2001). In addition,
boundary-protecting strategies are less likely
to be effective in low-income markets where social
benefits influence economic decisions (
2001) and where shared use of property is common
and blurs ownership boundaries (1997).
In these EMs, MNC knowledge and resources are
unlikely to be successfully protected through patents
or brands (2002).
Although the transnational approach remains the
most influential model of global strategy (
2001), others have argued that firms operate
primarily either as global companies leveraging
economic efficiencies or as multidomestic organizations
that allow their subsidiaries to compete
independently in different countries (
1982). MNC strategy is viewed as either exploiting
economic efficiencies through economies of scale
or encouraging national responsiveness by adapting
to local conditions – or a mix of the two (
1980). Researchers, using data from MNC practices,
have explored which country-level strategy is the
best fit for a subsidiary (1989).
This view is potentially representative of effective
global strategy in top-of-the-pyramid markets, but
it ignores within-country differences in business
environments and implicitly assumes that capabilities
developed at the top of the pyramid will be
viable across all prospective markets.
In a similar manner, international marketers have
also recognized the need to consider both global
efficiencies and local adaptation in segmenting
consumer markets. The challenge is to find global
similarities that can be leveraged across multiple
countries while adapting to local differences as
needed (1994). Two interesting
approaches to global segmentation have been
proposed. One is to cluster countries along similar
dimensions, with firms being encouraged to concentrate
on one cluster, or subset of countries, at
a time (1994;
1998). A second strategy is to look for global
segments that transcend national and cultural
boundaries (1994). Although
this second approach recognizes within-country
differences, the emphasis is on segmenting top of
the pyramid customers more finely, such as the
global elite and the global teenager (
1994). Expected behaviors in these segments
are typically modeled after Western values
and lifestyles. In both segmentation approaches
the focus is on leveraging knowledge and skills
developed in and for top-of-the-pyramid markets.
In sum, emerging economies should not be
viewed as following a homogeneous pattern of
economic development in which all markets are
evolving toward a more Western-style business
environment. Although the wealthy elite in these
countries may participate in global capitalism, the
vast majority of the population has been excluded
from this economic system. Indeed, as Dawar and
(2002) observe, it makes little sense
for MNCs to think in terms of distinct ‘country
strategies’ (e.g., China strategy) in the context of
EMs. Instead, it might be more appropriate to
develop separate strategies for wealthy, rising
middle class, and poor customers across country
markets ( 1999). Hence, entry
into base-of-the-pyramid markets may require a
global capability beyond the adaptive skills of
national responsiveness or the centralized control
inherent in global efficiency, and a market entry
strategy that moves past a reliance on imported
business models based on extracting knowledge
and protecting and controlling resource flows. This
creates challenges for MNCs, and, as Monsanto’s
and Unilever’s experiences illustrate, firms have
had mixed success in pursuing low-income markets
in developing countries (see Exhibit 1).
Yet, although an increasing number of firms are
exploring the economic opportunities at the base of
the pyramid, there is little in the way of theory or
research in the area of IB that provides clear
guidance on how to pursue these EMs. Indeed, it
seems apparent that there is a serious gap in the
existing literature when it comes to global capabilities
and business strategy at the base of the
Exhibit 1 Monsanto and Unilever at the base of the pyramid: two corporate examples
Monsanto: unsuccessful at the base of the pyramid
In the mid-1990s Monsanto launched an effort to transform itself into a life science company with a strong focus on agricultural
biotechnology (2001). Emphasizing genetic engineering, Monsanto tried to reinvent the agricultural industry.
As part of this effort, Monsanto saw an opportunity to use genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to address the food and
nutrition needs in low-income markets in the developing world.
Targeting local farmers in emerging economies provided a potential avenue for growth while simultaneously cultivating good public
relations. What Monsanto failed to realize, however, was that low-income farmers in emerging economies typically rely on using saved
seed for the next planting season. As a result, Monsanto’s strategy to use sterilized seeds to prevent pirating of the firm’s intellectual
property upset both these farmers and NGO activists. Indeed, this technology was viewed as an affront to cultural traditions in many
emerging economies. This, combined with well-publicized concerns about GMOs in Europe, created a backlash against the company.
The arrogance of this approach was later noted by CEO R in a speech in October 1999. However, by then it was too late,
and support for Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds had collapsed.
Unilever: successful at the base of the pyramid
In contrast, Unilever’s Indian subsidiary, Hindustan Lever Limited (HLL), has been extremely successful with its strategy to serve baseof-
the-pyramid markets (2002). HLL uses a wide variety of partners to distribute its products, and also supports the efforts
of these partners to build additional capabilities. For example, HLL provided opportunities and training to local entrepreneurs, and was
not afraid to experiment with new types of distribution, such as selling via local performers and village street theaters (2001).
In addition, managers were also aware that existing biases about the process of local economic development could be constraints as
the firm entered new low-income markets. They therefore required new employees to spend 6 weeks living in these markets, and
actively sought local consumer insights and preferences as they developed new products. By encouraging a creative and flexible
market entry process, HLL has been able to generate over $1 billion in revenues from operating in low-income markets in India alone
economic pyramid. This highlights an important
and increasingly untenable discontinuity between
MNC practices and academic research.
Research methods
Given the relatively new and unexplored nature
of the phenomenon – the launching of business
ventures in low-income markets in developing
countries – this study adopted an exploratory
research strategy ( 1984;1989).
Qualitative research, rather than traditional quantitative
empirical tools, is particularly useful for
exploring implicit assumptions and examining new
relationships, abstract concepts, and operational
definitions (1991; 1996). The objective
was to conduct an analysis of firm strategies for
low-income markets in emerging economies that
would help to build theory on how companies
successfully enter these business environments and
to develop constructs that would facilitate future
hypothesis testing (1989).
