The title of the study is Investigation of the Effects of E-Learning in Schools. This paper will show the different methods, approaches and instruments to be used in order to implement the paper in the future.
Background/Literature Review
The Leitch review, unveiled in December 2006, shows that the UK must urgently raise achievements at all levels of skills. It outlines that responsibility for achieving these goals must be shared between government, employers and individuals. E-learning, or online learning, is outlined as playing a key role in this drive towards increasing skills levels.
E-learning is not a new concept. In 2003 the UK government launched an e-learning strategy in which it recognized its many benefits: it is an effective way to provide an individualized learning experience, while also offering opportunities for collaborative learning.
However, some remain reluctant to implement the technology. The most common reasons being a sometimes impersonal delivery method or overly-automated assessment processes as well as concerns about possible isolation of learners. The industry has responded well to such criticisms, however. The better examples of online courses are now often highly personalized, with each learner's progress and “attendance” tracked, and personalized comments offered throughout. Discussion forums and instant messaging technologies can also offer support and collaboration for those undertaking the program.
Despite these reservations by some, online training and education has grown rapidly in recent years, fuelled by a greater demand for personal development and learning and lifestyle changes within society which mean that other, more traditional techniques – such as away-day courses, fixed schedule TV programs and night-classes – are too impractical and inflexible. As a result, online learning is increasingly replacing such traditional methods.
More universities, businesses and individuals are now using e-learning to develop knowledge and skills and to ensure mandatory training (health and safety, discrimination legislation in the workplace) is undertaken. Online courses can both supplement and replace many traditional learning techniques and the diversity of subject matter is ever-growing. Learners can study across multiple disciplines, and it is now possible to practice your driving theory test online as well as learning a new language. The popularity of e-learning is growing – recent years have seen significant uptake amongst both business and individuals (Bell 2007).
Aims and Objectives
The main aim of the study is to investigate the impacts of e-learning in schools. In line with this, the following are the specific objectives of the study:
· To assess the current status of e-learning;
· To evaluate the different procedures involved in e-learning;
· To analyze the advantages of e-learning; and
· To describe how e-learning influence or affects schools and learning in general.
Descriptive method will be used in the study. According to Creswell (1994) it can help in order to show the different facts that are connected with the nature of the status of the current problem or condition as it happens at the time of the study. This is the reason why, it is considered as one of the most applied methodology in most studies. Furthermore, it will also be helpful in order to offer logical use in the studies which focus on dissemination of information, at the same time, it can help in order to investigate based on normative standards. It will be helpful in order to focus on the practices which exist, beliefs and processes that are currently going on and the effects that are being felt and experienced, together with the trends that re currently developing (Best, 1907).
Data Collection
Survey questionnaire will be used in order to gather primary data from the respondents. Likert scales will be used, where in the respondents will be asked to rate the level of their agreements towards the statements given. This will also be advantageous because it will make filling up questionnaire a lot easier and faster.
The equivalent weights of the answers are:
Range Interpretation
4.50 – 5.00 Strongly Agree
3.50 – 4. 49 Agree
2.50 – 3.49 Uncertain
1.50 – 2.49 Disagree
0.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree
Data Analysis
All of the data will be evaluated with the use of SPSS software. Thus, in order to come up with the results and findings of the study, frequency, percentage and weighted mean will be calculated. The following are the formulas to be used:
1. Percentage – will be calculated in order to determine the magnitude of the responses to the questionnaire (Research Methods Knowledge Base, n.d.).
2. Weighted Mean
Bell, J. (2007). “E-Learning: Your Flexible Development Friend?”. Development and Learning in Organizations. 21(6), 7 – 9.
Best, J. W. (1970). Research in Education, 2nd Ed. Englewood Cliffs. N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc.
Creswell, J.W. (1994). Research design. Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.
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