Discuss the view that aircraft are essential for the task of maritime surveillance within the area of Costal State Jurisdiction.

please carry out a critical discussion.

please write in context of Merchant shipping industry

The discussion will include surveillance and control of marine pollution, combating maritime crime, costal state control, in light of the various laws made to enforce the above stated points.
the role and potential of technology in relation to enforcement.

only use Harvard Referencing

for reference use also


1. Security at Sea by Parrett (1991)
2. Crime at Sea by Parrett (1996)
3. Illegal Drugs at Sea by Parrett (1998)


1.Boundary and Security Bulletin
2. Boundary and territory Bulletin
3. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Laws

please do not use internet for most of the work. you can use only 3-4 internet references.


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