The initial research questions provided guidance
for this study and helped us to identify meaningful
and relevant activities ( 1981). More specifically,
this included collecting data on the background
and success of each venture, strategies used
to enter low-income markets, product design and
development, knowledge transfer and sharing,
the leveraging of existing capabilities, and interorganizational
relationships. The research was
conducted over a period of 3 years and involved
triangulation among a variety of different sources
of data including analysis of archival materials,
evaluation of both original and existing case
studies, and the conducting of formal and informal
interviews with managers at a number of MNCs
An exploratory methodology such as this has
been recognized as being particularly useful for
researchers interesting in examining strategies in
emerging economies (2000). In
addition, qualitative research has provided critical
insights into innovation (
2001), entrepreneurship (2001), and
alliances (1991, 1992), as well as a variety
of other phenomena, such as social issues (
1991), organizational change (
1996), and proactive responsiveness
to environmental uncertainty (
Data collection involved several overlapping
steps (1984). Beginning in 2001, two research
assistants conducted an exhaustive search for
existing cases and other archival information on
base-of-the-pyramid market entry by multinationals,
local companies, and non-governmental
organizations (NGOs). In addition, from
2001–2003, 24 such ventures were selected for
further in-depth analysis, which included collecting
archival material and, where possible, contacting
key informants. Written cases for each venture
were prepared by teams of MBA students as part of a
course focusing on business strategy at the base of
the pyramid conducted by the authors (see Table 1
for a list of these ventures).
These ventures were not selected randomly,
rather they were chosen because they offered a
variety of different approaches to exploring opportunities
in base-of-the-pyramid markets (
1989). Both Western and local (indigenous)
for-profit ventures were examined. In addition,
non-profit (NGO) ventures were included in the
sample, as these organizations play an important
role in facilitating income-generating initiatives in
areas where there has been limited economic
development (Sonenshein et al., 1997; Richardson
et al., 2000). Finally, we selected cases to ensure
appropriate geographical and cultural diversity,
including ventures from Asia, Africa, and Latin
Concurrent with the collection and analysis of
the archival materials and case studies, interviews
and discussions were held with managers at
MNCs engaged in launching business ventures
in low-income markets. Extensive discussions
were held during 2001–2003 with MNCs involved
in a business school-based think tank focused
on base-of-the-economic-pyramid markets. MNCs
involved included DuPont, Hewlett-Packard,
Ford, Procter & Gamble, Motorola, Johnson &
Johnson, Coca-Cola, Dow Chemical, Unilever,
and Nike.
In addition, four MNCs were specifically included
as part of this exploratory study. These four were
selected because they were highly active in pursuing
opportunities at the base of the pyramid in
emerging economies, and allowed the investigators
extensive access to these ventures over an extended
period of time. In addition, all four MNCs produced
products for the consumer sector, which meant
that they faced similar challenges regarding sourcing,
production, distribution and marketing.
Furthermore, the four were US-headquartered companies,
which helped control for any differences
in home country (‘national diamond’)-based competitive
advantages (1990).
Strategies for emerging markets Ted London and Stuart L Hart
Journal of International Business Studies
With one MNC (MNC #1), a company with
approximately $9 billion in annual revenues,
discussions were held over a period of about 18
months, starting in mid-2001. The focus was on a
low-income market venture that the company had
launched in 1999 in a large developing country in
Asia. At a second MNC (MNC #2), a company
whose products are sold in more than 100 countries,
a series of interviews were conducted over a
period of about 12 months with two managers
actively involved in initiating base-of-the-pyramid
ventures in South America and Asia. With the third
MNC (MNC #3), which has affiliates in more than
50 countries, intensive discussions were held with
two managers over a period of several months
during 2002 as they prepared to launch a new
initiative targeting a Latin American low-income
market. At the fourth MNC (MNC #4), a Fortune 50
company that has had overseas operations for more
than 50 years, discussions with three managers
were conducted for about 2 years regarding base-ofthe-
pyramid ventures in Asia and South America.
To encourage greater disclosure of information,
we assured the respondents that confidential
information would not be attributed to specific
low-income market ventures. Where possible,
material on the organization and the venture was
collected and reviewed in advance. These interviews,
together with the case studies and other
archival material, were compared and contrasted in
an exploratory manner. Partially ordered data displays
were used to help in the data analysis and
reduction process ( 1984). For
example, once case studies had been developed and
coded, the different initiatives were ordered by level
of success and placed on the vertical axis. On the
horizontal axis we listed various strategies, capabilities,
and activities for these initiatives. These data
displays facilitated both within- and cross-case
analysis (1984). The emerging
results were then compared with existing
theory (1989). As we iterated back and
forth between existing theory and our findings, the
displays and our conclusions were updated and
refined (1994). The results of
this analysis are discussed below.
The analysis of the archival material, case studies,
and interviews all pointed to important differences
Table 1 Background information on 24 original case studies
Organization name Type of
Western or local
Region Successful or unsuccessful
in reaching base of the pyramid
Ahold (Sustainable Assistance) For profit Western Africa Unsuccessful
Alpina For profit Local Americas Unsuccessful
AmaZoncoop Not for profit Local Americas Unsuccessful
Amazon Life (Treetap) For profit Local Americas Successful
Cemex (Patrimonio Hoy) For profit Local Americas Successful
CMPC For profit Local Americas Unsuccessful
DFCU Leasing For profit Local Africa Unsuccessful
Freeplay Energy Group For profit Local Africa/Asia Unsuccessful
Hand Made in America Not for profit Western Americas Successful
Honey Care For profit Local Africa Successful
Hydraform For Profit Local Africa Successful
Indigenous Designs For Profit Western Americas/Asia Unsuccessful
Kenya Ceramic Jiko Not for profit Local Africa Successful
N-Logue For profit Local Asia Successful
PEOPLink Not for profit Western Americas Unsuccessful
Pot-in-Pot Refrigeration Not for profit Local Africa Successful
Protela For profit Local Americas Unsuccessful
Seawater Farms For profit Western Africa Unsuccessful
SELCO For profit Western Asia Successful
TARAHaat Not for profit Local Asia Successful
Tiviski Dairy For profit Local Africa Successful
Utz Kapeh Foundation Not for profit Western Americas Unsuccessful
WorldSpace For profit Western Africa/Asia Unsuccessful
WorldWater Corporation For profit Western Asia/Africa Unsuccessful
Strategies for emerging markets Ted London and Stuart L Hart
Journal of International Business Studies
between low-income markets in emerging economies
and top-of-the-pyramid markets involving
the wealthy and elite. In particular, the interviews
with MNC managers shed substantial light on the
limitations of the transnational model for companies
interested in exploring base-of-the-pyramid
markets, and the case studies and archival materials
revealed critical success factors for entering these
emerging, low-income markets.
