Discuss: ‘Changing the individual is not enough, you need to work with the family to bring about real change’
Yes, ideally changing the individual is not enough, you need to work with the family to bring about real change, as it can be that family serves as one definite social unit of relationship which conforms to the individual in his total rational being, reflected in his manner of thinking and behavior as well as actions towards other, it is the family that bring in effective motivation to individual change, a motivator that almost every changing individual is looking for as a model, a good example in his drive to achieve change into his life. The need to recognize the individual in the context of the family refer to the below illustration and discussion of the latter as there adheres to the individual as real change is manifested only upon working within the family from where the individual belongs to without apprehensions.
Figure One: The individual in the context of the family and culture
Source of illustration: Szapocznik, J. and Kurtines, W. (1993), Family Psychology and Cultural Diversity: Opportunities for Theory, Research and Application. American Psychology Association, Volume 48: No. 4, p. 401
There addresses the individual into the family context, from within the illustration and based on the above, individuals can clearly associate real change coming in from the status and influence of his family as noted that family astounds as the center core bringing the individual as well as relative culture that the family brings in his life to achieve decency of change moods that he has in actual sense. Real change because the individual’s development comes in early childhood as found within the family, from within the individual grows to recognize himself in relation to his environment and how he possesses to real change brings in the core function of working into his family orientation as well as structure. Thus, reflected also in the family movement, the significance and motivation truth bought about by the family being responsible for the changed individual and his change is real due to family respect and love. The family relational patterns are also known within impacting on attitude as well as behavior of the individual. Furthermore, it can be that a natural essence of counseling for instance, regarding change happens to start within the family, as the individual listens to what his family is telling him in terms of situations regarding to his life experiences that will lead him to accept at the same time embrace change in full shoulders. Indeed, there happens to be family therapy as there places on the study regarding the role of the family and the individual development (Freud, 1953; Bronfenbrener, 1986), as adopting to change situations, as there recognition that a family belongs to an organized system and noting in that the individual assumes a role of one contributing member, part of family oriented process that creates and maintains norms as well as standards in regulating individual changed behavior from within a one effective resource for allowing growth of developmental psychology, and that attention will be paid to the real change aspects that challenges in personality and traits formed into the family cycle and process in context, as the paradigm underlying family motivation and considers the framework for change views of the individual, (Freud, 1953; Bronfenbrener, 1986) for example, deepness of parent and child communication that moves towards a definite change formulation there is. Real change denotes a longer family life and relationship values from the ways that real change potential increases in the amount of time that individual person has spend into his family as well as the involved status can provoke real change for one, change within his social lifestyles and beliefs (Alexander, 2007). The change process is up and down experience, the family brings in reframing idea of a normal experience of individual change also, builds confidence/efficacy in their ability to maintain changes by attributing change to the family as well as responding to events the family bring in by focusing on good outcomes for the individual, to build confidence that new skills will work in diverse situations over time (Alexander, 2007).
In conclusion, it is truly clear that changing the individual is not enough, that as an individual being you need to work within your family in order for you to bring about real change, which assume a permanent change experience and not just temporary change, and that family serves as a definite motivator, a factor that leads to real change within the individual and that natural counseling as mostly coming in as a first hand adviser of the individual with regards to change possibilities as the family setting is fresh, before the individual links to other people, to the society. Therefore, real change implies to the reality accepting and embracing that a family relates to the system of interacting solid relationships as well as within integrative patterns of change decision domains. Thus, family stabilizes the change done by the individual, as acting with self reliance as well as confidence as well as maintains motivation when needed by the individual,
Alexander, J. (2007), Functional Family Therapy. An integrative model for working with at risk adolescents and their families. Sweden Presentations May 2007
Bronfenbrener, U. (1986), The Ecology of the family as a context for human development. Developmental Psychology 22, pp. 723-742.
Freud, S. (1953), A general introduction to psychoanalysis. Garden City NY: Doubleday.
Szapocznik, J. and Kurtines, W. (1993), Family Psychology and Cultural Diversity: Opportunities for Theory, Research and Application. American Psychology Association, Volume 48: No. 4, p. 401
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