Please make your Topic statement and introduce along with the scope incredibly detailed and lengthy, almost as if you were writing a thesis paper. This paper is only the beginning of more to more to be added on as you see at the bottom you will not be writing a conclusion you just simply stop when you are done with your last paragraph.



Topic and Problem statement: Topic of Social Equality and the problem statement of how Public Policy impacts Social Equality positive and negative ways particularly that of the healthcare policy


-Define the of the Issue and problem

- Define Importance 

-Explain the mythology of the paper – Scope, Complexity, History, Present Status, prognosis where is going



(Local, National, International, International, Ect…) Talk about the scope of this issue at the at the local level and give examples, what is being done about it, talk about the scope of this issue at the National level and give examples and what is being done about it, talk about the scope of this issue at the International level and what is being done about it, ect…..)


Complexity: Why have been able to solve the problem and why have not been able to solve problems- Political, Cultural, Emotional, Intellectual, Administrative, Legal, Financial, Resource Management, Etc.) Any other areas you can see that need to be added


Past.- Use Historical content of topic and problem statement – Show where Healthcare started back with FDR and social security. Show where social equality and inequality started.


Present – Current state of public equality – how Public Policy effects its status use Health care policy especially Social Security and present status here as example along with other policy’s you see that fit.


The paper is APA format




You will end the paper here. You will not do a conclusion or final paragraph. I will finish the rest.

Please do a Reference page though.


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