Learnings from MNC interviews: limitations to
the transnational model
The interviews with MNC managers were especially
important when it came to critically evaluating the
role of global capabilities in successfully launching
new ventures targeting low-income markets in
emerging economies. They helped to clarify and
elucidate the weaknesses and shortcomings associated
with received theory in the area of global
strategy. These findings are summarized in Table 2
and discussed below.
The venture manager at MNC #1, for example,
indicated that his company’s entry into a lowincome
market failed due, in significant part, to
their misjudgment of the market environment. The
company felt that it could rely on old technology,
existing performance metrics, and minor adaptations
to its familiar distribution channels and
techniques for communicating with potential customers.
As it turned out, the venture was unable to
reach its target market effectively, as it was relying
on inappropriate assumptions about market development.
Although they levered their expertise by
‘leading with the product’, the technology used was
Table 2 Limitations of the transnational model: analysis of interviews with MNC managers
MNC #1
Transferring existing metrics and relying on existing relationships did not work
Relying on existing product development knowledge restricted the design process
Findings regarding global capabilities
Global efficiency: Leveraging existing knowledge was not an effective strategy
National responsiveness: Adapting existing resources to local environment did not work
Implications: Inability to understand local context doomed venture
MNC #2
Local subsidiary did not understand low-income market context
Moving forward required surfacing biases at the subsidiary level
Findings regarding global capabilities
National responsiveness: Adapting existing knowledge did not uncover biases
Worldwide learning: Company did not have existing knowledge needed to enter market
Implications: Important to find partners with context-specific knowledge
MNC #3
Benefits from piloting in country with no local subsidiary to create learning environment
Important to be aware of potential biases and over-reliance on traditional metrics
Findings regarding global capabilities
National responsiveness: Subsidiaries could not successfully adapt existing resources
Worldwide learning: Sharing existing knowledge could prevent success due to existing biases
Implications: Critical to find ways to overcome gaps and biases in existing knowledge base
MNC #4
Difficult to leverage existing products, consumers, or channels in these markets
Needed new mindset about transferable capabilities and resource allocation process
Findings regarding global capabilities
Global efficiency: Relying on traditional metrics was not an effective strategy
Worldwide learning: Firm needed to unlearn as opposed to leveraging internal knowledge
Implications: Required new perspective on appropriate metrics and valuable capabilities
Strategies for emerging markets Ted London and Stuart L Hart
Journal of International Business Studies
based on a product introduced to Western markets
more than 10 years before. The venture team relied
on the assumption that low-income markets were
similar to familiar upscale markets, but a decade or
so behind in their stage of development.
Our respondent also noted that, without any
explicit consideration, they ‘plugged [the venture]
into the existing metrics’, particularly the MNC’s
pricing formula. The result was an overpriced
product that was too expensive for low-income
markets and not functionally attractive enough for
wealthier customers. In addition, the venture was
unable to create effective incentives to encourage
their current distributors to promote the product,
as this new offering potentially cannibalized the
distributors’ existing, and more lucrative, product
lines. As our respondent indicated, relying on
existing partners meant that the product ‘didn’t
go to the secondary cities or the more rural areas’.
The venture also relied on existing linkages with
the firm’s local manufacturers for market-specific
knowledge. As a result, the entry strategy was not
very inclusive and failed to incorporate important
environmental conditions. The firm was unable to
adjust to an environment where intellectual property
was not easily protected. As our respondent
explained, ‘embracing a new business model’ was
very difficult for the company, and there was
significant ‘internal resistance’. The decision to
rely on existing partners and a strategy based on its
traditional model of market entry into an emerging
economy resulted in the venture struggling to meet
its sales goals. The MNC venture was viewed as a
failure and is now considered dead, but two rivals’
business models have apparently succeeded. Both
of these models utilized a larger and more diverse
network of alliance partners. They were able to
generate significant revenues by creating a low-cost
manufacturing and distribution process that did
not rely on the legal protection of intellectual
At MNC #2, the challenges of relying on the
conventional mindset regarding global capabilities
emerged as one of the respondents discussed his
recent experience in conducting market research
on a low-income market. In collaboration with the
company’s subsidiary in a South American country,
the goal was to further analyze the potential to
launch a new product that targeted low-income
markets. In a very short time it became apparent to
the respondent that the managers at the host
country subsidiary were as unfamiliar with the
local context as he was. Yet, these local managers
felt, being citizens of that country, that they
understood low-income markets. To overcome
these biases, the respondent felt it was critical to
‘surface the implicit assumptions of the local brand
team’. As he noted: ‘We have a lack of knowledge
about base-of-the-pyramid markets. The poor are
not just survival machines.’
In his efforts to explore these differences, this
manager felt it was important to contrast the
perspective of ‘impoverished markets, our view of
the base of the pyramid’ with ‘impoverished mindsets,
[which reflects] our lack of knowledge’. To
conduct the necessary research, a third-party
organization was hired that understood that relying
on traditional assumptions about economic development
could constrain the market research
process. Using more anthropologically oriented
methods to explore the unique business context
at the base of the pyramid, the resulting data
collection process focused on both local needs and
local culture. As one of our respondents explained:
‘bottom-up learnings are critical’.
During the study, this respondent found that a
number of non-profit organizations could provide
valuable and relevant information that complemented
what was learned from the market research.
These organizations had developed an expertise
in jointly promoting local social and economic
development. To move forward, the respondent
indicated that it would be necessary to establish
relationships with non-profit organizations that
could provide knowledge about the local context.
He did note, however, that although these relationships
would be important, the MNC would need to
‘overcome a lack of transparency’ typically found in
its dealings with this sector of society.
Managers at MNC #3 also recognized that their
existing local partners did not have the necessary
knowledge and capabilities to reach the targeted
low-income market. In fact, both managers interviewed
were not only worried about the subsidiary’s
lack of familiarity with base-of-the-pyramid markets,
but were also fearful of the negative impact
that transferring existing biases might have on the
success of the new venture. They therefore decided
to launch a pilot project in a country where the
MNC did not currently have a local subsidiary. This
opportunity could then be, as one respondent
noted, a ‘learning market’ where the ‘situation is
not to control’, but rather ‘keep it simple’ and
‘maximize flexibility’.
These managers further explained that the standard
company model for international expansion
Strategies for emerging markets Ted London and Stuart L Hart
Journal of International Business Studies
was inappropriate for this environment. A successful
strategy would require more than leveraging
existing internal capabilities or adapting standard
entry strategies. They acknowledged the importance
of identifying partners with the appropriate
context-specific knowledge, and looked to ‘access
external competencies where ever possible’. This
partnership model also recognized that many of
these potential partners were organizations with a
strong social mission. This meant that the venture
needed to incorporate social as well as economic
performance goals, an approach that expanded
upon the company’s traditional metrics.
