Racism: a social a problem


1. Introduction

            Racism – a prejudice or animosity against the people who are belonging to the other races. It is also a belief that the people of the different races have different qualities and the abilities and the other races are said to be superior or inferior it is as well a social problem that has been occurred many years ago and also passed through many changes. Furthermore, it is the known as the generalizing definition as well as the valuation of the biological differences; it can be real or ordinary, in the advantage of the one defining as well as deploying to them, to the detriment of the one that  is subjected to that act of definition, in the justifying end it can be social or physical hostility and assault.

Slavery is one of the oldest and yet the most harmful of all. In the early 16th century, Peru had encountered the inhuman way of slavery in the colonial economic system which finally introduced the great and the never ended debate concerning to the questions of human rights. The important personalities including the Martin Luther King, Jr. Baptist pastor and also Nobel Laureate, led the struggle for the civil rights in the United States until its assassination in 1968. Racism is a phenomenon with continues risen through two opposite opinions and always intense confrontations when it comes to the black citizens. Many people support the human rights to everyone as the same. There are many instances on how the black citizens had been treated through the years by the white citizens. This had happened because there some of the people believed that the black people are thought to represent the society as the lower rank compared to the whites. In the earlier days of the 20th century, the image of racism was largely black and white. Today, racism had become multi-colored as well as multicultural. With the high increase of diverse populations who entered and maintain the communities all over the country, racism had expanded and includes the antagonism between the people of many cultures.  

            In the 21st century had brought many attempts changes in the society. There are legislations and memorandum which is against the discrimination in its many forms. The     affirmative action had been used as a key to the assurance of the individuals’ equality and opportunity for employment, for the housing, and for the other types of advancements. The television shows also had changed formats and characters to have a political correctness. Nevertheless, the society intelligently and pleasantly maintains its separate point of views in the issues regarding the races. Ancient barriers still exist owing to the truth that it is still not possible to legislate the hearts of men. There will always be those citizens who will fight for the change while the others resist, which seeks to maintain the status quo. These are all issues of the economy, the power, and the control which is not easily relinquished. Inasmuch as racism is still an institutional ideology, there still no improvement unless many individuals work and unite towards it.

2. Perspective on the Racism ( Ecological and Labeling) 

            In the further study of the racism it has been detect that as an ideology the racism had been lessen in the time of 1940s, though some of the countries including the South Africa it has been supported of the political leadership. When it comes to the talk of the other countries this will remain as a plane mythology. The overwhelming majority of the scientific opinion in the social as well as biological sciences, however, now rejects the notion that the large human populations, this includes the so-called white, black, and yellow races as well, behave differently this is because of their physical appearance, or  they can be said to be as genetically superior or inferior to one another. Genetic differences between the population groups do exist, of course. None of these group differences had yet been shown to affect the personality, intelligence, as well as any ability that significantly can relate to the social behavior.

            The example of  how the discrimination on the black people by the other races is happened last on the 1st day of February on the year 1960 were there are four African American college students who sat at a Woolworth lunch counter at the Greensboro, North Carolina. Though the patrons which were black can purchased in the others areas of the store still they were served at the food counter.

            Taking other example of what happened in the Britain as one of the situation of the effect of the racism in the environment wherein the black and the Asian people who’s having a hard time looking for the job. The jobseekers had no longer contended with the problems stemming from their recent arrival. The laws which is against the discrimination of the in the employment had been in the place for over the decade. Looking at the background of the stability and the formal rights, the minority ethnic groups of the Britons were expecting to take up the same opportunities in the employment to enjoy by the people. All of the expected they suggest the changes in the employment pattern of the black people. This lead to nowhere and they are converging with the employments patterns of whites and the earlier injustice as well as the imbalances that continue setting the boundaries within the change can occur. ()

            In accordance to the to Goldenberg David Theo, the racist culture along with the laws there are many programs that had been made and though the absence of the available opportunities including the preferential treatment programs for the college admissions as well as hiring and promotions seems a modest means one of the necessary but not simply for the integration and for the advancing of the incorporative politics. The programs have been served to draw those the said voices into the academic and the professional positions which had tended to be silence by their exclusion, these voices that mostly proved resistant to the mainstream appropriation. ().

