Ethnographic Research Article
The Article
Title: Scholarship and practice: the contribution of ethnographic research methods to bridging the gap.
Authors: Lynda J. Harvey (Harvey Strategic Information Management, Sydney, Australia); Michael D. Myers (Department of Management Science and Information Systems, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand)
Article location: Information Technology and People, Vol. 8 No. 3, 1995, pp.13-27. MCB University Press, 0959-3845
Describe the purpose of research
The purpose of research is to bring in ample awareness and understanding of research methods from within contributions of ethnographic research from the context formation of scholarship and leadership. The purpose of putting valid and reliable integration of ethnographic research from such methods use upon linking to the process of information systems, the need to assume and acquire in-depth encounter and detailed application of information system, found within effective knowledge development. Thus, to value some of the changes towards information patterns and to inform the society that a wider context of ethnographic research will expose actual situations as there effects towards comprehensive utilization of research methods. Thus, it was noted that the proponents did concentrate on the conflicts of objectives between scholars and practitioners as stakeholder groups in information system investigation, the article have helped in showing areas of ethnographic integration and thus, assume good points in terms of choosing essential research methodology. Agreeing that the one ideal assumption of the article is the recognition of several gap or issues seen from within the knowledge process, its generating aspect which are duly administered by some well minded researchers. The assimilation of cognitive reasoning as there implies as to how ethnography provide principles to support stakeholder groups in the reality sense of learning to bridge the gap in research paradigm. Based on the core basis of the article content formation, there represent clear purpose of research through the article that is, to be able to show how the ethnographic research methods can generate knowledge being useful towards practice as well as scholarship.
Identify the key informants mentioned in the research article
The key informants mentioned in the research article thus basically refer to the two authors of the article, Lynda J. Harvey and Michael D. Myers, also the key informants comprising to certain anonymous reviewers of the article, the IFIP TC8AUS Open Conference on Business Process Re-engineering: Information Systems Opportunities and Challenges during May 1994. Aside, all of the cited proponents found in the article does also serve as key informants since, the authors of the article have reviewed and acknowledge their ideas and concepts in forming the article information in full. For example, Lee (1991), as he indicated that, “qualitative techniques do make reference to numerical representations of the contextual elements under observation and many ways that the distinction between qualitative and quantitative can be contrived”
Identify the culture that is specially studied in the research article
The culture studied in the research article ideally represents an ethnographic culture valuing the ideals of critical hermeneutics upon which there assumes reflective critique of interpretation being gradually applied by the researcher and the offering of insights about how understanding comes into the process, having awareness of awareness of dialectic text involving aspect of ethnographic culture as there goes beyond information systems and research methods and pressing in modern hermeneutics of research evaluation and degree. The culture then provide effective insights into the human, social and organizational aspects of information systems development and application forming in hermeneutics culture stature. Thus, development of such practical knowledge fostering information research to be realized in efficient domain. The making of the ethnographic approach, upon bridging the gap of scholarly known knowledge as well as the development of collaborative driven practices.
Harvey, L. and Myers, M. (1995), Scholarship and practice: the contribution of ethnographic research methods to bridging the gap. Information Technology & People, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp.13-27. MCB University Press, 0959-3845
Lee, A.S. (1991), Integrating positivist and interpretive approaches to organizational research, Organization Science, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp. 342-65.
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