In discussing its low-income market initiatives,
one of the respondents at MNC #4 noted that
resources for new ventures were typically allocated
according to whether the firm ‘could leverage
existing products, consumers, or channels’. The
company also looked for ‘something that [it] can
own’. Base of the pyramid ventures, however, did
not fit with traditional assumptions about market
entry strategies. As the respondents explained,
these initiatives involved a new product, targeted
a new set of customers, and required a new mindset
about distribution. Thus, the managers recognized
that they faced difficult hurdles in generating
internal support and the needed funding.
Rather than tackle these issues head on, one of
the managers found that the best strategy was to
acknowledge that this was a new business environment.
As opposed to developing an argument based
on premium brands and high margins, which the
company ‘knows’, she felt that the most attractive
metric for this venture was penetration. However,
the ‘penetration game’ was something the company
‘knew nothing about’, and to get support
involved demonstrating that conventional hurdle
rates are ‘not written in stone’.
To move forward, the respondent recognized the
‘need for high level strategic support’. To build this
support, she focused on ‘benchmarking of competitors’
and the fact that some of the firm’s major
global rivals were already pursuing these types of
markets using metrics that evaluated both economic
and social benefits. She argued that, if the firm
relied on its traditional capabilities and mindset, it
could be missing a substantial opportunity. Highlighting
the potential risk from failing to respond
enabled managerial support to coalesce around this
initiative. This created the potential to override the
traditional metrics used in the resource allocation
process and generate more internal support for a
pilot venture.
In summary, then, the interviews with MNC
managers and associated in-depth analysis of these
new ventures pointed to the shortcomings of
existing theory and practice in the areas of EM
and global strategy. The four companies were all
profitable and considered to be well-run firms and
highly successful in top-of-the-pyramid markets.
However, as highlighted in Table 2, when entering
low-income markets, these firms found that relying
on global capabilities articulated in the transnational
model was not sufficient and, at times, could
actually be constraining. In all four firms the
managers recognized the need for an additional
capability. Together, these findings lead to the
following propositions:
Proposition 1a. Top-of-the-pyramid (high income)
and base-of-the-pyramid (low-income) markets will
require different strategies and mix of capabilities.
Proposition 1b. When entering base-of-the-pyramid
markets, traditional capabilities in global integration
and national responsiveness might actually inhibit
Proposition 1c. When entering base-of-the-pyramid
markets, firms cannot rely on the transfer or protection
within firm boundaries of knowledge and resources
developed in top-of-the-pyramid markets.
Proposition 1d. When entering base-of-the-pyramid
markets, firms will need additional capability beyond
those of global efficiency, national responsiveness and
transfer of existing knowledge, which are used successfully
in top-of-the-pyramid markets.
Learnings from archival and case analyses:
strategies for the base of the pyramid
In particular, the interviews suggest how existing
biases associated with top-of-the-pyramid markets
can blind managers to the realities of doing
business in the base of the pyramid. Relying on
existing technology, products, partners, channels,
and metrics can serve to doom such ventures to
failure. Leveraging existing knowledge and the
exploitation of global efficiencies can prevent
success as it precludes the deep listening and local
knowledge generation needed to succeed in such
markets. National responsiveness is also not
enough, especially if pre-existing solutions or
business models are wholly inadequate for the
context at the base of the pyramid. Indeed, an
entirely new capability appears to be necessary.
Strategies for emerging markets Ted London and Stuart L Hart
Journal of International Business Studies
To explore more deeply which factors contribute
to successful strategies in base-of-the-pyramid
markets, the 24 cases and the accompanying
archival materials were analyzed. Insights from
the MNC interviews were also drawn upon where
appropriate. The first step was to make an
assessment of whether or not the various initiatives
were deemed to be successful, based on early
market experience and the ability to develop
economically sustainable business models. Each
MBA team was asked to make an assessment of
their case. Where possible, they relied on evaluations
by managers of these initiatives as well as
an analysis of the archival data. Their assessments
were presented in class and discussed. In addition,
each of the authors independently reviewed all the
data and rated each initiative. We compared these
analyses and found no discrepancies in the evaluations.
The more successful ventures were then
contrasted with those perceived to be poor performers
(see Table 3). Several important
factors emerged as being present in successful
initiatives, but missing in those that failed or
performed poorly. These involved identifying and
leveraging strengths in the existing environment
and included collaborating with non-traditional
partners, co-inventing custom solutions, and building
local capacity.
Collaborating with non-traditional partners:
understanding the social context
Ventures facing challenging new environments
usually need to turn to partner organizations for
missing resources and expertise (Eisenhardt and
Schoonhoven, 1996). Indeed, government regulations
often require MNCs to have a local corporate
partner to ensure market access in emerging
economies (1991). When entering baseof-
the-pyramid markets, however, firms may need
to expand dramatically the potential field of
alliance partners. Indeed, our analysis indicated
that successful base-of-the-pyramid strategies relied
heavily on non-traditional partners. These partners
included non-profit organizations and community
groups, as well as local and even village-level
governments. Unsuccessful strategies, on the other
hand, relied primarily on traditional partners such
as national governments and large local companies.
Typically, these more traditional partners were as
far removed, in terms of business knowledge of
low-income markets, as the firms trying to launch
the venture.