            Racism had survived at this moment it is less intense and it is intellectually respectable than it was a century ago. But human beings are continuing to mistreat on their ethnic identities as their basis. Furthermore, we have returned to the chronological starting point of the said inquiry. Even before racism had started, Christians persecuted Jews and Muslims due to their beliefs and their behavior. The Crusades were not had fought under the banner of white, the Aryan, or the Indo-European superiority or the divine right of Herrenvolk to rule over the lesser breeds. The conflicts were defined today that would call cultural rather than racial terms. The line between “culturalism” and racism is not that difficult to cross. Culture and even religion can also become essentialized to the point that they can serve it as a functional equivalent of biological racism, as to some extent occurred recently in the perception of blacks in the United States and Britain, and of Muslims in several predominantly Christian nations (2002).



Trends in Effects of Racism Measured by the Womes's Median Wage a proportion of the Men's and the Non-whites' as the proportion of the Whites, 1939 and 1972








Nonwhites women/ white women



Nonwhite men/white men



                                                                        Figure 1.

            The figure1 shows the effect of the racism which was measured by the Women’s Median a proportion of the Men’s and the No-whites’ to the proportion to the whites. This figure shows the higher the ratio the greater the effect of the racism. By this time we can see that the greater the effect of the racism is on the Non -whites’ women and white women’ which means that the most criticized people are those non-white womens.

            In the issue of the labeling in the particular and the position of the racist is more complicated that is why it is very important to have a careful scenario and have to think of a situation through which it should be analyzed it well because this will have a potential to polarize. It was indeed impressive to see the moment that the charges of racism had made a sense due to the fact that they strike a nerve; they have the ability to educate the public and will force a constructive change in the policy. On the most recent and yet an exact example is the Bertram Aristotle’s charge about the U.S. policy toward the Haiti which was racist due to the fact that immigrants who are black were turned back but when we look at the other side the white Cuban immigrants were totally welcomed though fleeing Cuba for the many of which have the same reasons Haitians were fleeing. The trouble in the idea of the racism is that it is unavoidable to take on the personal meaning even if trying to use this impersonally which connote the systems as well as the structures of the racial oppression as the institutionalized racism. The popular mind do not understand in the idea that the racism is refers to the objectives or the structural realities that the social scientist and the Third World should know. Most of the people especially the European Americans they define racism as the feeling and the attitudes as well as the actions. Many of the white college students have the same problem and have immediately confuse regarding the objectives and the subjective racism. This has had felt them that they are being attacked personally as being racist though that is not the proper intention.

            There are so many African American whether intellectual or militants have seized upon the objective-subjective distinction to the argument that the black people cannot be the racist because they don’t have the power to institute or to uphold the structures of dominations. It was a great assumption that the Black people cannot be racist and they should serves as a green light among the some Africans Americans to the legitimacy and the expression of the crude stereotypes and the hatreds of the ethnic groups which are commonly the Jews, their expressions which will be unacceptable if being voiced by the Whites.

            Discrimination is the manifestation of racism. It involves keeping the racialized group apart, setting them aside designated spaces for it will leave under the certain, presumably restrictive conditions. It also imposes differential treatment on the group in the different kinds of fields in the social life. The treatment wherein the group has to participates in line with the render in the inferior.

            For the further understanding regarding the discrimination and the labeling in the racism, we can take the example of the South Africa, wherein the term “apartheid” had designed. This is the form of the organization in the economic production that made the blacks as not only a segregated group but as well as the socially dominated. The formulation of Ernest W. Burgess explains on how cities grow outward from the central business districts in Chicago. The process of the distribution had took place in this formulation wherein the people relocates and individuals as well as groups which was depending on their residence and their occupation.