Table 3 Need for a new global capability: analysis of archival material, case studies, and interviews with MNC managers
Strategies of successful base-of-the-pyramid market entries Strategies of failed (or poorly performing) base-of-the-pyramid
market entries
Collaborating with non-traditional partners Collaborating with non-traditional partners
K Recognized the value of both corporate and non-corporate
K Heavy reliance on expertise of local subsidiary or familiar
K Proactively established relationships with non-profit and
other non-traditional partner organizations
K Limited or no contact with non-profit and other nontraditional
partner organizations
K Relied on non-corporate partners for expertise on social
infrastructure and local legitimacy
K Tended to rely on familiar or existing partners for information
about new markets and the local context
Co-inventing custom solutions Co-inventing custom solutions
K Often linked with multiple distributors, who modified
product differently before selling to final user
K Preferred to sell the product as is and tried to limit
modifications by distributors and users
K Allowed for user innovation and modification K Substantial effort to protect property rights (e.g., patents,
K Product and business model design co-evolved brand names)
K Tended to view product in terms of the functionality it K Product was developed before business model was designed
provided K Tended to view value proposition in terms of product, not
Building local capacity Building local capacity
K Recognized the value of existing local institutions K Tended to view the environment in terms of the institutions
K Provided training to local entrepreneurs and other partners that were missing
K Often saw gaps in local infrastructure or missing services as K Limited contact with local entrepreneurs and local institutions
potential opportunities K Often saw gaps in local infrastructure as challenges or
problems that had to be overcome
A variety of non-corporate partners provided
access to important information on target customers
and the overall business environment that
was not available in the corporate sector. This goes
far beyond the typical focus on customers and
suppliers (2002). As suggested by
(2004), greatly increased uncertainty
about what knowledge is useful increases the
importance of radical transactiveness, or the ability
to identify and interact effectively with a diversity
of non-traditional stakeholders. By including input
from civil society, local community groups, and the
public sector, firms were better able to understand
and leverage existing social strengths in these
business environments. In addition, they could
better understand which societal concerns were, as
one MNC respondent noted, ‘myths and which
were realities’. These non-traditional partners
could provide information on the local context,
local legitimacy, and access to needed resources
(Rondinelli and London, 2003).
One initiative, for example, utilized non-traditional
partners to overcome a lack of potential
sources of external funding. The managers identified
a multilateral institution and an NGO as
potential partners, and developed a business plan
that highlighted how a successful initiative could
help both these organizations achieve their social
objectives. As a respondent noted, while it ‘takes
time to build credibility and relationships in the
public sector’, it was invaluable ‘getting to know
the core influentials’. By getting the support of
these organizations, the company could secure
important access to critical financial, legitimacy,
and knowledge resources.
In contrast, another firm relied primarily on
economic metrics and capabilities developed for
top-of-the-pyramid markets. The national government
was viewed primarily as an important source
of funding for base-of-the-pyramid ventures in two
different countries. A pre-existing technology was
introduced, with the governments serving as key
business partners. The venture struggled to create
locally acceptable product offerings as it did not
develop relationships with local partners that
could provide an awareness of the actual needs
and desires of base-of-the-pyramid customers. In
addition, in both countries the governments were
economically unstable, and the base-of-thepyramid
ventures had substantial trouble with
their cash flow.
In another example, one local for-profit venture
created a three-way partnership between the private
sector, the development sector, and the local
community. The partnership recognized the existing
social infrastructure and was designed so that
knowledge and benefits flowed between each set of
partnerships. For example, the company identified,
manufactured, and sold context-appropriate farm
equipment to the development sector partner,
which in turn leveraged local social capital to
provide micro-credit financing to small farmers
for the purchase of the equipment. The company
also recognized the local need for a steady source of
alternative income, and committed itself to purchasing
all of the farmers’ production, creating a
loyal source of supply. As opposed to concentrating
solely on economic efficiencies and economicoriented
metrics, the for-profit venture was able to
generate significant growth by creating a collaborative
model that enabled it to better understand and
leverage the social context. Using this approach,
the company recognized and valued the role of the
other two partners, even though it was dealing with
unfamiliar organizations.
In contrast, another local venture has been
unable to create needed cash flow, owing, in
significant part, to its inability to establish effective
collaborations with non-traditional partners. In
this case, the initiative has struggled to develop
an understanding of the social context, and has not
generated mutually beneficial economic and social
incentives. As a result, the venture has not secured
the support of key partners who could provide
much needed financial and knowledge resources.
Co-inventing custom solutions: building from
the bottom up
In pursuing low-income markets in developing
countries, firms must adjust to an environment
where social, not legal, contracts dominate (de
Soto, 2000), and where accurate knowledge about
potential consumers is not readily available (
1995). Assessing context-specific
information appears to require a more participatory
approach in which all parties need to be willing to
share information (1997). This extends
far beyond the idea of ‘national responsiveness’
(adapting pre-existing solutions to local conditions),
which pervades the existing literature on
global strategy (1989).
In fact, our analysis indicated that entry into lowincome
markets at the base of the pyramid indeed
benefited from identifying local partners who could
actively contribute to venture conceptualization by
adding local content to the product design.
Entrepreneurship by local distributors was encouraged
by providing flexibility in how the final
product or service could be marketed or delivered.
As one corporate respondent emphasized, their goal
was ‘building infinite flexibility into the product
and, therefore, selection of third-party partners’. In
contrast, unsuccessful initiatives tended to rely on
controlling the adaptation of existing products
and, focusing on the weaknesses in the environment,
they also made substantial efforts to protect
property rights, including preventing user or
distributor modification.
Furthermore, in successful ventures, the emphasis
was on maximizing the functionality of the product
offering. This often included having the product
and business model development co-evolve. Partner
organizations co-designed the entry strategy,
including the delivery of the product or service.
As one respondent indicated, a successful initiative
requires ‘everybody who touches it to make
money’. Poorly performing ventures, on the other
hand, tended to view the value proposition in
terms of the product itself, and often completed the
development process at a centralized and geographically
distant location (for example, at corporate
R&D centers) prior to designing the business
One successful venture, for instance, decided to
forgo adopting the traditional pricing model of cost
plus margin. Rather, in discussions with local
partners, they identified the appropriate selling
price first. By ‘reverse engineering’ and ‘maximizing
local knowledge and entrepreneurship’, as one
respondent noted, they could then jointly design a
product and business model that provided the
functionality required and offered profit margins
that were acceptable for a high-volume business.
In other example a locally based MNC was unable
to enter base-of-the-pyramid markets effectively,
primarily because its entry strategy was based on
making an incremental adaptation to a current
product. By removing some of the existing functionality,
it was able to create a lower-cost version
of one of its mainstream products. Selling this less
expensive version through its traditional distributors
did allow the firm to capture some additional
price-sensitive customers. However, the MNC was
not successful in reaching the vast majority of lowincome
customers. This low-income market would
have been much better served if the company
had co-designed the product from the bottom
up (as opposed to the top down) with local
partners who understood what set of functionalities
were most important to base-of-the-pyramid
Developing local capacity: sharing resources
across boundaries
The transnational model, the predominant view of
global strategy, focuses on global integration,
national responsiveness, and worldwide learning
(1989). This perspective
emphasizes sharing resources internally and maximizing
the economic benefits to the firm (
1991). However, our analysis suggests
that firms interested in targeting base-of-thepyramid
markets must also consider both societal
performance and the sharing of resources outside
firm boundaries – local capacity building – to be
Firms entering low-income markets may face
novel challenges from NGOs and civil society. As
one respondent noted, he was worried about ‘push
back from NGOs’, including ‘demonstrations’ and
claims of ‘corporate imperialism’. Respondents
indicated that the increased attention on global
poverty, the growing anti-globalization movement,
and the threat of intra-country wars, regional
conflicts, crime, and terrorism highlighted the fact
that ventures in the base of the pyramid require
strong consideration of the social impact on local
3One important way in which successful ventures
addressed the need to consider societal performance
was by incorporating local capacity building
directly in their business models (rather than
through the more conventional approach of corporate
philanthropy as an activity separate from the
business). For example, several successful initiatives
included training programs for local entrepreneurs.
Others identified mutually beneficial opportunities
that built the capacity of existing institutions, such
as micro-lending organizations, or filled in gaps
in local infrastructure through providing basic
The financial investment in local capacity does
not necessarily have to be large to create substantial
benefits. For example, strategic bridging offers a
different and potentially useful way of flexibly
adjusting the level of collaboration (
1991). Similar to the entrepreneur
filling a structural hole (1992), an MNC can
become an unofficial strategic bridge between
existing organizations that are having difficulty
cooperating with each other. By becoming a
strategic bridge, the MNC becomes a conduit
Strategies for emerging markets Ted London and Stuart L Hart
Journal of International Business Studies
and can enhance the flow of information,
capabilities, and financial resources between these
In one Latin American country, for instance, a
locally based MNC was able to target effectively a
low-income market only after serving as a bridge
between local distributors and base-of-the-pyramid
customers whom these distributors were having
trouble reaching effectively. In this case, the MNC
spanned the social gaps between organizations by
providing value-added advisory services and training
programs that strengthened the inefficient
practices by the intermediaries, built local knowledge,
and created surplus value for local consumers.
Using an approach of identifying and developing
existing local capacity, the MNC covered the cost of
providing the service, improved its sale of raw
materials, enhanced inter-organizational communication
and trust, and generated additional
reputational and branding opportunities.
Another MNC venture, also interested in improving
the local supply chain, has been unsuccessful to
date, primarily because of its inability to develop
local capacity. The initiative was grounded in the
firm’s reputation for corporate social responsibility.
The company’s social responsibility capabilities
were, however, based mainly on donating resources
to third parties. As a result, this approach did not
involve investments by the company’s operating
units, and was not focused on identifying and
strengthening business-critical existing institutions
in the local market environment. To date, the firm
has not been successful in capacity building in the
targeted low-income market. The supply chain
remains weak, and the new initiative is yet to
bridge the gaps in local capabilities necessary to
create a successful business model.
Together, these results lead to the following
Proposition 2a. When entering base-of-the-pyramid
markets, identifying and leveraging existing strengths in
the business environment can enhance effectiveness.
Proposition 2b. When entering base-of-the-pyramid
markets, strategies that include understanding the social
context, building from the bottom up, and sharing
resources across organizational boundaries can enhance
Implications: a new global capability
Our findings from the interviews, case studies, and
archival material seem to provide an important
opportunity to extend the existing literatures
on global strategy and EMs. Both these literatures
rely on implicit assumptions that are embedded in
their theoretical development. These assumptions,
however, are challenged when MNCs enter lowincome
markets. Indeed, MNC advantage, and the
associated ability to overcome a liability of foreignness,
is assumed to come from the transfer of
knowledge and resources within firm boundaries
(1976; 1991). The
transnational model identifies global efficiency
(leveraging knowledge and resources), national
responsiveness (modifying knowledge and
resources), and worldwide learning (sharing knowledge
and resources) as the crucial capabilities for a
successful multinational firm (
In our examination of four ongoing MNC
initiatives, however, we found that these ventures
could not rely solely on the traditional capabilities
that a global firm is thought to have. In each of
the four MNCs, capabilities in global efficiency,
national responsiveness, and worldwide learning
were not sufficient and, at times, could actually be
constraining. When entering base-of-the-pyramid
markets, successful organizations possessed an
additional capability. As highlighted by the successful
strategies used to enter low-income markets,
this capability appeared to be based on valuing
and facilitating the bottom-up co-invention, by a
diversity of partners, of locally appropriate solutions.
These solutions also involve investing
resources to develop capacity beyond the protective
boundaries of the firm.
Indeed, this fourth global capability could be
considered ‘social embeddedness’ or the ability to
create competitive advantage based on a deep
understanding of and integration with the local
environment. This capability involves the ability to
create a web of trusted connections with a diversity
of organizations and institutions, generate bottomup
development, and understand, leverage, and
build on the existing social infrastructure. Rather
than looking to overcome weakness in an emerging
economy business environment, this capability is
based on the ability to craft a strategy that relies on
resources and knowledge in the external environment
as sources of competitive advantage. This
approach challenges and extends the more topdown,
internally oriented orientation favored in
the transnational model of leveraging and transferring
resources within the safe confines of the firm’s
Management researchers have emphasized that
MNCs, in particular, have the ability to form
partnerships with a wide variety of organizations.
For example, (2000) found that local firms
in developing countries value reputation and a
willingness to share expertise when selecting
partner organizations. Similarly, (2001) found
that larger parents and local subsidiaries with
greater resources are viewed as more credible
exchange partners, as they have greater opportunities
for reciprocity. The results of this exploratory
study suggest that this role needs to be expanded
even further if MNCs are to successfully enter the
vast markets at the base of the pyramid.
MNCs must overcome cross-organizational differences
to convene a diversity of stakeholders and
create relationships with non-traditional partners
(2003). Given their
resources, reputation, and ‘convening power’,
MNCs have the potential to attract the range of
potential partners needed to succeed in this
domain. Our results suggest that firms entering
low-income markets in developing countries may
not be able to rely on traditional partners, familiar
structures, or preconceived notions about the
pattern of economic development (
1998). At the base of the pyramid, MNCs
must develop relationships that enable them to
better understand the social context of an environment
that is local, diverse, dynamic, complex,
and unpredictable (1997;
2002; 2004).