3. Significance of Racism

            The application of the racism to the racism problems is that it will generate a huge and great closeness and acceptance to the different culture as well as to the different beliefs. The readers will have also a further understanding of the relevance of the races and the individual equality that was created by our Creator. The interaction among the other groups will also be tight and they will have a thorough understanding regarding the individual differences.

4. Dealing with Problems on Racism (The UN’s Resolution)

            The United Nations adopted and had proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The following are the introductory explanation regarding the law in connection to racism.

a. The equality and the inalienable rights in all the members of the human family which is the foundation of the freedom, the justice, and the peace in the world

b. The human beings shall enjoy  the freedom of speech and the belief as well as the freedom from the fear and had been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the even just the common people

c. The human rights will be protected by the law if the man isn’t compelled to have the recourse, a last resort, and the rebellion of the tyranny and the oppression

d. Promote friendly relations between the nations

e. The equality of men and women which to promote the social progress and have the better standards of life and in the larger freedom

f. The promotion of the universal respect for observance as well as the human rights of the fundamental freedoms

5. Applying Racism Perspectives to the Racism Problem

             The racism perspective will determine the problem of the racism itself. In the ecological and the labeling perspective it will generate will generate and will have a better understanding on what the term racism is all about. The readers and the people will have a vivid and a broad understanding regarding the racism. This will also have a clear distinction between this two perspectives that will have a solution on the greater problem which is the racism. This problems can be resolved and will start at the small one which are their perspective.

6. Policy to Make on Ecological Perspective

            The discussion of the issue regarding racism is broad and need much explanation as well as further analysis. The racism is one of the issues that the any society needs to fix out. Though we know that it is such a hard task to do but then if we should try to reflect on the effect of this then that would be the great reward anyone can received. Anything huge issue can start fixing in small pieces of things.  First and foremost, the family should start it all. Home is the foundation of every attitude of the child, that is why the parents should teach their children on not to discriminate the other races in this manner the child will know and he will bring this as he grows old. Aside from that, the school should teach every student the proper way of respecting other students who are in different races. This will be the training ground of the students to maximize its talents and admitting the other races as well as its belief. The United Nations (UN) also was a great bridge for the other countries as well as the other nations to unite and made an organization that will lead to them to know and discover the strengths, the beliefs as well as the culture of one another. The government also should have a legal matter regarding this issue that will push through this kind of policy by implementing such laws that the masses should follow. This will minimize the racism and will be unite each and everyone.

7. Conclusion

            The term racism is now increasingly used and defined to mean something far beyond its dictionary definition. This is because racism is not a stagnant thing and is continues and constantly evolving and changing. Racism is no longer just about the color, it is a racism that is not just only directed at those with darker skins, from the past colonial territories, but at the newer categories. It is racism, that is, that cannot be a color-coded, and this directed as it is at poor whites and to the Asians as well. Racism includes all aspects of discrimination in education, work, religion, income, and many more.

            If we look at the issue further we have been infer that the best job to explain the problem is the ecological perspective. This had been used because there are so many instances wherein racism has been the issue in the environmental and the social problem of a person or even the group of people. In this arena we can determine that the racism had been rooted in the small unit of the society. This small unit will lead be a very good basis to determine the discrimination of the other people to the others. There are so many reasons why does people kept on discriminating the other cultures and one of which is the color which was the basis of the other group in recruitment. The belief of the other race is also an important and yet the most reliable reason why they isolate themselves to the others which was given to the fact that this belief will lead to the influence of the groups. The black people are always the victims of this system wherein they had find a hard time in relating to the other nations and as well as to the other races. This will also influence to them to improve, excel, and to diversify their culture despite of the discrimination they encountering in the hand of the other races. Most of them still believe that the black people have the same rights to the other kinds of races, besides they are all humans.










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