And although large local firms can still be important
partners, MNCs may also need to develop
relationships with community groups, non-profit
organizations, and local entrepreneurs, and build
the capacity of local institutions (
1994; 2002). Developing
relationships with these organizations, however,
requires greater transparency, an ability to understand
and appreciate local societal conditions, and
the skill to recognize and deliver the social
performance that these partners value.
Furthermore, whereas the conventional wisdom
on emerging economies suggests that local partners
are the ones that must unlearn, in low-income
markets our study suggests that MNC subsidiaries
may be the ones with the most unlearning to do
(1991; 1997
2000; 2002). These
markets are regulated by informal rules, social
contracts, and shared use of assets (2000).
Entry strategies may therefore require greater
inclusiveness and less reliance on protecting
knowledge and technology, strategies that may be
counterintuitive to subsidiary managers (
2000). This is highlighted in our study by
the benefits that organizations gained from the
capability to co-invent custom solutions with a
variety of different stakeholders.
For example, maintaining flexibility in the product
and the business model can allow local
entrepreneurs, who are more familiar with local
culture and customer needs, to innovate proactively
( 1998). Similar to the idea of user
communities and open source (
1999; 2001), the closer the
innovation efforts are to the end user, the more
likely they are to respond to user needs and
incorporate desired functionality. Competitive
advantage is therefore premised less upon the
protection of pre-existing proprietary technology
and intellectual property, and more on the development
of trust, social capital, and permeable boundaries
This extends to the idea of capability development
beyond firm boundaries. By supporting local
capacity building, MNCs can generate both economic
and social benefits (1999). To do this
successfully, however, firms must be able to understand
the local context and recognize holes in the
social structure that need to be filled ( 1992).
This can mean acting as a bridge to connect thirdparty
organizations and thus reduce or eliminate
inefficient practices in the value chain (
1994; 2002). In
addition, firms can also benefit from effectively
working with and supporting financial and other
institutions that facilitate value creation and entrepreneurship
in emerging economies (
2000). Hence, by developing skills to create
capabilities outside of its boundaries, an MNC can
leverage local social development to improve its
economic performance, while at the same time
beginning to address emerging challenges to unfettered
globalization (2002;2002).
Taken together, these results suggest some
important extensions to the literature on strategies
for EMs and the transnational model of global
capabilities. Firms entering low-income markets
cannot rely on a strategy that is based on overcoming
limitations in the business environment.
Successful ventures did not assume that the local
business environments would become more Western
in orientation over time. As a result, they did
not implement a strategy based on managing this
environment while waiting for the transition to
occur. Instead, successful ventures developed a
deep understanding of the local environment, and
focused on generating bottom-up business creation
based on identifying, leveraging, and building the
existing social infrastructure (for example, social
capital in micro-loan programs; expertise of noncorporate
partners; entrepreneurship in user communities),
a capability that we are calling social
embeddedness. Together, this leads to the following
Proposition 3. When entering base-of-the-pyramid
markets, firms with a capability in social embeddedness
are most likely to be successful.
Conclusions and future research
The pursuit of low-income markets in emerging
economies represents an important new future
direction at the intersection of strategic management
and IB research. (1994), in their
review of the strategy discipline, identified ‘What
determines the international success and failure of
firms?’ as one of the five most fundamental
questions in the field. In his review of the IB
literature,(2001: 809) was even more explicit.
He asserted that ‘emerging economies are likely to
become the new battleground for IB competition
and that researchers need to pay careful attention
to the institutional context in which IB activities
take place’. Within developing countries, however,
the real promise for significant growth lies beyond
reaching the wealthy elite currently being served by
MNCs (1998). Tapping
into markets at the base of the pyramid can provide
MNCs with access to a fast-growing population that
is potentially the most exciting growth opportunity
of the future (2002).
Yet, although an increasing number of firms are
exploring the economic opportunities at the base
of the pyramid, strategies in these markets have
neither been empirically examined in the literature
on global strategy (1982;
1989) nor subsidiary strategies for emerging
economies (2000). This study
therefore sought to examine how MNCs and other
enterprises pursue opportunities at the base of the
pyramid, and which strategies appear to be the
most successful.
Our extended tracking, through interviews and
archival material, of four ongoing MNC ventures
highlighted potential limitations of the transnational
model of global strategy. Our in-depth
analysis of archival data and 24 original case studies
began to explore these limitations by identifying
important elements of successful low-income
market strategies, including collaborating with
non-traditional partners, co-inventing custom solutions,
and building local capacity. As our results
suggest, firms will need to develop a fourth
capability, social embeddedness, which allows
them to understand and leverage the strengths of
the market environment at the base of the pyramid.
These findings from our qualitative empirical study
have important implications for both theory and
At the theoretical level, successful pursuit of this
type of strategy in emerging economies appears to
require that MNCs move beyond the traditional
view of transnational success (
1989). These firms will need to integrate a fourth
global capability when entering low-income markets.
Our longitudinal, in-depth exploration of four
multinational ventures indicated that reliance on
capabilities in national responsiveness, global
efficiency, and worldwide learning was insufficient
at best, and could in fact negatively impact on
performance. Rather than creating centrally developed
‘one-size-fits-all’ global solutions, or adapting
solutions created elsewhere to local conditions,
successful pursuit of base-of-the-pyramid markets
appears to require firms to build, consolidate, and
leverage learning from the ‘bottom up’. This
capability is also substantially different from the
ability to leverage worldwide learnings, which
assumes that the appropriate knowledge already
exists within the firm.
Furthermore, entering these huge markets at the
base of the pyramid requires a recognition that
traditional views of economic development and
business strategy may not apply. MNCs cannot rely
on the assumption that all markets in the developing
world are evolving in similar manner toward a
more Western-style economy, and they should
avoid designing a strategy based on overcoming
limitations in the business environment. However,
as (1991: 71) indicates, even in developed
country environments ‘yan MNE may enter a new
foreign market, an innovative step, but use proven
strategies and structural forms to reduce its uncertainty
in that market’. These approaches, and the
associated implicit assumptions, are likely to be
inappropriate in the developing world, where the
gap between the rich and poor is substantial and
growing (1998). Instead, strategies for
Strategies for emerging markets Ted London and Stuart L Hart
Journal of International Business Studies
base-of-the-pyramid markets in emerging economies
must recognize that social contracts and social
institutions dominate, traditional partners may
lack relevant expertise, and social performance
matters. Rather than look to overcome weaknesses
in the business environment, firms entering these
markets should craft a strategy that envisions
organizations, institutions, and knowledge in the
external environment as a basis for creating
competitive advantage.
This line of research also has important managerial
implications. An increasing number of MNCs
are exploring low-income markets. Understanding
which types of base-of-the-pyramid market strategies
positively impact on venture performance will
allow managers to better assess whether, and how,
their firms should be pursuing these opportunities.
Preliminary evidence suggests that successful pursuit
of low-income markets in emerging economies
requires MNCs to fundamentally rethink their
business models. Scalability, flexibility, decentralization,
knowledge sharing, local sourcing, fragmented
distribution, non-traditional partners,
societal performance, and local entrepreneurship
appear to be important to the success of such
business ventures. This is a significant departure
from the current received wisdom of world-scale
production, global supply chains, and local adaptation
of centrally developed solutions.
Indeed, given the opportunities and challenges of
the low-income market context, it may be necessary
for MNC subsidiary managers to develop
multiple strategies depending on which markets
(top, middle, or low segments) within a country
they are targeting. These various ‘within-country’
strategies appear to require a different mix of the
four MNC capabilities (global efficiency, national
responsiveness, worldwide learning, and social
embeddedness). For example, exploration of
low-income markets may benefit from social
embeddedness and worldwide learning. However,
capabilities in global efficiencies and national
responsiveness may actually do more harm
than good, and may need to be actively
Furthermore, although capabilities developed for
and in top-of-the-pyramid markets do not appear
to travel well to base-of-the-pyramid business
environments, the opposite may not be true. There
has been considerable debate over the challenges of
creating disruptive innovations (
1997), and it has been suggested that the base of
the pyramid may offer a unique opportunity to
incubate disruptive technologies (
2001;2002). Interestingly,
capabilities developed in this business environment
may also have the opportunity to ‘move up the
pyramid’ and challenge existing capabilities developed
in top-of-the-pyramid markets. Hence, capabilities
and strategies developed at the base of the
pyramid may provide the missing means by which
firms can catalyze internal creative destruction
( 1962). In developing the structure,
processes, and partnerships to encourage the
development of social embeddednesses, firms can
potentially generate the capability to break old
routines and boundaries and reinvent themselves
Firms with capabilities in social embeddedness,
for instance, may be in a position to create
strategies for a more inclusive capitalism that
addresses both the growing opposition to globalization
and the limitations of global resources.
Business models for the base of the pyramid
cannot match the consumptive nature of existing
top-of-the-pyramid strategies ( 1997). There
simply are not enough resources for the four billion
people at the base of the pyramid to mimic
‘Western’ approaches to economic development.
Once successfully incubated in base-of-the-pyramid
markets, it is entirely possible that these new
capabilities could also address some of the more
vexing developed world environmental and social
For example, if distributed, environmentally
sustainable energy production ventures are shown
to be economically viable at the base of the
pyramid, it may be only a matter of time before
these technologies disrupt the reliance in top-ofthe-
pyramid markets on unreliable sources of fossil
fuels, an aging energy distribution network, and a
production method that may negatively affect the
global environment (2002).
In general, the capability to include more voices in
strategy and product development and to profitably
generate societal benefits could well become
increasingly valuable for companies looking for
new sources of competitive advantage in saturated
developed world markets.
As this was an exploratory study, there are
limitations to the conclusions that can be drawn.
In the future, additional case studies and broader
empirical analysis would be valuable in extending
the results of this research effort. From an academic
perspective, the study of business strategies in lowincome
markets provides an exciting opportunity
Strategies for emerging markets Ted London and Stuart L Hart
Journal of International Business Studies
to explore emerging trends that are part of an
important future research direction for strategy and
IB scholars (Rumelt et al., 1994). Future research in
this area could include examining how firms understand
and create competitive advantage in unfamiliar
environments, examining what strategies are
valuable for protecting core competencies when the
firmis faced with permeable and shifting boundaries,
and exploring the value added by MNC corporate
headquarters in base-of-the-pyramid markets. In
addition, scholars may want to compare MNCs and
large domestic firms that operate in low-income
markets in emerging economies. When entering
base-of-the-pyramid markets, domestic companies
could have both advantages (e.g., the liability of
foreignness is potentially lower) and disadvantages
(e.g., strong existing biases toward copying Western
business approaches and the belief that since they are
nationals of this country they ‘know’ this market) as
compared with their MNC competitors.
In sum, entry into base-of-the-pyramid markets
may require a global capability beyond the adaptive
skills of national responsiveness and centralized
control inherent in global efficiency, and a market
entry strategy that moves past a reliance on
imported business models based on extracting
knowledge and protecting and controlling resource
flows. The challenge is nothing less than reinventing
strategies for EMs to better reflect the realities of
ongoing corporate efforts to enter markets at the
base of the economic pyramid.
We are grateful for comments on an earlier version
that was presented at the Strategic Management
Society Conference in November 2003, where the
manuscript was awarded Best Conference Paper –
Honorable Mention. We also thank the anonymous
reviewers and JIBS Special Departmental Editor Joan
Enric Ricart for their insightful and instructive suggestions
in developing this paper.
For instance, multinationals such as Procter &Gamble, DuPont, Dow Chemical, Hewlett-Packard,
Johnson & Johnson, Ford, Tetra Pak, and
Coca-Cola have made financial commitments
to join think tanks focused directly on examining
the potential for serving the four billion people,
approximately two-thirds of humanity, who constitute
this huge emerging market (for example, see
Furthermore, the World Business Council on Sustainable
Development, a coalition of 160 international
firms, has established a Sustainable Livelihoods
Program. This project, with active involvement from
MNCs such as British Petroleum, Eskom, and Suez,
explores the business case for companies interested in
pursuing low-income markets
The GNP is the value of all the goods and services
produced in an economy, including the value of the
goods and services imported, but less the goods and
services exported. PPP equates the price of a basket of
identical traded goods and services in two countries.
PPP provides a standardized comparison of real prices
between countries.
The United Nations, for example, has a vision of amore sustainable and inclusive global economy.
The recent Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable
Development emphasized the growing
importance attached to eradicating global poverty.
Similarly, the Global Compact was created as a
voluntary international initiative that allies companies
with UN agencies, non-governmental organizations,
and various other civil-society actors in the pursuit of
social goals in areas of human rights, labor, and the
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